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4544/3: Kimia Kertas 3 x eo 1 SPM Answer all questions Jawab semua soaisn ‘1 ‘The experiments are conducted to determine the effect of position of metals in electrochemical series on the heat of displacement. Ciponmen delankan untuk meneriuken fesan Keduiukan fogam diam St terhadap haba penyesaran. cam 1.1 shows the apparatus for Experiment | 5g of ton powder is added to 50 ‘em? of 0.5 mol dm? of copper (II) sulphate solution and the thermometer'is used to stir the mixture. Rajah 1.1 monunjukken susunen reds bagi Eksperimen |. § g serbuk besi Gitambebkan kepada 50 om? larutan kuprum (il) sulfet 0.6 mol dm dan termometer clqunakan untuk mengaceu campuren. Spatula! Spatula Fog ap pat Sg serbuk ferum Termometer Copper (Il) sulphate solution (Blue colour) Larutan kuprum ((l) suifet (Were biruy Polystyrene cup fe Cawen polistirene After § minutes Setepes & minit Thermometer Termometer Excess iron powder - : ‘Sarbuk ferum beriebiian Colourless solution Laruten tak berwarne Polystyrene cup Cawan polstirena Srown solid Diagram 1.11 Rajah 1.4 ‘The experiment is repeated by replacing iton powder with zine powder and magnesium powder as shown in Table 1.1 Sreperimen ity ctulangi dengan menggantixen serbuk ferum dengan serbuk zink en serbuk magnesizm seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadua! + 4. MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/3: Kimia Kertas 3 3 2 ‘SPM Reaction! Tindak bates iron powder with copper (Il) sulphate solution Serbuk ferun dengan tarutan kuprum (W) sulfat 7 Zinc pawder with copper (Il) sulphate solution Serbuk zink dengan tsrutan kuprum (II) sulfat ti Magnesium powder with copper (II) sulphate solution Serbuk magnesium dengan farulan kuprum (It) sulfat Table 1.1/Jedua! 11 5 Experiment! : Iron with copper (Il) sulphate solution Eksperimen| : Ferum dengen larutan kaprum (il) sulfat Inital reading of thermometer | -—-Highest reading of thermometer Bacaan awal termameter Bacaan tertinggi termometer Diagram 1.27 Rajah 12 ‘inc with copper (ll) sulphate solution Zink dengan larutan Kuprum (il) sulfat Initial reading of thermometer Highest reading of thermometer Bacaan awal lermometer Bacaan tertinggi termomster i | | | | Diagram 1.3) Rajah 1.3 MPP3 2020 é [Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/3; Kimia Kertas 3 3 : Magnesium with copper (ll) sulphate solution ‘Magnesium dengan laruten kuprum (Il) suffat Initial reading of thermometer hest reading of thermometer Becaan awa} termometer |__Bacoen toning! termometer | Diagram 1.4/ Rajah 1.4 fe) Record the thermometer readings In the spaces provided in Dsagram 1 2, Diagram 1.3 ‘and Diagram 1.4 to one decimal place. Rakodkan bacaan lermometer di daiam rvangan yang disadiakan dalam Rajah + 2, Rajah 1.3 dan Rajat 1.4 kepads satu tempat peypuluhan. pee meas | {3 markoh) | (b) For this experiment, state Bagi eksperimen ini, nyataken {)) the manipulated variable pemboleh ubah dimaniputasikan (@) the responding variable pembolsh ubah bergerak bales {i} the constant variable pemboieh ubah dimalarkan. marks| {3 markan] 412) 10) MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/3: Kimia Kertas 3 4 SPM (c) State one hypothesis for the experiment. Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperiman ini marks} [3 markah] (d) State one observation in this Experiment | as Diagram 1.1, 1) Nyatekan satu pemerhatian di daiam Eksperimen | ini seperti Rajah 1.1. [3 marks} [3 markab} 14) __|{e) State one inference for the observation in 5 (d) Toes Nyataken saty inferens bagi pemerhatian di 1 (d) BE] {3 markah) () State the relationship between the position of metals in electrochemical series with the _ temperature Nyetakan 9 Pbrgan Gi entara Kedudukan logam datam siri elekirokimia dengen [a marks] [3 markah} MPP3 2020 ‘ [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4841/3: Kimia Kertas 3 {9) _ Catoulate the hest of displacement in Experiment |, ae didatem imen| Kira haba. Eksperin [Specific heat capecty / Muatan habs tentu = 423.9" °C* ; The mass of 1 cm? of solution is 1g: isin bagi 1 cm? farutan jalan 7 9) (h) Table 1.2 shows the heat of displacement Jadual 1.2 menunjukken haba penyeseran. [3 marks} (3 markah) | Metats Logam Zine Zink Heat of Displacement f kJ mort s |__Haba Penyesaran 7k) mot* 210 Magnesium 338 ron Ferum 1218 Predict the heat of displacement when aluminium reacts with copper (Il) sulphate solution. Table! Jadual 1.2 2 Famaltan haba penyesaran apabila aluminium bertindak balas dengan laruian ‘Ruprum (tt) sutfet 4m [3 marks) (3 markah} peifsi} (Write the tonic equation for reaction in Experiment ll ‘Tuliskan persamaan jon bagi tindakbafes ai dalam Eksperimen It MPP2 2020 [Bmarks}| 19 [3 markah] [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/3: Kimia Kertas 3 6 SPM Fee exomeers 1K) Total + Lis MPP3 2020 @ State the operational definition for the heat af dispiacement in this experiment. Nyatakan definisi secara operasi untuk haba penyesaran di delem eksperimen ini. te [3 markah] (k) Classify the following metals into metal thet can displace lead from lead (Il) sulphate solution. Kelaskan logam-logam berikut kepada fogem yang boleh menyesarkan ptumbum daripada iarutan plumnbum (il) suifat. Wietais that can displace lead from Motals that cannot displace lead from (i) sulphate sotutio lead (Il) sulphate solutior Logam yang dapat menyesarkan | Logam yang tidek dapat menyesarkan plumbum daripada farwtan plumbum | plumbum daripada larstan plumbum {M) suifat () sulfat [3 marks} [3 markah) 4541/3: Kimia Kertas 3 7 SPM 2. Diagram 2 1 shows the conversation of a teacher and her students. