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Woreda Management system 2020

We would like to say thanks to almighty God for giving us opportunity to complete this
documentation. Then we would like to thank our advisor Yoseph Melkamu for his humbleness
constructive opinion and willingness to participate in each part of our project and his effective
direction, assistance and guidance for the accomplishing of this project documentation. We also
thank to woreda employees and management team, who gave us the required information about
the woreda 6 office.
Woreda Management system 2020

Table of content

1) Introduction .................................................................................................... 4
1.1) Background................................................................................................................................4
1.2) Statement of the problem............................................................................................................5
1.3) Objective ........................................................................................................................................9
1.3.1) General objective....................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2) Specific objectives ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.4) Feasibility Study’s ..........................................................................................................................9
1.4.1)Technical feasibility......................................................................................................................9
1.4.2) Operational feasibility ..................................................................................................................9
1.4.3)Economic Feasibility .................................................................................................................. 10 Tangible benefits ................................................................................................................... 10 Intangible benefits ................................................................................................................. 10
1.5) Scope and limitation of the project ................................................................................................ 10
1.5.1) Scope of the project .................................................................................................................. 10
1.5.2) Limitation of the project .......................................................................................................... 11
1.6) Significance of the project ............................................................................................................ 11
1.7) Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 12
1.7.1) Data sources ............................................................................................................................. 12
1.7.2) Requirement gathering ............................................................................................................. 12
1.7.3) System Analysis and Design Techniques ................................................................................... 12
1.7.4) System development tools ........................................................................................................ 12
1.7.5) Back End Design tool ................................................................................................................ 13
1.7.6) Front End design tool ................................................................................................................. 13
1.8) schedule and Budget of the project .............................................................................................. 13
1.8.1) Schedule.................................................................................................................................. 13
1.8.2)Budget/cost ............................................................................................................................... 14 Tangible costs ....................................................................................................................... 14 Intangible costs ....................................................................................................................... 15
Woreda Management system 2020

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................... 18

2.) Description of the Existing System ................................................................................................. 18
2. 1) Activities handled by the Existing system .................................................................................... 19
2.2)Major function of the Existing System ........................................................................................... 19
2.3) Drawbacks /Problem/ of the Existing system................................................................................. 19
2.4)Business rule of the Existing system .............................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................. 21
3.1) Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................. 22
3.2) Nonfunctional Requirements ....................................................................................................... 23
3.2.1) Hardware and software consideration ...................................................................................... 23
3.2.2) User interface and human requirements ...................................................................................... 24
3.2.3) Hardwareconsideration .............................................................................................................. 24
3.2.4) Security issue............................................................................................................................ 24
3.2.5) Performance consideration ........................................................................................................ 24
3.2.6) Error handling........................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.7) Quality issue ............................................................................................................................. 24
3.2.8) Physical Environment ................................................................................................................ 24

CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................. 25

4) SYSTEM MODEL .......................................................................................................................... 25
4.1)Actors Description ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.2) Use case Description ................................................................................................................... 26
4.3) Class Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 34
4.4) Class Association Diagram .......................................................................................................... 35
4.5) Class Decomposition .................................................................................................................... 36
4.6) Activity Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 37
4.7) Sequence Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 46
4.8) Deployment diagram .................................................................................................................... 55
4.9) Component diagram ..................................................................................................................... 56
4.10) User interface .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Woreda Management system 2020


1) Introduction

As there are many problems face human being throughout his/her life, it is obvious to solve these
problems using computers. This problem solving process using computer requires knowing
computer application, ability to develop software, having concept of program and applying
modern technology to solve problem.

The project we have prepared, Woreda management system (WMS) is also aimed to solve some
problems occurred in the Bole sub city of woreda 06 vital event registration. The office performs
most of its work manually (that means all it is existing tasks such as registering/recording, storing
and retrieving of data is based on paper and pen which consume so much time, resource and
requires much employee’s power. So, to reduce these we have developed a project called woreda
management system which is a web based and automate the existing system. After the automation
of this system both the residence and office are beneficial.

The systems that automate vital event/woreda management system in the woreda 06 will playe a
great roll in economize resource. That completely differs from the existing system in performance
and in security and efficiency aspect and also in overcoming other problem that we here
mentioned in the Statement of problem. By allowing easy communication between the
residences/customer requesting services to the woredas and accepting request and recording data
via the internet, that simplifies the process of recording, storing and retrieval data.

