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Third person verb endings –

The letter /s/ has 3 different sounds:
/s/, /z/, and /iz/

Tara L. Lockhart
/s/ /z/ /iz/
Unvoiced consonant Voiced consonant sound Add a syllable with this
sound ending in: ending in: sound ending in:
/f/, /k/ /p/, /t/, /θ /b/, /d/, /g/, /l/, /m/, /s/, /t∫/, /dʒ/, /z/, / ∫/,
/n/, /ŋ/, /r/, /ò/, /v/ /ʒ/, /ks/

coughs grabs, stabs chances

makes, talks stands, decides misses, passes
jumps, slaps bags, gags watches
eats, visits feels, fails judges
unearths comes, combs freezes, chooses
turns, earns washes, fishes
brings, sings massages
roars, orders fixes
goes, does, plays
Work with a partner and choose the
correct s-sound.
Write an s, z or iz
1. sniffs __ 2. touches __ 3. paves __
4. needs __ 5. begs __ 6. enjoys __
7. forgets __ 8. walks __ 9. Kisses __
10. sews __ 11. wishes __ 12. dances __
Work with a partner and choose the
correct s-sound.
Write an s, z or iz
1. sniffs /s/ 2. touches /iz/ 3. paves /z/
4. Needs /z/ 5. begs /z/ 6. enjoys /z/
7. forgets /s/ 8. walks /s/ 9. Kisses /iz/
10. sews /z/ 11. wishes /iz/ 12. dances /iz/

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