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Air Medical Journal ■■ (2017) ■■–■■

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Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Literature 2014 to 2016:

Lessons and Perspectives, Part 2—Nontrauma Transports
and General Issues
Stephen H. Thomas, MD, MPH, Ira Blumen, MD

HEMS Safety yses of HEMS accidents in the United likelihood of a fatal accident.7 In the Aus-
Health care interventions of nearly all Kingdom and the United States. A 2014 tralians’ analysis, the cutoffs for safety
types, from antibiotics to hospitalization, report 3 calculated that over a quarter margin increase occurred at 2-, 4-, and 10-
entail risk. That risk is usually carried by pa- century of UK HEMS operations, the fatal ac- year experience levels.
tients alone, but there are risk categories (eg, cident rate was .04 per 10,000 missions Another assessment of US data (from
care of violent patients or those with com- (with comparable rates from the United Pennsylvania) found that operations at night
municable disease) in which caregivers are States and worldwide ranging from .04 to (1900-0600) were associated with a higher
also at risk. Aviation safety is the first pri- .23 per 10,000 missions). risk of fatal crash or injury. In fact, night op-
ority of HEMS; thus, it is the opening topic In a 2016 study from the United States, eration was the only parameter of the
in this part of the review. Boyd and Macchiarella4 reported a detailed studied operational variables (eg, weather,
analysis of the country’s HEMS-related ac- impaired visibility, and aircraft model) found
Safety Remains the First Point in cidents from 1983 to 2014. Overall HEMS to have a significant association with a fatal
Discussing HEMS accident rates declined by 71% over those crash or injury in this study.8
It is nearly universal in the air medical 3 decades, whereas the fraction of fatal ac-
transport literature in recent years for there cidents (36%-50%) and injury profile were For-Profit HEMS Service Status and Safety
to be some comment about the risk of unchanged over time. The US HEMS safety literature included
HEMS. A typical study from the end of 2016 some different topics with particular rele-
includes in its opening paragraph the fol- Safety of Night HEMS Operations vance to that country. Some of the more
lowing: “The human cost of HEMS is also The 2014 to 2016 HEMS safety studies prominent ongoing HEMS debate in the US
well-documented, with more than 200 from continental Europe included a focus on literature demonstrates unsettled safety
deaths from 1980 to 2008. HEMS flight night flights, which have been traditional- issues such as those relating to profit motive.
crews have one of the most dangerous oc- ly eschewed by the region’s HEMS operators A thought-provoking report from a US
cupations in the USA, with more than 100 because of safety concerns. A Dutch study5 group9 found that human and pilot errors
deaths per 100,000 employees (compared of 513 nighttime flights found 0 accidents; were significantly more common with com-
to 21 deaths per 100,000 police officers).”1 the authors concluded that nighttime op- mercial (for-profit) operations compared
It is not within this review’s scope to erations should not be precluded by safety with public sector (nonprofit) operators.
delve into the long and critically impor- considerations. German data reported in Subsequent controversy over the findings10
tant history of aviation safety in HEMS. 2016 identified a similar (0) incidence of has highlighted the need for further inves-
Neither is it the editorial purpose to frame nighttime crashes; the Germans made the tigation of the thesis that profit motive has
the known risks of HEMS against those risks case that if aviation operations are prop- a positive, negative, or no association with
associated with ground EMS (GEMS), risks erly planned and conducted, then nighttime safety.
that are far less well characterized because operations are safe.6
in part of the lack of reliable GEMS safety An Australian group assessing US data Multiple-Diagnosis HEMS Topics
data. These topics and other vital statistics also focused on night operations, taking the This section covers HEMS studies from
of HEMS safety are covered in detail in a course of assessing types of pilot experi- 2014 to 2016 that addressed topics that
separate recently published textbook ence. In a 2016 report that assessed 32 cross diagnostic lines. The 2 general areas
chapter by 1 of the authors (I.B.).2 single-pilot nighttime fatal HEMS crashes of discussion are cost-benefit analysis and
between 1995 and 2013, the Australians airway management. Some further details
Overall Accident and Fatality Rates found that pilot domain task experience (ie, on related information regarding specific
On the overall safety front, important HEMS-specific total flight hours’ experi- patient groups are presented in subse-
contributions have been made in the anal- ence) was inversely correlated with the quent sections addressing HEMS use for 2