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkken perbualan antara seorang guru dengen muridnys Today I would lke to conduct an experiment for the chemical reaction for aikal: metal of Group 1 with water. Can you give me what will you get for the observation afer the experiment is done? Hari ini cikgu akan menjelanken satu eksperimen tindak balas kimia logam Kumpulan 1 dengan air Bolehkah kamu berikan pemerhetion yang akan kamu perolehi selepas eksperimen selessi? Lithium moves slowly in water Latium bergerak periahan ch daiam air. ‘Sodium moves fast in water. Natrum bergerak pantes di dale Potassium moves very fast in water, teacher Kaitum bergerak sangat panies df dalam air okgu. Diagram / Rajah 2 MPP3 2020 . [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/3: Kimia Kertas 3 j 8 ‘SPM Based on Diegram 2, by naming the Group 1 metals, plan a laboratory experiment to study the réaction of Group 1 metal towards water. Your planning should include the following aspects ; Berdasarkan Rajah 2, dengan menamakan fogam-iogam Kumpulan 1, rancang satu ‘eksperiman makmat untuk mengkaji tindak balas logam kumpulan 7 dengan air. Perancangan ande hendakleh mengandungi espek-espek berikut ; {a) Problem statement Penyataan masalah {b) All the variables ‘Semua pemboleh ubah {e) Statement of the hypothesis Pemyataan hipotesis {d) List of materials and epparatus ‘Senarai bahan dan radas {e) Procedura for the experiment Prosedur eksperimen () Tabulation of data Penjadualen data [17 marks) [17 marker) END OF QUESTIONS PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 4 : 1 ‘SPM 4. Which of the following substance is made up of ion? ‘Antara bahan berikut yang manaksh terdiri deripada ion? A Zine Zink B_ Ammonium chloride “Ammonium kiorida © Naphthalene Neftalons D Oxygen ges Gas oksigen 2 What is the meaning of Avogadro constant? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan pemalar Avogedro? ‘A Number of particles in one mole a substance Bilangan zereh delam satu mo! bahan B Pressure of one mole of a substance Tekanan bagi satu mol bahan © Volume occupied by one mole of gas isipadu yeng dipenuhi oleh setu moi gas D_ Mass of one mole of a substance Jisim bagi satu mol behen 8 Metal Y is soft and shiny. It reacts with water to produce a solution which tums red litmus paper to blue. What is metal Y7 ; LogamrY bersifat lambut dan berkifal. la bertindak balas dengan air untuk menghesilken satu larutan yang menukarken kerlas Itmus merah kepada biru. Apskah logam Y? A Tron Ferum B Copper Kuprom C Potassium Kalu D Tin Stanum MPP3 2020 s [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4841/1: Kimia Kertas 1 2 SPM 4 Which of the following is an ionic compound? Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah sebastian ion? A HO 8 SOs © Nis . 0 MgBr. 5 Which of the following is correct about an electrolyte? Antara berikul, manakah betul tentang elektrolt? A Has free moving ions in aqueous state ‘Mampunyai jon-ion yang bergerek bebss delem keadaan ekues 8 Exists as liquid al room temperature Wujud sebagai cecsir pada suhu bilik © Dissolves in water Larut dsiam air D Can conducts electricity in solid state 8 Which of the following particles in ammonia solution shows alkaline properties? Antara zarah-rerah dalam laruten ammonia, yang menakeh menunjukkan sifat alkali? AW B OW © NHe D NH MPP3 2020 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 4 eas ‘SPM 7 Which of the following sails can be prepared by precipitation reaction? Antara berikut garam menakeh boleh disediakan melalui tindak bales pemendakan? 4 Zinc nitrate Zink nitrat Il Barium sulphate : Barium suffat {il Sikver chloride Argantum kioride Potassium carbonate Kalium karbonat v A Vand ttl only I dan lll sahaja 8 Hand Il onty il dan Ill sehaje C Mand IV only Ill dan IV sahaja D land tl onty Idan ii sahaja B CeCOxs)+ 2HCitaq) —-» CaCl{aq)+ COx9) + H.0X)) CaCOup)+ 2HCKak) —» CaClxak) + COxg)+ HO(ce) Based on the chemical equation above, what changes can be observed to determine the rate of reaction 7 Serdasarkan persamaan kimia diatas, epekeh perubahan yang dapat diperhati untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas? A Volume of gas liberated increased Pertambahan isipadu gas yang terbebas B Mass of reactant increased Pertambahan jisin bahan tindak bales © The volume of reactant solution is decrease Pengurangan isipadu jarutan bahan tindak bales D Precipitation produce is reduce Mendakan yang terbentuk berkurang MPP3 2020 4 Pit aie ah ke 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 4 SPM 8 Which diagram shows the arrangement of parlicies in an alloy? Rajah yang manakeh menunjukken susurian zarah dalam efor? ae SE eae [Lihat halaman sebelah “4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 2.5) SPM 10 The following equation represents the reaction between propene and chiorine. Persamaan berikut mewakili lindek batas entara properte dan Korin. Propene + Ck —» Z Propena + Ck — Z Which of the following is the structural formula for Z? Antara berikut yang manakeh adeleh formule siruxtur bagi Z? c A HOH eel H—¢-—C— c—a estat Ha. a B 1 Oe a (ale dee Os. Gd c a OE eet H—C—C—C—H healeal aaa D MPP3 2020 % [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4844/1; Kimia Kertas 1 : a8 SPM 11 Which of the following occured during oxidation? Antara berikut, yang manakeh berlaku semasa proses pengoksidsan? A Loss of oxygen Kehilangan oksigen B Gain of hydrogen Terima hidrogen C Loss of electron Kehilangan elektron D Decrease in oxidation number Pangurangan nombor pengoksidean 42 When zinc is dissolves in hydrochloric acid, the temperature is increase. This type of ‘energy change is describe as. Apes sia ria Sia cin kote, ps acaba conan Jats perubahan habe ini digamberkan sebagai A. Exothermic Eksotermik B tsothermic Isotermik C= Endothermic Endotermik D_ Polyisothermic Poliisotermik 43. Che Nom wants to bake a cheese tart which is sweet but has low calories and attractive In colour. ‘Which substance should be added into the cheese tart? Che Nom ingin membakar tart keju yang manis tetapi mempunyai kurang kalori dan menarik wamanya. ‘Bahan yong manakah perlu ditambeh ke dalam tart keje itu? A Monosodium glutamate and benzoic acid ‘Mononatrium glutamat dan asid benzoik B Monosodium glutamate and tartrazine Mononatrium giutamat dan tertrezina © Aspartame and benzoic acid Aspartam dan asid benzoik D Aspartame and tartrezine Aspartam dan tartrazina MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 4 7 SPM 14 Diagram 1 shows a model of an atom. Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu model ator hell Pelale Electron Elekiron Nucleus (protons + neutrons} 1S (proton + neutron} : Diagram / Rajah 1 Who introduced this model? Siapekah yang memperkenaikan model ini? A 4.4. Thomson B Emest Rutherford © Niels Bohr D James Chadwick MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 8 SPM 15 Diagram 2 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formuta of coppenti!) oxide. Rajah 2. menunjukkan susunen radas untuk manentukan formule empirik bagi kuprum{tl) oksice. Ory hydrogen gas Gas frdrogen hering Diagram / Rajah 2 ‘The dry hydrogen gas must be flowed through the apparatus for several minutes before heating the copper(|!) oxide. What is the reason for this action to be taken? Gas hidrogen kering mesti dialirkan metalui radas untuk beberape minit sebelum pemanasan kuprum()) oksida. Apakah sebab tindaken ini diambi? A To ensure all the copper{il) oxide has changed into copper. Untuk memastikan semua kuprum(ll) oksida bertukar kepada kuprum. B To prevent copper from reacting with air to form copper(II) oxide. Untuk mengelakken kuprum deripada bertindak balas dengan udara bagi membentuk kuprum(il) oksids. > © To ensure all air has been removed so that explosion can be prevented. Untuk memastikan semue udera dikeluerkan supaye letupar dapat dielakkan BD To prevent the water from flowing toward the hot porcelain dish and cracks the combustion tube. Untuk mengelakken air daripade mengelir kearah piring porselin yang panes den meretakkan tiub pembakaran. i i a Ri ea “4541/4: Kimia Kertas 4 k a) SPM 16 rabies Sa Lcd ed itecnat etapa ng 4 menunjukkan nombor proton dan namber nuldeon bagi atom E. Table/Jadual 1 Petal dep anil telat peri ablnteend lye Kumpulan dan kala manakah E terietak datam Jadual Berkala? 000 > 47 Table 2 shows the electron arrangement of atom § and stom T. Jadual 2 menunjukken susunan elektron atom $ dan atom T ‘Table/Jedual 2 Which of the fomula of the compound and the bond formed between element S and Apakat formula dan jenis ikatan bagi sebatien yang terbentuk antara S dan T? Formula of compound Bond Formule sebatien tkatan oO @ > MPP3 2020 “ [Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 1 10 SPM 16 EE eee te eto Rajah 3 menunjukkan suatu sel votten ringkas. Diagramy Rajah 3 X electrode is a negative terminal. Which metal is suitable to be used as electrode X? Elekirod X adalah terminal negative. Logam manekah yang sesuai digunaken sebagai elektrad X? A Magnesium Magnesium B Lead Plumbum © Copper Kuprom D Silver Argentum 19 Which pair of acids is classified correctly? Pasangan asid yang manakah dikelaskan dengan betul? | Monaprotic acid Diprotic acid Asid monobe: Asid dwibes Al Sulphuric acd | Carbonic acid Asid sulfurik Asid karbonix B]” Ethancic acid |“ Sulphuric acid Sid sulfurik “| Hydrochloric acid | Asid hidrokiorik Asis hidrokiorik MPP3 2020 T Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/1; Kimia Kertas 1 oul ‘SPM Nn! ine eg (be Wer wire Bec ceee. Cie Goncrres m execs erenania Drasters eb balboa neat oacnan aichatamen serchotan sath fang had dake Jarutan ammonia berlebihan? A Ng? B AP c Zn eB BD Pb ee oe ene a Oe rane en cere © te heteire byors lining of fumaces? Apakah sifat seramik yang membuelkennye sesusi unfuk menjadi lapisan penebat dalam (episan relau? A. Chemically inert 8 Heat insulator Penebat haba © Hard and strong Keras dan kuat D Electrical insulator Penebat elektrik Diagram 4 shows an energy profile diagram for a reaction. Rajah 4 menunjukkan gambar rajah ares tenaga bagi satu tindak balas. Which of the following correct label of activation energy? Antara berikut yeng manakah dilebelkan dengan betu! bagi tenega pengaktifan? : Energy Tenaga eee Diagram / Rajah 4 MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 12 SPM 23 The diagram 5 below shows the natural change that occurs on latex. Choose the substance which is suitable to be added into latex to speed up the above change? Rajah 6 di bawah menunjukkan perubahen yang berlaku pada lateks secara semulajadi. Pilih bahan manakah yang sesuei dicampurkan kepada lateks untuk mempercepatkan perubahan di bawah? Diagram Rajah 5 A Ethanol Etanol B Formic acid Asid formik C Potassium nitrate solution Larutan kalium nitrat D_ Sodium hidrokside solution Larutan natrium hidroksida 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 ; 13 SPM 24 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between carbon and copper(il) oxkle. Persamsan kimis berikut menunjukkan tindak belas antere Karbon dengan kuprum(ti) G+ 2Cy0 — COz+ 2Cu Which af the following statement is true about this reaction. Antara pernyatasn berikut yang manakeh benar berkaitan tindakbales tersebut. 1 Brown sold produced Pepejal perang terhasit ll Carbon acts as an oxidising agent Karbon bertindak sebagai agen HL The oxidation number of copper increase from 0 to +2 Nombor pengoksidaan kuprum bertambeh dari 0 kepada +2 {V The oxidation number of copper decreases from #2 to 0 Nombor pengoksidean kuprum berkurang dari +2 kepada 0 A land tt Ident B landiv iden WW ¢ Wandiv Wdanv D Idlandiv Ili dan Vv 25 HCl + KOH ——* KCI + HO AH=-57kimot* Based on thermochemical equation above, calculate the heal change when 50 cm of 0.1 moldnr HC! react with 50 cm? of 0.1 moldm? KOH, Berdasarkan persamaan termokimia di ates,hitungkan perubehan habe apabila 50 cm}, 0.1 moldmr? HCI bertindakbalas dengan 50 cn? , 0.1 moldm? KOH, A STJ 2854 3575 3855 oo MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 1 14 SPM 26 Diagram 6 shows the structural formula of X. Rajah 6 menunjukkan formula struktur X ES cu, CH, Diagram! Rajah 6 B Carboxylic acid © Sulphuric acig Asid sulfurik D Detergent Detergen 27 Which substance is an element? Bahan menakah yang merupakan suatu unsur? A. Naphthalene Naftalena 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 1 : & 15 SPM 28 Which of the following pairs of compounds are in the same homologous series? Antara pasangan sebatian berikut, yeng manakeh berade dalam siri homofog yang sama? oo @ >} 2 Metal Y react with chlorine to form a green solid, YCk or brown solid, ¥Cls. Based on the product of reaction above, where is the position of metal Y In the periodic table element. 