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16, 2017

Wideband-to-Narrowband Tunable Monopole

Antenna With Integrated Bandpass Filters for
UWB/WLAN Applications
JingYa Deng, Simin Hou, Luyu Zhao , Member, IEEE, and LiXin Guo, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A novel wideband-to-narrowband tunable monopole wideband-to-narrowband switchable function is realized by a

antenna with switchable integrated feed network for ultrawide- p-i-n diode; two varactor diodes are used to tune the antenna op-
band (UWB)/wireless local area network (WLAN) applications is erating frequency continuously for the narrowband state. How-
proposed in this letter. The integrated feed network is composed ever, frequency selectivity of the tunable narrowband states is
of a 50 Ω microstrip line, an open-loop bandpass filter, and a not good enough. A Vivaldi antenna with an integrated switch-
three-pole hairpin bandpass filter. The feed network can enable the
ultrawideband state, the 2.4 GHz WLAN narrowband state, and
able bandpass resonator is proposed in [2]. The antenna is capa-
5.8 GHz WLAN narrowband state separately by selecting different ble of switching bands between 1–3 GHz wideband and several
RF paths. The RF path selections resulting in frequency reconfig- narrowband states. To implement frequency reconfiguration, the
uration are realized by dc controlled p-i-n diodes. The antenna is switching elements such as p-i-n diodes, microelectromechani-
simulated, fabricated, and measured. Measured tuning ranges and cal systems switches, and varactor diodes are integrated into the
radiation patterns indicate that the proposed reconfigurable filter- antenna [3]–[5]. p-i-n diode is chosen for our work due to the
ing antenna is in good performance. The antenna is suitable for advantages of low cost and good isolation.
multifunctional systems incorporating UWB and WLAN systems. Several studies about the integration technique between an-
Index Terms—Filtering antenna, reconfigurable antenna, ultra- tennas and filters are proposed in [6] and [7]. In [6], an
wideband (UWB) antenna, WLAN antenna. inverted-L antenna is used to substitute the last resonator of the
filter and achieves a filtering antenna, but the filtering antenna
I. INTRODUCTION is restricted to single-band operation. To realize a dual-band
filtering antenna, a U-shape slot antenna is integrated with a
HE spectrum has been increasingly congested along with
T the rapid development of wireless communication sys-
tems. Wideband-to-narrowband frequency-reconfigurable an-
dual-mode stub-loaded resonator through a coupling slot, and
the whole structure successfully achieves a dual-band filtering
performance in [7]. However, it employs a two-layer printed cir-
tennas are potential candidate solutions, which can reliably
cuit board resulting in high cost and difficulties of adjustment.
sense the spectrum environment in the wideband state and then
In this letter, a new design concept to realize the frequency
adaptively occupy the available spectrum instantly realizing the
switching function between the ultrawideband (UWB) state and
dynamic spectrum allocations. On the other hand, as the nec-
two wireless local area network (WLAN) narrowband states is
essary RF components, the antennas and filters should be inte-
proposed by incorporating a reconfigurable feed network. The
grated as filtering antennas, which can reduce the overall size
integrated feed network comprises a 50 Ω microstrip line, an
and improve the performance of the RF front ends. By combin-
open-loop bandpass filter, and a three-pole hairpin bandpass fil-
ing the advantages of frequency-reconfigurable antennas and
ter. The feed network can select different RF paths by controlling
filtering antennas together, a wideband-to-narrowband recon-
the dc biased p-i-n diodes, so the frequency switching function
figurable filtering antenna could be implemented.
is realized in this way. The operating frequency of the proposed
In the past decades, much research has been carried out on re-
antenna can be switched between the UWB state and two nar-
configurable antennas. A wideband-to-narrowband tunable an-
rowband WLAN states. The narrowband states are realized by
tenna using a reconfigurable filter was introduced in [1]. The
bandpass filters, which can provide good frequency selectivity
and high harmonic suppression. The proposed antenna can be
Manuscript received April 15, 2017; revised August 16, 2017; accepted
August 20, 2017. Date of publication August 23, 2017; date of cur-
used in multifunction devices, while potential interferences be-
rent version October 2, 2017. This work was supported in part by the tween different systems will be suppressed. The narrowband
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61471280 and Grant responses for other wireless systems could also be designed by
61431010, in part by the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of choosing appropriate filters, such as 5G, WiMAX, and Global
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61621005, Navigation Satellite System. Detailed design process of the pro-
and in part by the 111 Project under Grant B17035. (Corresponding
author: Luyu Zhao.) posed reconfigurable filtering antenna is described in Section II,
J. Deng, S. Hou, and L. Guo are with the School of Physics and Optoelec- and Section III gives the simulated and measured results. Sec-
tronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China (e-mail: jydeng@ tion IV draws a conclusion about this letter.;;
L. Zhao is with the Key Laboratory of Antennas and Microwave Technologies,
Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China (e-mail: II. RECONFIGURABLE FILTERING ANTENNA DESIGN
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at Fig. 1(a) depicts the configuration of the proposed reconfig-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2743258 urable filtering antenna. It is printed on the 2 mm thick FR4