Copyright © 2017 Air Medical Journal Associates. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S.H. Thomas, I. Blumen / Air Medical Journal ■■ (2017) ■■–■■

specific nontrauma patient populations: Airway Management by HEMS Crews better for HEMS compared with GEMS
STEMI and iCVA. Airway management and endotracheal cases.25,26
intubation (ETI) are among the most im- Future directions for airway manage-
portant of all out-of-hospital interventions.18 ment in HEMS will need to include skills
Patient Safety Issues in HEMS Transport A detailed discussion of airway manage- maintenance in an era of enlarging crews
Aviation safety being covered previ- ment and its risks and benefits are outside with more limited ETI training and prac-
ously, there is another set of safety concerns the scope of this review. However, given the tice opportunities. Comparisons of HEMS
related to HEMS transport. These concerns importance of the subject, some relevant crew success rates with GEMS crew success
deal with the HEMS environment (eg, ac- HEMS airway management studies from rates may help determine when HEMS
celeration and altitude) and its potential for 2014 to present are noteworthy. should be deployed. Furthermore, there
ill effects on transported patients. This Although there are historic data showing needs to be a follow-up investigation to
section considers 2014 to 2016 publica- nonphysician HEMS crew ETI success rates glean more information along the lines of
tions in this arena. rivaling those achievable in the emergen- a 2015 report from a rural US state
In 2016, a University of Southern Cali- cy department setting,19 the most recent (Mississippi)27 that HEMS is needed to bring
fornia pediatric transport group assessed literature addressing HEMS ETI comes from ETI skills for interfacility transports, partic-
acceleration forces in multiple axes during air medical crews including physicians. In ularly those from referring facilities staffed
various phases of GEMS, HEMS, and air- 2015, a multinational study (from 5 Euro- by physicians lacking ETI experience.
plane transport. 11 The accelerations pean countries and Australia)20 showed
measured for HEMS were no different than similarly impressive ETI results; HEMS phy- HEMS Costs and Benefits
those observed in the other 2 transport sicians’ first-pass ETI success rate was 86%, If there is no benefit to HEMS trans-
modes. and the overall ETI success rate was 98.8% port, then the risk:benefit calculations
One group of studies has continued to with airways successfully established in cannot be favorable. Additionally, there are
visit the long-known 12,13 question of 100% of patients. monetary cost issues. Despite classic
altitude-related increases in endotracheal Perhaps the most compelling evidence reports28 arguing that a region-based cost
tube (ETT) cuff pressures. The 2014 to 2016 of HEMS bringing additional airway exper- of HEMS is no higher than the cost of re-
literature reaffirms that barometric changes tise to the patient comes from a 2015 Dutch sponse time–equivalent GEMS critical care
associated with increased altitude have the- study from another physician-staffed air coverage, HEMS’ concentration of resources
oretical potential to increase cuff pressures medical crew.21 In an unusual design, the re- translates into widespread perception (even
to potentially dangerous levels. These high searchers were able to assess HEMS versus among some HEMS advocates) 29 of air
cuff pressures, potentially problematic for GEMS ETI attempts in the same patients; medical transport as being a high-cost
any patient but usually emphasized with pe- GEMS crews were allowed to attempt ETI, option.
diatric cases (with smaller airways), have and then if they failed HEMS crews would Recent years have seen consensus state-
not been reported to cause actual patient- intervene. The same medications (admin- ments from organizations such as the
centered adverse outcomes. istered within the same protocols) were National Association of EMS Physicians and
Three 2016 studies, all from the United used throughout the airway management the American College of Emergency Physi-
States, reported opposite findings regard- attempts. The HEMS physicians’ first- cians reaffirming the position that
ing ETT cuff pressures. One team14 found attempt ETI success rate of 84.5% was nearly appropriately used HEMS improves patient
that properly inflated adult (7.5 mm) ETT twice that of the GEMS paramedics’ first- outcomes.30 However, with increasing pres-
cuffs are not likely to be associated with attempt success rate of 46.5%. sures on health care spending, risk:benefit
dangerous cuff pressure increases below HEMS crews’ ETI success reports of and cost:benefit calculations are of critical
8,000 feet above sea level. However, another recent years include pediatric patients. In importance.
group reported that potentially dangerous 2015, an Australian group reported 100% in- In 2015, a Norwegian group,31 noting
cuff pressure elevations occurred to equal tubation success rates by their paramedic- their country’s oft-cited report32 of a HEMS
degrees in all 3 of the tested ETT sizes (4.0, staffed HEMS crew, for both adult and benefit-to-cost ratio of 5.87, published an
6.0, and 8.0).15 A third group, testing 3 sizes pediatric patients.22 In a 2016 Swiss study analysis promoting Norway’s success in op-
of ETTs (3.0, 4.0, and 6.0), also found po- focusing solely on airway management in timizing HEMS access. The group reported
tentially dangerous cuff pressure elevations 425 children, Schmidt et al23 reported a 95% that Norway has achieved a national goal for
at altitudes as low as 1,500 feet (with cuff first-pass ETI success rate, with a 98.6% 90% of the population to be reachable by
pressures regularly surpassing 30 cm H2O) overall ETI success rate. Another 2016 study HEMS within 45 minutes.31
and 2,800 feet (with cuff pressures regu- from Switzerland24 reported on HEMS phy- Scandinavians’ attention to costs and
larly surpassing 50 cm H2O) above mean sea sician airway management in 1,047 cases; benefits has included assessment of the
level.16 they found a 96.4% rate of first-pass ETI limits of transport distances (for interfacility
Perhaps the best synthesis of real-world success with an overall ETI success rate of missions) for which HEMS maintains cost-
relevance with regard to ETT cuff pres- 99.5%, with no requirement for surgical effectiveness over airplane transports. A
sures comes from Massachusetts. In 2016, airways. Swedish financial analysis reported in
these investigators reported that the main The airway success of HEMS crews is 2014 33 found that HEMS retained cost-
problem with regard to HEMS transport of well-documented and is not presented here effectiveness over airplanes up to a range of
post-ETI patients was that the pretransport to imply that all HEMS crews have the 300 km (186 miles).
cuff pressures were (on average) more than same success or that GEMS crews do not Another Swedish group reported on cost-
double the recommended levels.17 Their rec- have the capability to reach these levels of effectiveness for HEMS use in STEMI. Schoos
ommendations to check ETT cuff pressures ETI success. However, the rates of airway et al34 analyzed STEMI transports arising
before and during transport to maintain management success in the HEMS litera- from the islands comprising much of Swe-
optimal safety are consistent with the ture are consistently high, and both airway den’s coastal population centers and
general consensus of the studies mentioned and ventilatory management (with resul- calculated that surface transport (by boat)
here. tant impact on outcome) appear potentially was simply not an option if percutaneous
S.H. Thomas, I. Blumen / Air Medical Journal ■■ (2017) ■■–■■ 3