1.1) Background

Woreda 06 is among the fourteenth Woreda’s of bole sub city administrative organs of Addis
Ababa city government. Woreda 06 was established during the current government. This woreda
is found in Addis Ababa city (Around Megenagna) and give service for thousands of people. This
woreda has a guiding principlesandits own administration to manage the society. Each person in
the Woreda must follow the principle of the registration. A person who comes to register in the
Woreda office to get services should fulfill the following:-
A person must be resident or registered in the zone.
Woreda Management system 2020
A citizen must be participating during meeting and different job.
A person must be registering his or her family’s number, his /her house number and
A person should pay tax if the house is his/her own otherwise he/she has to pay rent.
In addition, to get ID card, the following are required:
First that person must be resident and legal.
After the first time registration he/she must stay for 6 month.
If he/she is new comer, he /she should bring clearance from the Woreda /kebele where
he/she came from.
He/she should be above 18 years old
He/she should be neat from any terrorism/illegal activates.
Accordingly, vital event of woreda 06 is empowered to handle almost all services like,
Registering population
Registering house
Giving ID card for citizens
Giving marriage , birth and death certificate
House renting
Organizing peoples in small enterprise
Solving easy conflicts with lower court.
1.2) Statement of the problem

Recently after decentralization of power in the structure of government, the delivery of most
common public services has been channeled to the lower administrative levels of government
organization. Services like issuance of marriage/birth and death certificates, land rent/taxes, police
services, issuance of ID cards and birth certificates etc., makes differences from the past. That
means they are now decentralized to lower administrative levels, such as Woreda’s, which are
more numerous and closer to the society that needs these services. According to the recent
structuring, Addis Ababa city is administratively divided in to 107 woreda administrations, each
entrusted with the responsibility of delivering the services mentioned above in line with the basic
principle of decentralization. This has brought a number of benefits to the community. In
Woreda Management system 2020
particular, it has proved to be efficient under normal circumstances as it has shortened processes
and lengthy bureaucratic procedures of a centralized system of service delivery.
Despite its attractiveness and potential for improvement, however, decentralization is not without
problems. Bringing all such services mentioned above from few centralized and well-staffed or
well-organized administrative centers down to the numerous and relatively less-staffed woreda
centers had to come about at a real cost. Apart from the resulting financial implication due to the
personnel and running overheads of the Woreda offices, establishing an up-to-date filing,
documentation and data management system has been expensive and extremely difficult for most
part. This has led to serious problems and negative implications.
Among the problems in this regard has been the problem related woreda/kebele and private
houses management. The fact that woreda/kebele and private houses management system is
manual has led to several problems. Due to lack of well organized database of the woreda’s
residence and houses and private houses is often unknown. For instances, there are cases where a
particular residence can have two or more woreda/kebele houses. The main reason is inability on
the part of woreda/kebele officials to cross-check as to whether an individual has been offered
house/land in the past or not.
In addition, the filing system is not automated and doesn’t allow for such controls, consequently
creating injustice to a major part of the local community.
A closely related issue in relation to the above statement is the problem of tax/rent collection from
woreda-owned houses, Private-houses and land rent/lease. Woredas do not have a complete data
on the taxable sources and rented houses. The type and number of houses rented, the amount
taxes/rents paid and still outstanding is hardly known and documented. As a result, a lot of
revenue goes uncollected due to lack of accurate data as mentioned. Similarly, issuance of ID
cards poses tremendous difficulties due to loss and/or misplacement of Personal files. Moreover,
cross-checking and verification as to whether an individual is resident of the woreda and the
length of residency to check if the individual is eligible for ID issuance is difficult due to the poor
and disorganized filing system. In fact, there has not been much attempt in the past that sought to
explore the problems and challenges faced by Woreda offices in Addis Ababa city with regard to
information Services and management. “In all cases, the certification process is exposed to
falsification, for instance the case of birth is exposed to falsification of age, identity of the person
and their parents, and birth place.
Woreda Management system 2020
Even if churches, hospitals, and municipalities have issued birth and death certificates with
out a compulsory, permanent and continuous registration all the data have been registered
manually throughout the country. However, only the Addis Ababa City Administration
developed a local desktop application which is only deployed in the main municipaloffice to take
over the manual process.
Generally, the problems of service delivery at the Woreda administration offices in Addis Ababa
city could be put as follows:
The household registry system is inefficient and poorly organized, household registry is
fully manual.
Personal files of Woreda residences are lost or misplaced making issuance of ID cards/ birth
certificates lengthy and time taking.
Verification of whether an ID applicant fulfils the legal requirement of residing in the city for a
period of at least six months is painfully time taking and complicated. This in turn paves the way
for corruption.
The management system is Time consuming.
The population registration, house registration, ID card giving system, house Renting, land
administration and other Security Keeping mechanisms takes a lot of time.
The data handling and manipulation mechanism is not secured.
Security problem is the main problem of Woreda 6 management system. One customer can
register two times or more. Population handling system is based on the number of houses.
As a good approach a person who registered in Woreda 6 house no x cannot be registered
again by the same house number. But, if he changes location or house number, he may get
a chance for another ID .There is no cross sectional data validation mechanism. Simply, the
system uses eye witnesses to certificate the system. This situation may pave the way for
some illegal activities. The project can fill this gap by specifying some integrity rules on
the system data base.
The system is costly
The system takes a lot of hard copies and other instruments. To hold a profile of one customer the
current system consumes more than two papers. It is known that one paper costs more than 0.50
birr at the current situation and we can calculate how much the system costs to hold profile of
thousands of the people. The newly proposed system uses computers which are fast and less
Woreda Management system 2020
In addition, some services (Which are previously customer’s task) will be added by using
computers in order to reduce cost.
Poor registration and documentation of rented and private houses
The number and type of revenue sources like rented Woreda-houses is not
well documented.
The amount of taxes from the private houses in the Woreda is not recorded
in an organized manner, i.e., the amount of taxes paid and outstanding at a particular date cannot
be easily retrieved.
In view of the fore-going discussion, the following questions deserve attention and
Immediate solution for the Woreda administration offices to be able to effectively address
the Problems mentioned.
How can the filing system in theWoreda offices be organized so that personal files can
easily be located there by avoiding misplacements or cases of lost files and the resulting
delays associated with issuance/replacement of ID cards and other similar services like
birth certificates, clearance papers, etc?
Can house rent collection be designed or automated in such a way that administrators can
easily retrieve information like number of tax/rent payers, taxes/rent payments due, total
collection, names of tax payers/renters, amount of outstanding taxes/rent payments, etc at
any particular date of a year?
How the ID card issuance system can validate customer profile in order to check the
validity of the person? This project would therefore try to get adequate responses to the
afore-mentioned questions and the problems cited here in.
Woreda Management system 2020
1.3) Objective

