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Every major decision in life has to be based on certain facts and statistics. An intelligent decision

is an informed decision that requires analysis of numerous and significant data. One source of

verified and reliable information in regard to any decision is research, particularly qualitative

research conducted by reputable individuals, group of individuals or companies that possess the

technical knowhow to go about valid and reliable researches.

The researches conducted by such entities are referenced to before decision may be arrived at by

the public. Researches gain significance in virtually every field. Oftentimes, if not all the time,

politicians' plans to enter into politics or run for certain positions are based on the results of

surveys - surveys that are conducted to get the pulse of the voting public as to which candidate

they prefer for which position. Likewise, an incumbent leader would refer to results of research

conducted on the preference or stand of the electorate on certain issues. Accordingly, the

reigning official would not adopt measures that would run counter to general sentiments as such

a course of action could cost him his bid for re-election.

In the field of finance and business, a capitalist would not jump into an investment without

conducting prior feasibilty study on the viability of a business sought to be established or

undertaken. Much is put at risk if investment will be made without knowing the probability of

the return of such investment.

Even students, before they decide on what course to take, certain factors, apart from personal

choice, should be taken into account before choosing the discipline they would pursue. Among

such factors to be considered are demand for the profession, both locally and abroad, rate of

salary or profitability, and employability. Indeed, students would prefer to take courses that

would surely land them a job later with promises of fast promotions and high pay.

The significance of research cannot be better appreciated than this time of pandemic and in the

field of medicine. At such a time like this when virtually every pharmaceutical company race

against time for the much needed vaccine against COVID-19, numerous researches and tests

should be conducted first in order to determine the safetiness and effectiveness of the vaccine or

vaccines that will be made against the disease caused by the novel corona virus. When as in this

case, the safety or even the very life of persons, is at stake, those in authority could not afford to

make a single mistake in the adoption and administration of vaccine to combat the present

pandemic. Government should not be in hurry to grab any readily available vaccines. Thourough

study thereon should be prerequisite and any vaccine created should past the most stringent of

tests before its approval for fear that instead of curing, curbing, or bringing the pandemic under

control, the same will be made worse by hastily made vaccines.

In sum then, we see the pervasive effects of researches in our lives. Without researches offering

concrete and reliable data on a thing, informed decision would be an impossibility. We have long

benefited from researches that are backed by statistics. Now is not the time to turn our back on
studies and concrete data and scientific findings. We need the reliance on researches and science

more than ever at this time of pandemic.

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