coronary intervention (PCI) were to be which have been described in detail ty of the aircraft to extend the reach of the
achievable within any reasonable time elsewhere.49 First, the movement of STEMI primary PCI. The patients in the study com-
frame. The same year South Korean inves- patients with HEMS could allow patients to prised a group for whom surface transport
tigators reported similar findings.35 arrive at PCI centers within the time was simply not an option. For these 101
Although the nonmortality end points window of clear benefit from angioplasty. STEMI individuals who received timely PCI
are still underused in contemporary HEMS Second, HEMS can potentially affect further solely because of the presence of HEMS, the
studies, there are some relevant prelimi- time savings even in patients who, if trans- likely benefit from HEMS seems clear.
nary data from the past few years. In 2016, ported by GEMS, would have arrived within
a group from Copenhagen found that the PCI window; this is important because HEMS for iCVA
physician-staffed HEMS deployment for every 30 minutes of ischemia time increases The case for HEMS use for iCVA is similar
trauma was associated with decreased out- STEMI mortality by 8% to 10%,45 and time- to that for its use in STEMI; time savings
of-work time (ie, improved functional related mortality improvement is seen with translate into reduced cell death and im-
outcome).36 For nontrauma, the best avail- incremental savings of roughly 15 minutes.44 proved outcome. One recent report of over
able evidence is still tied to surrogate end The evidence base supporting properly 25,000 HEMS-transported stroke cases
points. With stroke, for instance, 201437 and deployed HEMS as a saver of time and found that HEMS allowed patients to reach
201638 studies report the use of HEMS as a myocardium is rapidly growing. One rep- tertiary care within 2 hours in a very high
time-saving device with linkage to func- resentative study from the Critical Care percentage of the time (96% of cases), which
tional outcome improvements, but the Transport Collaborative Outcomes Research would not have been achievable by GEMS.54
researchers’ conclusions are based on ex- Effort (CCT CORE) group was presented at Air medical transport can enable
trapolation of time to intervention evidence the 2014 American Heart Association Sci- neurointervention (eg, thrombolytic
from the recent stroke literature.39,40 entific Assembly50; the work has since been therapy) for patients who would not oth-
One of the barriers that must be over- published.51 The authors, based in Qatar and erwise be eligible, and HEMS can also speed
come by HEMS cost-benefit analysis is the the United States, reported a 6-center trial time-critical therapy even for patients who,
difficulty of assigning value levels to ad hoc using previously validated methodology49 if transported by GEMS, would have reached
HEMS uses that may be critical for individ- from a regional study using geographic in- stroke centers within the therapeutic
ual cases but that do not occur with formation system (GIS) software to calculate window.40,55 The neurology literature, in-
frequency sufficient for robust analysis. For transport logistics. Using a combination of cluding major studies in JAMA, has
example, HEMS has been noted to be the GIS and actual primary PCI transport logis- established that savings of every 15 minutes
only mechanism for time-critical delivery tics for HEMS (n = 257) and GEMS (n = 27) within the “lysis window” (up to 270
of life- or limb-saving therapy such as pro- transports of > 15 miles, the authors found minutes) reduces iCVA mortality by 4% and
thrombin complex concentrate in Scotland41 that HEMS case times usually fell within has commensurately salutary effects on the
or crotalid antivenom in the United States.42 predefined PCI target windows of 90 functional outcome.39,40
In the latter case, the flexibility of HEMS was minutes (67.7% of cases) or 120 minutes Some of the 2014 to 2016 HEMS stroke
noteworthy in that it allowed expedited (91.1% of cases). Compared with the studies have followed the pathways set by