1.3.1) General objective

The general objective of this project is to develop an automated woreda 06 vital event

1.3.2) Specific objectives

To solve major problems related to the service delivery mechanisms at Woreda 06 by
developing suitable application.
To analyze the existing system.
To propose alternative solution & select the best solution.
To design an efficient database for efficiently addressing the problems related to house-
rent collection in Woreda.

1.4) Feasibility Study’s

The main concept here is that determining whether a proposed system can be made or achieved
(i.e.) checking the acceptance of the system, formally it is deciding the phase of acceptance. We
analyzed three different types of feasibility test.

1.4.1)Technical feasibility
Usually new systems established in order to overcome the technical illness of the previous
system. In the same way, this system is technically big enough to be applied easily to the problem
identified in the existing system. In addition; the both hard ware and soft ware for this system are
highly available and can be owned with small cost. Therefore, it can be concluded that the system
is technically feasible.
The entire group members are expected the system to be technically feasible. The
system is going to be developed by technological development technique such as PHP,
java script, CSS. And the team has the ability to develop this system without any
difficulty since the team has studied the required methodologies and tools. So the system
will be technically feasible.

1.4.2) Operational feasibility

The system is easy to use.
Woreda Management system 2020
It also contains manual and support about the system.
It can operate on any of the operating systems.

1.4.3)Economic Feasibility Tangible benefits:benefits that are easily quantified from the conducted system are:
Fastest processing time and small amount of processing error.
Small response time And many services
Easy and fast file management.
Reduce cost for manual data management(Reduced expenses)
Easy update & retrieval on stored records Intangible benefits: benefits from the system that area unquantifiable Are;
Better decision making
Better service to Woreda customers
Little job burden to employees of Woreda.

1.5) Scope and limitation of the project

1.5.1) Scope of the project

The project is aimed at solving the major problems of service delivery and data management at
woreda offices in Addis Ababa city. Taking woreda 06 administrations as a case, the project
assess the problems associated with the documentation or archives and record office, house-rent
sections of the woreda/kebele. Based on such assessments, it tries to design a system that could be
applicable to any woredaadministration office in Addis Ababa. However, only one woreda in
Addis Ababa city shall be considered making the scope a bit narrower. However, the solutions of
the project would no doubt be applicable to most of the woreda administration structures of Addis
Ababa till enough amount of supply allotted. The system that we are proposing is mainly focused
on the following features:
Registration of Woreda residents/population
Issuance of identification card to residents of the Woreda
Registration of houses (Woreda -owned or private houses) in the Woreda and the
generation or assignment of house numbers.
Woreda Management system 2020
Retrieval of information like amount of rent for Woreda houses, which is paid or unpaid
by time, name of owner, address, type of house, etc
Preparation/generation of reports
Issuance of clearance and birth certificate for whoever needs them in cases of transfer to
other places.

1.5.2) Limitation of the project

There are some limitations for this project. Those are:-
Land and tax administration would be outof the scope.
Since we are working our project behind another courses and projects the scarcity of time
is happened to us.
The scope of our project is limited to designing and automating the registry and filing or
documentation of woreda residents and houses in woreda 06.

