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A. Siena College, Inc.

Quezon City
Integrated Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020- 2021


A. There must be a great purpose why God created us. Answer the questions that follow.

1. What does it mean to be human?

For me, a human has always kindness within him/her; even when one is wicked, he/she is
not completely evil, for the Devil is the only one purely evil, and just covets the decision and
minds of others. Second, one is respectful to the just Creator and also to his/her surroundings and
people who surround him/her; mainly, who and what he/she encounters because we all have
battlefields we fight and some might’ve lost in a day you won, so I remind myself to be kind,

2. What could be the reasons why God created you?

There is a purpose of all things God created, creates and will create. We are the results of
God being the sole meaning of love—by creating us and by being thankful, we should be faithful
to and praise Him.

3. What do you think is your purpose as a Human Being?

I think my purpose is to be of service to others, not just the ones who surrounds mw, but I
always have thought about reaching out to people who hasn’t been in reach with the government
and maybe isn’t connected to Him anymore.

B. Compose a prayer of thanksgiving for being born a human person, write your composition
on the notepad.

Lines 1 to 2 – Begin by calling God’s name. Mention some titles to describe and praise God.

Lines 3 to 6 – What do you like about being human? Cite at least two simple reasons. Offer your
sincere thanks.
Line 7 to 8 – How will these reasons help you become a better person? Review your circles of

Line 9 to 10 – Express the desires of your heart. Relate these to previous lines.


Line 1 The just, almighty, heavenly, faithful, loving, awesome, wonderful, forgiving, author of
Line 2 wisdom, powerful, mighty in power, humble, great God.

Line 3 I want to thank You, because I am born human in this life; that has the ability to think,

Line 4 feel, love and decide on my own. Being alive today, is the greatest blessing for us to

Line 5 receive for we can do our passion through You, Lord.

Line 6 You provide all things and talents one can have that no one can take it away from

Line 7 oneself and I think that is also beautiful. I learned from my past mistakes and l intend

Line 8 to learn from the mistakes of others too, by observing and as much as possible avoid it.

Line 9 I want to be of service to others, because each and every person needs someone to lean

Line 10 on to; I want my passion to be connected in helping others, even when I was a child,
I always wanted to be of use to those who are in need of help.
Siena College, Inc.
Quezon City
Integrated Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020- 2021



Our parents are our first teachers ad models. Through their words and examples, they teach us how to
make morally good choices. Make a short but meaningful “thank you letter” to your parents.

1. Cite a particular event in your childhood that can still vividly remember when your parents taught
you to make a morally good decision’s.
2. Explain why this event was significant to you.
3. Express your gratitude using your own words and style.

To my mom, I always remember how many times you left for work and won’t be
back until how many months had to pass; but I always remember that one time I won’t let
you go, you said that “You will always appreciate the value of something more, when it
is the one thing you always wait.” l always keep that in mind because it also reflects some
things we want but it will only be much more valuable if we wait for the right time for it
to be ours.

To my dad, who always reminded me that He always has a plan. You had taught me
everytime I told you I failed in something, that from your heartbreaks from mom and
your considered ‘fails’ in life are the things that mold you today and you are still in a
process; just like you, I should always think that al things will fall in the right places
when we trust Him. We should not also normalize sin but we should repent on it, let it go,
and most importantly learn from it. For it will be a motivation for us to keep ourselves
out of that mistakes or sin and to strive to be a better version of ourselves.

I had kept it in my heart even the teachings I received from my lola and titas, even
though at that point of time I keep my ears shut because I always think it is always my
fault, when all of them are only correcting mistakes I had made.
Siena College, Inc.
Quezon City
Integrated Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020- 2021



1. Did you feel that God is inviting you to change your old image of Him? Why or why not?
o I do not feel that God’s old image in me is changing. In light of what He always makes us
feel, how He makes His presence known and how He loves and forgives every time, even in
the Scriptures; always makes me believe that the god who made us in the Beginning, is our
God who will never change.

2. What image of God are you being drawn to keep? Why? Will this image help you in rendering
greater respect and love for others? How?
o His image of love itself; I learned that He is love, that is why all things and humans are
existent. His love was the first one out of all and something that no one can ever replace
but can be a guide. Love is an emotion that can be a power drive to both good and evil,
but by being a disciple of Him, we must apply what has been showed and what has been
given to us—the brain, to always choose what will be the better for others.
Siena College, Inc.
Quezon City
Integrated Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020- 2021



Below is an old Chinese proverb that was made popular by many English writers in the nineteenth

1. How true is this verse in your life? Be specific. Use examples

o “Sow a thought, reap an act,” it’s about caring and helping those who are in their darkest
or lowest time, though we can only listen and give an advice to some, being there with
them is already a big leap at that point of time. “Sow an act, reap a habit,” doing the same
thing for over and over can become a habit and we won’t notice it until we make a good
character out of it leading us to our supposed destiny for we have grown throughout the
years, not for ourselves but for others as well.

2. What destiny are you headed to with your recent acts? Explain.
o I think it’s about helping others; I didn’t plan it until when I think I just hit my head and
realized that there are those who are less unfortunate that the Government or others do
not reach. I’d like to start and end with them and live a life worth for other’s purpose.

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