'Y bertindak bates dengan klorin menghasilkan pepejal hijau YCk alau pepejal perang YCk. Berdasarkan hasil tindak belas di ates, di manakah kedudukan logam Y di dalam jadual berkale unsur? A Alkali metal group Kumputen logam alkali B Halogen group Kumpulan Transition element group Kumputan logam perailhen D Noble gases group Kumpulan gas edi MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4841/1: Kimia Kertas 1 16 SPM 80 Table 3 shows the chemical formula of two compound. Jadual 3 menunjukken formula kimia bagi dua sebatian. [sa ] Table/Jadual 3 Which property of both compounds is similar? Sifat manskah yang same bagi kedua-dua sebatian? A Melting point Takat lebur B Solubility Ketertanutan Density Ketumpatan D Molar mass Jisinn molar MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 17 ‘SPM 31 Diagram 7 shows the set up of apparatus for an experiment involving @ chemical cell. Hirer erected oe octets adalat Copper metal Volmeter i Laruten kuprumi{il) sulfet Diagram / Rajeh 7 ‘Which of the following statements are true about the above experiment? Pemyatean menakah benar tentang eksperimen di ates? 1. Copper metal becomes thinner Logam kuprum semekin menipis 1 Zinc metal becomes thinner Logam zink semakin menipis: Til Blue color of copper(il} sulphate solution is fading 4 Werne biry tarutan kuprum(|t) sulfat semekin pudar IV Brown deposit formed at zinc electrode Enapan pereng terbentuk di elektrod zink A land Ident B land Idan lv ¢ landin Nan itt D iitandiv MW dan iV 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 18 SPM 32. Diagram 8 shows the arrangement of particles in three slate of matter at room temperature. Rajah 8 menunjukkan susunan zarah dalam tiga keadaen firm pada suhu bilk. on x Diagram / Rajah 8 » OO What are substances X, Y and Z at room temperature? Apakah bahan X, Y dan Z pede suhu bilik? MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah © 4841/1: Kimia Kertas 4 19 ‘SPM 33 Diagram 9 shows a series of tests carried out on solution Y. Rajah 9 manunjukkan satu siri yjian telah djatenkan ke atas tarutan Y. Dilute hydrochloric acid followed by BaCk solution Asid hidrotdorik diikuti dengan laruten BaCle White precipitate Mendakan putiii Diagram’ Rajah 8 SIE ot Bre fence Fe nine bay abe eon Antara berikut manakett kemungkinan farutan Y. A Iconiil} sulphate Ferum(il) sulfat B Lead(ll) sulphate Plumbum{i) sulfat G Iron(l) chloride Ferum(|) kiorida D_ Copperiit) carbonate : Kuprumil) kerbonat ‘andes saben 6 baie aioe ie tialaieal 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 20 SPM x Diagram 10 below shows the effect of a weight thal Is dropped onto steel ball bearing pleced on bronze and copper blocks. Rajah 10 di bawah menunjukken kesan satu pemberat dijatuhkan ke atas bebola keluli yang tertetak di ates bongkah gangsa dan kuprum, Ae pee After the impact After the impact Selepas henlaman Selepas hentamen Diagram’ Rajeh 10 \What is the characteristic shown by the bronze block? Apakeh sifat yang ditunjukkan oleh bongkah gangse? A Shiny Berkilat B Light Ringan © Strong and hard Kuai dan keras D Able to withstand corrosion Boleh menshan kekisan ‘teetlans ingutiet [Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 1 eel SPM 38 0.2 mol of magnesium tape reacts reacts with excess dilute nitric acid After 30 seconds 36 2205 mol of magnesium remine as residus Whats the average fle of reaction? 0.2 mol pie magnesium bertindek balas dengan asid nitnk cair bevlebinan. Selepas 30 st, diepat 0.08 mol magnesia teringgalssbega! bak. Berapakah kadar tindak bates urate ite? A 1.7.x 40% mol s* B 1.6x10* mols? © 23x 10% mots? D 5.0x 10° mols Diagram 11 below are the structural formulae which represent organic compounds P and a. Rajah 11 di bawah menunjukken formule struktur yang mewakili sebatien organix P dan a va 1 Lot) HO-c~ HH i vA a q -C-H 4 Diagrany Rajah 11 ‘What is the name of the compound formed when compound P reacts with compound Q using concentrated sulphuric acid as a catalyst? Apakah nama sebatian yang lerhasil spabiis sebatian P bertindak balas dengan sebetien Q dengan menggunekan asid sulfurik pekat sebagai mangkin? A. Buthyl ethanoste Buti! etancat B Ethyl butanoate Et! butancat © Propylethanoate Fropit etanoat D_ Ethyl propanoate Etil propenoat MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 22 ‘SPM 37 esr aac rae or ‘state the process happen to magnesium snd burnt baled ge aul Mioocak percent foes ne bas ol magrotien Gen oa bksopent? 