1.6) Significance of the project

The proposed project aimed to improve the management systems of Bole sub city/Woreda
06.Since the system deals with population registration (which is the base for every developmental
activate), house registration (which is the best way to handle citizens based on house number for
security purpose) and on the land (which is a scarce resource that should be managed with care
and given the crucial role it plays in the economy).Therefore, efficient and careful administration
is required to make the best of them. In this regard, the project contributes to the achievement of
such a noble goal. The project is also instrumental in alleviating the major problems of service
delivery in any Woreda administration in other areas of Addis Ababa city as it is operating as that
of Bole sub city Woreda 06.

It helps Woreda administrators to avoid delays in service delivery, enhance service activities, and
avoid corruption and Conflicts etc. It also helps to avoid unsecure ID card giving systems and
lengthy bureaucratic procedures of ID card issuance.

The system allows the customer to get services with least cost by minimizing the amount
money waste to get the service.
The system enables the employee to perform many tasks with in a fraction of hours.
The system can give full satisfaction for customer.
Woreda Management system 2020
The system reduces data loss because of its recoverability and maintainability.
The system is fully available and reliable.
The system reduces cost by minimizing the number of employees.

1.7) Methodology

1.7.1) Data sources

The main data source for this project was the office Woreda 06.Since the registration and filing
system in the Woreda is not structured and well organized; we used interview method to gather
information from representatives of the Woreda. In particular, we interviewed the head of public
relation office and chair man of the Woreda, to obtain crucial information we needed for the

1.7.2) Requirement gathering

We have used different methods to collect data. Data collection is the most important part of the
project to find the main requirement of the system and to understand how the system does.
Among the methods, we used the following:

Observation: to analyze the organization work processes

Interviews: we used interview method to gather direct information from users and
administrators regarding the procedures of residents’ registration and filing system,
issuance of ID and birth certificates, clearances, etc.

1.7.3) System Analysis and Design Techniques

In this project the team will use object oriented system development methodology (OOSD).the
team used to model the function of the system (use case modeling), find and identify the objects,
organize the objects and identify the relationship between them and finally model the behavior of
the objects.

1.7.4) System development tools

For developing this project, the team selects the following environment and
Programming Tools:
Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System
Woreda Management system 2020
Microsoft Dream Waver as a text editor and PHP, JavaScript to develop the system.
Java script: used to create interactive and attractive web page and also used to Develop
Client side scripting language
PHP: robustness, server side, opens source scripting language
The system uses MySQL with verterigo server to store data.
Microsoft office 2007: is used for documentation.
Microsoft office Visio 2013: used for modeling and drawing the designing part of this project.
HTML: Hyper Text Markup language used to develop web pages.CSS: used to control the look
and fill of our document structure in consistence and efficient manner.

1.7.5) Back End Design tool

PHP MYSQL (Xampp), apache software data base system will be used in developing and
managing the database at back end.

1.7.6) Front End design tool

The user interface will be developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript integrated development
environment since it easily designing the front end and connected in to data base realizing rapid
application development with constraints on the hand.

1.8) schedule and Budget of the project

1.8.1) Schedule
Number Tasks Duration Starting day Ending day
Woreda Management system 2020
1 Requirement gathering and Analysis 15 days 15/5/2012 30/05/2012
2 Design 21 days 01/06/2012 22/06/2012
3 Implementation 16 days 23/06/2012 09/07/2012

Testing 5days 10/07/2012 15/07/2012

5 Maintenance 4 days 16/07/2012 20/07/2012

6 Manual 2 days 21/07/2012 23/07/2012


Then the Final submission date assumed to be 30/9/2012

Table 1.1the estimated time line of the project
1.8.2)Budget/cost Tangible costs

The tangible costs to be incurred in developing the system are:-

Hardware development cost

Miscellaneous cost
Software development cost

Hardware development cost: -

Since the system is developed for educational purpose there is no hardware that we spent money
to buy. However, we cover all the hardware (Laptop) expenses.

Miscellaneous Cost:-

The following table lists the different miscellanies costs that we will spend in the process of the
development of the system.
Woreda Management system 2020
Material Amount price

Printing and copy 100pages 100 Birr

Pen 6 30Birr

Pencil and Rubber 2 10 Birr

CD and DVD 6 120 Birr

Paper 30 30 Birr

8GB Flash disk 1 150 Birr

Mobile phone card 4 100 Birr

Transportation ______ 200 Birr

Total ------------ 740 Birr

Table 1.2 Miscellanies costs

Software development cost

We are not spending money to by software for developing the proposed system. We
have got it from our colleagues and open sources.

Total cost

Total cost = tangible cost, But

Tangible cost = hardware development cost + miscellaneous cost + software development cost

= 0 birr + 0 birr + 740 birr = 740 Birr Intangible costs

The intangible costs to be acquired in developing the system are:-

Woreda Management system 2020
Human Knowledge

The Human knowledge that we spent to developthe system is defined in terms of money as

Payment for 1 person/days = 100 birr

6 persons work on the project each 40 days


Human Knowledge cost = 100br * 6persons * 40 days = 24,000 Birr

1.9) paper organization

The project construct with four chapter each describe different component about the woreda
management system /wms/.
Chapter one
Emphasis study of woreda 6 identifying problems seen as barer for giving good service for
Chapter tow
Description of existing system how actual flow of work takes place in woreda 6.
Chapter three
Proposed system ,new system development.
Chapter four
System model, modeling actor, activity, sequence diagram of proposed system.
1.10)Team Composition
The project team has five students as a member for the accomplishment of the project.