1536-1225 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Configuration of the proposed antenna: (a) the whole structure with
biasing network; (b) the feed network with detailed dimensions (unit: mm).


Variable Value Variable Value Variable Value

W1 9 L1 12 W2 0.5
L2 6.2 W3 1 L3 6.2
W4 3.6 L4 7.5 L5 4.2 Fig. 2. Simulated S-parameters of three RF paths of the feed network:
w 0.5 s 0.5 g 0.6 (a) ultrawideband state; (b) 2.4 GHz WLAN narrowband state; (c) 5.8 GHz
WLAN narrowband state.

substrate with the dielectric constant of 4.4 and loss tangent tive length of loop is approximately a half-wavelength of the
of 0.02. The top layer of the substrate consists of an elliptical- 2.4 GHz band. By adjusting the gap g, a desired narrowband
shaped patch as radiating element, a feed network, and a bias- response is achieved. As Fig. 2(b) shows, the WLAN narrow-
ing network of the p-i-n diodes. The elliptical-shaped monopole band state at 2.4 GHz has a 15% impedance bandwidth and
antenna can obtain an ultrawideband response. A trapezoidal high suppression. The 5.8 GHz WLAN narrowband state is re-
ground plane with a 4.9 mm × 4 mm rectangular slot is printed alized by a hairpin bandpass filter based on U-shaped resonators
on the bottom layer of the substrate, as shown in Fig. 1(a). [9], and the parameters of the bandpass filter are obtained by
The optimized dimensions of the proposed antenna are given in the Chebyshev synthesis. Given the normalized low-pass cut-
Table I. off frequency Ωc = 1 and the low-pass prototype with param-
The feed network with detailed dimensions is shown in eters g0 = g4 = 1.0, g1 = g3 = 1.0135 and g2 = 1.1474,
Fig. 1(b), which is composed of a 50 Ω microstrip line, an the coupling coefficient between the resonators is calculated
open-loop bandpass filter, and a three-pole hairpin bandpass as k12 = k23 = 0.19. The resonator at the input and output
filter. A desired ultrawideband response can be realized by a external quality factor is Qe1 = Qe2 = 5.33. The physical di-
simple 50 Ω microstrip line, as shown in Fig. 2(a). Then, the mensions are obtained by using a parameter extraction tech-
2.4 GHz WLAN narrowband response is achieved by using nique. It is observed from Fig. 2(c) that the hairpin filter shows
an open-loop filter [8]. The main parameters of the open-loop a 14% impedance bandwidth and good skirt selectivity with flat
filter are the effective length of the loop and gap g. The effec- response in passband.

Fig. 3. Configuration and equivalent circuit of the dc biasing network.

