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May we improve vaccine timeliness
among children? A cross sectional
survey in northern Saudi Arabia
Ghada Z. R. Alrowaili, Umar F. Dar, Altaf H. Bandy
10.4103/jfcm.JFCM_153_18 BACKGROUND: The timeliness of vaccinating children is the pillar of the cost‑effective strategy of
decreasing the burden of many infectious diseases. Delayed immunization creates the risk of failure.
There is regional variation in the rate of delayed vaccination. The purpose of present study was to
determine the timeliness of vaccination and reasons for delay in vaccinating children under the age
of 2 years in Sakakah, Northern Saudi Arabia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 195 children under 2 years of age consecutively
taken from four randomly selected primary health centers in Sakaka, Al Jouf province. A pretested
proforma was used to screen the vaccination cards of the children for any delays in vaccination.
Parents of children whose vaccinations had been delayed for more than 4 weeks were interviewed
to determine the reasons for the delay. The reasons for delay were grouped under three different
themes, i.e., child related, facility related and social issues.
RESULTS: The mean age of the children was 8.6 ± 5 months; 45% were girls and 38% were
first or second order babies. In our sampled population, 23% children had delayed vaccinations
of more than 4  weeks. The delay was similar for both male and female children  (21.5% of
males and 25% of females). High education of parents, working mothers and low birth order
were positively associated with timeliness of vaccine uptake (P < 0.05). Of those with delayed
vaccination, only 15.6% mentioned facility or appointment related reasons; illness of the child
was reported by 46.7%.
CONCLUSION: There is considerable delay in vaccination of children in Sakakah, Northern Saudi Arabia.
A third or more birth order of the child, parents having less than university education, and child's
mother being home maker are related with increased risk of delayed vaccination.
Delayed vaccination, Expanded Program on Immunization, immunization, infant, vaccination, vaccine

Introduction by the World Health Organization (WHO)

and Global Alliance Vaccine Initiative.

Department of Family and

V accination is regarded as one of the
greatest public health achievements of the
20th century and one of the most cost‑effective
Various indicators measure the success of
vaccination.[5‑7] To achieve herd immunity,
the population of a community should have
Community Medicine, preventive services for children’s health. It immunized children. In general, the status
College of Medicine,
has substantially reduced the global burden of vaccination is more often evaluated by
Jouf University,
Sakakah, Saudi Arabia of infectious disease.[1‑4] This reduction is up‑to‑date vaccination coverage rather than
attributed to the successful implementation timeliness of vaccination.[8,9]
Address for of Expanded Program on Immunization
correspondence: Some diseases like pertussis and
Dr. Umar F. Dar,
Department of Family Haemophilus influenzae infections occur
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under
and Community the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
Medicine, College of ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and
Medicine, Jouf University, build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate How to cite this article: Alrowaili GZ, Dar UF, Bandy AH.
P. O. Box: 2014, credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the May we improve vaccine timeliness among children? A
Sakakah, Saudi Arabia. identical terms. cross sectional survey in northern Saudi Arabia. J Fam
E‑mail: umardar84@ Community Med 2019;26:113-7. For reprints contact:

© 2019 Journal of Family and Community Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 113
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Alrowaili, et al.: Vaccine timeliness in Northern Saudi Arabia

with increased frequency if immunization is delayed.[10] PHC, a proportionate consecutive sampling technique
It has been found that early immunization with Bacille was used to complete the sample size.
Calmette‑Guérin  (BCG), especially during the first
6 months of life prolongs survival, whereas late Our target population was children of both sexes under
vaccination increases the risk of death.[8,11] Therefore, 2 years of age, both nationals and residents. Children
the timeliness of vaccination is an important predictor with lost vaccination cards or infants diagnosed with
of the prevention of many diseases, particularly immune deficiencies or congenital anomalies were
pertussis, H. influenzae and tuberculosis. Several excluded. Written informed consent was taken from
studies have investigated the importance of timely parents accompanying the children after the study was
vaccination.[8,12,13] explained in simple terms to them. Ethical approval was
obtained from the Institutional Review Board.
The timeliness of children’s immunization varies widely
among and even within countries and regions.[9,10] A A pretested proforma was used to extract data from
study done in the western region of the Kingdom of vaccination cards and record the responses of the
Saudi Arabia (KSA), of most infants (91%), showed parents. One researcher and a registered nurse screened
that the primary vaccinations were given on time.[4] the vaccination cards to obtain data. Additional
Parental problems that had social implications were recorded variables were birth order, the age of parents,
frequently cited as the main reasons for delays in employment, and educational status of both parents.
vaccinations. However, there were missed opportunities Delay was indicated if the vaccination card showed that
when inappropriate contraindications were used to the vaccine in the schedule was received 4 weeks later
deny vaccination to children. General practitioners than the recommended time. The parents of children
and pediatricians may have doubts about the real whose immunizations were delayed were interviewed
contraindications to primary vaccinations. These authors to discover the reasons for the delay and categorized
observed a reluctance to immunize children when under three headings, i.e., child‑related, facility‑related
presented with some false contraindications.[4] and parents‑related issues.

