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Unit/Lesson Title: Pre-school Adventure Lesson duration 50 Mins Stage 5 Class

Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content

Students will develop
market research skills, 1. 5.1.2 applies and justifies an appropriate process of Students learn about: Needs and opportunities
understand the needs of design when developing design ideas and solutions.
diversity and be able to 2. 5.3.1 analyses the work and responsibilities of • Requirements for end users.
respond to those designers and the factors affecting their work. • Design considerations.
requirements and 3. 5.5.1 uses appropriate techniques when
communicate their ideas. communicating design ideas and solutions to a range Students learn to: Identify opportunities
of audiences. for new and better solutions

• Identify needs for end users.

• Establish and document the requirements
and design considerations for the design

Prior Knowledge Risk Assessment Resources

Many of the students Movement around room and school grounds in groups. Pencils, rulers, design folio, blank A4 sheets
have younger siblings Travel by foot to pre-school next door as a class. Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:31 PM
Comment [1]: Laptop computers, E-folios
and they have there own Movement around pre-school and interaction with pre-school
pre-school life students.
Lesson Time Teachers Role Students Role Assessme
Outcomes nt
3- 5 Introduction Teacher directs students to line up outside
mins classroom. Students line up outside classroom
Teacher tells students they will need their and then forward in to class.
pencils, scissors and rulers.
Students to forward into class. Students respond to roll call. Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:36 PM
Comment [2]: Students will need their
Mark roll. laptops.

3 mins Learning from prior lesson quickly reviewed

Body (design process). Ask clarifying questions
Overview of current lesson aims and
activity briefly explained.

7 mins Introduction of design brief and direction, Students scan through design folio
and hand out design folio.
Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:30 PM
Comment [3]: Open E-folios.
Students will u Class discusses their own pre-school Students share thoughts, memories
5 mins memories of games and toys they have and ideas.
experienced. Teacher to record on board.
Were they positive or not? Maybe apply a
P.M.I. process to the list.

Students will Teacher asks students to brainstorm Students give responses as a class
considerations that need to be included in group. Students write notes in folio.
Students have this design project. (Health, safety, ease of
to work use, etc.) Teacher records on board.
effectively Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:33 PM
Comment [4]: Create class Google doc
with limited 25 mins Teacher directs class to leave the room and Students walk as a group to pre- and students create PMI table. As class
time. walk to the pre-school next door. school. discusses ideas, students enter these into
Body the class Google doc.
Upon arrival, teacher gives basic orientation Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:37 PM
and behavior requirements. Teacher asks Students listen to instruction and Comment [5]: Before leaving, each
students to consider the pre-school respond. student is to create a spread sheet that will
contain data and other information about
environment and any impacts that they the preschool class. Class size, genders, toy
Body might have to take into consideration for or game preferences, etc.
their project. Speak with
The pre-school teacher will then give an Students listen to instruction and about what
over view of the pre-school, the students take notes. they are
and the types of toys and games they seeing.
already have. What
things do
The students are then asked to observe the Students observe and take notes. they need
children in their activities and ask questions to consider
regarding preferences, special need for their
requirements and abilities. If allowed, design
students may photograph the pre-school ideas?
Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:37 PM
Comment [6]: Record information in
The teacher direct students to ask the pre- Students ask questions and take Google doc or spread sheet.
school teacher any project specific notes.
questions. After this the teacher will take the
class back to the classroom.
Review/ Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:38 PM
Comment [7]: Record information in
5 mins Conclusion Upon return the teacher will lead a short Students contribute to discussion.
Google doc or spread sheet.
discussion about what the students
observed and the issues, consideration and
ideas they have noted today.
Andrew and Deb …, 28/11/2020 4:40 PM
Comment [8]: Treads recorded.
Lesson Evaluation Teacher instructs students that next lesson
they will be creating data presentations of
the information they have recorded today.

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