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“Where is the Love”

● APURADO, Juan Carlos
● CELEDONIO, James Brilliant
● DACUMOS, Dexy Claire
● DIONISIO, Ashton Jhaide
● GARCIA, Josh
● GARCIA, Lorenz
● MALABANAN, Raquizha
● QUIDEP, Marianne

Accept for what they are or who they We need to keep in our mind that we all have our
● DIS- are regardless of their skin or where differences and not everyone will be dealing with
they came from. Discrimination just things like how we want or how you want to deal
CRIMINATION gives us problem and doing this to
people doesn’t define who they are
with it because we have our own and different
perspective as a human being and respect them in
but your personality do. all ways.

Seize the people who have the Give and trust yourself to the lord and everything will
● PEOPLE power to scare or provoke people be alright. If you want to be heard make some noise,
who want to say the truth. Give and if you know your rights are violated by others
CAN’T SPEAK everyone a power to speak by
listening to their opinion about what
and no one is responding or defending your side,
and if you know you’re right and your decisions will
they know because it is not just change the concept to a better human thoughts
about one’s perspective and we about those topics, we have to do what is right.
need to consider people who are Though people are against you, as long as you
JUSTICE AND affected of the things we make, know you’re right God will fight for you, so just keep
remember society is a factor in praying for things we cannot handle alone because
THE TRUTH which we grow our strengths and
face our weakness and fears in life.
some things are different that we need to change
and help them realize that you’re right.

Support each other when someone We must raise awareness of race equality and
● PEOPLE WITH is in distress. People needs inform others through different platforms such as
someone who would help him/her to social media. Helping them and sharing happy
TRAUMA realize that everything is worthy and
always rely on positiveness.
memories with them helps their minds to focus on
what makes them happy and set aside negativity.
We should also accept other races Accept for what they are or who they are regardless
● RACISM and accept their individuality. of their skin or where they came from. Spread love
Everyone is unique not different. not hate, we can be happy without embarrassing.

We shouldn’t always focus on the Ignorance is sometimes a better way to get away
● THE FOCUS negative side of any type of from drama, but if you really want to know what the
information. There’s always a drama is about, do some research first before you
ON DRAMA positive side, all you have to do is
find and spread it for everyone.
jump on the bandwagon. Crying is normal it releases
stress but over doing it is not so cheer up, be happy.

Showing love and care to our family, As we accept and support each other, we can make
● INEQUALITY peers, and to our community can help difference that not only change us but can also
to provide and share that love to change everyone’s point of view to positiveness and
everyone else, empathy can lessen neglect the differences we had. Everyone has their
the problem because if we listen to own ability and role in this world so do not ever
someone’s problem it is easy to solve judge a boob by its cover instead, cheer them up
having lots of allies versus solving it and help them not to feel different from you, accept
alone, loneliness is not being alone, the truth that we have different taste of friends but
it’s the feeling that no one cares, and be careful when you move, you might disturb resting
we don’t want to feel that no one care
hearts and minds for peace.
for use so always think positive.

Unity should reside on our hearts Being a good listener is connected with this topic
● EVERYONE IS because it can gives us a powerful because animosity occurs when people don’t like
thoughts; as we fight for our opinions and understand each others’ point on a certain topic.
BEING and ideas as one and with each
others’ hand, we can conquer
Listening is the key to a successful communication
and a better future, building good relationship with
everything, persons who are living in
each other tends to love and care for others. It starts
fear, persons who thinks discriminated with ourselves when we are in a good mood we can
by racism and inequality in our society let others feel it, on the other hand if we start our
or community, and those who are day having angry mindset, we can do such things
ignorant that keeps on telling
that we don’t want to so loving ourselves is a great
unnecessary things and thoughts that
thing to do as well as having love and care for
spread negativity in our world.
everyone that surrounds you.

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