FL Studio Keyboard Shortcuts PDF

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FL Studio Keyboard Shortcuts pdf by rekkerd.


File Operations Window Navigation

Ctrl+O Open File Tab Cycle Nested Windows
Ctrl+S Save File Enter Toggle Max/Min Playlist
Ctrl+N Save New Version Esc Closes a Window
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As... F1 This Help
Ctrl+R Export Wave File F5 Toggle Playlist
Ctrl+Shift+R Export MP3 File F6 Toggle Step Sequencer
Ctrl+Shift+M Export MIDI File F7 Toggle Piano Roll
Alt+0,1..9 Open Recent Files 0..9 F8 Shows/Hides Sample Browser
Ctrl+Shift+H (Re)arrange windows F9 Shows/Hides Mixer
F10 Shows/Hides MIDI Settings
F11 Shows/Hides Song Info Window
Pattern Selector (Numpad)
F12 Close All Windows
1..9 Select Patterns 1..9
Ctrl+Shift+H Arrange Windows
+ Next Pattern
- Previous Pattern
Right Arrow Next Pattern Mixer
Left Arrow Previous Pattern Alt+Left-Arrow /
Move selected Mixer Track Left/Right
F4 Next Empty Pattern
Select the Channels Linked to the Selected
Mixer Track
Channel Window & Step Sequencer Link Selected Channels to Selected Mixer
1...9, 0 Mute/Umute First 10 Channels
Link Selected Channels STARTING From
Ctrl+1..9,0 Solo/UnSolo First 10 Channels Shift+Ctrl+L
Selected Mixer Track
Up Arrow Select Previous Channel F2 Rename Selected Mixer Track
Down Arrow Next Channel S Solo Current Track
Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Channel(s) Alt Solo - Activate Current Track and all
Alt+G Group Selected Channels Tracks Routed TO/FROM It

Alt+Z Zip Selected Channel(s) Alt+R Render Armed Tracks to WAV

Alt+U Unzip Selected Channel(s)
Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Channel(s) Up Playlist
Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Channel(s) Down
Shift+Ctrl+Ins Insert Pattern (Before Selected Pattern)
Page Up Next Channel Group
Shift+Left-click And Drag to Clone Slected Pattern/s
Page Down Previous Channel Group
Shift+Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Pattern
Ctrl+X Cut Channel Steps/Score
Shift+Ctrl+C Clone Selected Pattern
Ctrl+C Copy Channel Steps/Score
Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Pattern Up
Ctrl+V Paste Channel Steps/Score
Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Pattern Down
Ctrl+Shift+C Clone Channel(s)
Alt+G Grid Color
Shift+Left Arrow Shift Steps Left
Alt+C Color Selected
Shift+Right Arrow Shift Steps Right
Al+P Edit Selected Pattern in Piano Roll
Alt+R Randomize
Alt+Q Quick Quantize
Alt+P Send to Piano Roll
Ctrl+A Select All
K Show Keyboard Editor
0 (zero) Center Playback To Playing Position
G Show Graph Editor
Alt+F Clips Flat Display
Alt+C Color Selected Channel
Ctrl+Alt+F Clips Glass Effect
Ctrl+Alt+C Gradient Color Selected Channels
Alt+/* and Jump to Next/Previous Song Marker (If
Ctrl+Alt+/* Present)

Record / Playback / Transport

BackSpace Toggle Line/None Snap Piano Roll
Space Start/Stop Playback Shift+Left-click And Drag to Clone Slected Note/s
L Switch Pattern/Song Mode Alt+V Switch Ghost Channels ON/OFF
Switch On/Off Recording (This also works Ctrlt+Q Quick Quantize
during playback)
Alt+Q Quantize
0 (NumPad) Fast Forward
Alt+B View Note Helpers
/ (NumPad) Previous Bar (Song Mode)
Ctrl+M Import MIDI File
* (NumPad) Next Bar (Song Mode)
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+E Toggle Step Edit Mode
Alt+C Change Color of Selected Note/s
Ctrl+H Stop Sound (Panic)
Ctrl+T Toggle Typing Keypad to Piano Keypad
Ctrl+B Toggle Blend Notes
Ctrl+Shift+M Toggle Metronome
Ctrl+P Toggle Recording Metronome Precount
Ctrl+I Toggle Wait for Input to Start Recording

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