.Tech. Pt. II, Sem. IV, Mining Engineering Subject - MN231: Rock Mechanics Periodical Examination - I Duration: 1.5 Hours Max. Marks: 15

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B.Tech. Pt. II, Sem.

IV, Mining Engineering

Subject - MN231: Rock Mechanics
Periodical Examination - I

Duration: 1.5 Hours Max. Marks: 15

Note: Answer all questions.

1. Stress value at a point is given as: σx = -20 MPa, σy = 10 MPa and τ = -5 MPa (assume plane
stress conditions)
(a) Calculate the principal stress values and its direction with respect to X – axis. (2.5)
(b) Calculate the stress ( σx’, σy’ and τx’y’ ) in a different coordinate system where X’ – axis is (2.5)
making 300 angle (counter clock wise direction) from X-axis.

2. Stress tensor at a point in x-y coordinate system is defined as: (4)

8 0 0
0 6 −2
0 −2 10

Determine the principal stress values.

3. Calculate the maximum and minimum horizontal stress value based on the hydro-fracturing (2)
data as shown in figure (pressure verses time).

4. Prove that the shear modulus (G) is having a relationship with elastic modulus (E) (4)
and Poisson’s ratio (v) of Isotropic material as given below:

2(1 + )


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