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Development of a Reliability-Based Design Framework

for Transmission Line Structure Foundations

Kok-Kwang Phoon, M.ASCE1; Fred H. Kulhawy, F.ASCE2; and Mircea D. Grigoriu, F.ASCE3

Abstract: This paper presents the reliability-based design 共RBD兲 initiative sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute for
transmission line structure foundations. The role of RBD is presented within the context of geotechnical limit state design. Design
parameters that are amenable to statistical description can be propagated systematically to a consistent measure of design risk using
reliability techniques such as the first-order reliability method 共FORM兲. Less quantifiable factors are incorporated approximately into
RBD by judicious selection of the target reliability level. A simplified RBD approach based on the load and resistance factor design
共LRFD兲 and multiple resistance factor design 共MRFD兲 formats is proposed for practical implementation. The resistance factors for the
LRFD and MRFD formats are calibrated rigorously using FORM to produce designs that can achieve a known level of reliability
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2003兲129:9共798兲
CE Database subject headings: Transmission lines; Load and resistance factor design; Reliability; Foundations.

Introduction ber of notable publications 共e.g., Committee on Reliability Meth-

The presence of uncertainties and their significance in geotechni- ods 1995; Becker 1996a; Kulhawy and Phoon 1996; Goble 1999;
cal engineering have long been appreciated, at least in a qualita- Whitman 2000兲. However, to maintain the status quo is likely to
tive manner 共Casagrande 1965兲. The potential usefulness of quan- be increasingly difficult, as the risk implied by a traditional factor
tifying these uncertainties and the associated risks is also well of safety cannot be communicated easily to concerned parties
recognized 共Whitman 1984, 2000; Committee on Reliability outside the engineering profession by virtue of its experience/
Methods 1995; Kulhawy 1996兲. However, despite this widely rec- precedent basis. This situation runs counter to a number of recent
ognized fact, most geotechnical problems still are handled cur- developments where communication of risk within a transparent
rently in a deterministic fashion. The reluctance to embrace un- and rational framework is necessary. Examples include inter/
certainties in a direct, quantitative manner arises in part from the intranational code standardization 关International Standards Orga-
multitude and complex nature of geotechnical-related uncertain- nization 共ISO兲 1998; Honjo and Kusakabe 2000兴; public involve-
ties. Uncertainties arise in the loads, geologic site interpretations, ment in defining acceptable risk levels 共Ellingwood 1999兲; and
geotechnical properties, computation models, etc. Admittedly, risk-sharing among client, consultant, insurer, and financier
quantifying all of these components is a monumental task. How- 共Walker 1999兲. The latter development could help to reduce the
ever, in not attempting to embrace the uncertainties contained current risk-averse nature of codes and potentially lead to more
therein, it is uncertain how the geotechnical profession can ad- cost-effective designs. More importantly, failure to stay engaged
vance forward in rationalizing risk management. in these developments probably will result in outsiders imposing
New reliability-based design 共RBD兲 methodologies that are their methodologies on the geotechnical engineering community.
already adopted widely by the structural community are not ac- The need for active involvement was highlighted by the Commit-
cepted readily in the geotechnical community, partially because of tee on Reliability Methods 共1995兲, and its importance has been
the questionable robustness of the statistics used for code calibra- articulated on numerous occasions by the writers 共Kulhawy 1996;
tion and unfamiliarity with probabilistic concepts 共Kulhawy et al. Phoon and Kulhawy 1996兲.
2000兲. Other important concerns have been expressed in a num- A limited number of risk-based design methodologies for geo-
technical work have been proposed. Pertinent examples include
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, The National Univ. National Cooperative Highway Research Program 共NCHRP兲 Re-
of Singapore, Blk E1A, #07-03, 1 Engineering Dr. 2, Singapore 117576. port 343 共Barker et al. 1991兲; Ontario Highway Bridge Design
E-mail: Code 共Ministry of Transportation of Ontario 1991兲; Eurocode 7
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell 关European Committee for Standardization 共CEN兲 1994兴; EPRI
Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853-3501. E-mail: Report TR-105000 共Phoon et al. 1995兲; and the more recent,
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell performance-based foundation design initiative 共Geo-code 21兲 by
Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853-3501. E-mail: the Japanese Geotechnical Society 共Honjo and Kusakabe 2000兲.
Note. Discussion open until February 1, 2004. Separate discussions However, a recent survey for the NCHRP on load and resistance
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
factor design 共LRFD兲 implementation in North America indicated
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- a general reluctance among practicing engineers to change the
sible publication on November 29, 2001; approved on May 22, 2002. existing design procedure 共Goble 1999兲. It also was noted that the
This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental resistance factors in most of the current LRFD implementations
Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 9, September 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090- were determined by direct modification of the global factor of
0241/2003/9-798 – 806/$18.00. safety or by engineering judgment. Only a few of the cases were


