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Module 05, Online Discussion HBR-MITSMR: Why IT Fumbles Analytics

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Why IT Fumbles Analytics.pdf (This document is attched separately)

Please read the following Harvard Business Review - MIT Sloan Management Review Article:

Why IT Fumbles Analytics

by Donald A. Marchand and Jose Peppard
Harvard Business Review, January - February 2013
Please, answer and discuss the following questions:
1. Executive Summary for THIS article.
2. Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES of THIS article? Please explain why? and analyze, and
discuss in great detail …
3. Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED of THIS article? Please explain why? and
analyze, and discuss in great detail …
4. Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES of THIS article? Please explain why? and
analyze, and discuss in great detail …
5. How can you relate THIS article with the TOPICS COVERED in class? Please explain, analyze, and
discuss in great detail …
6. Do you see any alignment of the concepts described in THIS article with the class concepts reviewed
in class? Which are those alignments and misalignments? Why? Please explain, analyze, and discuss in
great detail

This is due tomorrow Saturday 11/24/2018 at 7:30 Am central time. Ensure you provide your
reference in APA Format and provide your in-text citation in APA- Format. Proofread your
work and ensure it is free of grammatical errors.

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