Only one local study regarding the timeliness of We collected 200 participants’ survey forms, five of
vaccination in children in KSA is available, while the which (2.5%) were discarded for incompleteness. Data
results of studies from other places vary. With this in were entered and analyzed using The Statistical Package
view, the present study was undertaken to investigate the (SPSS) for Social Sciences version 21.0 (IBM SPSS Statistics,
timeliness of vaccination.[4,10] The study was to evaluate IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Descriptive
the coverage of immunization for children <2‑year‑old, statistics of the sampled population were presented as
to determine whether children were being immunized frequencies/percentage for qualitative variables such as
promptly and to investigate the reasons why there gender, delay, reasons, educational status, birth order
were delays in the schedule of immunizations for those and as the mean ± standard deviation for quantitative
children. The results of this study will assist in dealing variables such as age. Reasons and qualitative factors
with the modifiable factors and improve the timeliness of affecting timeliness were cross‑tabulated using the
vaccinations for children. The specific objectives were to Chi‑square test. A value of P < 0.05 was considered
determine the timeliness of vaccinations and the reasons statistically significant.
for delaying the vaccination of children under the age of
2 years in Sakakah, Northern region of KSA. The results Results
of this study may help improve vaccination coverage
and timeliness. In the study population, 54.9% of the children were
male. About 38% were first‑  or second‑order babies.
Materials and Methods The mean age of the children was 8.6 ± 5 months. The
majority of mothers (61.5%) were housewives even
An analytical cross‑sectional survey was carried out in though 43.3% of these housewives had had university
Sakaka, Al Jouf province, from January 1, 2018, to March education. The ages of the children ranged from 3.6
30, 2018. Using the WHO sample size calculator, the to 13.6 months; the ages of the fathers ranged from 27
sample size was 197 with expected timeliness at about to 38 years and the mother’s ages ranged from 24.5 to
91% at 4% margin of error and at 95% confidence level.[4] 34.1 years [Table 1].
There are nine primary health centers (PHCs) in the city;
four were randomly selected using the lottery method. In our sampled population, 45 children (23%) had
The names of all nine PHCs were written on small delayed vaccination of more than 4 weeks. The reported
slips of paper and four were selected blindly without reasons for this delay were illness of the child in 46.7%,
replacement based on the registered population in each parents related reasons including illness and travel were
114 Journal of Family and Community Medicine - Volume 26, Issue 2, May-August 2019
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Alrowaili, et al.: Vaccine timeliness in Northern Saudi Arabia

Table  1: Sociodemographic profile of the study Work status and education of the mother, birth order
population (n=195) and age of the child and the education of the fathers
N (%) were significantly associated with delay in vaccination.
Gender of child Distribution of vaccination delay >4 weeks was similar
Male 107 (54.9) for both male and female children (21.5% of males and
Female 88 (45.1) 25% of females, P = 0.56). Delay was significantly higher
Nationality in the children of mothers who were homemakers (9.3% in
National 189 (96.9)
working women while 31.7% in homemakers, P < 0.001
Residents 6 (3.1)
using Chi‑square test). Children whose parents were
Work status of mother
university educated were the least likely to have delayed
Housewife 120 (61.5)
vaccinations. There was delay in 12.2% of children of
Working woman 75 (38.5)
mothers with university education as compared to 41.7%
University education of mother
Yes 123 (63.1)
of children with mothers with less education (P < 0.001).
No 72 (37.0)
Similarly, vaccinations of 87.8% of children with fathers
Occupation of father who had university education were timely as compared
Self employed 23 (11.8) to 58.3% children of fathers with less education (P < 0.001
Employed 156 (80.0) using the Chi‑square test) [Table 3]. The mean age
Unemployed 16 (8.2) of children who were delayed was higher than those
Birth order of child who received timely vaccinations (12.6 ± 5.5 months
First or second 74 (37.9) in delayed while 7.4 ± 4.1 months in the timely group,
Third or fourth 69 (35.3) P < 0.001) [Table 4].
Fifth or above 52 (26.6)
University education of father Discussion
Yes 109 (55.9)
No 86 (44.2) The timeliness of vaccinations in our study population
Primary health center was not satisfactory. In our sampled population, 45
Al Nafel 25 (12.8) children (23%) under 2 years of age residing in Sakakah,
Asshumali 42 (21.5) Al Jouf region, Northern Saudi Arabia had vaccination
Al Laqayat 56 (28.7) delays of more than 4 weeks. This means some strategy
Al Maaqela 72 (36.9) needs to be found to improve the situation. Because
Age of child in months, mean±SD 8.65±5.0 this continued delay in the uptake of vaccines creates a
Age of father in years, mean±SD 32.66±5.4
cohort of children with incomplete or no immunization.
Age of mother in years, mean±SD 29.31±4.8
This cohort of susceptible children becomes predisposed
SD=Standard deviation
to outbreaks of vaccine‑preventable diseases. Once the
epidemic threshold is exceeded, outbreaks occur leading
Table 2: Vaccination timeliness and reasons for delay to increased morbidity and mortality in unprotected
in sampled study population (n=195) children.
N (%)
Delay of >4 weeks (n=195) In the previous study carried out in the western part
Yes 45 (23.1) of KSA and published in 2002, vaccine uptake delay
No 150 (76.9) of >4 weeks was reported in 9% only.[4] This difference
Reasons (n=45)
in results confirms the local variation in different parts
Child related reasons (27)
of the kingdom. Cultural and social norms of the area
Illness 21 (46.7)
may contribute to this difference as reported in diverse
Fever 6 (13.3)
studies.[14,15] Similarly, in another study, the delay was
Parents related reasons (11)
found in 5.3% of children only.[15] The delay in the study
Social issues 3 (6.7)
Illness 4 (8.9)
population is comparable to some previous studies
Travel 4 (8.9)
carried out in other countries. Le Polain de Waroux et al.
Facility related reasons (7) reported a delay of 33% for BCG only.[14] Poorolajal et al.
Appointment issues 7 (15.6) reported vaccine delay from 42% to 67.6% in infants.[3]