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based on probabilistic analysis that is founded on robust statistics. in which F n ⫽nominal load; Q n ⫽nominal capacity; and FS
A comprehensive survey by the Federal Highway Administration ⫽factor of safety. Factors of safety between 2 and 3 typically are
also noted an absence of strong analytical calibration and verifi- considered to be adequate in routine foundation design 共e.g.,
cation of either the Eurocode or the Ontario Highway Bridge Focht and O’Neill 1985兲. Practical considerations, such as varia-
Design Code 共DiMaggio et al. 1999兲. It is quite understandable tions in the loads and material strengths, inaccuracies in design
for engineers to feel that there is little to be gained from changing, equations, and consequences of failure, do affect the factor of
especially when the LRFD procedure is usually more time con- safety, but only in a qualitative way. The selection of an appro-
suming. priate factor of safety is essentially subjective, requiring only glo-
Two major research efforts that attempt to address some of bal appreciation of the above factors against the backdrop of pre-
these geotechnical issues were undertaken as part of a compre- vious experience.
hensive RBD initiative for transmission line structure engineer- The global factor of safety approach is relatively simple to use
ing, which was initiated in the late 1970s and was sponsored by and generally has worked well for many years. However, this
the Electric Power Research Institute 共EPRI兲. The first involves traditional approach has a number of well-recognized and signifi-
an extensive compilation of soil property statistics that is suitable cant limitations. In particular, the factor of safety typically is not
for general use and the development of a simple probabilistic accompanied by a carefully prescribed procedure for defining ca-
framework for evaluating geotechnical variabilities systematically pacity 共e.g., net or gross capacity兲, for carrying out the analysis
共Phoon and Kulhawy 1999a,b; Kulhawy et al. 2000兲. The compi- 共e.g., empirical or rational method兲, and for deriving the pertinent
lation and synthesis hopefully would address some of the con- design soil properties 共e.g., correlation or direct measurement兲. As
cerns regarding the robustness of soil statistics used in calibration a result, the same numerical factor of safety can imply very dif-
共Phoon and Kulhawy 2001兲. The second involves the develop- ferent safety margins in the actual design. Another significant
ment of practical RBD equations for transmission line structure source of ambiguity lies in the relationship between the factor of
foundations using more rigorous probabilistic techniques. Ulti- safety and the underlying level of risk. A larger factor of safety
mate and serviceability limit state RBD equations for drilled does not necessarily imply a smaller level of risk, because its
shafts and spread foundations subjected to a variety of loading effect can be negated by the presence of larger uncertainties in the
modes 共uplift, compression, lateral-moment loading兲 were devel- design environment. There is clearly a need to reformulate the
oped as part of this study. The bulk of the research has been traditional design approach in unambiguous terms and to rational-
published as an EPRI report 共Phoon et al. 1995兲, but interested ize those aspects dealing with uncertainties.
readers 共e.g., Goble 1999兲 have highlighted its lack of accessibil-
ity because of proprietorship and high cost.
The purpose of this paper and the companion paper is to Limit Stage Design
present a summary of this report to encourage more active par- Limit state design refers to a design philosophy that entails the
ticipation on this important issue. The first paper presents: 共1兲 an following three basic requirements: 共1兲 identify all potential fail-
overview of RBD within the context of geotechnical limit state ure modes or limit states; 共2兲 apply separate checks on each limit
design; 共2兲 key theoretical principles underlying RBD; and 共3兲 state; and 共3兲 show that the occurrence of each limit state is suf-
application of first-order reliability method 共FORM兲 to calibrate ficiently improbable. Limit state design is a logical formalization
LRFD and multiple resistance factor design 共MRFD兲 formats. of the traditional design approach that would help facilitate the
The proposed calibration approach can be applied to any geotech- explicit recognition and treatment of engineering risks. Much of
nical system, although the focus of the EPRI study is on trans- the impetus for this development arose from the widespread re-
mission line structure foundations. The importance of using reli- thinking of structural safety concepts that was brought about by
ability theory to combine and propagate various sources of the boom in post-World War II construction 共e.g., Freudenthal
uncertainties systematically to a consistent measure of risk is 1947; Pugsley 1955兲. To apply structural safety concepts in the
highlighted. Practical considerations such as the selection of sim- geotechnical design environment, due recognition should be
plified design formats, definition of nominal values, selection of given to the role of engineering judgment 共Kulhawy and Phoon
target reliability level, and robust calibration of resistance factors 1996兲 and our professional heritage that is steeped in empiricism.
are discussed. The detailed implementation of this framework for For example, the need for engineering judgment in the selection
shallow transmission line structure foundations is presented in the of critical limit states is greater in foundation design than in struc-
companion paper. tural design because in situ conditions must be dealt with ‘‘as is’’
Geotechnical Design Practice and might contain geologic ‘‘surprises’’ 共Boden 1981兲. Another
example is the apparent simplicity of geotechnical design models.
Even though the type of behavior to be predicted is nominally
Global Factor of Safety Approach beyond the capability of the models, reasonable predictions still
The purpose of design is to ensure that a system performs satis- can be achieved through empirical calibrations 共Focht 1994; Kul-
factorily within its design life. However, the presence of uncer- hawy 1994兲. The role of the geotechnical engineer in appreciating
tainties and economic constraints often makes it impossible to the complexities of soil behavior and recognizing the inherent
ensure that no adverse performance will occur under all possible limitations in these simplified models is clearly of considerable
circumstances. Traditionally, the geotechnical engineer relies on importance. Unlike structural design, the control of safety in geo-
global factors of safety to establish a comfort zone against poten- technical design is distributed more evenly among more than one
tial undesirable outcomes. For foundation design, the factor of aspect of the design process. Although it is important to consider
safety is generally applied to the geotechnical capacity as shown the effect of uncertainties in loads and strengths on design calcu-
below lations, it is nonetheless only one aspect of the problem of ensur-
ing sufficient safety in the design. Detailed discussions on some
Qn of these important issues are given elsewhere 共e.g., Bolton 1983;
F n⭐ (1)
FS Fleming 1989; Phoon et al. 1993; Kulhawy and Phoon 1996兲.


