Does Social Media Promote Environmental Issues (Essay, Veligur)

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Does social media promote environmental issues?

Does social media help to draw attention to the environmental

problems of humankind and contribute to their solution? In this essay, I
want to focus on this hot topic and try to answer this question.
According to statistics, 9 million die annually from bad ecology. If
these studies are to be believed, mankind should be afraid not of nuclear
war, but of the transformation of the atmosphere into a "gas chamber."
Therefore, at the moment this is the most important problem of humanity,
requiring urgent government intervention. And I think social media is very
helpful in informing people about this issue.

Currently, there are special social networks and forums for people
who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. They actively discuss
existing problems and try to find the best solution for them, attracting an
additional audience. Sometimes charitable fundraisers are held to support
certain species of animals and birds. They also spend "green days" when
everyone is planting a tree in the city park. Online communities, blogs and
social eco-services are emerging that help like-minded people to unite
efforts to solve such problems as climate change, alternative sources of
clean energy, greening production and transport, etc. Who knows how the
situation around the environment would have developed if the massive
emergence of social networks had happened 5-10 years earlier?
Internet resources are actively drawing public attention to
environmental problems. I believe that solving such global problems
requires the attention of the world community and understanding on the
part of every person. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to be distracted
from themselves and serve for the good of nature, but it seems to me that
over time, we will all have to pay attention to the problems on which our
lives depend and make efforts to solve them.
The fact that people are more and more interested in the future of our
planet gives me hope that over time, humanity will begin to put concern for
nature above its personal interests.

Ultimately, is social media helping to draw attention to environmental

issues? I think they definitely help, especially since Internet resources are
the main source of drawing attention to such important problems. This is
why social media is an indispensable tool on the road to a better ecological

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