Assignment B Inggris (21-07)

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Dinda Keiza N

9/ XI MIPA 5

Complete the dialogues ,using the expressions given

Dialogue 1
Woman : Dad, the iPod I bought yesterday isn’t working. What do you think I should do about it?
Man : Why don’t you try taking it back to the store?
Woman : Well, I was thinking of that, but do you think you could have a look at it first?
Man : OK, but not now Maybe later.

Dialogue 2
Woman : What should we do to prevent floods in our surroundings ?
Man : I think citizens should be warned about garbage, again and again.
Woman : Yes, I agree with you The government should campaign for a more healthy lifestyle

Dialogue 3
Man : Mrs Adams what do you think I should do about my English class? Should I drop it or continue
with it?
Woman : If I were you, I’d talk with your instructor. Try talking with her about the problem, and see
what she suggests.
Man : OK. Thank you, ma’am

Dialogue 4
Woman : Daniel, are you busy? I really need some advice
Man : I’m listening. What’s wrong?
Woman : My friend always asks to copy my homework. I want to tell her to do her own assignments but
I’m afraid she will be angry with me.
Man : I think you shouldn’t give your homework to your friend to copy Why don’t you help her do
the assignments until she can do them on her own?

The government should campaign for a more healthy lifestyle.

Why don’t you try taking it back to the store?
what do you think I should do about my English class
I really need some advice
I think you shouldn’t give your homework to your friend to copy
OK, but not now
OK. Thank you, ma’am
What should we do to prevent floods in our surroundings

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