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Partial Factors of Safety able value method 共Bolton 1989兲 do not represent significant im-
provements over the empirical partial factors of safety approach.
To comply with limit state design, it is necessary to demonstrate The conflict between the need for simplicity or using small num-
that the occurrence of each limit state is sufficiently improbable. bers of partial factors of safety, and the need to achieve a reason-
However, limit state design does not entail a preferred method of able level of uniformity in safety, does not appear to lend itself
ensuring safety. Since all engineering quantities 共e.g., loads, readily to such simple solutions.
strengths兲 are inherently uncertain to some extent, a logical ap- A recurring criticism made by numerous authors 共e.g., Beal
proach is to formulate the above problem in the language of prob- 1979; Bolton 1981; Mortensen 1983; Driscoll 1984兲, specifically
ability. The mathematical formalization of this aspect of limit on the partial factors of safety method but applicable to any
state design using probabilistic methods constitutes the main method that seeks to quantify safety explicitly, is that these meth-
thrust of RBD. Aside from probabilistic methods, less formal ods are not capable of handling gross errors. The truth of the
methods of ensuring safety, such as the partial factors of safety matter is that no economically acceptable safety margin, either
method, also have been used within the framework of limit state based on traditional or partial factors of safety approaches, can be
design. Examples include the Danish Code of Practice 共Danish expected to cover situations in which the geology has been as-
Geotechnical Institute 1985兲; Canadian Foundation Engineering sessed incorrectly, soil properties from field and laboratory tests
Manual 共Technical Committee on Foundations 1992兲; and Euro- have been misinterpreted grossly, an inappropriate behavioral
code 7 共CEN 1994兲. model has been used, a major source of load has been ignored, or
In the partial factors of safety method, safety against ultimate mistakes in the design calculations have been made. These gross
failure is ensured by applying different partial coefficients to dif- errors only can be handled by ensuring proper professional com-
ferent soil parameters 共e.g., cohesion, friction angle兲 as shown petence and conduct and by establishing careful control during
below site investigation, design, and construction. It must be understood