Generally, the task of each member will be specified as follows:

Project Title: Woreda management system

Name ID E-mail facilitator
Yoseph nigussie 1889/15 Requirement Gathering/ Testing/design
Getabalew siyum 2253/15 Requirement Gathering/ Testing
Mussie bekele 1794/15 Implementation/design/testing
Aster wondimu 1677/15 Analysis/ Requirement Gathering
Woreda Management system 2020
Yonas alemayehu 3027/17 Requirement Gathering/ Testing
Behailu Abebe 0302/16 Requirement Gathering/ Testing

Table 1.3 Team composition

Woreda Management system 2020

2.) Description of the Existing System
In this section we briefly review the current system used by the Woreda administration followed
by a brief description of the problems associated with the current system and a proposed system
that aim to solve these problems. Currently, the Woreda has no automated system. In order to
register population and collect required data from the residents, officers of Woreda 06 divide the
Woreda into many segments in order to minimize the boundary they go through house to house.
The Woreda 06 assigns representative for each segment. Each segment representative has
anability and right to ask, collect, and submit the required information which is collected from the
society to the Woreda administration. The collected data have been compiled and filled in record
office of Woreda. Residence registration is the most important task and base for information to
make plan for the society. In advance, all this information gathers together helps to know the
statistical data as a whole and have contribution on the development program of the country.
Mostly, population registration helps:
To know total number of the residence.
Knowing the number of the residence has an advantage to give services
Such as:
vaccination (health service)
To safeguard the society
Aid for HIV positive people
To help poor families economically.
To know educational background of the residence
To form youth and women association based on age and sex
To collect house rent and land tax
This Woreda knows each and every member by their Identification card (ID), house number and
their segment. When a member comes to the Woreda office to get service or to attend meeting, or
any other job, he/she must be the member and he/she can register his/her name and house number
with their family member.
Woreda Management system 2020
2. 1) Activities handled by the Existing system
Providing ID card for resident whose age is 18 years or above and who lived more than 6
Providing certificate by case when the resident needs and ask by writing a Paper.
Examples of cases asked by residents:
For marriage
For getting free health service from government hospitals and health Centers
For free court judgments
For land
For scholarship to foreign countries
Providing clearance for resident
In case of transfer from the Woreda to another area, the resident must
Take clearance in order to be registered
Providing /renting/ Woreda house for those who has no house
Court judgment.
Cooperating young man’s in vision of development (small micro finance model).
Facilitating professed thoughts giving system for the society.

If he/she is new comer, he /she should bring clearance from the Woreda /kebele where
he/she came from.
He/she should be above 18 years old
He/she should be neat from any terrorism/illegal activates.

2.2) Major function of the Existing System

Major function of the existing system is Registering/ recording, storing and retrieving the
data by manual means of managing. It is paper based.

2.3) Drawbacks /Problem/ of the Existing system

Since it is paper/letter based system the process rate of customer request/data is
consuming much time and materials.

It is hard and difficult to store the residence data in consistent manner.

The system is not secure.

2.4)Business rule of the Existing system

The citizen who is resident and legal requests the woreda in order to get ID card.
He /She should be above 18 years old and neat from any terrorism/illegal activities.
Woreda Management system 2020
After fulfilling all these requirements by the residence and verification by the
woreda,the ID card is given to the residence based on procedures.
Woreda Management system 2020


The new system deals with automating the registry and datastoring system of Bole sub city
/Woreda 06. The newly proposed system is efficient in facilitating the different tasks, like register
residence, register house, give ID card, generate report and give certificate, Collect house rent and
clearance. The proposed system is also efficient in file handling system. The major thing in the
proposed system is authenticated users. Authorized users only access the system.
Unauthorized person is not allowed to access the system; they are prevented by user name and
password mechanism. In addition, the system includes inter communication mechanism. That
means, different members of the Woreda can communicate through the system through data base
based messaging mechanism.

