Theoretical and Conceptual Framework and Other Components of Chapter 1

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Module 4

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework and other Components of Chapter 1


This module discusses the other parts of the first chapter which are Theoretical and
Conceptual Framework, the Assumption, the significance of the study, Scope and Limitation of
the study and the definition of selected terms.


At the end of this module, you are expected to be able to:

1. Differentiate a theoretical framework from a conceptual framework

2. Draw the conceptual framework of their thesis proposal

3. Write the significance, scope and limitation of their proposal

4. Explain the significance of defining some terms from their study.

Course Content (Calmorin, 2013)

Before we proceed to the new lesson, let us discuss first the assignment particularly
formulating problem and the sub-problems.

1. To define a problem as Salvador et al (2008) suggested, we have to consider the following:

 Analyse and make clear every single important word of the problem. Know the meaning
of terms used
 Break down the problem into constituent parts
 Know scope or the coverage (geographical, year etc.)
 Investigate the need for studying the problem
 Make initial assumptions or guess

2. Problems can be stated in several ways as follows:

 In question form: “What is the level of relationship between the Mariveles Public
School Gr. 6 Students’ performance in English and in Mathematics?

 In Postulated form/Declarative form: The level of relationship between the Mariveles

Public School Gr. 6 Students’ performance in English and in Mathematics.


However, when the main problem is to be stated, often times it is in the Postulated or
Declarative form. But the sub-problems are usually in the question form.


Title/Problem: The Academic Performance in Mathematics and English taken by K to 12

Students in Public and Private School in Iloilo City (this is in postulate/declarative form

Main Problem: (this is how you will state the main problem:

The main thrust of the study is to determine the Academic Performance in

Mathematics and English taken by K to 12 Students in Public and Private School in Iloilo City

Sub-problems: They are in question form.

1. What is the Academic Performance in Mathematics and English of the K to 12 Students in

Public and Private School in Iloilo City in terms of the mean score?

2. Are the mean scores of Mathematics and English taken by K to 12 learners in Public and
Private School in Iloilo City within the regional and national mean?

I hope we are already clear on how to state thee main problem and the sub-problems

Remember: There are some schools which prefer the Objectives instead of the question-
form sub-problems. Please take note that the objectives state the reasons for pursuing the

Let us use again the sub-problems above. The objectives will be the following;

Sub-problem in Question Form Instead of sub-problems, objectives are


1. What is the Academic Performance in 1. to determine the Academic Performance

Mathematics and English of the K to 12 in Mathematics and English of the K to 12
Students in Public and Private School in Students in Public and Private School in
Iloilo City in terms of the mean score? Iloilo City in terms of the mean score.

2. Are the mean scores of Mathematics and 2. Identify if mean scores of Mathematics
English taken by K to 12 learners in Public and English taken by K to 12 learners in
and Private School in Iloilo City within the Public and Private School in Iloilo City are
regional and national mean? within the regional and national mean.

In our case, we will be using question forms in the statement of sub-problems


Before we proceed with the new lesson, remember these:

Barrot (2020) suggested this reminders in writing the research title:

 Reflect the focus of the study

 Avoid using phrase such as “ A study of . . . “ and “an Investigation of. . . “
(This is redundancy, its understood that you are conducting a study and an
 Choose words (effects, impact, relationship, lived experiences) appropriate to
your research design.
 As much as possible, refrain from indicating the year of the study. ( this will
be indicated in your Scope and Limitation)

Have a 5-minute break first, stand, drink water, inhale exhale. . . .

Ready . . . ?

1. Theoretical Framework.

The theoretical framework shapes the justification of the research problems in order to
provide the legal basis for defining their parameters. It is a symbolic construction which uses
abstract concepts or laws, variables and their relations to explain and predict, how an observed
phenomenon exists and operates. (Calmorin, 2013)

Now let us look what the net say about the Theoretical Framework. The discussion below is

Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many
cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounding
assumptions. The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory
of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that
explains why the research problem under study exists.