冉 冊
that the partial factors of safety method and the probabilistic
c n tan ␾ n
␩F n ⭐Q , (2) methods used in structural safety do not lay claim to eliminating
␥c ␥␾ all manners of risks; they merely serve to rationalize one aspect of
in which ␩⫽load factor; F n ⫽nominal foundation load; Q safety control that is based on design calculations. Other mea-
⫽foundation capacity; c n ⫽nominal cohesion; ␾ n ⫽nominal fric- sures of controlling safety, including quality control, careful su-
tion angle; and ␥ c and ␥ ␾ ⫽partial factors of safety. There might pervision during construction, monitoring the performance of the
be more than one load factor if load combinations are involved. system during construction and subsequent use, or early warning
The partial factors of safety are determined subjectively based on and evacuation contingency plans, generally are not within the
two guidelines: 共1兲 a larger partial coefficient should be assigned scope of the partial factors of safety method or the probabilistic
to a more uncertain quantity; and 共2兲 the partial coefficients methods used in structural safety.
should result in approximately the same design dimensions as that
obtained from traditional practice 共Hansen 1965兲. The nominal
Reliability-Based Design
loads and soil parameters that are used in conjunction with these
partial factors of safety typically are not well defined 共DiMaggio The application of limit state design philosophy represents an
et al. 1999兲. The strength of this method is twofold: 共1兲 the coef- important step towards more rational risk management in founda-
ficients are applied directly to the uncertain quantities, and 共2兲 the tion engineering. Implementation of limit state design within a
method has been used successfully for more than 40 years in nonprobabilistic framework, such as the empirical partial factors
Denmark 共Ovesen 1989a兲. However, the method is not likely to of safety method, does not appear to address adequately most of
produce substantially more uniform levels of safety, because the the serious drawbacks associated with the traditional factor of
partial factors of safety for the soil parameters are not dependent safety approach. For example, it is not clear how the empirical
on influential factors such as the design equation 共Simpson et al. partial factors of safety method can promote communication, as-
1981兲 and the procedure for determining soil strength. Another sist in extrapolating the experience of safe practice to new condi-
weakness is that the method does not account for the possible tions, or permit full advantage to be taken of improvements in the
variation in the uncertainty of soil parameters from site to site. knowledge base. The adoption of such empirical methods might
The partial factors of safety suggested by Hansen 共1965兲 were pave the way for gradual rationalization of the partial factors
adopted in the Danish Code of Practice for Foundation Engineer- using probabilistic means, but the desirability of trading a known
ing 共Danish Geotechnical Institute 1985兲 and Eurocode 7 共CEN system for an unknown one solely on this basis is debatable.
1994兲 with minor modifications. The use of partial factors of
safety in limit state design also is recommended in the Canadian
Basic Theory
Foundation Engineering Manual 共Technical Committee on Foun-
dations 1992兲. The partial factors of safety were calibrated 共Mey- The principal difference between RBD and the traditional or par-
erhof 1984兲 so that they result, on average, in overall factors of tial factors of safety design approaches lies in the application of
safety that are in agreement with existing practice. As noted pre- reliability theory, which allows uncertainties to be quantified and
viously, using unique values of partial factors of safety for each manipulated consistently in a manner that is free from self con-
soil parameter cannot result in more uniform levels of safety. In tradiction. A simple application of reliability theory is shown in
an attempt to address this shortcoming, the Canadian Foundation Fig. 1 to define some of the key terms used in RBD. Uncertain
Engineering Manual proposed the use of resistance modification design quantities, such as the load 共F兲 and the capacity 共Q兲, are
factors and performance factors to ensure agreement with existing modeled as random variables, while design risk is quantified by
practice. However, this procedure is not entirely successful, as the probability of failure ( p f ). The basic reliability problem is to
noted by several authors 共e.g., Baike 1985; Valsangkar and evaluate p f from some pertinent statistics of F and Q, which
Schriver 1991兲. Other nonprobabilistic limit state design methods, typically include the mean (m F and m Q ) and the standard devia-
such as the ␭ method 共Simpson et al. 1981兲 and the worst attain- tion (s F or s Q ), and possibly the probability density function.


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Table 1. Relationship Between Reliability Index 共␤兲 and Probability
of Failure (p f ) 共U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1997, p. B-11兲
Reliability Probability of failure Expected performance
index ␤ p f ⫽⌽(⫺␤) level
1.0 0.16 Hazardous
1.5 0.07 Unsatisfactory
2.0 0.023 Poor
2.5 0.006 Below average
3.0 0.001 Above average
4.0 0.00003 Good
5.0 0.0000003 High
Note: ⌽(•)⫽standard normal probability distribution.

mM m Q ⫺m F
␤⫽ ⫽ (6)
sM 冑s Q2 ⫹s F2
The reliability indices for most geotechnical components and sys-
tems lie between 1 and 5, corresponding to probabilities of failure
ranging from about 0.16 to 3⫻10⫺7 , as shown in Table 1. Note
that p f decreases as ␤ increases, but the variation is not linear. It
is tempting to compare ␤ with the traditional factor of safety
because both parameters lie in the same range. However, their
relationship is actually nonunique, as shown below
m FS⫺1
␤⫽ (7)
Fig. 1. Reliability assessment for normally distributed load and 冑共 m FSCOVQ 兲 2 ⫹COVF2
in which m FS⫽m Q /m F ⫽mean factor of safety; COVQ ⫽s Q /m Q
⫽coefficient of variation 共COV兲 of capacity; and COVF
A simple closed-form solution for p f is available if both Q and ⫽s F /m F ⫽COV of load. Different reliability indices can be ob-
F are normally distributed. For this condition, the safety margin tained for the same mean factor of safety, depending on the COVs
(M ⫽Q⫺F) also is normally distributed with the following mean of Q and F. In this sense, ␤ can be considered as an extension and
(m M ) and standard deviation (s M ) 共e.g., Melchers 1999兲 more complete version of FS that attempts to incorporate both
m M ⫽m Q ⫺m F (3a) deterministic and statistical information on Q and F. Another im-
portant closed-form relationship between ␤ and m FS is available
s 2M ⫽s Q
⫹s F2 (3b) when Q and F are log-normally distributed
Once the probability distribution of M is known, the probability
of failure ( p f ) can be evaluated as 冉 冑
loge m FS