Pseudo contraindications like mild child illness were

indicated in 8.9% and facility‑related reasons including also reported as the reason for the delay in our study
appointment issues shown in 15.6%. Table 2 illustrates population. Parents of about 60% of the children with
the vaccination timeliness and reasons for the delay in delayed vaccination reported illness and mild fever as the
the sampled study population. reason for the delay. There are no guidelines displayed in

Journal of Family and Community Medicine - Volume 26, Issue 2, May-August 2019 115
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Alrowaili, et al.: Vaccine timeliness in Northern Saudi Arabia

Table 3: Association of different sociodemographic with transport, better knowledge about vaccination
factors with vaccination delay (n=195) and time management. University education of parents
Delay >4 weeks P-Value had a similar effect on the timeliness of vaccinations.
No Yes University educated parents were found to adhere to
N (%) N (%) immunization schedules than illiterates or those with
Gender of child*
less formal education. These results are similar to those
Male 23 (21.5) 84 (78.5) 0.563
reported in other studies. Most of the studies have
Female 22 (25.0) 66 (75.0)
shown that maternal education was associated with
Work status of mother**
better utilization of child vaccination services.[22‑24] Only
Housewife 38 (31.7) 82 (68.3) <0.001***
Working woman 7 (9.3) 68 (90.7)
one study done by Topuzoglu et al. found no association
University education of mother*
of mother’s education with the timelines of vaccine
Yes 15 (12.2) 108 (87.8) <0.001*** uptake.[25] Poorolajal et al. in their study found that the
No 30 (41.7) 42 (58.3) delayed vaccination increased with maternal education
Occupation of father** level.[3]
Self employed 7 (30.4) 16 (69.6) 0.065
Employed 31 (19.9) 125 (80.1) Birth order also affected the outcome. Children with
Unemployed 7 (43.8) 9 (56.3) several siblings were more likely to have delayed
Birth Order of child** vaccinations. A birth order >2 was associated with
First or second 8 (36.5) 66 (63.5) 0.003*** increased delay. This has been reported by many authors
Third or fourth 18 (26.1) 51 (73.9) who also indicate that overutilization of resources
Fifth or above 19 (36.5) 33 (63.5) in families with more children affects healthcare
University education of father* adversely.[22,26,27] We also found a highly significant
Yes 14 (12.2) 95 (87.8) <0.001*** association between the timeliness of the uptake of
No 31 (41.7) 55 (58.3) vaccination and the ages of the child and the mother.
Primary health center** A child of 1 year and age of mother >30 years was found
Al Nafel 11 (44.0) 14 (56.0) 0.048*** associated with delay (P < 0.05).
As Shumali 9 (16.7) 33 (83.3)
Al Laqayat 13 (23.2) 43 (76.8)
Conclusion and Recommendations
Al Maaqela 12 (21.4) 60 (78.6)
*Using Chi‑square test, **Using Fischer exact test, ***Significant
In northern Saudi Arabia, there is considerable delay in
Table 4: Relation between age of child and parents vaccinations. A focused high‑risk strategy may help reduce
on vaccination timeliness in sampled study delays. The vaccination team in PHCs should focus on
population (n=195) children with either of following characteristics to ensure
Domain Delay >4 weeks Mean score SD P-Value* timeliness of vaccine uptake: a child of more than 1 year
Age of child in Yes 12.62 5.55 0.005** of age, birth order of more than 2, uneducated parents and
months No 7.45 4.18 homemakers. Modern communication methods such as
Age of father Yes 35.49 7.06 0.087 short text messages sent as reminders before the date, social
in years No 31.81 4.59 media applications, and health tools may help.
Age of mother Yes 31.69 5.33 <0.001**
in years No 28.60 4.40 Limitations of the current study include data from
*Using independent samples t‑test and assuming equal variance, **Significant.
SD=Standard deviation
the urban area, small sample size, and primary health
center‑ based study.
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medical and travel problems. Only 15.6% of parents Nil.
complained about appointment issues. The time taken
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not raised by the participants as reported in previous There are no conflicts of interest.
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