Importance of Theory
A theoretical framework consists of concepts and, together with their definitions
and reference to relevant scholarly literature, existing theory that is used for your
particular study. The theoretical framework must demonstrate an understanding of
theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic of your research paper and that relate
to the broader areas of knowledge being considered.

The theoretical framework is most often not something readily found within the
literature. You must review course readings and pertinent research studies for theories
and analytic models that are relevant to the research problem you are investigating. The
selection of a theory should depend on its appropriateness, ease of application, and
explanatory power.


The theoretical framework strengthens the study in the following ways:

1. An explicit statement of  theoretical assumptions permits the reader to evaluate

them critically.
2. The theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing knowledge. Guided
by a relevant theory, you are given a basis for your hypotheses and choice of research
3. Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study forces you to address
questions of why and how. It permits you to intellectually transition from simply
describing a phenomenon you have observed to generalizing about various aspects of
that phenomenon.
4. Having a theory helps you identify the limits to those generalizations. A theoretical
framework specifies which key variables influence a phenomenon of interest and
highlights the need to examine how those key variables might differ and under what

By virtue of its applicative nature, good theory in the social sciences is of value precisely
because it fulfills one primary purpose: to explain the meaning, nature, and challenges
associated with a phenomenon, often experienced but unexplained in the world in which
we live, so that we may use that knowledge and understanding to act in more informed
and effective ways.

A researcher needs to include a theoretical framework to provide a “backbone” to his

study. However, it must be directly link to his work.

Your question could be: “where do you get theories” from the library, from books, but
then because we do not have face to face encounter yet, you may consult Mr. Google.
Conduct a google search, type the word theory and the topic that your going to develop into a
research topic, a lot will be suggested. Choose only one which is almost similar to your title, if
not exactly similar look for another one.

Example: Suppose your study is about the motivation of employees, type this once you
have already entered Google search, but as I have said, start with the word: theory then
encode: about the motivation of employees. Try it. . . .

Activity No. 1. Finding Theories

In your notebook, write the theories that you may find from your google search about this

1. child growth and development

2. factors affecting academic performance

3.learning styles and teaching styles


Other than the cited importance of theory above, the most important contribution of a
theory to a study are the variables that should be investigated to come up with a scholarly
written study.

Now, let us go back to the theories of motivation, in your search, you may find Maslow’s
Hierarch of Needs theory which is a pyramid of needs; starting from the base, the basic or
physiological, then the psychological or the love, belongingness needs and lastly, the self-
fulfilment needs. From what had been enumerated, you may be able to know what variables
you will include and what research questions you will ask. Let us have the following examples:

1. How do the Manufacturing companies satisfy the Basic Needs of their employees?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of psychological needs satisfaction

between office staff and production workers?

Are you able to realize the importance of the theory?

You might ask if all studies requires theories, NO, qualitative researches such as grounded
theory researches DO NOT require, they produce new theories.

2. On the next page is an example of the Conceptual Framework

Before looking at it, please look what Barrot (2020) tells about the difference between a
Theoretical Framework and the Conceptual Framework;

Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework

 Is a general frame of reference for  Refers to a system of ideas, beliefs,
making observations, defining assumptions and theories that inform
concepts, developing research and support and cater specifically to
designs and interpreting and your studies
generalizing findings


What we have above is an example of a conceptual framework following the Input-

Process-Output (IPO).
A conceptual framework is a diagram presenting the problem itself.


Figure 2-Performance of Nurses

This is a creative way of presenting the conceptual framework., which was lifted from
Now I would like you to open this link so you may have additional input regarding the
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework:
From this link you were able to read that the theory becomes the source of vision for
your work or it is giving you the direction since it provides you with the constructs, concepts,
variables or the issues you wanted the research to be focused on. However, the theories are
here for you to test not to prove.
How about the conceptual framework? As already mentioned, it is the diagram that
presents symbols telling the nature of the process of research why is this so?