冉 冊
mM ␤⫽ (8)
p f ⫽Prob共 Q⬍F 兲 ⫽Prob共 Q⫺F⬍0 兲 ⫽Prob共 M ⬍0 兲 ⫽⌽ ⫺
sM 冑loge 关共 1⫹COVF2 兲共 1⫹COVQ2 兲兴
(4) If there are physical grounds to disallow negative values, the log-
in which Prob(•)⫽probability of an event; and ⌽(•)⫽standard normal probability model is more sensible. Eq. 共8兲 has been used
normal cumulative function. Numerical values for ⌽共•兲 can be as the basis for RBD 共e.g., Rosenblueth and Esteva 1972; Ravin-
obtained easily using the function NORMSDIST共⫺␤兲 in MS dra and Galambos 1978; Barker et al. 1991; Becker 1996b兲.
Excel™. It is also equal to NORMCDF共⫺␤, 0, 1兲 in MATLAB™. Although closed-form solutions are convenient to apply, they
The probability of failure is cumbersome to use when its value are overly simplistic for foundation problems. The need to sim-
becomes very small, and it carries the negative connotation of plify the capacity term as a single lumped parameter 共Q兲 is par-
‘‘failure.’’ A more convenient 共and perhaps more palatable兲 mea- ticularly restrictive from both physical and statistical consider-
sure of design risk is the reliability index 共␤兲, which is defined as ations. The capacity of a foundation is composed of physically
distinctive components that are generally nonlinear functions of
␤⫽⫺⌽ ⫺1 共 p f 兲 ⫽⌽ ⫺1 共 1⫺p f 兲 (5)
more fundamental design parameters, such as foundation geom-
in which ⌽ (•)⫽inverse standard normal cumulative function. etry, in situ stress state, and shear strength. The relative contribu-
The function ⌽ ⫺1 (•) can be obtained easily from MS Excel™ tion of each component 共e.g., weight, side resistance, tip resis-
using NORM SINV(1⫺p f ). The corresponding function in tance兲 to the overall capacity is not constant. The degrees of
MATLAB™ is NORM INV(1⫺p f ,0,1). Note that ␤ is not a new uncertainty associated with the evaluation of these components
measure of design risk. It simply represents an alternative method also are different. Hence, the statistics for Q must vary as a func-
for presenting p f on a more convenient scale. tion of these factors. This lack of robustness in the statistics is a
A comparison of Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 shows that the reliability direct outcome of lumping many significant factors into a single
index for the special case of two normal random variables is parameter. Attempts have been made to characterize the lumped
given by capacity 共e.g., DiGioia and Rojas-Gonzalez 1991兲, but insufficient


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recognition is given to their lack of robustness. Examples of
lumped capacity statistics and their sensitivity to the underlying
load test database are given by Phoon and Kulhawy 共1996兲.
A more general approach that can calculate p f and ␤ from the
statistics of the design soil parameters directly, without lumping
the parameters into a single random variable 共Q兲, is more suitable.
The problem of calculating p f for the general case in which Q is
modeled as a nonlinear function of several basic random variables
is more difficult than the simple case shown in Fig. 1. Further
complications arise if the basic random variables are non-normal
and correlated. No closed-form solutions are available for these
more usual cases. A commonly used numerical technique for
these cases is the FORM, which provides good approximate so-
lutions for engineering applications. The FORM algorithm used
in this study is summarized in the Appendix. More details can be
found in standard reliability texts 共e.g., Melchers 1999兲. Fig. 2. Empirical rates of failure for civil engineering facilities
共Baecher 1987, p. 49兲

