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A much awaited milestone of Initiating the “Best Practices of Autonomous maintenance” was achieved at

JSG with the launch of Pilot Project SWAYAM on 24th May 2016. The objective is to improve the Basic
Equipment Care. A 2days workshop was oraganised with the collaboration of Quality Circle Forum of
India (QCFI) on 24 and 25 May 2016.
There was voluntary participation from 11 best Sub-Zones from the Smelter 1
and CPP who actively participated in the workshops, identifying over 400 areas of improvements with
over 150 ideas as solution.

The name of Pilot Project was given as

SWAYAM (meaning Self) where each
operator would be trained enough to
do basic maintenance work of machine
and equipment by himself.
The program was inaugurated by Mr.
JK Mohanty-Head CPP and Mr.
Bijneswar Mohanty-Head Cast House,
Smelter 1. Senior Management
appreciated the concept and foresees
Mr. JK Mohanty-Head CPP significant improvements.
addressing the participants Mr. Bijneswar Mohanty-Head Management committed for providing
Cast House, Smelter 1
guiding the participants in all kind of support for this project.
inaugural session

The initial focus of the project

would be on the below
1. Manager’s model– where
Sub-Zone leaders would be
taking the ownership for
single or set of Machines/
equipment for implement-
ing best practices and
improving the performance
of that machine/equipment
in terms of safety, Quality,
Availability etc. Mr DK Shrivastava -ED QCFI facilitating in the two days workshop
2. Improving operators skill
for basic equipment care
through One Point Les- Along with classroom based training, syndicate exercises at
sons. shop floor for practical exposure in implementation were also
3. Calculating and improving carried out. During syndicate exercises, he was assisted by
Overall Equipment Effec- two other senior faculties of QCFI Mr. AH Khan and Mr. VK
tiveness of Machine and Singh.
In the valedictory session of 2 days workshop, All the teams were felicitated for their efforts
in finding the areas of improvements and their Kaizens. Presence of DN Behera sir and
their guiding words in the valedictory session burst enthusiasm into the participants and
made closing memorable and successful.

Team recognized for applying maximum number of Tags Team recognized for giving maximum number of Kaizens

The two days workshop was well appreciated by participants in their feedbacks.

Each area had to take a machine/equipment as Manag-

ers model on which best practices to be applied. On 26
and 27 May 2016, both senior faculties of QCFI
Mr. AH Khan and Mr. VK Singh were there along with
team for handholding and guidance. Proper safety
precautions (like work permit, LOTO application etc.)
were taken during the exercise and employees with
proper PPEs were ensured.
Team doing the basic cleaning of the equipment with proper
PPEs in isolated condition. It was not limited to cleaning only,
team had to identify the flaws/abnormalities with the machine/
equipment and Tag were to be applied accordingly. Cleaning of
equipment/machine made the abnormalities visible which were
hidden earlier.

Below glimpses can be seen for machine identified as model

machine and different color tags tied for different type of

Different color Tags were used for

identification and display the abnormalities:
1. Green Tag for Mechanical related issues.
2. Blue Tag for Electrical and Inst. related
3. White Tag for any other kind of issues.

In the syndicate exercises, the training batch was divided into 5 groups and visited 5different area for learning on Tag system and
Managers model. During the Tag application exercise 5 teams totally applied 327 different Tags on the Machine to show associat-
ed abnormalities. After brainstorming , 5 teams also came out with 78 Kaizen to remove maximum abnormalities. During Manag-
ers Model exercise further areas of improvements were detected and more 79 ideas came up.
Way Forward: Now there would be continuous engagement of Sub-Zone’s employees in the structured implementa-
tion in the best practices of Autonomous Maintenance over next 7 to 9 months.

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