If a study is of the descriptive type, that is, if the researcher will simply want to show the
present condition of the subject like for example the experiences of the students during this
Pandemic, the researcher will be using the Input-Process-Output model as shown on page 25.
But if the intentions though, still in the descriptive research, is to show a cause and effect
relationship, then the conceptual framework will be in the IV-DV model earlier shown in Module
This is how the Conceptual Framework would look like:
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 3. IV-DV Model

An example research problem that will use this diagram is this: The Effect of Mother
Tongue as Medium of Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Grade 2 Pupils in a
Barangay Elementary School in Lubao West, Pampanga
What is the dependent variable above? It is the reading comprehension and the
Independent variable is MT. By looking at the arrow in the diagram, readers readily get that the
MT is the cause of comprehension. This is what is being implied by the explanation that the CF
is the figure representation of the research it self and its direction. Remember, what you put
inside the rectangles are the variables/concepts in the title or problem.
So long as you may present the relationship between variables, you may be creative in
presenting the Conceptual Framework.

What I will be showing you on the next page is a creative way of presenting the
problem: “Sandwich Generation: a Model of Filipino Family Values.” A research authored by Dr.
Gloria S. Santos which was presented in an international research conference
As you can see, on the center is the Sandwich Gen., what do you think is the concept
being covered by the figure ? it implies that the sandwich gen, who is at the center, provides
support to the different family members.



Sandwhich- Other
caregivers relatives


Figure 4. Conceptual Framework of the Role of the Sandwich Generation

Let me see if you can do on your own, bring our your notebook and do the next activity

Activity No.2. Constructing Conceptual Framework

Prepare the appropriate conceptual framework for the following research titles:
(for creative presentation, use these steps: On the upper left corner, 3 rd from file of your
computer, click insert, then go to smart art, choose whether , process as in IPO, cycle,
of relationship , that is it.

1. K to 12 Learners with high score in Mathematics have high mathematics achievement.

2. Social and Emotional Competence of Displaced FAB Factory Workers: Its Impact to
Pandemic Resiliency
3. The Readiness to Engineering Math of non STEM Graduates

Dr. Barrot (2020) further explained the difference between the theoretical framework and
the conceptual framework. Please read carefully and remember.


Aspect Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework

Broader in scope as it can be used More focused in scope as it directly

Scope in relates
different studies to a specific study
Number of Contains one or two theories May combine different theories into one
theories Treated separately Cohesive framework
Focus of A set of related concepts
content Existing theory
Time of Already existing prior to the Developed while planning and writing
developmen conduct your study.
t Of your study

I would like to add that the conceptual framework is a figurative representation of the
ideas, or theories exclusively alone to your studies

Let us now proceed to the next topic . . . .

3. Assumptions. These are presumed true statements. Assumptions are used when you do
not have a HYPOTHESIS and it happens when your study is simply to present a current
situation or condition. For example the study is Online classes readiness of . . . you use
assumption here.
4. Significance of the Study. This is the other section of Chapter 1. Your guess is right! You
will tell here to whom the study will be beneficial. As mentioned in previous module, a research
study must be conducted only if it will solve though indirectly, a felt difficulty or problem.
To prepare this section, you have to think first who are the sectors in the society who will
be benefitted if they will be able to read the findings and recommendations of the study. To
identify to whom the study will be significant, of course, you have to consider the nature of your
Suppose the title is: The Mathematics Performance of Gr.5 Pupils in the Public Schools
in Upper Mariveles. Analyse who will benefit from the would be findings of this study. If for
example the researchers’ data will point to the sad reality that pupils are performing below the
standard, who will use this information? Can the school heads like principal use the findings?
For what purpose? How about the teachers, the parents? Can they use the gathered data?
To write this section you have to begin with those in a higher position, in the example
above we have to start with the Principal, so you have to do it this way.

Significance of the Study.

The study is deemed significant to the following:

School Principal. From the findings of the study, the principal may design a training for Math
Teachers for them to revisit their teaching strategies. The findings can also a basis for the
procurement of Instructional materials.
Teachers. The findings will enable the teachers to derive base line information on the possible
causes students’ performance in Math, hence, they may know how to address this concerns.
Parents. The revealed data may point out to the role of parents in the school performance of
children, hence, they can be coached on how they can help their own children cope with school
learning demands.

