Summary of My Book 'The Grand Scheme of God' With Few Additional Points.

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The Grand Scheme of God, In the light of Quran

(With Few Additional Points)

To communicate the Grand Scheme of God (As I understood from the Quran)
two terminologies for Existence should be used for clarity:

A. Actual order of Existence: which is non-matter and infinite (Alam e Lahoot)

B. Present order of Existence: which is matter and finite (Alam e Nasoot)


A. Actual order of Existence:

 This actual order of Existence is non-matter and infinite. Sometimes
in our tradition referred as Alam-e-Amar / Alam-e-Lahoot. This is
our permanent abode, but inconceivable and inaccessible to our
imagination at the moment. Since nothing from that Actual order of
Existence can be compared to this material universe, hence the
Quran just gives hints about it. It can only be said that “no eye has
seen it, no ear has ever heard of it, and no thought of it ever crossed
human mind.”
 Our actual non-matter conscious personalities / Persons were
created in that Actual order of Existence (Alam e Lahoot). These
personalities are termed as “Nafoos” in Quran.
 There we were taught Moral concepts, Aesthetical concepts, and
Mathematical concepts. Our test is in “Moral Concepts” only, not in
other concepts or spheres.
 After learning and systematic training, we made covenant
(Ref: Surah Al-Araf, Verse 172) with God there. Firstly, we will never
forget that HE is our LORD and secondly, we will do justice
wherever we are sent for test.
 After the covenant, we were put to sleep like state “Slumber” there.
This sleep like state of the persons is termed as the “First Death” in
Quran. During this sleep we were made to forget the details about
the Actual order of Existence, so that “Test” could be possible.

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B. Present order of Existence:
 This is our material finite universe or cosmos. Quran terms this as
seven heavens and seven earths. In our tradition this is referred as
Alam-e-Khalq / Alam-e-Nasoot.
 This present universe or cosmos came into being Ex-nihilo,
around 13.8 billion years ago (according to science). This is the
BEGINNING OF TIME for our universe. According to Quran, this
material universe or cosmos was created for a specified period
(Ajal-e-Musamma) and for a specific purpose. God produced the
initial energy through His Word “Kun”, (God’s words are His
Creation, not part of His Being) which was later converted into
matter and then the matter started expanding within the Actual
order of Existence as per the scheme designed by God. The seven
heavens and the seven earths were completed in six days. Here six
days do not refer to a temporal day, rather they signify six long
periods of time.
 This material universe or cosmos was created for testing Humans
and Jinns, i.e. two Non-matter Conscious Beings / Persons who
were created in that Actual order of Existence (Alam e Lahoot). This
test is in Moral Spheres only, not in aesthetical or mathematical
 Though the first living cell was originated on our planet earth
around 4 billion years ago but the perfect bodies or carriers for our
test have been evolved over a period of time.
 According to science, possible ancestors of Modern Human
Australopithecus existed around 3.2 million years ago. From
Australopithecus to Homo Habilis to Homo Erectus to Homo
Neanderthalensis to Homo Sapien Sapien i.e. the Modern Human.
The first pair of all these races was created directly from soil
(contrary to the dictates of the theory of evolution) and then
normal reproduction process started. Similarly, bodies of Adam and
Eve were created directly from soil on this earth, which is again
contrary to the postulates of the theory of evolution.
 According to science, Modern Humans appeared on this planet
earth around 120,000 years ago, in Europe the timeline is 40,000
years. But by keeping in view of modern human’s population
estimate around 10,000 BC , oldest archeological site (Gobekli Tepe,
11,000 yrs old) and the Quran, the perfect bodies / carriers /
Sawaries i.e. Modern Humans in my opinion could only be existing
between 12,000 to 15,000 years.
 After creating these male and female bodies (Carriers) two non-
matter / Spiritual Personalities (PERSONS) that were in state of
slumber in the Actual order of Existence were brought and attached
with the hearts of these bodies. After this attachment these bodies
were called Adam and Eve. Awakening of those non-matter

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Personalities / Persons from slumber is termed as “First Life” in
Quran. The male and female bodies are the carriers given to those
non-matter persons for test; they are not part of their personalities.
 The following pictures would illustrate the difference between
“Only Bodies” and Modern Humans i.e. Homo Sapiens Sapiens
with actual personalities in it:

According to Scientific Knowledge, many Missing Links exist between

the Modern Humans and the earlier species which are shown here.