Target Probability of Failure

The basic objective of RBD is to ensure that the probability of surprising, because the safety of a design is not affected by un-
failure of a component does not exceed an acceptable threshold certainties underlying design calculations alone. It also can be
level. Based on this objective, an economical design would be severely compromised by factors such as poor construction and
one in which the probability of failure does not depart signifi- human errors. The Construction Industry Research & Information
cantly from the threshold. For the design problem shown in Fig. Association 共1977兲 reported that only 20% of tower failures and
1, the RBD objective can be formally stated as follows: 10% of bridge failures arose from inadequate considerations
about the variability of load and strength. Hence, it would appear
p f ⫽Prob共 Q⬍F 兲 ⭐p T (9) that the theoretical probability of failure is 1 order of magnitude
in which p T ⫽acceptable target probability of failure. Reliability- smaller than the actual rate of failure. Using this simple adjust-
based design, as exemplified by Eq. 共9兲, allows the engineer to ment, Fig. 2 indicates that the currently accepted theoretical prob-
make a conscious choice on an acceptable level of design risk and ability of failure for foundations is between 0.01% and 0.1% 共or ␤
then proceed to a set of design dimensions that are consistent with between 3.1 and 3.7兲. Empirical rates of failure have also been
that choice. In contrast to the traditional or partial factors of used directly, without adjustment, by some authors 共e.g., Meyer-
safety approach, logical consistency between the computed de- hof 1995; Becker 1996b兲. Regardless of the adjustment made,
sign risk and the uncertainties inherent in the design process is empirical rates of failure should not be used as the sole basis for
assured by probabilistic analysis, such as FORM. selecting p T , because they might not be truly representative. For
The evaluation of design risk 关left hand side of Eq. 共9兲兴 has example, Leonards 共1982兲 noted that failure records usually are
been discussed previously, with particular emphasis on the need not collected systematically because no formal system exists for
to use an adequate reliability assessment technique for computa- the registration of failures. In most countries, it is not mandatory
tion. Another important consideration is the robustness of the sta- to report failures of civil facilities to regulatory authorities unless
tistical inputs, which will be discussed in the companion paper. the scope of failure involves injury to people or loss of lives
This section presents the selection of the target probability of 共Ovesen 1989b兲. There also appears to be a general reluctance
failure for transmission line structure foundations, which is essen- among the engineering profession to be too outspoken about fail-
tially based on the following key considerations: ures because of possible litigation.
1. It should be approximately consistent with empirical rates of In this EPRI study 共Report TR-105000兲, the range of reliability
foundation failure, after making an appropriate adjustment levels implicit in existing foundation designs also is considered in
for the difference between actual and calculated rates of fail- the selection of p T . This approach is practiced quite widely in
ure; RBD 共e.g., Ellingwood et al. 1980; Moses and Larrabee 1988兲.
2. It should fall within the range of reliability levels implicit in Although this approach is empirical, it possesses a major advan-
existing foundation designs; tage of maintaining continuity with the existing experience base.
3. It should be applicable for a variety of loading modes that In addition, RBD codes can be fine tuned to take local conditions/
are commonly imposed on transmission line structure foun- practice into account using such a procedure 共Turner et al. 1992兲.
dations; and Beal 共1979兲 noted that splitting the safety margin into compo-
4. It should exceed the target reliability index for typical trans- nents associated with loads and resistances can result in omitting
mission line structures because foundation repairs are more some functions of the original factor of safety. Empirical calibra-
difficult and costly 共Criswell and Vanderbilt 1987; IEC tion will partially address this important concern as well. At
1991兲. present, judicious adjustment of p T is probably the only realistic
An example of empirical rates of failure for civil engineering means of incorporating less quantifiable but important consider-
facilities is presented in Fig. 2. As expected, the probability of ations into new RBD codes in a fairly consistent way. An example
failure decreases with increasing consequence of failure. It has of evaluating representative reliability indices for selection of p T
been recognized by numerous authors that the theoretical prob- is shown in the companion paper. The results for all the loading
ability of failure usually is significantly smaller than the actual modes considered in the EPRI study are summarized in Table 2.
rate of failure 共Construction Industry Research & Information As- For projects with low consequence of failure or short duration, a
sociation 1977; Smith 1981; Livingstone 1989兲. This result is not lower target reliability index may be justifiable.


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Table 2. Reliability Indices Implicit in Existing Foundation Designs
for Transmission Line Structures
Type of Range Average
Foundation Loading mode analysis of ␤ ␤
Spread footing Uplift Undrained 2.6 –3.7 3.15
Drained 2.3–3.5 2.90
Drilled shaft Uplift Undrained 2.8 –3.6 3.20
Drained 2.4 –3.6 3.00
Compression Undrained 2.7–3.6 3.20
Drained 2.4 –3.5 3.00
Lateral-moment Undrained 2.2–3.6 2.90
Drained 2.5–3.5 3.00 Fig. 3. Simplified reliability-based design
Note: Source is the EPRI Rep. No. TR-105000 共Phoon et al. 1995兲.