Activity No. 3. Formulating Steps

In your notebook, based on the example Significant Study above, write steps on how to write
this section properly.

5. Scope and Limitation. This includes the coverage of the study, the subjects, the research
instrument/apparatus/equipment, research issues and concerns, the duration of the study, and
the constraints that have direct bearing on the results of the study.
6. The last section of Chapter 1 is the Definition of Terms.
These are terms which are technical in nature which a common reader could not easily
understand, hence, you need to alphabetically arrange them here and give their operational
definition. Operational means what you mean by the word in the study.
On the next page you will already have a clear picture of what you will write in Chapter 1
of your thesis.

6. How to write Chapter 1.

These are the parts of Chapter 1 and how you will write each section.
6.1 Chapter number and title. Written this way. Encoded 1 and ½ inches from the
edge of a regular size bond paper, centered . The word Chapter is followed by double space but
the title is followed by triple space before you start typing the next part which is the Introduction.
Chapter 1
6.2 Introduction.
The components of the Introduction (Barrot, 2020) are the following:

 Current State of the field. The study of Dr. Barrot is about the eportfolio as an
assessment tool, hence, he started his introduction with the current condition of iCT in
education and the use of portfolio assessment.


 Description of the Issues (general to specific). Dr. Barrot wrote here that there is lack
of integrating portfolio assessment with explanation on problems attached to the non-
usage of portfolio.
 Current practices and conventions used to address the issue/s
Focuses on conventional portfolio which fails to address digital literacy and develop
sense of authorship
 Research gap and compelling justification for the study. Dr. Barrot explicitly
explained here the limited use of the portfolio platform, the significant problem of this
limited usage must be explored and the novelty and relevance of this e-portfolio.
 The current Study. Present here your study, the general research question/objective,
the specific research questions/objectives and the significance of the study.
6.3 Theoretical Framework
Example: Sandwich Generation, . . . (Dr. Santos, 2018)
This study is anchored on three theories which are: Symbolic Interaction theory of
caregiving; Family Stress Theory to caregiving; and Family Stress theory
Symbolic Interaction theory of caregiving by Herbert Blumer (1969)G.H. Mead
(1934/1956)C. H. Cooley(1956) W.I. Thomas(1918-1920) & Smith & Hamon, 2012) which tells
the role of the combination of environmental interactions on human development, self-concept
and society.
On the other hand, Family Stress Theory to caregiving of Boss (1992), tells that stress is
a result of change and this stress is in the form of disturbance, and pressure. Further stress is
related to role strain, role clarity and role expectations.

Furthermore, Family Stress theory of Reuben Hill, (1949), Boss, (1992), Boss et al., Price
et al., (2010), Witt (2013-), tells of a model: ABC-X/double ABC-X model to caregiving Pre and
Post-crisis stage sequentially analyses stressor events, resources, perceptions, pile up
stressors and adaptation levels through the ABC-X models.

The Sandwich generation is that member of the family who provides different types of
support to family members, but then comes to a point where this role becomes a source of
stress as shown by the different cited theories. . . . .

(the last paragraph would be an explanation how the theory is related to your own study.

6.4 Conceptual Framework (present first the diagram and after it, explain the diagram)
Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework


Data collection thru

Support Practices survey and interview Future direction of family
Sustainability of the Data Processing, support practices
support paracitces presentation and

The first frame tells the input of the study which are the support practices and the
sustainability practices
The second frame on the other hand, presents the process necessary for raw data
gathering and final data analysis for the scientific interpretation.

