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Executive Summary

FedEx Express is the world largest cargo airlines with over 290,000 employees
moving seven million packages each day with 600 flights a day. One of the top 20
Fortune “Most Admired” for a decade, FedEx stands among the world’s successful
enterprises. From the start FedEx always believed that people were the key to business,
and that leadership is about continuous growth.

The company sees that the people-side of leadership has grown more complex,
and looking to the future, is committed to developing leadership capabilities to
manage the changing workforce.  The goal is leaders who are better at influence,
make decisions that are both quick and accurate, and are able to build a culture where
people feel the dedication and drive for exceptional performance in a way that’s
sustainable and creates real value for all stakeholders. The company should know and
distinguish what leadership will be effective to attain the goals they wanted. The
success of a business depends on the ability of the managers to motivate and
encourage its employees to contribute willingly towards the goals and objectives of
the organization. Employees are not only motivated by monetary factors and
managers should use a mixture of strategies.

II. Statement of the Problem

This case study aims to determine the symptoms and root causes of the

1. In terms of long-term problem: enhancing and developing leader’s skills to manage

changing workforce.

One of the main concern of FedEx is on how to develop leader’s capabilities to be

better at influencing others and make decision more accurate. Leadership
development creates skilled and empowered leaders.

2. In terms of short-term problem: insufficient task-based management and requiring

people-oriented management.

The negatives of task-oriented leadership are that it can lead to a lack of

employee autonomy and creativity. FedEx must develop not only the task oriented
leadership but also the people-oriented leadership to build a team where employees
give their discretionary effort.

3. Influencing employees motivation and performance within organization.

Leaders who have emotional intelligence can influence his/her employee’s

motivation and performance in the workplace. Leaders should be aware that their
behavior and attitude will influence the culture of the organization and the people
working under them.
4. Focusing on emotional intelligence.

FedEx new managers focus on how emotional intelligence will assist them to
show up as leaders by managing themselves first. Emotionally intelligent leadership
means forming a connection between people at an emotional level.

III. Causes of the Problem

This section states the causes of the problem of this case study:

  Some members may realize that they are not working to potential, but would
point to a lack of guidance, training and feedback as the cause of their
performance issues.Leaders interaction with workers casts the modality of
operations and depending on the leaders’ behaviorism and style promotes or
decreases motivation in the work place.

 Managers can’t manage their emotions and stress that it can affects the whole
organization. Leaders are missing opportunities to better engage and develop
their workforce to the employees.

 Most organization focus only on the performance and output of the employees.
Employees has to work under very strict deadlines and pressure in excessive task
orientation that can brought the company culture down.

 The company wants to have a leader whose capabilities and skills are much better
than others. Leader who make fast and accurate decisions that can help the
organization. High-performers are typically identified for these leadership, which
may be longer-term and broader than focusing on tighter end-goals.

IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solution

After analyzing the evident causes of problems and the problems itself, the
consultant came up with possible alternative solutions.

The leaders in an organization should be the first one responsible in

handling this situations. They should be equipped enough, have knowledge
regarding the company and capable to influence the employees. Managers must
know how their behavior affects the performance of the employees. Good
communication between members of the organization can improve the
relationship. Giving feedback and rewards can motivate the employees to do
better and perform well.
Task oriented leaders have several characteristics that help make sure
that help make sure that things get done in a manner that is both effective and
on time every time. The managers should create a clear, easy to follow work
schedules with specific requirements and deadlines. Employees who need
structure and who struggle with managing their time work best under this
kind of task oriented leadership. To practice task-oriented style they must
focused in Effective goal setting, and a clear path to complete objectives, and
people-oriented leadership advantages and disadvantages in the company.
Through the in-person training participants learn about key concepts in
implementing good leadership and what it means to lead people. A five day-
course and six month follow up coaching process must be done to identify
new manager’s strength and give them specific emotional competencies.

V. Recommended Solutions, Implementation, and Justification

After the thorough analyzation, the consultant concluded the following
recommended solutions:

FedEx Ground cares for its employees and contractors and the
communities in which they live and work. In addition to corporate employees
volunteerism, they need to develop strategic relationships with their
employees so that they can share their values and experience .
The company should know and distinguish what leadership will be
effective to attain the goals they wanted. The leaders must know how to
manage organizational behavior that focused on acquiring, developing and
applying the knowledge and skills of employees.
The company will do this by taking care of its people first believing
they will make then take care of its customer.For this reason the top
leadership at Fedex is committed to the “People First”. To be effective, leaders
must have a solid understanding of how their emotions and actions affect the
people around them. The better a leader relates to and works with others, the
more successful he or she will be. Take time to work on self awareness, self
regulation, motivation and empathy and social skills. Working on this area
will help you excel in the future. The best kind of leadership is about setting in
example, influence, integrity, inspiration and courage.The transformational
leadership was key to motivate the Fedex teams.

VI. External Sourcing

After determining the problems and solutions about the team building session
for executive team retreat, the consultant used there sources to support the

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is defined, and is considered, as a capability of an

individual to recognize and identify emotions, create and retrieve emotions and so
help in attaining the state of contemplation (Mayer & Salovey, 1997).Goleman (1995)
defines Emotional Intelligence as an aptitude of an individual to be familiar with his
or her own feelings in term of emotions, strengths, weakness-es, needs,goals, drives
and values, and to sought the same in others people working around him /her, to keep
them motivated and maintaining healthier relationships with them. Thus, Emotional
Intelligence is an assortment of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills
that empower the individual to succeed in handling and deal with the environmental
demands and pressures. IQ is not the final or even the most important predictor of
successful job performance.


The success of the project at FedEx offers several insights for other companies
looking to gain value from emotional intelligence:

At FedEx, concepts like “discretionary effort” and the leadership requirements

from the annual SFA survey create an internal “case” for emotional intelligence. The
champions of this project have helped leaders see that the learnable skills of
emotional intelligence are building blocks to create the kind of people-first leadership
the company wants – which, in turn, increases economic value. This recognition has
built support of the initiative at very senior levels.

 Greenleaf, RK, and Spears, LC. Servant leadership: a journey into the nature of
legitimate power and greatness. Paulist Press, 2002. ISBN 0809105543,

 Real Time Performance. Leadership makes the difference: How FedEx increased
employee engagement to successfully launch a new service. Web.

 FedEx. “FedEx Careers”. Web.

Case Analysis
Human Behavior in

Submitted to:
Mrs. Concepcion Castro

Submitted by:
Manibo, Jaycel Anne M.
Macalindong, Allen Cyrill P.
Manalo, Trexie Amor O.

BSMA 1101

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