38 A student wants to study the heat of displacement by using lead metal. Which of the solutions are suitable to be use in this experiment? Salrary rela nob iecohes keke perveemmn menayinatan boas siaeiin Yang manakeh larutan yang sesuai Gigunaken 1 Zinc nitrate Zink nitrat HM Copper (tt) strate Kuprumil) nitrat MM Silver nitrate Argentum nitrat IV Magnesium nitrate Magnesium nitrat A landii Iden tt B iandiv dan WV © Wandili H den tlt D Nandiv Wan tv MPP3 2020 | Lihat halaman sebelah » ABAIIM: Kimia Kertas 1 : 23 SPM 39 Diagram 12 shows a chiki having fever. Her mother takes him to a doctor. ‘Whai medicine the doctor prescribed to the child? Rajah 12 menunjukkan seorang kanak-kanak yang demam. ibunya membawa kanak-kanak itu berjumpa doktor. Apakah ubat yeng doktor akan preskripsi kepada kanak-kanak itu? Diagram! Rajah 12 A Aspirin a 6 Barbiturate Barbiturat © Penicitiin pero D Paracetamol Parasetamol 40 Every moming, Muthu helped his father to collect latex from the rubber tree. He found that the latex coagulated after a few hours. How muthu can prevent the latex from coegulating? ‘Setiap pagi, Muthu menclorg ayahnya mangumpul latek deri pokok geteh. Dia mendapatl. latek mengumpal selepas beberepe jem. Bageimanakah Muthu dapat mengelakan latek derpada mengumpal? A Add ammonia solution Tambah lerutan ammonia B Add sodium chloride solution Tambeh lerutan natrium kiorida Add ethanoic acid Tambsh asid etanoik D Add sulphur monochioride Tambah sulfur manoklorida MPP3 2020 [Linat halaman sebelah 4841/4: Kimia Kertas 1 24 SPM 41. 1.29 of element X reacted with 8 g of element Y to form @ compound with the formula V2. What is the relative atomic mass of element X ? [ Relative atomic mass of Y = 80] 1.2.9 unsur X bertindsk batas dengan 8 g unsur Y untuk membentuk sebatian yang _mempunyal formuta XY, Berepekal: jisim atom relatif bagi unsur X ? {Jisin atom retatif Y= 80] 9 6 c 2 D 40 > 42 Table 4 shows the number of neutron and nucleon number of atom X and atom Y. Jedual 4 menunjukkan bilangan neutron dan nombor nukieon bagi atom X dan atom Y. Table/Jadual 4 Which of the fotiowing, the properties of compound produced when X react with Y. Antara berikul, yang manakeh cin-cin sebatien yang terbentuk apabila X bertindek beles cengan¥? A. Can conduct electricity in afl state Bolah mengkonduksikan elektrik delam semua keadaan B Soluble in water Lanat di datam air C React with alkali Bertindak betas dengan alkali 0 Produce more sootiness when burn in air Menghasiikan lebih banyak jalaga apabila terbakar dalem udere MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4841/1: Kimia Kertas 1 25 SPM 43 chara 13 sim in soc Rromurmest A comenind 0 bate er atom R. Rajah 13 manunjukkan susunsn elektron bagi sebatien Q yang terbentuk apabile atom P bertindak bales dengan atom R. a+ 2 Diagram / Rajesh 13 hic of ne oun ae Be pomton Of StemntO ee ‘Antara berikut, yang manakah keduduken unsur P dan unsur R datam jedual berkaie MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/1: Kimia Kertas 1 : 26 SPM 44 Diagram 14 show an apparatus set-up a chemical cell, Rajah 14 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi sel kimia. Dilute sulphuric acid Asid sulfurik cair Diagram’ Rajah 14 What modification should be done to make the bulb shine most brightly? Apakah pengubahsuaian yang pertu dilakukan supaya nyalaan mento! lebih terang? A. Substitute dilute sulphuric acid with copper(I) sulphate solution Menggantikan asid sulfurik cair dengan larutan kuprum(ll) sulfat B Used a thick and wider metal plate ‘Menggunakan kepingan logam yang tebel dan lebar Substitute ferum plate with aluminium plate Menagantikan kepingan besi dengan kepingan aluminium D Substitute ferum plate with copper plate ‘Menggantiken kepingan besi dengan kepingan kuprum 48 The following equation shows the reaction between sulphuric acid and potassium hydroxide. Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara asid sulfurik dan kalium hidroksida. H2SO, + 2KOH > KeSO, + 2H20. What is the volume of 0.5 mol drr® potassium hydroxide solution which can neutralise 50.0 cm? of 0.5 moldm® sulphuric acid? Berapakah isipadu larutan kalium hidroksida 0.5 mol di? yang boleh meneutralkan 50.0 om? asid suffurik 0.5 mol drr3? 25.0 om? 50.0 cm® 100.0 em? 400.0 cm? vom» MPP3 2020 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 27 SPM 6 sien of te feticrerg pokes of sutstenices i racet sueebie 1% the fsepereton of cooes(8) eee Anlara passngan bahan berikul yang manakah paling sesusi digunakan untuk menyediakan kuprum(l) sulfat? A. Dilute sulphuric acid, copper(I!) carbonate Asid sulfurik cair, kuprum{ll) karbonat 8 Aeeamoniam wdphate, copper oxide vamonium sulfet, kuprum(i) oksida c Sede ‘copper powder Asid sutturik cair, serbuk kuprum D Aqueous sodium suiphate,aqueous. copper) nate Laruten natrium sulfet, faruten kuprum(U) ritret a7 Meee ee eater nercaee van: Be heat liberated caused the temperature of 500 cm? of water to rise from 26 °C to 53.5 °C. What is the heat of ‘combustion of butanol? [Relative molecular mass of butanol = 74, specific heat capacity = 4.2 J gC" Apabila 1.48 g butanol, CatisOH terbakar dalam oksigen berlebihan, haba yang terhasit meningkatkan suhu 500 cm? air daripada 28 °C ke 53.5 °C. Apakah haba pembakaran bagi butanol? [visim motekut relatif bagi butanol = 74, haba muatan tentu = 4.2 J g' °C") A 53.55 kJ mort B 2677.50 kJ mot* € 2940.00 kJ mol* D 7925.40 kJ mot* MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 1 28 ‘SPM a TTeble § chow the volume of hydrogen gas collected In an experiment when zinc powder reacts with excess dilute hydrochloric acid, aoe enunjukkan isipadu gas hidrogen lerkurmoul dalam satu eksperimen apsbie ‘Serbuk zink bertindek bales dengan asid hidrokéorik cair. ; What is the average rats of reaction ? Berapakeh kadar tindak balas purata ? A OAtems! B O.14emte* © 0.66cm’s* D 0.75en?s* 48 “The decomposition of lead) nitrate produces leadil) oxide, oxygen and a brown gas: Treg’ of the following is the balanced chemical equation for the reaction? Penguraign plumbunt\i) nitrat menghasiken ‘plumbum(l) oksida, oksigen den gas berweme perang. artara berikut, yang menakah persamaan kimia seimbang bagi tindak: Pb(NOskp ——* PbO + NO. + O2 2PDINOs}2 + Or ——> 2PRO + BNOz + O2 2Pd{NOs ——--—> 2PbO + 4NOz + O 5 D. Pb(NOsz + Oz ———* PRO + NOr + 70 atic Selenite [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1: Kimia Kertas 4 : 29 ‘SPM ‘Diagram 15 shows the epparelus set-up used to investigate the reaction of izon((ll) nitrate Se EE eee Rajah 15 menunjukkan susunan Reine lieth ech arte ee ferutan ferum(il) nitrat dengan larutan kelium fodide, ‘Carbon