6.5 Statement of the Problem

The major problem of this study is to determine the future direction of the support
practices among the Employed Sandwich Generation towards their extended family members.
Specifically, the study will seek answers to the following questions:
1. How do participants described their economic and other support practices to the
following family members in terms of frequency:
2.1 parents;
2.2 siblings;
2.3 children; and
2.4 other relatives?
2. How do the participants sustained their economic support to their extended family
3. What is the future direction of this vertical and horizontal model of Filipino support


 6.6 Hypothesis

The null hypothesis to be tested is:

The Sandwich Generation will not change the support system to the family members.
6.7 Scope and Limitations
Encode here the coverage of the study, the subjects, the research
instrument/apparatus/equipment, research issues and concerns, the duration of the study, and
the constraints that have direct bearing on the results of the study.
This study covers the support practices done by a member of a family, usually a son or a
daughter who is already married is sandwiched between the parent, own children, yet provides
economic support to parents, siblings and children or sometimes to nieces or nephews will look
into the support practices, how they are able to sustain giving financial support despite having
their own families and what is their plan for the future regarding this practice
Subject: Only the employed sandwich gen in the different institutions in an economic zone
were included in the study done in 2018
Research Instrument
This study will use a survey questionnaire to determine the practices and to
substantiate answers, an interview will also be conducted .
Limitation. The data of this research will be limited only to what the respondents provide
Reminder: When you write this portion you do not need to chop it according to its content,
RULE: write coherent paragraphs.
6.8 Significance of the Study. Follow the same example earlier provided.
6.9 Definition of Terms. (here are sample words)
This section presents the different words deemed necessary to be operationally
Economic Support. In this study, it refers to the cash and non-cash items provided by a
daughter or son to his parents, children, and siblings.
Family Values. These refer to practices considered to be done regardless the giver will resort
to borrowings to the extent that personal needs are sacrificed.
Sandwich Generation. These are the children who lie between their own parents, children and
sibling who providing support to any of them or all of them.
This ends the discussion on the preparation of Chapter 1 of your thesis.

Let us schedule an online title defence so you can proceed to developing this chapter.
1. Get ready for an online objective quiz
2. Decide with your group when are you going to present your three titles with major and
specific problems. Prepare reasons why you want to pursue the titles that you will present.


Module 5
Writing Chapter 2-Review of Related Literature
Related Literature and studies are the lifeblood of the researchers.
Researchers/investigators need to review write-ups, readings, and studies related to their own
studies, first for them to find out similarities and differences but most importantly to gain deeper
insights on their topic of interest.
Related laws, literature, and studies provide the researcher a background about the
aspects of his study, to the extent that the materials will guide them on what to do about the
component of the research process. This will assist him in his study until its completion.
This module discusses the Related Literature Reviews: the related legal bases, literature
and studies.
Writing this chapter of the thesis proposal is also discussed.

At the end of this module you are expected to:
1. Collect laws, literature and studies related to the proposed research problem.
2. Write Chapter 2 of the thesis proposal.

Course Content
1. Related Legal Bases. One of the best reason why a study is to be conducted is to perform
what the law mandates. It is for this reason that if the study is within the government or agency
thrust, first and foremost, cite the law, a memorandum.
Example. Suppose you will be working on a Gender-Related research, search the net
then find the law that protects the rights of the LGBTQ community.
You can also cite CHED/DepEd Memo, Civil Service Rules or the provision in the
Philippine Constitution.
2. Related Literature.
Literature is defined as “written works that defines, explains collectively, especially those
enduring importance, exhibiting creative imagination but with scholarly skills written in a
particular period, language and subject. In other words, any written materials published in a
book, journal (print or online), magazines, novels, poetry, yearbook, and encyclopaedia are
considered literature.


The related literature in a research paper, thesis, dissertation, and research projects
cites the sources such as published books with ISBN (International Series Book Number).
In other schools, related literature are presented either separating the foreign authored
sources from local authored books or chronologically written, the most recent the first to be
But in our case, we arrange literature by themes.
Example. “The Sandwich Generation Support Practices: A Model of Filipino Family
2.1 Rule in determining which literature are to be included

 Take all the main words in the title, which in our research sample are already underlined.

