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Police Ethics and Community Relations Valor - great courage in the face of danger.

of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter
danger with firmness.
PNP Philosophy
1. Service
Patriotism - love of country and willingness to
2. Honor
sacrifice for it.
3. Justice
Discipline - the practice of training people to obey
PNP Core Values
rules or a code of behavior using punishment to correct
1. Makadios (God-Fearing)
2. Makabayan (Nationalistic)
3. Makatao (Humane)
Gentlemanliness - characteristic of or having the
character of a gentleman. A man whose conduct
Ethical Acts to be Observed by PNP members
conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct
1. Morality
2. Judicious use of authority
3. Integrity
Word of Honor - a verbal commitment by one person
4. Justice
to another agreeing to do or not to do something in the
5. Humility
6. Orderliness
7. Perseverance
Duty - a task or action that someone is required to
Definition of Terms
Loyalty - a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Is
 Customs - established usage or social faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group
practices carried on by tradition that have or cause.
obtained the force of law.
 Traditions - bodies of belief, stories, customs Camaraderie - mutual trust and friendship among
and usages handed down from generation to people who spend a lot of time together. Goodwill and
generation with the effect of an unwritten law. lighthearted rapport between or among friends.
 Courtesy - a manifestation of expression of
consideration and respect for others. http://criminologyboardexamreviewer.weebly.com/police-
 Ceremony - a formal act or set of formal acts
established by customs or authority as proper
to special occasion. Police Ethics Reviewer 1
 Social Decorum - a set of norms and
standard practiced by the members during
1. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards
social activities and other functions.
for public officials and employees.
A. R.A. No. 9344
Police Community Relation - generally refers to the B. R.A. No. 6713
sum total of attitudes and behavior between police and C. R.A. No. 9262
the communities they serve. D. P.D. No. 603
Public Relations - a collection of communication
2. It is the transfer of title or disposal of interest in
techniques used by individuals or organizations to
convince an audience about the merits of an idea, property by voluntarily, completely, and actually
organization, program, practice or policy. depriving or dispossessing oneself of his right or title to
it in favor of a person or persons other than his spouse
Community Service - refers to the activities whereby and relatives.
police engage in pro-social activities to enhance the A. Procurement
well-being of the community beyond law enforcement B. Divestment
and other maintenance. C. Enticement
D. Attainment
Community Participation - involves members of the
community taking an active role in trying to genuinely 3. A Fundamental truth or proposition that serves as
help the police.
the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for
Police Traditions
a chain of reasoning.
1. Spiritual beliefs
A. Principle
2. Valor
3. Patriotism B. Ideas
4. Discipline C. Customs
5. Gentlemanliness D. Morals
6. Word of Honor
7. Duty 4. A branch of Philosophy dealing with what are good
8. Loyalty and bad with moral duty and obligation.
9. Camaraderie A. Logic
B. Epistemology
Spiritual Beliefs - can refer to an ultimate or an C. Aesthetics
alleged immaterial reality, an inner path enabling a D. Ethics
person to discover the essence of his/her being or the
deepest values and meanings by which people live.
5. Are Rules by which we make decisions about right
and wrong, should and shouldn't, good and bad. implementation of a systematic values-integration and
A. Morals intervention program.
B. Ethics
C. Values 6. Moral Recovery Program - The Moral Recovery
D. Customs Program is a movement which aims to mobilize all
Filipinos for nation-building through the practical
6. Is a Science that treats of the law enforcement. exercise of human values in our daily lives as citizens.
A. Police Code of Ethics It is empowered through Executive Order 319 signed by
B. Military Code of Ethics President Fidel V Ramos on April 03, 1996, which
C. Government Officials Code of Ethics institutionalizes the MRP in all government
D. Barangay Tanod's Code of Ethics departments, offices, agencies, and government-owned
and controlled corporations
7. It means long established practices common to a
particular community,class, or race. 7. Morale – refers to a person’s state of mind and
A. Practice emotions, affecting the personnel/employee and the
B. Values police force to perform assigned tasks willingly and
C. Customs enthusiastically with confidence, cheerfulness and
D. Ethics discipline to work, which in turn affects the individual
performance and organizational goals and objectives.
8. It implies the repetition of the same action as to
develop a natural, spontaneous or rooted tendency or 8. Morality – quality of human acts that leads man to
inclination to perform it. observe “moral behavior”, to be obedient to a system
A. Traditions of moral rules, “rules of right conduct”.
B. Practices
C. Values 9. Police Discretion – the inherent ability and
D. Habits privilege of a police officer to test and use the limits of
9. It means a regularly followed procedure or pattern in his power in making a choice among possible courses of
conducting activities. action or inaction (i.e. to arrest or not to arrest).
A. Traditions
B. Practice 10. PRO - Police Regional Office which constitute
C. Values seventeen (17) Regional Offices of the PNP to include
D. Habits ARMM, CAR and NCRPO

10. It means observance of social norms as required by 11. Police Officer – a public servant who represents
good breeding. the disciplinary and discretionary power of the state to
A. Etiquette enforce laws
B. Ethics
C. Values 12. Values – are beliefs, principles and philosophies
D. Practice that are important, cherished, prized, upheld and
Familiarize Yourself With The Following Terms:
13. Virtue – the quality of moral excellence,
1. Corruption – is the misuse of authority by a police righteousness, probity, responsibility and goodness;
officer in a manner designed to produce personal gain conformity to standard morality or mores (as by
for himself or others; an impairment of integrity, virtue abstention from vices, rectitude); specific type of moral
or moral principle; inducement (as an official) by excellence or other exemplary quality considered
means of improper considerations (as bribery) to meritorious, a worthy practice or ideal
commit a violation of duty.
14. Customs - Established usage or social practices
2. DHRDD – refers to the Directorate for Human carried on by tradition that have obtained the force of
Resource and Doctrine Development; the primary law.
training and education directorate in the PNP.
15. Traditions - Bodies of beliefs, stories, customs
3. Ethics - is the capacity to determine right conduct and usages handed down from generation to
and the knowledge of what is right from wrong; specific generation with the effect of an unwritten law.
moral choices to be made by the individual in his
relationship with others; the moral quality of a course 16. Courtesy - A manifestation or expression of
of action, fitness and propriety. consideration and respect for others.

4. Ethics and Values Counseling Center – A facility 17. Ceremony - A formal act or set of formal acts
for spiritual and behavioral intervention established in established by customs or authority as proper to special
every Police Regional Office to provide adequate occasion.
counseling and assistance to police officers
18. Social Decorum - A set of norms and standards
5. Ethics and Values Formation Program - This practiced by members during social and other
program contains policies, principles, guidelines and functions.
sanctions, all geared towards the internalization of
moral values and service dedication through the 19. Salute - Salute is the usual greeting rendered by
uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing
person entitled to a salute.

20. Habits - Provide the basis for judgments about

what is important for the organization to succeed in its
core business.


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