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Suppose you have the following investment options available: (a) Risk-free asset with a
rate of return 8%, and (b) Risky asset earning an expected return 20%, and standard deviation
40%. If you construct a portfolio of the above two instruments with a standard deviation of
30%, what will the expected return of your portfolio be?

Ans: Expected return of your portfolio be 17%

If you construct a portfolio of the above two instruments with a standard deviation of 30%
Weight of Risky Asset = standard deviation of Portfolio/standard deviation of risky asset
Weight of Risky Asset = 30%/40%
Weight of Risky Asset = 75%

Weight of Risk-free asset = 1-Weight of Risky Asset

Weight of Risk-free asset = 1-75%
Weight of Risk-free asset = 25%

Expected return of your portfolio be = Weight of Risk-free asset x Expected return of Risk-free
asset + Weight of Risky Asset x Expected return of Risky Asset
Expected return of your portfolio be = 25%*8% + 75%*20%
Expected return of your portfolio be = 17%

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