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Table of Contents

Part 1...........................................................................................................................................................1


Part 2...........................................................................................................................................................1

Part 3...........................................................................................................................................................3

“Analysis based on the change issue”......................................................................................................3

Impact of the change on the stakeholders....................................................................................................4

. The judgment of "Kevin Johnson’s leadership style focusing on Starbucks improved financial
performance, its ethical challenges and the views being expressed by some of its current and former

e. Two support of "Johnson could do to develop on his current success and maintain Starbuck’s
sustainability and competitive advantage:"..................................................................................................5



Proposed solution for administering the stakeholders of the company........................................................7

Part 1


In this report, we discussed the aspects of administration, administrative theory. We learned the
essential topic volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business environment, and
that applies to this business report. We know more about the organization's mission and vision
and the contribution of the shareholder of an organization. The understanding of leadership
strategy majorly included in this report. We discussed the motivational theory and its category.
The capability of Starbucks CEO Johnson's leadership and his negative and positive impact on
the company was justified and the change in the leadership style was identified. It was found
that the leader was failing to communicate with their employees. We examined the Starbuck's
sustainability and aggressive advantage in this report.

Part 2

In the leadership style, the key elements are Emotional Dissonance and Emotional Resonance.
Emotional Dissonance helps the leaders to deal with external or internal negative emotions of an
organization. Emotional Resonance helps emotionally intelligent leaders to meet organizational
or personal goals for positive productivity.

According to Gipson, (2017), Leadership Theory depends on maintaining the disciple of an

organization and keeps focus on the development of leadership skills. Leadership Style helps for
successful work done and maintain the behavior within the organization.
According to Shanafelt, (2017), a leader always monitors the activity of all communities and
solves the problems for better execution of individual objectives. Significant strategy making is
an important part of the leaders for the proper execution of the organization's vision and mission.
According to “Krajcsák,” (2019), a leadership strategy is a process of investment mapping
through potential identification of organizational issues. Leadership strategy deals with quality,
skills and behavior improvement, understanding the organizational leadership culture, and
capabilities. Change Leadership deals with to influence and inspire the ability of employees'
actions along with the vision growth for an organization. It helps to build trust and empathy
within employees and organizations. Organizational potential depends on the effectiveness and
efficient association to meet the objectives by following the vision and mission strategy. The five
areas are the key factors in operation potential for aspiring leaders like organizational culture,
decision and structure making, leadership quality, and work system and processes.

In this current uncertain, ambiguous, volatile, and complex (VUCA) situation two leadership
styles are important that every leader should be followed. One is Democratic Leadership to
encourage workers with better communication and feel free to work for the organization.
Another is Situational Leadership that helps to adapt the circumstances and accordingly
managing employees.
Leadership Styles

The in-depth understanding of leadership style is required for the leaders for getting a practical
idea about strengths and weaknesses. These two key factors help leaders to communicate with
other employees for a better career and increase success through proper guiding.

Part 3

“Analysis based on the change issue”

Leadership Strategy
"Starbucks is the world's leading specialty coffee retailer, producing and selling a wide variety of
beverages, as well as pastries and cakes, through some 8,400 coffee shops throughout 30
countries around the world. It additionally markets its seeds to air corporations, restaurants,
businesses, and hotels, manufactures coffee-related equipment and accessories, and produces a
line of premium teas and a line of compact discs through its mainly company-operated retail
stores[ CITATION mya20 \l 1033 ]
In an organization, business context deals with employment purposes. This is different for every
organization to maintain a larger community of business and to take initiative for any project
works. The aspiring leaders need to understand the organizational complications with deeper
analysis. The business leaders need to strategize the best possible way of leadership style to
control the behavioral aspect of the organization (Lavrentiev, 2018).
In the part 1 the issue related to communication was identified, it was found that the
communication between the Dm and the store was not transparent enough. The company was
unable t meet the requirements of the internal stakeholders. This was main reason behind the
poor motivation of the employees which created an impact on the performance of the
organization. Poor performance of the company actually destroyed the reputation of the brand as
a result of which the company started losing its competitive advantage and brand recognition
from the market.

Impact of the change on the stakeholders

Stakeholders refer to them using techniques and tools for problem identification of an
organization. They should understand the expectations and needs inside and outside of the
organization and accordingly provide solutions for productive outcomes at an affordable cost.
The leaders of the organizations need to understand their employee's expectations and identify
the possible way to motivate them towards productive work culture. In this contemporary view
of employee motivation helps managers to meet their goals and objectives. The poor
communication which took place within the area of leadership has affected motivation and
performance of employees mainly. Along with the above mentioned negative impact turnover of
the employees were also found to be increased.

