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Health education is given for healthy child and healthy mother .

- Encourage client to opt for institutional delivery.

- Advise women to go to health facility or contact any skilled person if there is any signs of
labour such as bloody sticky discharge per vaginum, painful abdominal contraction in
every 30 min or less.

- The woman should be advised to eat more than her normal diet throughout the
pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs about 300 extra calories per day compared to her
usual diet.

- The diet should have enough fiber so she does not have constipation.

- Advise not to take any medication unless prescribed by a qualified health practitioner.

- Educate her to sleep for 8 hours at night and 2 hours in day time.

- Avoid supine position in late pregnancy, take left lateral position.

- Counsel the woman that breast feeding should ideally be initiated within half an hour of
normal delivery.

- Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and nothing but only breast milk should be given
for 6 month to baby.

- Advise her regarding birth spacing to female as well as her husband.

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