The RF path selections resulting in wideband-to-narrowband

tuning are realized by employing p-i-n diodes. The M/A-COM
p-i-n diode MA4AGBL912 is chosen for our work. According
to the datasheet [10], the p-i-n diode can be equivalent to a
4 Ω resistor when a forward dc bias is applied; otherwise the
p-i-n diode can be modeled as a parallel circuit consisting of a
0.025 pF capacitor and a 4 kΩ resistor if reversely biased. As
depicted in Fig. 1(a), there are several gaps etched at suitable
locations for soldering the p-i-n diodes. Diode D1 is located at
the slot on the 50 Ω feeding line, which can enable the wide-
band state; diodes D2 and D4 are soldered integrated with an
open-loop bandpass filter for turning on the 2.4 GHz WLAN
narrowband state; diodes D3 and D5 are soldered integrated
with hairpin bandpass filter for 5.8 GHz WLAN narrowband
state. The antenna can achieve frequency reconfiguration by
using different dc bias.
A biasing network is necessary for the p-i-n diodes. A 2.2 pF
capacitor is used to isolate the dc biasing voltage and RF signal,
and a 30 nH biasing inductor together with a high-impedance
biasing line are used to choke the RF signal. An inductor, a
capacitor, and a metallic via compose a low-pass filter as shown
in Fig. 3, which produces a very wide stopband from 3 to 10 GHz
[11], thereby the isolation between dc source and RF signal is
realized. In addition, a 100 Ω chip resistor in the biasing line is
used for limiting the forward bias current.


A. Input Reflection Coefficients
In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed re-
configurable filtering antenna, the antenna prototype has been
manufactured and measured. The simulated and measured re-
flection coefficients of three states are shown in Fig. 4(a)–(c), Fig. 4. Simulated and measured reflection coefficients of the proposed
respectively. By setting diode D1 ON and others are OFF, the 50 Ω antenna: (a) ultrawideband state; (b) 2.4 GHz WLAN narrowband state;
microstrip line RF path is chosen, enabling the ultrawideband (c) 5.8 GHz WLAN narrowband state.
state. The measured result meets the 10 dB impedance band-
width requirement from 2.2 GHz to more than 11 GHz, as seen
from Fig. 4(a). When the diodes D2 and D4 are switched ON and and simulated radiation patterns in different operating states are
others are OFF, the antenna operates at the 2.4 GHz narrowband plotted in Figs. 5 and 6. At lower frequencies, the radiation
state; the 5.8 GHz narrowband state can be excited by turning patterns in the xoy plane and the yoz plane are similar to a typ-
ON diodes D3 and D5. The measured operating frequency can ical dipole. That means the antenna has -shape patterns in
be discretely tuned from 2.4–2.6 GHz band to 5–6.2 GHz band, the xoy plane and almost omnidirectional patterns in the yoz
as observed from Fig. 4(b) and (c). Good agreement between the plane. The deterioration of the radiation patterns at 9 GHz in
simulated and measured results is obtained; the discrepancies the wideband state should attribute to the fact that the current
are mainly due to the error of the manufacture, the uncertainty on elliptical-shaped radiating element at 9 GHz is mainly along
of the values of the equivalent components of the diode given the y-direction instead of the z-direction. The simulated cross
by data sheets, and the uncertainty of the measurements. polarization for the xoy plane is not shown in some figures as
they are all below −30 dB level.
The measured gains and simulated radiation efficiencies of
B. Far-Field Radiation Patterns
the proposed antenna in the wideband and narrowband states
The radiation patterns of the proposed antenna have been sim- are plotted in Fig. 7(a) and (b). The measured gains in the nar-
ulated and also evaluated in an anechoic chamber. The measured rowband states are slightly lower than the gains in the wideband

Fig. 7. Measured gains and simulated radiation efficiencies of the proposed

antenna: (a) wideband state; (b) narrowband states.

state, which is due to the insertion loss caused by the forward

resistances of the diodes and transmission lines. The RF current
goes through two diodes in narrowband states and one diode
in the wideband state. The transmission line of the wideband
state is also slightly shorter than the transmission lines of the
narrowband states.

A novel reconfigurable filtering antenna with a switchable
integrated feed network has been proposed in this letter. The
integrated feed network is composed of a 50 Ω microstrip line,
an open-loop bandpass filter, and a three-pole hairpin bandpass
filter. The RF signals go through different paths by switching on
different p-i-n diodes, so frequency reconfiguration is realized in
this way. To verify the design concept, the antenna has been fab-
ricated and tested. The measured results agree well with the sim-
ulations, showing the proposed antenna is suitable for multifunc-
tional systems incorporating both UWB and WLAN systems.

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