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MID-WESTERN UNIVERSIT FACULTY OF ENGINEERIM vat j. A pois nning any ent at any 7 r a 2 (4) F b Hy 5 7 0 Sie L Hostal ie to VP. ins —_b,) Evaluate 3 base. Dr Phe, ? i §) Eyaluate the integral J; 2 = x2, the X-axis and the oF 5 2.1) Find the area bounded by the Curve y x=1andx=3. i Find the volume in the region bet b Prove the reductions formula J tween the curve Y evaluate the value of fe = J d amare, 4. 8. Show that f)-—), : Ta Dret CTI b. 1) Whatiides the equation (a present wn beimowed to the point (=,0) @ Fina fhe eccentricity and coord nates of fod of the given ellipss re es AB eG 1 +60 +y)=1 sacar 5 8 Find the equation of hyperbola hav ng vertices at (+ 5,0) and foci at (+ 7, 0 — find the equation of the hyperbola (in standard form) whose ne. ¢ distance between the fod is 16 ee an weet | 1) the position vectors of M and N are 31+] + 3k and 4 MN and determine directions cosies. 2 5 +(d.bF = 4 ors define by i 1 fers Provernat anit Br + ¢ =3 a eS A "pra a follower, ~ Steve Jobs gy Gainguahas between a leader seed a flows 2 | png “NOM | ii) Prove that’ (@ x b)* 6 a Ifmiti,7 be three vec! dere endl ts RY aor 3.0. RCE MEF hoya Nepal Engineering if @Bdand aib\c are the reciprocal a’ Be] [a Be]=1 system of vectors b i, Using beta function show that: "/" cos* 39 sin? 60 dp = li Evaluate fj" =" dx EAICTEIE) Subject: Engineering Mathematics? 1, a 1) Evaluate the given limit lim sin in y xy i!) Show that the function x= 2 and it is derivable at f=x Sor x<1 J (x) defined as below is conti INGOUS at x = 7 ay, x =2 but not atx = 4 id FG} =2-x fr 1 < 7 | =-243x—x7 for x59 b. State leibnitz's theorem. {f 2+2y,+y=0 and aye Y= alosllogr) +b sin(logr) Proved i 2+ n+ Day, +(n? +1)y, <0 ( 2 2. i) Verify Rolle's theorem of given function. (x) = x? 5, 419 Sor ') Using Mactaun's seff@s show ther Cater, ae ean ve Ye 3 a ® 1) Using UHospiSheuie, shit thar lim psn => Os ag cr oa ') Find the asYmntotes of the given curve mae =1, oh f a 3. a. i) Find.theradius of Curvature of the curve y? = 4 at the vertex (0, 0) La Vy *: : ~% A a seal Sow that flog(1+ tan 0)d0 = log2 m b. Prove the reduction formula Jean’ xa = an" x ii 7... Also use it evaluate f aS value of J, = Jtan? xdx 4. 4. i) Find the volume of ellipsoid formed by the revolution of an ellipse about x-axis i * sin Ui) Evaluate the improper integrals \-xe 4.cos? x Courage is resistance to fear, masiery of fear- not absance of fear. ~ ¢ i Proved xe [2,3] _ evaluale a Mark dua Runt 2a seaurte vom, a.0, avatar AIH aya Nepal Engineering Questions Bank-2074 1 2h 3 4, a) i) Find the angle through which the axes may be tu! "Only putoffuntl tomorrow what you are willing to die having left und ing L Hospital's Rule, Evaluate: 1", (cots) Find the asymptotes of the given curve x7y?—4(x—y)? +2y—3 = 0 ) b. Defined beta and gamma functions. Using beta and gamma function evaluate the Integral fx? Ja? =x? de 5 sor Evaluate by using the rule of differentiation under the sign of integral lees f ede Re a_i) Transformed the equation 3x? —2xy + dy” +8x—-10y+8 =0 bystrapslation the ‘axes into an equation with linear term missing. ~~ 2 il) Find the equation of ellipse whose foci (2,0) and ¢ a . SANS . bi) Find the equation of tangent at the point “fiy3,4) to the hyperbola 16x* —25y* = 400 2 ii) Verify Lagrange’s mean value theorem Sg; 3 a. i) Proved that [(n-+1) = n! he a iif a=Si—j+k,b=j—Sk and?@=—15i +3j—3k which pair of vectors are (2) perpendicular, (b) parallel? \n_)” 3 uit, (0) parallel? @ Mad ae b) Show that (axé)xe ~(Fre)iend enyitne vers Gand ¢ arecolines. 5 EY FISTEIEY ubject: Efigineering mathematics a) i) Find the limit acne functions: "™, 25> 2 i ty = tan at, (1+ 2)ynga + 2nayy + ACH —1)yq =O 3 ») State and pi Fange's mean value theorem and verify lagrange’s mean value theor = logx,x € [1,e]. 5 a) i) Shi function, f(z) (1 forx <0 2 @ Yi—x#for 0

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