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SOC 100A-3 (55599 P) SAT 12:00PM-3:00PM

Explain each of the following elements and cite examples

1. Function of society, not merely a characteristic of individual differences

It is a characteristic of society as a whole - not simply due to individual differences or

personal qualities (i.e. age, gender, attractiveness, intelligence, charisma, or social skills
are not the basis for social stratification). It means that the differences created or ranked
was the decision of the society and not an individual choice. Social resources are
unequally distributed among the different categories of people.
For example – people in the hunting and gathering society produced according to their
consumption unlikely today where people are producing more than their needs or
consumption. Thus, resources are divided unequally among the people in spite of the
individual’s inherent abilities.

2. Persists over generations

It persists over generations, yet most societies have some room for social mobility or
changes in position or rank in a system of social stratification (either upward, downward,
or horizontal). Social stratification is continuing from generation to generation – This
implies that social stratification where social resources are inherited from one generation
to another. The social position of the individual is ascribed
For example – what the child gets from his parents like caste, the birth of the child
defines his/her occupational opportunities, etc. Like it was considered that Dalits (india’s
low-caste)are supposed to acquire the traditional occupation like agricultural labour,
scavenging, leather work, etc. We also found the existence of the tradition of endogamy
existed, i.e., marrying within the caste, community or clan. This is to ensure that a
principle of caste is no more ruined due to inter-marriage.

3. Universal but variable

It is a universal but variable phenomenon, occurring throughout the world and changing
over time. Social stratification is universal (it happens everywhere) but variable (it takes
different forms across different societies).
4. Involves not only inequality but beliefs

Stratification is a combination of beliefs and norms which has occupied people’s mind
from generations. The inequality is not anybody’s agenda but having beliefs different
from others makes Stratification come into account. It involves both social inequalities
and belief systems (ideologies). Ideology can be defined as cultural beliefs which serve to
justify and perpetuate patterns of inequality

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