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1. Get Instagram Follower By Engagement Group:

Ever wondered what people who get instagram follower fast do

They join engagement group s while it can be tempting to join the

biggest intagram engagement groups the truth is you will get a more
targeted list of follower by sticking to your niche.

The tactic is best for entrepreneur just starting to learn how to get
followers on instagram.

Click the link below for my #1 recommended tool for growing intagram

2. Repost Others Content To Gain More Instagram Followers:

When I was starting out with social media marketing and building

my store’s intagram following my entire posting strategy revolved

around reposting peoples content.
While doing this, I made sure to credit the original poster in my
description, every time.

It is the only way to gain followers without getting flagged.

When I first start I’d take screenshots and add the pictures to my
intagram. What really helped my page take off was the repost app. it
allowed me to start reposting video content on instagram.

Click the link below for my #1 recommended tool for growing intagram

3. Gain Instagram Followers By Having A Consistent Style:

I know this sound like one of those ‘blah, blah, blah’ ways to gain
followers on instagram but it isn’t.

Here’s why: people don’t follow you because of the content you’ve
posted but because of what they think the future content you’ll post
will be like.

Click the link below for my #1 recommended tool for growing Instagram
4. Hashtags To Get Followers On Instagram:

Many experts will tell you to only use 5 or 11 hashtags or some other
arbitrary numbers. But when I was building my store’s Instagram
account I ignore their advice and run wild with it.

I’d copy and paste a list of hashtags from my phone onto my app. Then
I’d sometimes switch it up to try different hashtags. And eventually, I
figured out which ones were right for my brand.

Truth is you add all those hashtags in the first comment. And as your
page engagement grows, no one will ever see the first comment
because they are too busy tagging their friend in your post.

Sure when you’re starting out people might see it. But if the goal is to
increase visibility, the easiest way to do it is to add more hashtags. As
you gain followers your posts will rank higher for those hashtags
keywords giving you even more visibility.

If your hashtags are niche specific, you’ll increase your likelihood of

being found by a relevant audience, which will help you grow your
followers on Instagram as well.

Click the link below for my #1 recommended tool for growing Intagram

5. Host Giveaways To Build Your Instagram Followers:

If you host a giveaways on intagram and have a small audience, you

might be able to get more followers

But if you host giveaways on your website and and include an option to
follow you on Instagram and other social network you’ll have a much
higher reach.

If your audience size is small, you can post your giveaway in a certain
giveaway Facebook group or on giveaway blogs.

When I first started working in the marketing, I’d reach out to giveaway
blogs. I’d send them some free product in exchange for a review post.

Most agreed to it for free product though some did ask for payment as
well. They’d do a product review post filled with pictures and their
experience with the product.

At the end their audience will enter to win the product under the
condition that we send that customer the product. The result?
Hundrends of new followers on all our social accounts.
Click the link below for my #1 recommended tool for growing Instagam

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