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Lives Saved by Helicopter Emergency Medical

Services: An Overview of Literature
Akkie N. Ringburg, MD, PhD,1 Stephen H. Thomas, MD, MPH,2 Ewout W. Steyerberg, PhD,3 Esther M. M. van Lieshout,
PhD,1 Peter Patka, MD, PhD,1 and Inger B. Schipper, MD, PhD1

Abstract Because HEMS is a limited and expensive resource with

Introduction: The objective of this review is to give an overview of safety risks involved, it is important to quantify any HEMS-
literature on the survival benefits of Helicopter Emergency Medical associated value to facilitate cost–benefit analysis.
Services (HEMS). The included studies were assessed by study Therefore, an objective outcome parameter should be
defined. Descriptions of HEMS’ impact on “chance of sur-
design and statistical methodology.
vival” (eg, “20% mortality reduction”) have some utility but
Methods: A literature search was performed in the National
are somewhat abstract and difficult to apply elsewhere.
Library of Medicine's Medline database, extending from 1985 until
Survival is the most substantial, most transferable, and least
April 2007. Manuscripts had to be written in English and describe ambiguous variable used to express outcome in HEMS stud-
effects of HEMS on survival expressed in number of lives saved. ies. Because of case mix and acuity differences between air-
Moreover, analysis had to be performed using adequate adjust- transported and ground-transported trauma patients,
ment for differences in case-mix. multivariate techniques (usually logistic regression models)
Results: Sixteen publications met the inclusion criteria. All indicat- should be used to evaluate the impact of HEMS on survival.
ed that HEMS assistance contributed to increased survival: The objective of this review was to summarize literature
Between 1.1 and 12.1 additional survivors were recorded for every on the survival effects of HEMS. Furthermore, the included
100 HEMS uses. A combination of four reliable studies shows over- studies were assessed by study design and methodology.
all mortality reduction of 2.7 additional lives saved per 100 HEMS
A computerized literature search was performed in the
Conclusion: Literature shows a clear positive effect on survival
National Library of Medicine’s Medline database, extending
associated with HEMS assistance. Efforts should be made to pro-
from 1985 until April 2007.
mote consistent methodology, including uniform outcome param-
The following search terms were used in all possible com-
eters, in order to provide sufficient scientific evidence to conclude binations: HEMS, emergency medical services (EMS),
the ongoing debate about the beneficial effects of HEMS. Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS), survival, trauma hel-
icopter, air ambulances, and outcome.
Introduction To be included in our review, studies must have evalu-
Worldwide, helicopter emergency medical services
ated the effect on survival by HEMS, calculated with a
(HEMS) provide prehospital care for severely injured
model (eg, TRISS) that included calculation of a “pre-
patients to improve outcome and increase chances of sur-
dicted mortality.”4 Only manuscripts written in English
vival. The effectiveness of HEMS in general is often
and published in peer-reviewed, indexed journals were
debated, and results from existing studies are mixed.1-3
considered eligible. Although this approach may have
excluded some worthy studies, the use of indexed journals
1. Department of Surgery-Traumatology, Erasmus MC, University Medical
constituted a well-defined, objective threshold for study
Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands inclusion that was tied to scientific quality. In addition, all
references in the eligible papers and background papers
2. Department of Emergency Services, Massachusetts General Hospital and were checked to ensure that no papers had been missed
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
with the search terms chosen.
3. Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center The quality of the studies we analyzed was rated by two
Rotterdam, Netherlands observers (A.R. and E.v.L.) for their level of evidence as
Address for correspondence:
described by Mahid et al5 and Sackett et al.6 A systematic
A. N. Ringburg, MD, PhD, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Department review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with or without
of Surgery-Traumatology, P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands; meta-analysis was considered level I, single RCTs were level II, cohort studies level III, case-control studies level IV, case series
level V, case reports level VI, and opinion papers as level VII.
Copyright 2009 by Air Medical Journal Associates The included manuscripts were then judged by study
doi:10.1016/j.amj.2009.03.007 design and statistical methodology. Multivariate analysis

