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Critical Thinking Response

Student Name

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Due Date

The article involves generating a reasonable basis in the medical practice of nurse-to -

nurse professional development. The article emphasize on the importance of mentoring

relationships during professional role transitions. The study clearly states reasons why nurses

who transition to new roles and graduates require nurse-to – nurse mentoring. It’s clear that

most people who undertake new professional’s roles mainly lack confidence and therefore

mentoring by those with the knowledge is a primary concern as they lonely possess literature

acknowledgement of professional competencies but lack practical knowledge ("Mentoring up: A

grounded theory of nurse-to-nurse mentoring," n.d.)

The article was limited on nurse-to-nurse mentoring experiences of nurses working in

the clinical setting instead of other nursing professionals such as nurse educators, , managers or

advanced nursing practitioners as well as other health system practitioner’s. This may hinder

healthcare organizations and practitioners to incorporate mentoring concept as a framework for

developing and initiating mentoring relationships. If the study could incorporate all functions of

the health care systems, all stakeholders in a health care system would gain insight into the

processes of mentoring and desire to mentor other people as responsibility of professional and

way of giving back to the profession. Besides, the information on the article would play part to a

wider scope of the health care systems by making decisions on various disciplines with new

insight and knowledge and theoretical proportions that could ensure understanding of the concept

of mentoring.

Yes, I would tend to associate with those who nursing experience in my area of

specialization to get inspired, gain skills to handle issues and understand the concepts of my

study. The above would also help me guide the one who will be new undertaking the same

course as I.

Journal clubs refers to an open forum where nurses discuss issues arising from the

practice in a friendly manner. The platform allows new nurses to engage with experienced nurses

and discuss on issues to do with patient care. Proof to nurses instead of nurses searching for new

information by themselves. A journal club facilitator is responsible with organizing activities and

meetings , regulating the proceedings of the activity, searching for topic of discussion as well as

trains other club members using the results of the clubs. Additionally, the facilitator ensures that

members of the club know their roles and are okay with the objective of the project. The journal

club facilitator functions as liaisons linking team and its external stakeholders and sometimes

between the club members.

EBP refer to a procedure of gathering, processing and evacuation findings of a

research to enhance clinical practice, working environment or result of a patient. Implementing

EBP concept in a clinical setting allow one to provide the substantial quality and best care to the

patient that is cost effective. Nurses have obligations to their profession and patients to develop

and evaluate actions that enhance evidence based practice. However, nurses experience

challenges to implementing the practice such as inadequate knowledge, support, time and power

to change the practice. The barriers can be overcome through incorporating search outcomes in

practice in a journal club. In a hospital setting nurses should gain support of their seniors through

stipulating the benefits, goals, scope and timeframe for the activity. This would allow them to

have scheduled meeting that allow them discuss and gain knowledge to help them in their



Mentoring up: A grounded theory of nurse-to-nurse mentoring. (n.d.).

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