sistance; W⫽foundation weight 共⫾ depending on uplift/

The above empirical calibration approach also is employed by
compression mode兲; and ⌿⫽resistance factor. The LRFD format
the Task Committee on Structural Loadings 共1991兲 and Criswell
is superficially identical to the traditional factor of safety format
and Vanderbilt 共1987兲 to calibrate their reliability-based design
given by Eq. 共1兲. However, the resistance factor is calibrated rig-
guidelines for transmission line structures. From a calibration
orously using reliability theory to produce designs that can
study involving six representative structures, Criswell and
achieve a known level of reliability consistently. Load and resis-
Vanderbilt 共1987兲 concluded that a target reliability index in the
tance factor design is quite popular 共Barker et al. 1991; Becker
range of 2.7–3.2 is acceptable. The Task Committee recommends
1996b兲 because of its familiar ‘‘look and feel.’’ Historically, it has
a target probability of failure in the range of 0.03–1%, corre-
been introduced by code-drafting committees 共e.g., Allen 1975;
sponding to a target reliability index between 2.3 and 3.4. These
Ellingwood et al. 1980兲 that were concerned primarily with struc-
target reliability indices for structural design serve as approximate
tural loadings. It is only natural to leave the resistance factor as a
lower bounds for foundation design.
generic lumped parameter that can be easily adjusted to suit di-
An extensive reliability study of relevant design experience
verse strength models. The weight of tradition has led to the adop-
indicates that an average target reliability index between 2.9 and
tion of LRFD for foundation design, even though the MRFD is
3.2 is applicable for a variety of common loading modes 共Table
more physically appealing. The use of different resistance factors
2兲. Additional considerations from adjusted empirical rates of fail-
in MRFD also conforms to the rationale for multiple load factors.
ure (␤ T ⫽3.1– 3.7) and the lower bound target reliability indices
A general procedure for calibrating resistance factors is given
from transmission line structures (␤ T ⬎2.3– 3.4) would suggest
below, but the goal of calibration can be illustrated qualitatively
that a target reliability index of 3.2 is probably the most appro-
using Fig. 3. It can be seen that the calibrated factors are used to
priate. This selected target reliability index is considered to be
ensure consistent separation between the probability density func-
‘‘above average’’ following the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’
tions describing the uncertain load and capacity. Fig. 3 also
共1997兲 classification 共Table 1兲. It is also consistent with the reli-
clearly highlights the importance of defining the nominal load and
ability levels in the proposed foundation design code for National
capacity precisely, which has been frequently overlooked 共Con-
Building Code of Canada 共Becker 1996b兲 but slightly below that
struction Industry Research & Information Association 1977;
proposed by Meyerhof 共1995兲.
Been and Jefferies 1993; Dahlberg and Ronold 1993兲. In the
EPRI Report TR-105000, nominal soil parameters are defined at
Multiple-Factor Formats the mean for three reasons. First, geotechnical engineers prefer to
assess foundation behavior using realistic parameters, so that they
Reliability-based design in the form of Eq. 共9兲 requires the re-
would have a physical feel for the problem, rather than perform a
peated evaluation of p f until an acceptable target value is
hypothetical computation using some statistically factored param-
achieved for the trial design. While the approach is rigorous, it is
eters 共e.g., 5% exclusion limit兲. Second, factored parameters can
not suitable for designs that are conducted on a routine basis. For
inadvertently produce values that are unrealistic or physically un-
this purpose, a simplified RBD approach is adopted that involves
realizable. Third, the purpose of simplified RBD is to relieve
the use of multiple-factor formats. One possible design check is
practitioners from unfamiliar probability calculations so that at-
the partial factors of safety format given in Eq. 共2兲. It has been
tention could be focused on the geotechnical aspects of the prob-
implemented in Eurocode 7 共CEN 1994兲, but assigning unique
lem. This objective could be partially undermined when statistical
partial factors to each soil parameter cannot possibly produce
factoring is required. The mean value also has been recommended
similar reliability indices for the full range of diverse geotechnical
for reliability-based design of transmission line structures
models. This deficiency will surface when the empirically deter-
共Criswell and Vanderbilt 1987兲. Several authors have also adopted
mined partial factors of safety eventually are calibrated using re-
values close to the mean as nominal 共e.g., Moses and Larrabee
liability theory. In the EPRI Report TR-105000, the LRFD and
1988; Bengtsson et al. 1993; Dahlberg and Ronold 1993; Becker
MRFD formats are adopted for checking designs. For axial load-
ing, they are respectively given by
F 50⭐⌿Q n (10a)
Calibration of Resistance Factors
F 50⭐⌿ s Q sn ⫹⌿ t Q tn ⫾⌿ w W (10b)
The resistance factors for the LRFD and MRFD formats 关Eq.
in which F 50⫽50-year return period load; Q n ⫽nominal founda- 共10兲兴 are calibrated using a general approach that is capable of
tion capacity; Q sn ⫽nominal side resistance; Q tn ⫽nominal tip re- handling any reasonable number of load and resistance compo-


