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junit paltform:

JUnit Platform
Launches testing frameworks on the JVM
Has TestEngine API used to build a testing framework that runs on the JUnit

-- Test Runners
-- Provides context to run tests
-- Test Engine

We can't directly use/interact with platform.

API @Test, assert part of jupiter - while writing code we have to use jupiter
Vintage - You can use the vintage to interact with older version of Junit.

Unit Jupiter
Blend of new programming model for writing tests and extension model for extensions
Addition of new annotations like @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @AfterAll, @BeforeAll

JUnit Vintage
Provides support to execute previous JUnit version 3 and 4 tests on this new


@Timeout(value = 500, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)



assertThrow(expectedType, Executable)

Conditional Execution:

@EnableOnOS(OS.LINUX) @DisabledOnOS
@EnableOnJre()JRE.JAVA_11) @DisabledOnJre

Properties properties = System.getProperties();

properties.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + ":" + v));

Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();

env.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + ":" + v));



<!-- include tags -->
<groups>integration, feature-168</groups>
<!-- exclude tags -->

mvn -Dgroups="integration, fast, feature-168"

mvn -DexcludedGroups="slow"


Custom Order

1.1 It sorts test methods alphanumerically.


It sorts test methods based on the @Order values.



TestSuite in JUnit 5

@SelectPackages({"..." , "..." })

@SelectClasses({..., ..., ...})




In JUnit, you can organize the test cases into different categories, and run those
categorized test cases with @Categories.ExcludeCategory or

This @Categories annotation is available since JUnit 4.12


@Category({PerformanceTests.class, RegressionTests.class})
public class ClassB {

public void test_b_1() {
assertThat(1 == 1, is(true));

//Include multiple categories
//@Categories.IncludeCategory({PerformanceTests.class, RegressionTests.class})
@Suite.SuiteClasses({ClassA.class, ClassB.class, ClassC.class})
public class PerformanceTestSuite {

@Suite.SuiteClasses({ClassA.class, ClassB.class, ClassC.class})
public class ExcludePerformanceTestSuite {

<version> 1.1.1</version>

1. Junit 5 Parameterized Test

Some times we may need to run same tests with different arguments or values, Junit
5 Parameterized tests make it possible to run a test multiple times with different
arguments. They are declared just like regular @Test methods but use the
@ParameterizedTest annotation instead of @Test annotation.

1.1. Writing parameterized tests

Following are the steps to create parameterized tests in Junit 5.

Declare @ParameterizedTest to the test.

Declare at least one source (example � @ValueSource) that will provide the
arguments for each invocation of test.
Consume the arguments in the test method .

public class Junit5_Parameterized_Test {

// This test will run sequentially 5 times with 1 argument each time
@ValueSource(ints = {8,4,2,6,10})
void test_int_arrays(int arg) {
System.out.println("arg => "+arg);
assertTrue(arg % 2 == 0);

1.2. Customizing Display Names in Parameterized tests

By default, the display name of a parameterized test invocation contains the
invocation index and the String representation of all arguments for that specific
invocation. The following placeholders are supported within custom display names.

Placeholder Description
{displayName} placeholder for the display name of the method.
{index} placeholder for the current invocation index (starts from 1).
{arguments} placeholder for the complete, comma-separated arguments list.
{0}, {1}, �? placeholder for an individual argument.
public class Junit5_CustomDisplayNames_Test {

@ParameterizedTest(name="#{index}- Test with Argument={arguments}")

@ValueSource(ints = {8,4,2,6,10})
void test_int_arrays(int arg) {
System.out.println("arg => "+arg);
assertTrue(arg % 2 == 0);

@ParameterizedTest(name="#{index} - Test with Argument={0}")

@ValueSource(strings = {"Peter King", "Arthur King", "Martin King"})
void test_string_arrays(String arg) {
String searchKey = "King";

System.out.println("arg => "+arg);


@ParameterizedTest(name="Test with argument - {arguments}")

void test_null_source(String arg) {

System.out.println("arg => "+arg);

assertTrue(arg == null);

Add maven-surefire-report-plugin to pom.xml reporting element


> mvn site

Run mvn site command from the terminal. It will generate HTML reports in
target/site directory.

Open the surefire-report.html file in the browser.

site surefire-report:report

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