. The judgment of "Kevin Johnson’s leadership style focusing on Starbucks

improved financial performance, its ethical challenges and the views being
expressed by some of its current and former employees"
"Kevin Johnson" is chairman and CEO of "Starbucks." A tempestuous assistant manager, he
proudly displays on the "Starbucks" legacy of social relationship, making the organization's
focus policies for completion and signifying of aid to the higher than "330,000" associates. They
use the growing cover throughout the environment[ CITATION the202 \l 1033 ].
"Johnson" connected with Starbucks in 2009, working upon the organization's "board of
directors" through a season of single environment alteration and extension. He was elected
"President and Chief Executive Officer in April 2017" working "Howard Schultz," the persons
recognized with formulating Starbucks's global trademark. He is capable of managing the
international managing companies and center guide purposes like retailing, personal support, and
digital While his first some periods as "CEO[ CITATION for20 \l 1033 ]."

 Confident components of Johnson's management method,

Experiment and Discovery:

"Starbucks" remains a huge discovery, and proper administration of its modification involvement
is the leading cause following the Organization's victory in producing exactly unusual steps of
identical shop businesses. Consumers can work and enjoy different beverage labels in the
market. The industry's capacity to work out various enterprises and produce almost immediately
is a significant aggressive power. Consumers are more frequently described as Starbucks' feeling

Offer Submission:

In a difference from the pattern, “Starbucks” has chosen to avoid something that would be
considered as current retailing plans. Trusting on the business, there is a particularly significant
dependency approaching a mighty name. “Word-of-mouth” to reach a confident status. “Sutter
(2003),” including the signifies that relevant retailing policies of the efficient position of the
“Starbucks” atmosphere, create a taste that encourages people to read, to relax [ CITATION
onl201 \l 1033 ].
e. Two support of "Johnson could do to develop on his current success and
maintain Starbuck’s sustainability and competitive advantage:"

"Brand" identification is an essential phase of industry extension where consumers spend

excellent rates for big names. A brand that brings distinguished honor gives consumers feel
happy. "The brand" is the unique emotion not just for outside "stakeholders," but including for
the domestic situation. Operators suggest smiling to operate carefully for the completion of the
business and analyze the conclusion of the company because of their progress that improves the
ability of the business.

 Selling combines with clients and Authorities customers' responsive manners. The most
modern shopping aims and "technologies" determine the importance of the business and
build constant profit water. "Marketing communication" involves making the need for
organizational commodities and help. "The names of Chief Marketing Officer and Brand
Manager" are approved in the purchasing activities of a business. Companies expand
adequate retailing resources to maintain the name and develop a loyal client foundation.
Constant improvement approach is the essence of hiring authorization. The permanent
status of an industry is its downfall. The effect of selling information near the "global"
climate is a reasonable goal for keeping the issue into the concern of analysis and study
describing[ CITATION onl201 \l 1033 ].

 "Starbucks" has placed its name in the business as a great-quality buyer expertise brand.
Starbucks trades its extraordinary-quality aids at prime rates. The great feature and best
consumer life of the goods is the chief differentiator of its trademark from different
beverage trademarks inside the industry. Starbucks stores are composed of the description
of "Italian bars." Starbucks presents its clients, including a comfortable-like background.
Its consumers are incredibly faithful to the "Starbucks brand[ CITATION onl201 \l 1033 ]."

We usually discuss those excellent standards of management in terms of pressure. Surely, it can
apply that as a guide for the business and also demand actions before a necessity appears to carry
the benefits that we desire your clients to remember you. Organizations always take care of the
employee. Allow them to understand what the company understands and present us including the
classification of management.


“The ability to apply motivational theories for employee engagement”

According to Nader, (2019), Motivational Theory describes the driven process for individuals
working towards goals or getting the outcomes. It motivates individuals for productive work and
leads to the use of more economic resources.

The two categories of motivational theories are Content theory and Process theory to motivate
people and help them in their development process.

The appreciative inquiry technique follows an approach to change organizational weaknesses

and focuses on the strengths to evaluate and prevent problems and difficulties.

Aspiring Leaders need to evaluate motivational theories to corporative working with employees
for an organization because the best performance of the employees changes the culture and
motivates other management teams.
Proposed solution for administering the stakeholders of the company

"Starbucks Coffee Company's" stakeholder administration methods include various plans for
"corporate social responsibility (CSR)." The business remains an intercessor of "CSR" actions,
particularly those concerning stability in the industry. In the form of following of "corporate
social responsibility," "Starbucks" requires to consider for the needs or concerns of
"stakeholders." The business is observed not merely as an arrangement for gain—a resident of
the community. The sound must subscribe through the development of the organization.
"Starbucks" has previously performed several "corporate social responsibility" arrangements for
the "stakeholders." The current mighty name and representation of "Starbucks" symbolizes the
Strong’s attempts to involve "stakeholders" in the policies and progress[ CITATION for20 \l
1033 ].

 Workers
 Supply firms, coffee farmers
 Consumers
 Circumstances
 capitalist
 Administrations

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