The need to develop automated registrar system of the Woreda 06 is that the current activities of
the Woreda are time consuming due to manual system which results delay of the development of
the Woreda.
The system registers populations which are resident and new person in the Woreda. Here, after
registration for the first time the user takes temporary ID card for one year. During house
registration the proposed system identify the Woreda house and private house and give number
for ease of identification.
In an ID card issuance, the system identifies the member whether it is resident or new comer. If
the person is resident, the system asks the previous id number to give ID card. If the person is new
for the Woreda, the system registers and the person must stay at Least for 12 months to get ID
The new system also gives certificate for the resident for the purpose they need. It might be birth
or marriage certificate. The system assures clearance for those who needs to transfer their
resident to another area.
The proposed system has computerized system to give automated service rather than manual
Woreda Management system 2020
Registrar system incorporates: Population registering, house registering, identification
card giving, report generating, giving certificate and clearance and collecting house rent and
land tax.
The system facilitates each registration done by the Woreda.
In order to register each person, the system first checks if he/she resident. But manual help
The system gives accelerated service for all users.
The system can search required information.
The system control data of customer as needed
The system can save time for the user and customer.
It hold data base in organized manner.
It is easy to search, retrieve, update and delete.
It has security, because the user can only enter into the system by login.
In addition, the system uses session control method for more secured working environment. That
means, any person who knows the URL of a specific form cannot get it directly without login.
The system identifies the unauthorized user by the incorrect entered user name and password.
Any unauthorized person can't enter in to the system. Registrar system can manage all data base
of the Woreda. System uses back up method to handle data familiarity. System identifies
registered person and unregistered person. The system also identifies residents by their ID card.

3.1) Functional Requirements

The functional requirements are functions or features that the system must include to satisfy the
system need and to be acceptable by the user. The functional requirements for the new system that
will replace the existing system include:
Data storage and retrieval: All the customer file record information should be kept properly in
well organized data base; so that retrieving these files will be easy and faster.
The system should register population and house
The system should provide password changing facility
The system should provide user authentication mechanism.
The system should be able to generate report.
Searching, updating and deleting records.
Woreda Management system 2020
The system should be flexible to get statistical data of population and house
whenever required.

3.2) Nonfunctional Requirements

Effectiveness: The system provides service without any defect or problem.
Security issue:This system provides an access to privilege to an authorized user by
giving account for each and every special function.
Performance:The performance of the system should be reliable and the response
time of the system should be short.

3.2.1) Hardware and software consideration

For the proper functioning of the system the following hardware and software are required
 Computer(Desktop)
 CD
 Removable hard disk(if any)
Web application server
 Processor: GHz.
 RAM : >1GB.
 Hard disk: >=100 GB.
Database server
 processor: GHz
 RAM: > 1 GB.
 Hard disk: > 100 GB.
Software Requirements
 Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004(or above)
 Browsers(one required ,client side):
- Internet Explorer with JavaScript enabled
 Web application server(one required , server-side):
- Verterigo Server
 Relational Database(one required, server-side)
- SQL Server 2008
Woreda Management system 2020
3.2.2) User interface and human requirements
The system provides web based application user interfaces that are compatible with any operating

3.2.3) Hardwareconsideration
The woreda should have desk top computers having typical storage capacity and processing

3.2.4) Security issue

This system provides an access to privilege to an authorized user by giving account for each and
every special function.The woreda should have internet explorer and some anti spywares in order
to protect the database from spy.

3.2.5) Performance consideration

The system is accessible by specified actors in the woreda. It should be given more emphasis for
the speed to access it,vertrigoserver on the computer having typical storage capacity and
processing speed.

3.2.6) Error handling

This system handles error done by the user giving error message when the user enters wrong
inputs. In addition, the system provides error handling mechanism on the ways system interacts
with data base and on input accepter fields.

3.2.7) Quality issue

Information in database should be accurate and updated.

3.2.8) Physical Environment

The service is given to the guest inside woreda’s office building protected from wind, rain and
sun light

3.2.9 Documentation
The system composed of manual about how it work and maintenance guide for the default
occurred in operation.
Woreda Management system 2020



Fig 4.1 use case diagram

Woreda Management system 2020
4.1) Actors Description
In this system we have three actors.
Administrator: The administrator manages registration of the resident, registration
house, generate report.
Data clerk: The data clerk serves for the resident by giving ID card, assure clearance, and
generate report and giving certificate.
Guest: The Guest acts by requesting.

4.2) Use case Description

Name: Identifier: Description:
Login UC1 Use to login to page’s
Request UC2 Used to request

Register house UC3 Used to Register house

Register resident UC4 Used to register resident
Generate ID UC5 Used to generate ID
Generate birth certificate UC6 Used for Generate birth certificate
Assure clearance UC7 Used to assure clearance
Collect house rent UC8 Used to collect house rent
Generate report UC9 Used to Generate report

Table 4.1Use Cases Description

Woreda Management system 2020
1. Use case for login
UC1. login
Participating Actor Administrator, data clerk
Pre condition The home page currently displayed on the screen and the actor is
ready to log in.
Flow of events 1. The actor click on login button.
2. The system displays the form login.
3. The actor fills required information in displayed log in form.
4. The system verifies the data filled is correct or not.
5. The system logs the actor to the system if he is legal.
6. The use case ends
Post condition The system display content page.

