Expresso Nitro (398410938) - Real - Holdem - No-Limit

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Winamax Poker - Tournament "Expresso Nitro" buyIn: 0.23€ + 0.

02€ level: 1 - HandId:

#1711161949078683649-1-1602626984 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2020/10/13 22:09:44
Table: 'Expresso Nitro(398410938)#0' 3-max (real money) Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: PLAME (300)
Seat 2: Pillow6 (300)
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (300)
Pillow6 posts small blind 10
Kewin0510 posts big blind 20
Dealt to Pillow6 [Tc Qs]
*** PRE-FLOP ***
PLAME folds
Pillow6 calls 10
Kewin0510 checks
*** FLOP *** [5d Ad 5s]
Pillow6 bets 22
Kewin0510 calls 22
*** TURN *** [5d Ad 5s][6h]
Pillow6 checks
Kewin0510 bets 56
Pillow6 folds
Kewin0510 collected 140 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 140 | No rake
Board: [5d Ad 5s 6h]
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (big blind) won 140

Winamax Poker - Tournament "Expresso Nitro" buyIn: 0.23€ + 0.02€ level: 1 - HandId:
#1711161949078683649-2-1602627033 - Holdem no limit (10/20) - 2020/10/13 22:10:33
Table: 'Expresso Nitro(398410938)#0' 3-max (real money) Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: PLAME (300)
Seat 2: Pillow6 (258)
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (342)
Kewin0510 posts small blind 10
PLAME posts big blind 20
Dealt to Pillow6 [8s 7c]
*** PRE-FLOP ***
Pillow6 folds
Kewin0510 raises 40 to 60
PLAME raises 240 to 300 and is all-in
Kewin0510 calls 240
*** FLOP *** [7h 3d Jd]
*** TURN *** [7h 3d Jd][3h]
*** RIVER *** [7h 3d Jd 3h][6c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
PLAME shows [Kh Th] (One pair : 3)
Kewin0510 shows [Ah 5h] (One pair : 3)
Kewin0510 collected 600 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 600 | No rake
Board: [7h 3d Jd 3h 6c]
Seat 1: PLAME (big blind) showed [Kh Th] and lost with One pair : 3
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (small blind) showed [Ah 5h] and won 600 with One pair : 3
Winamax Poker - Tournament "Expresso Nitro" buyIn: 0.23€ + 0.02€ level: 2 - HandId:
#1711161949078683649-3-1602627053 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2020/10/13 22:10:53
Table: 'Expresso Nitro(398410938)#0' 3-max (real money) Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: Pillow6 (258)
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (642)
Pillow6 posts small blind 15
Kewin0510 posts big blind 30
Dealt to Pillow6 [Tc 5h]
*** PRE-FLOP ***
Pillow6 folds
Kewin0510 collected 45 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 45 | No rake
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (big blind) won 45

Winamax Poker - Tournament "Expresso Nitro" buyIn: 0.23€ + 0.02€ level: 2 - HandId:
#1711161949078683649-4-1602627059 - Holdem no limit (15/30) - 2020/10/13 22:10:59
Table: 'Expresso Nitro(398410938)#0' 3-max (real money) Seat #3 is the button
Seat 2: Pillow6 (243)
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (657)
Kewin0510 posts small blind 15
Pillow6 posts big blind 30
Dealt to Pillow6 [Qs Kd]
*** PRE-FLOP ***
Kewin0510 raises 627 to 657 and is all-in
Pillow6 calls 213 and is all-in
*** FLOP *** [7d Ad 6h]
*** TURN *** [7d Ad 6h][9d]
*** RIVER *** [7d Ad 6h 9d][Ah]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Pillow6 shows [Qs Kd] (One pair : Aces)
Kewin0510 shows [7s Js] (Two pairs : Aces and 7)
Kewin0510 collected 900 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 900 | No rake
Board: [7d Ad 6h 9d Ah]
Seat 2: Pillow6 (big blind) showed [Qs Kd] and lost with One pair : Aces
Seat 3: Kewin0510 (small blind) (button) showed [7s Js] and won 900 with Two
pairs : Aces and 7

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