298 Air Medical Journal 28:6

should be used to calculate expected survival, to correct for
possible confounding variables. The TRISS (logistic regres- Table 1. Formula of W- and Z-Statistic
sion–based) method is usually the multivariate approach of
choice.7 The coefficients used in the TRISS model are W-statistic (Number of observed deaths – Number of
derived from the Major Trauma Outcome Study (MTOS). predicted deaths/ N) × 100
Many studies did not have a patient population similar to Z-statistic Number of observed deaths – Number of
the MTOS population, so to ensure an equivalent case mix predicted deaths
between the MTOS and a study population, an M-statistic ––––––––––––––
兹 冱 (Ps (1 – Ps))
should be calculated. Although M does not follow a specific
distribution, it is generally considered acceptable to apply N, total number of dispatches; Ps, probability of survival of an individual.
uncorrected TRISS when M is 0.88 or higher. In such cases, When Z-statistic > 1.96, then the survival rate in the HEMS-assisted
a W-statistic should be calculated to estimate the number of group is superior to the reference database. A Z-statistic < -1.96 implies a
lives saved for every 100 HEMS cases (Table 1). If M is worse overall performance.
smaller than 0.88, a standardized (adjusted) W, denoted
“Ws,” should be calculated to correct for case mix.8,9
Ultimately, a Z statistic can be calculated to evaluate with appropriate calculation of M, W (or Ws), and Z-statis-
whether the difference between the observed and predicted tics.9,15,18,19,23 The other study used a custom-fitted regres-
mortality is statistically significant (Table 1). For an optimal sion method.16
measurement of HEMS’ mortality effects, ground EMS- Only one study, by Oppe and De Charro in 2001,16 incor-
assisted patient outcome should be used as the control porated all elements of statistical methodology defined as
group. A meta-analysis was not performed, because the pri- adequate, and also used a ground EMS control group.
mary data of all studies included could not be obtained.
Results This study provides an overview of literature on mortality
Sixteen publications met the criteria for inclusion in this reduction by HEMS. All papers that met the inclusion crite-
review (Table 2). In these manuscripts, survival by HEMS ria showed mortality reduction by HEMS, varying between
was described and calculated using logistic regression 1.1 and 12.1 additional lives saved per 100 uses.
analysis. One of these studies was a level II (randomized Differences in study design (eg, inclusion criteria, man-
trial) study10; the other 15 were level III (cohort study) ner of obtaining data) and statistical analysis may have con-
studies.9,11-24 tributed to the considerable variance in results. Besides
The level II study of Baxt and Moody10 randomized geographic distinctions (eg, urban vs. rural) and the organi-
between a physician/flight nurse–staffed HEMS and a para- zation of trauma systems (eg, autolaunch vs. secondary dis-
medic/flight nurse–staffed HEMS. They did not randomize patches), the differences in composition of the population
between HEMS or no HEMS (ie, ground EMS control (eg, ratio of blunt vs. penetrating trauma) also influence
group). The study results showed that the physician/flight survival. Also, the differences in the composition of the
nurse–staffed HEMS group (n = 316) achieved outcomes HEMS crew may be of significant influence on outcome. If a
better than predicted by the TRISS methodology (1.9 addi- physician is a part of a HEMS team, the scope of diagnostic
tional lives saved per 100 dispatches; Z, 2.28; P < .05). The and therapeutic options and experience at the scene of an
paramedic/flight nurse–staffed group performed slightly accident will usually be more extensive. In a randomized
better than predicted by TRISS, although the difference did study, Baxt and Moody10 demonstrated the beneficial effect
not reach significance. Fifteen manuscripts retrieved con- of a physician-staffed, as compared with non–physician-
sisted of level III (cohort) studies (Table 2). Most of these staffed, HEMS.
manuscripts were performed in the United States, with a Appropriate adjustment for case mix is important in
sample size ranging from 77 to 1,460. Only five studies HEMS outcome studies to make groups comparable. Use of
used a ground EMS control group ranging from 110 to statistical methods such as logistic regression models may
2,896 patients. Four of these five studies used the TRISS enable valid conclusions for clinical strategies. If an existing
methodology but did not describe M-statistics.12,20-22 The regression model is used, TRISS is still the method of
fifth study by Oppe and De Charro16 used another logistic choice.7 The TRISS coefficients are based on the MTOS
regression method (CANALS analysis) and showed the population.
appropriateness of the regression model.16 This review found that only a few studies described M-
All 16 papers found that HEMS assistance resulted in statistics. The M-statistic is useful to describe (injury
mortality reduction. The extent of mortality reduction by severity) case mix variety. Finding studies that are compa-
HEMS ranged from 1.1 to 12.1 additional lives saved per rable to the MTOS population is difficult. Without using
100 dispatches. The mean of the 16 papers’ W estimates the M-statistic, comparisons with MTOS would be inaccu-
was 4.0 lives saved for every 100 uses. rate and of questionable usefulness. Especially in
Of all 16 publications, only six studies included all of the non–United States countries, M-statistics should be
components we defined a priori as constituting “adequate” described. Literature demonstrates that M-statistics are sig-
statistical methodology. Five studies used the TRISS method nificantly lower (eg, different distribution of injury sever-