transport of antivenom to a patient at a rural GIS-calculated GEMS times, HEMS was es- the STEMI studies using GIS. These are ex-
hospital for whom there was no capability timated to accrue a median time saving of ampled by a CCT CORE multicenter study
for timely air transport back to the tertia- 32 minutes (interquartile range, 17-46). The presented at the 2016 European Stroke As-
ry center (because of impending weather number needed to transport for HEMS to get sociation meeting.38 The authors from Qatar
deterioration).42 1 additional case to PCI within 90 minutes and the United States found that when
Difficulties with executing prehospital was 3. In the varied contexts of this multi- stroke patients’ transport distances (from
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) combine center study, the number of lives saved by scenes or referring hospitals) exceeded 15
with lack of precise outcomes benefits data HEMS, solely through time savings, was cal- miles, HEMS saved the a priori–defined clin-
to cloud HEMS cost-benefit calculations. culated as 1.34 per 100 HEMS PCI transports. ically relevant time minimum of 15 minutes
While ongoing work such as a 2015 U.K. The CCT CORE cardiac study included in every single case (the median time
assessment43 of public’s willingness to pay both scene and interfacility missions, but savings was calculated at 48 minutes).38
for various models of HEMS (public-sector most of the cases were secondary trans- Although it appears that HEMS can save
services were preferred) is useful, future ports. Scene transports were the focus of a time (and improve outcome) in iCVA, a 2014
HEMS research must include refinement of 2015 study from rural Belgium52 that as- study from Denmark 56 showed HEMS
cost-benefit analyses. sessed the use of HEMS for the primary should not be assumed to be a time-saving
response for 342 STEMI patients. Time gains transport mode. Their study identified that
HEMS for STEMI compared with GEMS were calculated using system delays associated with secondary
The premise of HEMS use for STEMI is GIS. The Belgians found that HEMS use re- HEMS transport translated into faster times
that “time is myocardium.” HEMS use for sulted in savings of 60 minutes (interquartile to thrombolytic therapy when GEMS was
transporting cardiac patients is largely sup- range, 47-72 minutes) for STEMI patients primarily dispatched. The Danish group
portable through the logic that getting undergoing primary PCI. Similarly, posi- made a clear case that although HEMS may
patients to PCI faster results in improved tive time savings were found in a be useful in some time-critical cases, there
outcome. This premise, solidly founded in preliminary report from North Carolina, is a caveat that HEMS must be quickly dis-
the cardiology literature for patients of a where HEMS use for scene cases always patched and transports must be expedited
variety of age groups and PCI times,44-47 is saved at least 15 minutes.53 in order for speed benefit to occur.56
primarily related to primary PCI, but there Cardiac flights from a Danish island- A 2016 report of a year’s experience in
is also evidence supporting time-saving dotted geography were reported in 2014.34 Georgia found that scene activation of HEMS
outcome benefits for postthrombolysis In a study reminiscent of some of the early transport for severe hemiparesis or hemiple-
angioplasty.48 trauma literature, the authors of this review gia (representing severe iCVA) was
The application of time savings as a sur- of 101 STEMI cases concluded that HEMS associated with a high rate of timely throm-
rogate variable has 2 main foundations, improved outcome based on the capabili- bolytic therapy and other neurointervention
4 S.H. Thomas, I. Blumen / Air Medical Journal ■■ (2017) ■■–■■

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10. Sherlock R. AAMS response to Habib et al, probable
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Changes in pediatric-sized endotracheal tube cuff
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17. Tennyson J, Ford-Webb T, Weisberg S, LeBlanc D.
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18. Wang HE, Kupas DF, Greenwood MJ, et al. An
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