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mation in Eq. 共11兲 if certain sets of parameters are more
frequently encountered in practice.
6. Adjust the resistance factors and repeat Steps 4 and 5 until
the objective function is minimized. The set of resistance
factors that minimizes the objective function 共H兲 is the most
desirable because the degree of uniformity in the reliability
levels of all the designs in the domain is maximized. The
following measure can be used to quantify the degree of
uniformity that has been achieved
⌬␤⫽冑H/n (12)
in which ⌬␤⫽average deviation from the target reliability
index in the calibration domain.
7. Repeat Steps 3– 6 for the other domains.
Note that this seven-step procedure is not the same as the seven-
step procedure for FORM described in the Appendix. The above
Fig. 4. Partitioning of parameter space for calibration of resistance
resistance factor calibration procedure is not a wholly objective
exercise. For example, the degree of uniformity in the reliability
level can be increased without limits. However, the sizes of the
calibration domains will have to be reduced if minor deviations
nents, as well as any reasonable probability distribution type. This from the target reliability level cannot be tolerated. In the ex-
approach already has been adopted for the calibration of many treme, there would be so many different domains and sets of
RBD codes 共e.g., Construction Industry Research & Information resistance factors that the RBD format becomes impractical, al-
Association 1977; Ellingwood et al. 1980; Moses and Larrabee though the ideal condition of uniform reliability is achieved.
1988兲. The essential details of this approach are summarized Clearly, some judgment is required in this regard to ensure that
below: the resulting RBD format does not become overly cumbersome to
1. Perform a parametric study on the variation of the reliability use. There is also a need to ensure that the resistance factors
level with respect to each deterministic and statistical param- emerging from the optimization process are physically meaning-
eter in the design problem. Examples of deterministic param- ful and do not deviate significantly from those currently in use.
eters that control the design of foundations include the diam- The approach described above is used for the calibration of the
eter 共width兲 and depth to diameter 共width兲 ratio. Examples of resistance factors in the companion paper.
statistical parameters for foundations loaded under undrained
conditions include the mean and COV of the undrained shear
strength. Conclusions
2. Partition the parameter space into several smaller domains.
An example of a simple parameter space is shown in Fig. 4. This paper presents the reliability-based design 共RBD兲 initiative
The reason for partitioning is to achieve greater uniformity sponsored by EPRI for transmission line structure foundations.
in reliability over the full range of deterministic and statisti- The role of RBD is presented within the context of geotechnical
cal parameters. For those parameters identified in Step 1 as limit state design. Design parameters that are amenable to statis-
having a significant influence on the reliability level, the size tical description can be propagated systematically to a consistent
of the partition clearly should be smaller. In addition, parti- measure of design risk using reliability techniques such as the
tioning ideally should conform to existing geotechnical con-
FORM. Less quantifiable factors are incorporated approximately
into RBD by judicious selection of the target reliability level. A
3. Select a set of representative points from each domain. Note
simplified RBD approach based on the LRFD and MRFD formats
that each point in the parameter space denotes a specific set
is proposed for practical implementation. The resistance factors
of parameter values 共Fig. 4兲. Ideally, the set of representative
for the LRFD and MRFD formats are calibrated rigorously using
points should capture the full range of variation in the reli-
FORM to produce designs that can achieve a known level of
ability level over the whole domain.
reliability consistently.
4. Determine an acceptable foundation design for each point
and evaluate the reliability levels in the designs. Foundation
design is performed using the set of parameter values asso-
ciated with each point, along with a simplified RBD format Acknowledgments
and a set of trial resistance factors. The reliability of the
resulting foundation design then is evaluated using the This paper is based, in part, on research sponsored by the Electric
FORM algorithm. Power Research Institute. The EPRI project manager was A.
5. Quantify the deviations of the reliability levels from a pre- Hirany.
selected target reliability index ␤ T . The following simple
objective function can be used:
n Appendix. First-Order Reliability Method
H共⌿su ,⌿tu ,⌿w兲⫽ 兺 共␤i⫺␤T兲
The general approach undertaken by the FORM is to transform
in which H(•)⫽objective function to be minimized; n the original random variables into independent, standard normal
⫽number of points in the calibration domain; and ␤ i random variables. The first-order simplification is to approximate
⫽reliability index for the ith point in the domain. It is pos- the nonlinear limit state surface by a hyperplane tangent to the
sible to assign different weights to each term within the sum- point on the surface that is nearest to the origin. The reason for


Downloaded 13 Apr 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright. Visit
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