November-December 2009 299

Air Medical Journal 28:6
Table 2. Overview of Manuscripts Describing Mortality Reduction by HEMS, Sorted by Year
Author Country Type Sample Control Described Observed Expected Mortality Reduction Level of
(year) of Care Size Group Statistics Mortality Mortality per 100 Assistances Evidence
(Calculated W-Statistic)
Baxt (1985)11* USA Ph/N 1,273 MTOS Z 191 240.7 3.9 III
Rhodes (1986)17 USA Ph 130 MTOS Z 22 28.6 5.1 III
Baxt (1987)10* USA Ph / N 574 MTOS Z 30 36.4 1.1 II
Campbell (1989)24† USA 168 MTOS Z 31 50.0 11.3 III
Boyd (1989)12† USA P/N 103 110 Z 33 45.5 12.1 III
Schwartz (1989)20 USA 168 709 Z 25 36.7 7.0 III
Hamman (1991)15 USA Ph 259 MTOS M/W/Z 20 32.0 4.6 III
Schmidt (1992)18* Germany/USA Ph 407 MTOS M/W/Z 42 57.0 3.7 III
Cameron (1993)13 Australia P 242 MTOS Zns 34 41.8 3.2 III
Moront (1996)22§ USA P/N 1,460 2896 W/Z 77 93 1.1 III
Gearhart (1997)14 USA P/N 604 MTOS W/Z 50 90.3 6.7 III
Younge (1997)9 UK Ph 632 MTOS UK M/W/Ws/Z 161 168.6 1.2 III
Bartolacci (1998)19‡ Australia Ph 77 MTOS M/W/Ws/Z 9 18.0 11.7 III
Oppe (2001)16‡ Netherlands Ph 210 307 CANALS 132 143.7 5.1 III
Larson (2004)23 USA 1,087 MTOS M/W/Z 59 111.4 4.8 III
Mitchell (2007)21 Canada P/N 225 545 W/Z 40 53.6 6.4 III
Total 7,619 956 1,247.3 3.8
N, nurse; P, paramedic; Ph, Physician; CANALS, CANALS-analysis with appropriate statistics; M, M-statistics described; W, W-statistics described; Ws, Ws-statistics described; Z, Z-statis-
tics described; Zns, Z-statistics not significant.
Ws-statistics were calculated if M statistics was below 0.88.
*Two separate cohorts, combined in this table.
†Interfacility transport.
‡Most methodologically rigorous analysis.
§Pediatric patients.