Alternative action 1. The system goes to stop after attempting more than three

Table 4.2Use Cases for log in

2. Use case Name: Request
UC2. Request
Participating Actor Guest
Pre condition The main form currently displayed on screen. The Actor / Guest/
has screen to make request
Flow of events 1. Guest fill on request form
2. The guest click on Send request menu form.
3. The system displays the form of request form Options for who to
deserve request and type.
4. The system deliver request for data clerk or administrator.
5. The use case ends.
Post condition The request had been reviewed.
Table 4.3 Use Cases for Request
Woreda Management system 2020
3. Use case Name: Register house
UC3. Register house

Participating Actor Data clerk

The main menu form currently displayed on Screen. The data

Pre condition clerk has logged on the system and has an authorization for
registering house

1. The data clerk click on register House button from main menu
2. The system displays register house form
3. The data clerk selects register kebele house
Flow of events 4. The data clerk enters necessary inputs.
5. The system updates house list
6. The system displays successfully saved message
7. The use case ends
1. House is private owned
1.1 The Data clerk selects register private house
1.2 The clerk fills the form
1.3 The system updates house list
Alternative Case 1.4 The systems displays successful message
1.5 The use case ends..

Post condition House already registered.

Table 4.4 Use Cases for register house
Woreda Management system 2020
4 .Use case Name: Register resident
UC4. Register resident
Participating Actor Administrator

The main menu form currently displayed on Screen. The

Pre condition Administrator is logged on the system and has an authorization
for registering a person.

1. The Administrator click on register resident button from main

2. The system responds by presenting Register resident for the
3. The Administrator inputs necessary data.
4. The system verifies that the entered data is correct.
5. The Administrator verifies that the person is resident in the
Flow of events kebele mentioned house number.
6. The system updates member list save message.
7. The system updates population record.
8. The use case ends.
1. The member is new person in the kebele.
2. The Administrator verifies that the person is not related in the
3. The system goes to stop.
Alternative Case 4. The use case ends.

Post condition Residence already registered.

Woreda Management system 2020
Table 4.5 Use Cases for Register resident

5. Use case Name: Generate ID card

UC5.Generat Id Card
Participating Actor Data clerk
Pre condition 1. The main menu form currently displayed on screen. The Data
clerk has logged on the system and has an authorization for
generate ID card
2.The guest request for ID
Flow of events 1. The Data clerk click on generate ID card menu form
2. The system displays the form of generate ID card form including
rules and regulation of the woreda/Kebele.
3. The Data clerk fills required information in displayed menu which
confirm the person who need ID card.
4. The system verify the data filled is correct or not
5. The system verifies that person is resident.
6. The system check the residence >18
7. The system update list
8. The use case ends
Post condition The ID card is generated

Alternative action 1. The system display error message if guest has take clearance
Table 4.6 Use Cases for generate ID card.
6. Use case Name: Generate birth Certificate
UC6. Generate birth Certificate
Participating Actor Data clerk
Pre condition 1. The main menu form currently displayed on Screen. The Data
clerk has logged on the system and has an authorization for
searching required information
2.Register the guest residence if not
3. The guest should have been registered before
Woreda Management system 2020
4.The guest request for certificate
Flow of events 1. The Data clerk click on generate certificate button from main
2. The system displays generate certificate menu form
3. The system display to Data clerkto fill required information.
4. The system check resident or not.
5. The Data clerkprints out certificate.
6. The system saves data
7. The use case ends
Alternative cause of 1. The system forward page to register resident if not resident.
Post condition The certificate is generate
Table 4.7 Use Cases for generatebirth certificate
7. Use case Name: Assure Clearance
UC7. Assure Clearance
Participating Actor Data clerk
Pre condition 1.The main menu form currently displayed on Screen
The Data clerkhas logged on the system and has an authorization
for assuring clearance
2.The guest request for assuring clearance
Flow of events 1. The Data clerkclick on clearance button from main menu
2. The system responds clearance menu form
3. The Data clerkfills form
4. The system check and display
5. Data clerk prints out the field
6. The system mark on database not to assure again for the guest
7. The system saves the form
8 .The use case ends
Alternative cause of 1. The system goes to stop the resident is marked by system as
Woreda Management system 2020
action assured before.
Post condition The clearance is approved
Table 4.8 Use Cases for assure Clearance
8. Use case Name: collect house rent

UC8. collect house rent

Participating Actor Data clerk
Pre condition The main menu form currently displayed on Screen. The Data
clerk has logged on the system and has an authorization for
collecting payment.
2.The guest who is in the list of kebele house is responsible for
these service
Flow of events 1. The Data clerk click on collect house rent menu button from
main menu.
2. The system responds collect house menu form
3. The Data clerk select woreda/kebele house and click on it
4. The system check for house number from the customer
5. The system checks whether the person has paid or not if not
pay with penalty.
6. The system calculates fee guest order.
7. The Data clerk fills form and collects money.
8.The system save , display /receipt/ on the database
9. The Data clerk gives receipt for person
Alternative cause of 1. The system forward page to register hose if the house is no
action registered.
Post condition The payment is collected
Table 4.9 Use Cases for collect house rent
Woreda Management system 2020
9. Use case Name: Generate report
UC9. Generate report
Participating Actor Administrator, Data clerk
The Administrator or Data clerk has logged on the system and
Pre condition has an authorization for report generating to the required body.

