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CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Simulating first order dynamical systems using analog computer

ME Department

1. Radwan Tareef (0167120) 2. Abdulla Alrifai (0166878)

Item Grade Remarks








CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


Analog plant simulator is used to solve a first order system equation and determine its ability in
solving it, after drawing the block diagram of the equation to be used in wiring the board in
order to find linear solution, proven by the resulting diagram on CASSY Lab Oscilloscope.

The analog board gain is calibrated using a signal from the Cassy lab on the computer sent to
the DAQ (data acquisition) which in turn connected to the analog board in order to calibrate
the Gain Knobs and to translate all data from analog to diagrams on computer screen for
proven results.

According to the given FODE the analog is wired on the board and DAQ to solve this
differential equation, a signal is sent from the computer with the input function and sent back
the results from the board through DAQ to be evaluated by the Cassy lab and record results.

Results were taken of a square input and a linear-like output into and out from the DAQ, this report
shows the ability of the analog plant to solve FODE with minor losses.

The theoretical value compared with the solved Analog plant simulator value and the result is
approximately the same with all of the errors from the wires accounted for, the result represent a
liner-like equation from the first order as mentioned.

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3

Methods ................................................................................................................ 4

Apparatus .......................................................................................................... 4

Procedure .......................................................................................................... 5

Results ................................................................................................................... 6

Discussions ............................................................................................................ 7

Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 9

References ........................................................................................................... 10

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


A fundamental concept in the Control and Dynamics Systems is the first order system, there are
lots of ways to solve a first order system but in this experiment we are going to proof or
disproof that the Analog Plant Simulator can solve a first order system and give us the result as
a plot in the Cassy lab program.

First order systems are, by definition, systems whose input-output relationship is a first order
differential equation of the form ̇ which contains only first derivative, where the
solution of the form of .

First order systems are an extremely important class of systems. Many practical systems are first
order; for example, the mass-damper system and the mass heating system are both first order
′( ) + 𝐴( ) = ( → First order equation.

The first order system has only one pole as shown

Figure 1: Block Diagram of a first-order system

Knowing that the transfer function of the closed loop control system has unity negative feedback
Y(S) G(S)
R(S) 1 + G(S)

Our purpose in this experiment is to use the Analog Plant Simulator with Data Acquisition
System and Cassy Lab to answer the research question. “Will the result that we got using the
Analog Plant Simulator match the theoretical results?” We hypothesize it will be close to it.

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


At first we have to represent the block diagram of the given equation ̇ on the analog
plant simulator board by connecting wires to the suitable ports, and then we use the DAQ to work as a
bridge between the analog and the computer using wires. Calibration was made to reach the desired
input using CASSY Lab program. P and D controller were turned off while I controller was turned on
overall the process. The information was then used to draw a First order system diagram.

Furthermore, we can give the analog an input signal using function generator which is a device that
gives different types of signals (sinusoidal, step, ramp, impulse).

The experimental apparatus includes a DAQ device, Analog plant simulator and a computer device with
CASSY Lab program. DAQ device is connected to transfer the data from the analog plant simulator to the
computer device. The CASSY Lab to set input and output for the Analog Plant Simulator. The Analog
Plant Simulator is connected through wires to the DAQ to make a closed loop.

Figure 2: Experiment Apparatus

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


Where we connect the wires to the plant board according to the block diagram, next we connect
the output X or Y of the DAQ as an input function to the Analog plant board, and connect the
output of the board to the input of the DAQ at A or B, the ground wiring must be connected since
two different devices are connected together.

Next step is the adjustment of the gain in the board since it’s not easily calibrated; we input a
step function of a known value and adjust the gain knob till we get the desired gain.

What comes next is the signal processing where we input the signal to the board by choosing the
desired input function using the Cassy Lab, square function is best chosen for this experiment.

Set the suitable frequency and magnitude to your input and read the results of your experiments or
export them by other means necessary.

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


The input signal is transferred from the DAQ which is connected to the computer to the Analog
plant which in return gives back the signal to the DAQ where it shows the output on the screen,
solution for a square input function is plotted on the screen of the Cassy lab as shown in Figure 3

The value of the graph is related to be less than the designated value of the input
the output signal increases and decreases with the input signal respectively.

Figure 3: Analog response

Figure 3 shows the function r(t) as a square function (Red) with its
corresponding solution for a FODE appearing as the curved lines.
The value of the graph is related to be less than the designated value of the
input the output signal increases and decreases with the input signal
The linear line isn’t quite linear and has some crookedness
Uncertainty is shown by the value rounding and constant change in max value reached by the

The results of output as shown are in volt units same as the input and the current moved in

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


The experiment was used to show how the analog simulator with the proper connection to be
able to solve and draw the input signals.
An exact solution for our First order equation is evaluated by hand using, as follows:

∫ ̇ ∫


0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (sec)

Figure 4: Theoretical Solution of FODE

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Looking at the plot from the CASSY lab Figure (3) and comparing the results with the Hand
solution of the First order system’s plot Figure (4). As shown below. It matches expected results,
which proves that the analogue simulator was able to do the task it was made for.

All the previous solving methods contribute to one accurate solution and very similar since
they are computer based or exact, now we can proof that an analog simulator can solve
FODE and with a decent accuracy compared to the exact solution and the other program
aided solutions, having the analogue signal move through wires into the DAQ into the
computer also causes some of the uncertainty and accuracy errors.
But overall, all those errors are minor to the goal of having a device system solve a first
order system

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


The analog plant simulator was successful enough in proving that a first order system can be
solved and applied on a board of wires and connection with the minimum effort and a great deal
of results.
This helps in the solving and evolving of more difficult techniques and approaches. Meaning that
this idea can be further taken to better levels of accuracy and more difficult equations.
Where it is important to be able to see hardware settings solve mathematical problems and save
time from simulation or hand written solving.

Further usage could be taken to use such a device to calculate an input of a different source
(e.g. heat flow) and integrate this value and solve for any systematic problem. This device
could also be upgraded for better accuracy and simpler usage.

CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020


Ogata, K. (2016). Modern control engineering. 4th ed. [Delhi]: Pearson.

Nise, N. (2011). Control systems engineering. 6th ed. Hoboken: J. Wiley.

Kreyszig, E., Kreyszig, H. and Norminton, E. (2011). Advanced engineering mathematics. 10 th

ed. Hoboken: John Wiley Inc.

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CONTROL LABORATORY Wednesday, November 04, 2020

11 | P a g e

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