ity) in non–United States countries than the accepted variables. A predicted mortality rate was calculated and
threshold for the uncorrected use of TRISS.25 If the study compared with the observed mortality rate for both groups.
groups are not comparable with the MTOS population The custom-fitted regression model was found to be suffi-
from which the TRISS coefficients are derived, the Ws-sta- ciently calibrated (Hosmer Lemeshow = 11.8; P = .16) and
tistics should be calculated.8,9 of good discriminative value (area under the receiver oper-
Another alternative to using the TRISS method would be ating characteristics curve, 0.911). Analysis of the HEMS-
a custom-fitted regression model with its own coefficients assisted trauma population in South West Netherlands
or modification of TRISS coefficients based on a local showed that 8.4 lives were saved for each 100 instances of
dataset. This alternative would probably give the most reli- HEMS assistance. The main weakness of this study is the
able information.25 potential for overestimation of HEMS effect because
In most of the reviewed studies, the MTOS population patients with ISS less than 16 were not included in the data
has been used as the control group. By not using a ground set used for our calculations.28 In fact, over the study period
EMS control group, these studies only demonstrate that in South West Netherlands, the total proportion of HEMS
their HEMS population survived better than the MTOS dispatches for patients who were later calculated to have ISS
population, as predicted by TRISS. Using the MTOS popu- greater than 16 was only 12%. If a similar rate of low-ISS
lation as a control group risks confounding (eg, by level of patients would be added to the data set used for the current
trauma center care) and does not reflect on the specific study, the impact on survival estimates decreases to 1.0 life
effects of HEMS. If a proper ground EMS control group is saved for every 100 dispatches.
used, and all patients are treated at the same trauma center, Only studies that included “predicted mortality,” calcu-
the confounding effects based on selection bias and the lated with a logistic regression model, were included in this
quality of the in-hospital care are removed. review. This means that valuable studies using odds ratios
The study of Oppe and De Charro16 was performed accord- as outcome measure were excluded from this review.29-37
ing to the most rigorous methodologic practice and therefore The results of these studies were ambiguous. Two cohort
may give the most reliable view on the effect of HEMS on studies, of which one had a study population of 16,999
survival. Although the three studies from the United States patients,31,37 and three expert panel studies32,33,36 described
that incorporated a ground EMS control group did not positive effects of HEMS on outcome. Furthermore, there
describe M-statistics, they also may give an adequate reflec- was an American study that could not demonstrate any pos-
tion of reality.12,20,22 Because the MTOS data are drawn from a itive effects of HEMS, although the included population had
US population, the injury severity distributions of these three a very low average ISS,38 suggesting overtriage.29 Three
studies are likely to be comparable with those of the MTOS English studies also failed to demonstrate an added value of
population.25 If the data of these four most methodologically HEMS assistance.30,34,35 A major comment on these studies
rigorous HEMS outcomes manuscripts are considered, there was that patients were transported to 20 different hospitals
is an average mortality reduction of 2.7 additional lives saved and not to a single level 1 trauma center. Younge et al9
per 100 HEMS interventions. demonstrated that if these patients had been transported to
The most important factor in HEMS outcome studies is a level 1 trauma center, HEMS assistance would have saved
the adequate correction for case mix. 4.2 additional lives per 100 uses.
In the Netherlands, HEMS provide prehospital care in Furthermore, it should be noted that some of the studies
addition to ambulance services. The HEMS crew, consisting described in this review might not be ideally applicable
of a physician, a nurse, and a pilot, provides basic life sup- today, because these studies were performed more than 15
port, advanced trauma life support,26 and an expansion of years ago. More studies are needed to assess the current
diagnostic, (invasive) therapeutic, and logistics options at state of prehospital HEMS.
the accident scene.27 To render HEMS studies internationally comparable in
For topographic and logistical reasons, only 5% to 20% of the future, there should be uniformity in statistics.
the HEMS-assisted patients are transported by helicopter in Uniformity can be achieved by correcting for differences in
the Netherlands. During transport to the hospital by ambu- injury severity (case mix). Correcting for these differences
lance, the HEMS physician still assists the patient. can be performed by using Ws-statistics.8,9 Because the Ws
Frankema et al28 showed that the Dutch HEMS improves approach corrects for differences in distributions of proba-
chances of survival, especially for severely injured blunt bility of survival, Ws results would be very useful as an
force trauma patients. additional standard outcome parameter for HEMS studies.
For example, the effects of HEMS in the South West
Netherlands were calculated as a supplementary analysis, Conclusion
performed on a previously documented patient cohort.28 Sixteen studies, with varying methodologic rigor, have
We analyzed a total of 346 polytrauma patients (ISS > 15) assessed the effects of HEMS on trauma survival and reported
presented to a level 1 trauma center’s emergency depart- estimates of lives saved per 100 missions. Evaluation of the
ment. Ground EMS personnel treated 239 of these patients; four most statistically rigorous studies reveals an average esti-
the remaining 107 patients received additional HEMS assis- mated mortality reduction of 2.7 additional (ie, over ground
tance. A custom-fitted regression model, as described previ- EMS) lives saved per 100 HEMS patient interactions. Overall
ously,28 was used to compensate for possible confounding the literature provides mixed conclusions on the effect of

November-December 2009 301

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