1. The AdministratororData clerk activates the report generate

2. The system responds by presenting a form. The form includes
a report type .
Flow of events 3. The Administrator or data clerk selects the report type as
4. The system generates the report.
5. The use case ends.

Post condition Report is submitted.

Table 4.10 Use Cases for generate report
Woreda Management system 2020
4.3) Class Diagram
The class diagram of the proposed system of Automating registry and filing system of the woreda/
Kebele 06 depicted below:

Fig4.2 Class Diagram

Woreda Management system 2020
4.4) Class Association Diagram

Fig 4.3Class Association Diagram

Woreda Management system 2020

4.5) Class Decomposition

Fig 4.4Class Decomposition

Woreda Management system 2020
4.6) Activity Diagram
An activity diagram illustrates the dynamic nature of a system by modeling the flow of control
from activity to activity. An activity represents an operation on some class in the system that
results in a change in the state of the system. Typically, activity diagrams are used to model
workflow or business processes and internal operation. Because an activity diagram is a special
kind of state chart diagram, it uses some of the same modeling conventions. Activity diagrams are
mainly used as a flow chart consists of activities performed by the system. But activity diagram
are not exactly a flow chart as they have some additional capabilities. These additional
capabilities include branching, parallel flow etc.




Verify login

Display link window

Attempt 3*


Fig 4.5 Activity diagram for login form

Woreda Management system 2020

Fill data

Select request type

Submit request

Fig 4.6 Activity diagram for guest Request

Woreda Management system 2020


Open house register form

Fill and submit form


Fig 4.7 Activity diagram for registering house

Woreda Management system 2020


Fill data

Check house


Error message

Register resident

Fig 4.8 Activity diagram for registering resident

Woreda Management system 2020

Fill form

Resident or not



NO Register resident

Generate ID

Fig 4.9 Activity diagram for generate ID card

Woreda Management system 2020

Fill certificate form

Is resident


Generate birth Certificate

Fig 4.10 Activity diagram for generate birth certificate

Woreda Management system 2020

Fill certificate form

Assured before ?


Assure clearance

Mark as assuured

Fig 4.11 Activity diagram for Assure clearance

Woreda Management system 2020

Create house rent form

Register house

Check house number

Calculate fee

Generate receipt

Update payed till

Fig 4.12 Activity diagram for collect house rent

Woreda Management system 2020

Create form

Select report type

Create report

Generate Report

Fig 4.13 Activity diagram for generate report

Woreda Management system 2020
4.7) Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams are used to model the logic of usage scenarios or the description of the
potential way the system used. Sequence diagrams are a great way to validate and flesh out the
logic of use case scenarios and to document the design of the system. Woreda 06/ Kebele
registry and filing system has the following sequence diagrams.
Sequence diagram for login

Fig. 4.14 Sequence diagram for login

Woreda Management system 2020

Sequence diagram for request

Fig 4.15Sequence diagram for request

Woreda Management system 2020

Sequence diagram for register house

Fig 4.16Sequence diagram for register house

Woreda Management system 2020

Sequence diagram for register resident

Fig.4.17Sequence diagram for register resident

Woreda Management system 2020
Sequence diagram for generate ID card

Fig 4.18Sequence diagram for generate ID card

Woreda Management system 2020

Sequence diagram for generate birth certificate

Fig 4.19 Sequence diagram for generate birth certificate

Woreda Management system 2020
Sequence diagram for Assure clearance

Fig 4.20 Sequence diagram for Assure clearance

Woreda Management system 2020
Sequence diagram for collecting house rent

Fig 4.21Sequence diagram for collecting house rent

Woreda Management system 2020

Sequence diagram forgenerate Report

Fig4.22Sequence diagram for generate Report

Woreda Management system 2020
4.8) Deployment diagram
Deployment modeling is used to show the hardware of the system, the software that is installed in
the hardware and also the middleware that is used to connect the disparate machines to one and
other. It also shows how the software and the hardware components work together.

Browser Apllication database

Administrator Register


Data clearck


Fig 4.23 deployment diagram

Woreda Management system 2020

4.9) Component diagram

In this Diagram components of the system will be wired showing that there is relation among
components, management of the system, database and operations performed on databases such
security issue. This in some extent shows which component or objects will be accessed by whom
and what type of security infrastructures it is using. The diagram is simulated below.

Fig 4.24 component diagram

Woreda Management system 2020

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