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 After this, God blew His Rooh / Divine Spark in these bodies
for further guidance. This “Rooh” can be termed as Conscience /
Zameer, also called “Nafs-e-Lawwama” in Quran. It acts as an Alarm
and rebukes the non-matter Actual Persons once they intend bad
deeds. Every human being finds this minor court in him, which is a sort
of proof for a major court in Qiyamah. In my opinion this “Rooh” is
termed as “Trust” (Al-Amânah) at the end of Surah Al-Ahzab.
The Actual personality (Soul) is the driver of the body and its basic test
is to keep the body (carrier) within certain limits, for a specified period
(i.e. until the biological death of the physical body / Carrier), while
Rooh is the spirit of God.
 These three Aspects of Human Beings are more clearly described in
Christianity as Body, Soul & Spirit. Body is the carrier, Soul is the
Actual Personality / Self / Person, and Spirit is the divine spark.
Whereas in our culture it is usually interpreted as Body & Soul (Rooh)
only, i.e. it is usually understood that the Humans are composite
beings, one part of it is “Physical Body”, which is matter and the other
part is “Rooh” which is non-matter. Rooh and Soul are considered
synonymous in our culture, but Quran never terms the Actual
PERSONS as “Rooh”. They are always termed as “Nafs” in Quran.
 After attaching His Rooh with the body of Adam, God ordered all the
Angels and Jinns to prostrate before Adam on account of the
Divine Spark that the body of Adam was honoured with. After in depth
study of Quran, one feels that this Divine Spark / Rooh was not
attached with Jinns. This is an additional thing given to humans, hence
calls for more strict accountability in the Hereafter.
 The Angels are also conscious spiritual beings / persons. They are in
their original non matter form i.e. without any carriers. They are
dwellers of the Actual order of existence (Alam e Lahoot). Quran
informs us that they have different ranks and positions and are
assigned responsibilities according to their status. Higher and lower
status of Angels implies that they would have gone through some kind
of test as well. God is managing this universe through them.
 Inspite of God’s order, the leader of one group of jinns (Iblees) refused,
because he thought his bodily creation was superior to that of Adam’s,
because he had seen Adam’s body being created out of dust.
 We humans also sometime consider ourselves superior to others on
account of being born in a particular race / caste / family. This is
because our focus primarily becomes our bodies and our Real Self
(Spiritual Being) is ignored.
 The event of prostration in my opinion took place around 15,000 years
ago on this planet earth, where we are living now.

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 Even now after around 120 days from conception, spiritual beings
“Persons” that are in state of slumber in the Actual order of Existence
are brought and attached with the hearts of the bodies in mother’s
womb. This is termed as “First Life” of every Person in Quran.
 When the child is born he / she has the Spiritual Being “PERSON”
attached with the heart of the body of the child. The concepts learned
in the permanent world i.e. Moral / Aesthetical / Mathematical
are potentially present, which are manifested gradually with the
passage of time.
 When we die, the biological life of Carrier ends. The Angels take our
Actual non-matter Personality / Self into custody (incorrectly termed
as Rooh in our culture) and transfer them to a particular place in this
universe. There we the non-matter “PERSONS” are put to sleep again.
This slumber / sleep of the “Person” is termed as our “Second Death”
in Quran and the period till Resurrection is called “Burzakh”.
 We will be resurrected with new bodies i.e. same “Person” with New
Carrier. This awakening from sleep of “Burzakh” is termed as
“Second Life” in Quran. Quran mentions it in verse 11 of Sura Momeen:
ْ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َّ َ َ ٓ َ َّ َ ْ ُ َ
ْ ُ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ ‫اث َن َت‬
ْ َ ْ ّ ‫ُنب َنا َف َهل ا ىِٰل ُخ ُر ْو‬
ٍ ‫ج ِِم س ِبي‬
‫ل‬ ٍ ِ ‫ْي فاعَتفنا ِبذ‬ ِ ‫ْي واحييتنا‬ ِ ‫قالوا ربنا امتنا اثنت‬
They will say, “Our Lord, You gave us death twice and You
gave us life twice. Now we confess our sins. So, is there any
way to come out of here?”
Therefore, according to Quran state of slumber is “DEATH” of Actual
Non-matter “Person” and to come out of this state or to be awake is
Person’s “LIFE”.
 We will be resurrected on This Earth, where we are living now and
then we will be produced in the court of Almighty for accountability.
Those failed, shall be put into Hell for purification. The duration of
purification shall be different for different Persons, according to
their sins.
 After completion of purification and on identification by God, Prophets
shall bring those Persons out and lead them to Heaven of
“Ishab-al-Yameen” (People of the right hand).
 The Mushrikeen (Polytheists) shall never be purified and their Real
non-matter Personalities / Persons / Spiritual Beings shall also be
annihilated after completion of “Nuzal” (Reward and Punishment
Phase) along with this universe, as they were unable to qualify for the
Actual order of Existence.
 The Holy Quran calls this stage as “changing of earth and heavens”.
It will mark the end of the judgment day and also the END OF TIME for
this material universe / cosmos.
 As stated earlier the present material finite universe or cosmos was
created for a specified period (Ajal-e-Musamma) and the purpose was

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to test and grade non-matter Persons (Humans & Jinns), hence after
completion of this specified period, these non-matter Persons shall be
reverted back to Actual order of Existence (Alam e Lahoot), where they
will be given positions according to the merit obtained in this worldly
life. Our ultimate triumph in that Actual order of Existence could be to
attain an honourable seat in the court of that ALMIGHTY KING. Quran
states this in Surah Al-Qamar, Verse 55:
َ ْ ُّ َ َ ْ ْ َ َْ ْ
‫ۧ۝‬55 ‫د ٍر‬
ِ ‫ك مقت‬ ٍ ‫ق ِعند م ِل ْي‬
ٍ ‫صد‬ِ ‫د‬
ِ ‫ِِف مقع‬
In an honorable seat, near a Sovereign Omnipotent King.

Moulana Ameen Ahsan Islahi under the same verse of Sura Al-Qamar,
while describing the Ultimate Triumph in the Hereafter negates
the concept of “Tasawuf” (Sufism) and says in his Tafseer
“The highest status one can attain in the Hereafter is an
honourable seat near the Almighty King (God). One will never
merge into God and become God, as is claimed by some
esoteric Sufis.”

Note: Written above is summary of my understanding mainly based on study of Quran

for the last 32 years, which I have presented in my book “The Grand Scheme of God, In
the light of Quran”, with the relevant Ayaat under each phase. I have no claim that my
research is the ultimate; hence Friends are requested to reflect upon this critically.
Aristotle once said: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a
thought without accepting it.”


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