 Determine if there is a related law that will explain the central concept of the Study

In the above example, the central theme is: “support to family members”. Is there a
legal basis for this? YES, we have what the Bible says and what the Family Code

The reader must understand why children should support family members particularly,
the parents . The best explanation for this is the 4 th Commandment of God given to
Moses, which says, “honor your father and mother” and also quote what the family code

Are you beginning to understand how to pick literatures from references? Yes, you do.

Let me check if you can identify what literature will support the following studies, in your

Activity No. 1- Identifying Concepts to be Reviewed

Below are research titles. Write in your note book the concept you need to look
for relevant literature:

1. The PUP-Bataan 4-BSA Students’ Level of Competency along with the Parameters
of the International Education Standard for Professional Accountants

2. The Profitability of a Goat Farm in Mariveles Bataan, Fiscal Year 2023

3. The Readiness of 4-BEED Students, SY 2020-2021 for Practice Teaching

 Take literature from reputable sources: edited published books, journals etc. The
Wikipedia can give you definition of concepts but sometimes there are entries where
editing instruction pops at the end of a paragraph, therefore, seemingly, there are doubts
on the contents, so read and copy reliable sources only.


 There is nothing wrong to “cut and paste” what is wrong is, if you fail to cite the source
to appear as if your own words. DO NOT FORGET TO CITE THE AUTHOR and the
year of the publication of the reference. And in your notebook, write the reference: begin
with the author, year of publication. complete title of the book, Publishing company,
place of publication, page where copied. Your entries in your notebook becomes your
Example. Calmorin (2013) defined academic performance to be measured in terms of the
scores obtained by a student in a series of exams and his evaluation ratings in performance
Now let us move to the next component of Chapter 2, the Related Studies.

3. Related Studies. Published and unpublished studies are sources of materials that are
included. The presentation of related studies is similar to the presentation of related literature.
For PUP it’s by theme, the choice is again similar to what you did with the related literature,
consider the main concept of the title to be the bases of your choice.
3.1 How do you collect related studies:

 Libraries. Though this is not yet possible but when allowed to visit libraries, look for the

-General References: book articles, monographs and other printed materials, the most
recent the better. ( for studies, 5 years recency is better)

-Primary sources : these are the researches or dissertations or investigations that are
reported by the researchers themselves published in refereed Journals

-Secondary Sources; this are publications in which the authors describe the works of
 e-libraries/e-sources
Similar to what you did with related laws and literature, go to google search, then type;
“Study of. . . . “ a lot will appear.
3.2 Steps in Reviewing Literature and Studies

 Define the problem. Look for the main words in the title
 Refer to the general references
 Read enough materials from the primary and secondary sources
 Write/copy in your notebook five important data from each related study:
 Problem: state it clearly. Example: In the study of Santos (2018), the Sandwich
Generation: A Model of Family Values. . . .

 Hypothesis; . . .she hypothesized that the support system among family members
will not change over time
 Procedure: . . .in the same study, Santos(2018) used the descriptive research
method, with the 65 employed respondents coming from the different sectors in the
economic zone randomly chosen. They were requested to answer a questionnaire,
but to substantiate, responses particularly on the future direction of the study, an
interview was conducted.
 Findings: . . . the study revealed that though respondents are financially hard-up,
they resort to borrowing so as to provide economic support mostly to aging parents
and children. It was further revealed that . . . .
 Conclusion. Majority of respondents would still continue to give support to relatives
because of their spiritual beliefs, however, it appeared that there were some who
would want to be emancipated from their loans.. . .
 This five items with the example of what your going to copy from the reviewed related

3.3 Ways of Citing Related Literature and Studies

 By starting with the Author’s name followed by the date: According to Santos(2018)
research is.. .
 Or after what had been copies: . . . . the researcher described how he selected places.
(Santos, 2018)
 DO NOT FORGET TO PARAPHASE. Some international journals would like to see copied
Literature and studies to be paraphrase so avoid placing words of the author in quotation
 Remember to arrange Related Studies thematically.
Let us use again my research: Sandwich Generation: A Model of Filipino Values
You do it this way:
 On 1 &1/2 inches top margin, centered, encode this:


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