electrode P Eleitrod karbon P Potassium iodide schon Lerutan kalum iodide Diagram ! Rajah 16 ‘Which is the correct observation for the two solutions? Pemerhatian yang manakah betul untuk kedua-dua larutan? Tron(iil) nitrate solution Larutan Perum) nitrat END OF QUESTIONS SOALAN TAMAT MPP3 2020 an | JABATAN PELAJARAN TERENGGANU | Mark Sheet Paper 1 MPP 3 CHEMISTRY SPM 2020 i lee nh 41 4c ae Ve x 22 | B 42 |/B poec pa ew | B VC af es 24 |-B | 44 |\/D 5 A | ee) 45 |vC ie DoD. 46 |~A ae ee ore Ee | 47 |B Sian eA 28 |vA 48 |B 9 | D 2 ye 49 YC 108s Aas 30_|vB 50 [VA ok 31 1-6 Seis | 32 |v B 3 |-D 33 vA 14D 34 VC 15:3). € 35_|VD ig20. | 36 |v D 17 yA A asia aN 38 [Cc 1 8 | 39 VD re ae 40 |v A (i) Which group is the metal in (2)(i) is placed? Dalam kumpulan manakah logam di (a)(i) terletak? (») () Name the element that exists as moncatomic gas. Namakan unsur yang wujud sebagai gas monoatom. (i) Give your reason for answer in (bi) Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda di (b)(i) 4841/2: Kimia Kertas 2 ‘ 1 ‘SPM Section A Bahagian A [60 marks} (60 markah) Answer all questions in this section. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. Table 1.1 shows the elements in Period 3 of the Periodic Table of elements. Jadual 1.1 menunjukkan unsur-unsur dalam Kala 3 bagi Jadual Berkala Unsur Unsur ar ent 4 ry Eomet __ | Na | Mo| a | | P| s | o | ar Nombor proton I prota perpen! little t2e|et3 || taaiate [deal a7 | 4: Table! Jadual 1.1 Based on Table 1.1: Berdasarkan Jaduel 1.1 : (@) (@ Name one element which is a metal. Namakan satu unsur logam, Tl mand [man 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 z SPM (c) Sodium and chlorine can react with water to form a solution. Natlum dan Klorin boleh bertindak balas dengan air membentuk suatu farutan (i) Write a chemical equation for the reaction of chlorine with water in Table 1.2 Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas Klorin dengan air dalem vJadual 1.2 iz rl eene Colour change of litmus paper Element | Chemical equation when dip into the solution | Unsur Persamaan kimia | Perubahan wama kertas litmus | apabile dicelupkan ke dalam = farutan 4 | Chlorine Kiorin Natrium | 2Na + 2H20 — 2NaOH +He t 1 Table! Jadual 1.2 [2 marks} (i) Litmus paper is placed into the solution formed ‘State the colour change of the litmus paper in Table 1.2. Kerlas litmus dimasukkan ke dalam larutan yang terhasii- lyatekan perubahan warna kertas litmus dalam Jadual 1.2. [2 marks} {¢)_ State the changes in the atomic size of the elements across the period From left to right. Nyatakan perubahan saiz afom bagi unsur-unsur ini merentasi kala dart Kiri ke Kenan. [t mark} . 4841/2: Kimia Kertas 2 SPM 2 Diagram 2.1 shows a box of an ointment used for preventing and treating diaper rash. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan sekotak salap yang digunakan untuk mencegah dan merawat ruam lampin. es ouge z¢ oxcue tf | Diagram / Rajah 2.1 Diagram 2.2 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of X oxide Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula empirik X_ oksida, X ribbon Pita X Panaskan Diagram / Rajah 2.2 (2) () What is the meaning of empirical formula? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan formula empirik? TT mark] fi) Why the method in Diagram 2.2 is suitable to determine the empirical formula of X oxide? ‘Mengepakah kaedah di dalam Rajah 2.2 sesual digunakan untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi oksida X? [1 mark] ——— | Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 4 SPM (ii) When carrying out an experiment in Diagram 2.2, why does the crucible lid need to be opened once a while? Semasa menjalankan eksperimen dalam Rajah 2.2, mengapakah penutup mangkuk pijar pertu dibuka sekali sekela? [1 mark] (iv) State how to determine that the reaction between X and oxygen has completed. Nyatakan bagaimana untuk menentukan bahawa tindak balas yang berlaku antara X dan oksigen sudah lengkap. TA mark] (v) Table 2 shows the data obtained from the experiment. Jadual 2 menunjukkan data yang diperoleh daripada eksperimen. Description Mass(a) Gis ___Penerangan wk __visim(g) ‘Mass of crucible + lid aaa Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup __ é eS Sia ip Mass of crucible + lid +X mae Jisim mangkuk pijar+penutup +X B: Mass of crucible + id + X oxide 324 visim mangkuk pijar + penutup + X oksida see Table / Jadual 2 Based on Table 2, determine the empirical formula of X oxide. [Relative atomic mass: O = 16 ; X = 65] Berdasarkan Jadual 2, tentukan formula empirik X oksida. [Jisim atom relatif: O = 16 ; X = 65] [3 marks] eee Lihat halaman sebelah 4844/2: Kimia Kertas 2 . 5 SPM (b) The following equation represents the reaction between aluminium and oxygen. Persamaen berikut mewakill tindakbalas antara aluminium dan oksigen. 4Al + 302 ——> 2AL0s Give two information that can be interpreted from the chemical equation. Berikan dua maklumat yang dapat ditafsir daripada persamaan kimia itu. MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 6 sPM 3 (@) Diagram 3.1 shows a beautiful coral reefs found in Pulau Redang. These coral reefs are formed from a salt known as calcium carbonate, CaCOs. Tiny organisms are able to precipitate calcium carbonate, CaCO from the calcium ion, Ca®* and carbonate ion, COs- dissolved in the sea water. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan terumbu karang yang indah yang terdapat di kawasan perairan Pulau Redang, Terumbu karang ini terbentuk daripada garam kalsium karbonal, CaCO>. Organisma seni yang hidup di dalam laut dapat memendakkan kalsium karbonat, CaCOs deripada ion kalsium, Ca® dan ion karbonat, COs yang terlarut di dalam air laut _ Coral reefs Terumbu karang Diagram / Rejah 3.1 () State the meaning of salt Nyatakan maksud garam. [1 mark] (i) Calcium carbonate, CaCOsis an insoluble salt. State an example of insoluble salt other than calcium carbonate, CaCOs. Kalsium karbonat, CaCOs jalah garam tak terlarutkan. Nyatakan satu confoh garam tak terlarutkan selain daripada kalsium karbonat, CaCOs. [1 mark] 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 : ds SPM (ii) Diagram 3.2 shows apparatus set-up for the heating of coral reefs powder. The gas released from this experiment turned lime water chalky. Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi pemanasan serbuk terumbu karang. Gas yang terbebas daripada eksperimen ini mengeruhken air kapur. Coral reefs powder ‘I Serbuk terumbu karang oe Panaskan Lime water ‘Ar Kapur Diagram (Rajah 3.2 State the name of gas released in the experiment. Nyatakan nama gas yang ferbebas di dalam eksperimen tersebut. [4 mark} (©) Diagram 3.3 shows the set-up of apparatus of an experiment to prepare X salt Rajah 3.3 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk menyediakan garam X. Excess lead({l) nitrate solution Larutan plumbum() nitrat berebihan nits ‘Sodium nitrate solution Larutan natrium nitrat wr eee a, 4 ls _ Precipitate of X salt Mendakan garam X 50 cm? of 0.2 mol dm? sodium Precipitate of X salt chloride solution Mendakan garam X 50 cm® 0.2 mol dm® Jarutan natrium Kiorida 4 on _ fo Precipitate of X salt Mendakan garam X Sodium nitrate solution DUes Lerutan natrium nitrat Garam X kering Diagram / Rajah 3.3 MPP3 2020 [ Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 5 8 0} Gi) iii) (iv) SPM State the type of the reaction. Nyatakan jenis tindak balas itu. State the name of X salt. Nyatakan nama bagi garam X. TT mark] Write the chemical equation for the reaction. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas itu. ‘[2 marks] Calculate the mass of X salt formed. [Relative atomic mass ; Cl = 35.5, Pb=207] Hitungkan jisim garam X yang terbentuk [lisim atom relat ; Ci = 35.5, Po=207 } [3 marks] ee aaa Panes ek ae 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 9 SPM 4 Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set up for the electrolysis of sodium nitrate solution using carbon electrodes. Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk elektrolisis larutan natrium nitrat menggunakan elektrod karbon. Gas Y Gas X Gas X GasY + Sodium nitrate solution =| Larutan natrium nitrat Carbon electrode Q Carbon electrode P Elektrod karbon Q Elektrod karbon P Diagramy Rajah 4 (a) Write the formulae of all the ions present in sodium nitrate solution. Tulis formula bagi semus ion yang hadir dalam larutan natrium nitrat. | Th marke | (b) Electrode @ acts as a cathode. | Elektrod Q bertindak sebagai katod. @ What is meant by cathode? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan katod? “Tt mark] (i) Whatis gas Y? Apakah gas Y? [1 mark MPP3 2020 { Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 10 SPM (i) Explain your answer in 4(b)(i) in terms of selective discharge of ions. Terangkan jawapan anda di 4(b)(i) berdasarkan pemilihan discas ion. [2 marks} (©) Gas X is collected at the anode. Gas X can rekindle a glowing wooden splinter. Write the half equation for the reaction at the anode. Gas X dikumpulkan di anod. Gas X boleh menyalakan kayu uji berbara. Tulis setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas di anod. T2 marks) (d) Rosli discovers his key which is made up of iron has rusted. By using the knowledge on electrolysis, describe briefly how he solves the problem. Rosli mendapati anak kuncinya diperbuat daripada besi telah berkarat. Dengan menggunakan pengetabuan tentang elektrolisis, huraikan secara ringkas bagaimana dia menyelesaikan masalah itu [3 marks} a nie a ae hata 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 " SPM 5 Diagram §.1 shows the graph of the mass of calcium carbonate against time for the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. In this experiment, 5.00 g of calcium carbonate is added to 100 cm® of 0.5 mol dm* hydrochloric acid to study the rate of reaction at the temperature of 30°C. Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan graf jisim kalsium karbonat melawan masa bagi tindak balas antara kalsium karbonat dan asid hidroklorik. Dalam eksperimen ini, 5.00 g kalsium karbonat ditambahkan kepada 100 cm asid hidroklork 0.5 mol dm? untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas pada suhu 30°C. Mass of calcium carbonate (g) visim kalsium karbonet (g) 5.00 The curve at the temperature 30°C Lengkung pada suhu 30°C 2.50—| Time (s) Masa (s) t Diagram / Rajah 6.1 (2) Write the chemical equation for the reaction. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas ini. (b) Based on Diagram 5.1, Berdasarkan Rajah 5.1, (i) Why's the curve in the graph remains constant after t second? Mengapekah lengkung bagi graf kekal mendatar selepas t saat? Eh mark} (ii) Determine the mass of unreacted calcium carbonate in the experiment, Tentukan jisim kalsium karbonat yang tidak bertindak balas dalam eksperimen itu. MIPP2 Onon T Lihat halaman sebelah 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 : 12 SPM (c)_ In this experiment, the rate of reaction can also be determined by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced at regular intervals of time. Draw the apparatus set-up for the experiment. Dalam eksperimen ini, kadar tindak balas boleh ditentukan dengan mengukur isi padu gas karbon dioksida yang dihasikan pada sela masa yang tetap. Luks rajah Susunan radas untuk eksperimen ini, [2 marks] {¢) The experiment is repeated at the temperature of 40 °C with the other factors remain unchanged Eksperiman dislangi pade suhu 40 °C dengan semua faktor lain kekal tidak berubah, {i)_-Oketch the curve obtained for this experiment on the same axis in Diagram 5.2. Lakarkan fengkung yang diperoleh dalam eksperimen pada paksi yang sama datam Rajah 6.2 ‘Mass of calcium carbonate (g} visim kalsium karbonat (g) _. The curve at the temperature 30°C Lengkung pada suhu 30°C 2.50 Tune fs) Masa (s} Diagram / Rajah 8.2 [1 mark) 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 ‘ 13 SPM (ij) Based on your answer in (d)(}), explain how temperature affect the rate of reaction by using collision theory. Berdasarkan javiapan anda di 2(d}(i), terangkan bagaimane suhu mempengaruhi kadar tindakbalas dengan menggunakan teori peranggaran. "18 marks) {e) Apart from temperature, state one other factor that will also affect the rate of reaction in this experiment. Selain darjpada suru, nyatakan sate faktor lain yang juga boleh mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas dalam eksperimen ini, [1 mark} ‘schealant lease iy ih ites sah 4841/2: Kimia Kertas 2 ; 14 SPM § Table 6 shows the information for four sets of experiment to construct the reactivity series of metals. Jadual 6 menunjukkan meklumat bagi empat set eksperimen untuk membina siri kereaktifan logam. Set [ Reactants Observation re iat Bahan tindak balas _____ Pemerhatian . Carbon + Iron(Iil) oxide Grey solid is formed | ie ___| Karbon_+ Ferumitt) oksida _Pepejal kelabu terhasit i | Carbon + oxide of X’ H Brown solid is formed ___| Karbon + oksida X Pepefal perang lerhasil Carbon + Magnesium No change _ Karbon + Magnesium oksida__| __Tiada perubahan j TX + Tron(iil} oxide No change | |X + Ferum(li) oksida_|_ Tiada perubahan | Table | Jadual § (a) Set lis a redox reaction. Set | adalah findak balas redoks. () Whatiis the meaning of redox reaction? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan findak balas redoks? Th marie] (i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction Tulskan persamaan kimia bagi findak balas itu marks | (ii) ‘State the change in the oxidation number of iron Nyatakan parubahan nombor perigoksidsan bagi bast a iv) Which substance undergoes reduction? Bahan manakah mengalami peaurunar? [8 mark] pi eee tat eee 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 (b) {co} @ 15 SPM Sased on Set Il and Set Ill, explain the difference in the observations. Berdasarkan Sat ll dan Set lil, terangkan perbezaan dalam pemerhatian itu. TR marks} () Arrange X,, carbon , magnesium and iron in descending order of reactivity. Susun X, kardon, magnesium dan ferum mengikut tertib menuren kereaktifan , : [1 mark} (i) Suggest X. Cadangkan X. tt mark Draw a labelled diagram for the apparatus set-up used in Set Il Lukis gambar rajah beriabe! bagi susunan radas yeng digunakan datam Set ti. [2 marks] T Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 : 16 SPM Section B Bahagian 8 [20 marks} (20 markah} Answer any one question from this section. : Jawab mana-mane satu soalan daripada bahagian ini. 7 (a) Diagram 7.1 shows the label on ice cream container. Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan label pada satu bekas ais krim. [ erection Fee eae ee | Cream, non-fat milk, sugar, sunset yellow, vanilla | flavour, soy lecithin Ramuan: | Krim, susu tanpa femak, gala, sunset yellow, | perisa vanilla, lesitin soya Diagram / Rajah 7.1 From Diagram 7.1, state the name of two food additives found on the label State the type and the function of each food additive. Justify the using of food additives by giving one advantage and one disadvantage. Daripada Rajah 7.1, nyateken nama dua bahan tambah makanan yang terdepet pada label tersebut. Nyatakan jenis dan fungsi bagi setiap bahan tambah makanan tersebul Wajarkan penggunaan bahan tambeh makanan dengan memberikan satu kebaikan dan satu keburuken. [8 marks} {6) Table 7.1 shows traditional medicines and their uses. Jadual 7.1 menunjukkan ubatubat tradisional dan kegunaannya Trad medicine | Ubat wadisional | Aloe vera : Jusnya digunakan untuk merawat kesan luka | biden ouaya dan fecur pada kulit | } | Remove winds from the body ~ 7 x | Membuang angin di dalam badan | r | Used to weat iu sel s Digunakan untuk meravat selserma | Table Wadual 7.1 4844/2: Kimia Kertas 2 ‘ 17 SPM (i) State the name of traditional medicine X and Y. Nyatakan nama ubat tradisional X den Y. [ 2 marks} (ii) Ifthe burns. is not threated property, it may get infection and become worse. If the person is brought to the clinic, state the type of medicine prescribed by the doctor and state the function of the medicine. : Jika tuka tidak dirawat dengan baik, ia boleh menyebabkan jangkitan dan menjadi lebih teruk. Jika orang itu dibawa ke Klinik, nyatakan jenis ubat yang dipreskripsikan oleh doktor dan nyatakan fungsi ubat tersebut [2 marks] {e) Diagram 7.2 shows the structure formula of cleaning agent A and B. Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi agen pencuci A dan B HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fel ela elOMbGie lets elect H-C~C-C-C-C-C-C-C-6-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C- O- S—0 Bie alel ieee elelcigiaiela 2.0 HHHHHAHHHHHHHHHRHH Cleaning agent A Agen pencuci A HHHHHHHHHHHHHRAHHEHO eteaa ele alee etaleriatet albu EOS CS Geto CaO tet a rat anata a acne ¥ Clee eles alee e| HHHHHHHHHHHEHHHHEHH Cleaning agent B Agen pencuci B Diagram / Rajah 7.2 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 : 18 SPM Table 7.2 shows two sets of experiment to compare the effectiveness for the cleaning action of the cleaning agents in hard water. Jadual 7.2 menunjukkan dua set eksperimen untuk membandingken keberkesanan tindakan pencucian kedua-due agen pencuci dalam air liat. [ Set? Materi i. Bahan wed 1 150 cm? cleaning agent A + 20 cm? of hard water + cloth with oil stain | 50 cm? agen pencuci A + 20 em? air liat + kain bertompok minyak a “il | 80 em’ leaning agent B + 20 crm? of hard water + cloth with oil stain | 50 cm? agen pencuci B + 20 cr? airtiat + kain bertompok minyak en] Table had Based on the structure formula of cleaning agents in Diagram 7.2. identify the cleaning agent A and cleaning ager 8. Based on Table 7.2, state the observations for Set | and Set Il then compare and contrast the effectiveness of cleaning action af the two cleaning agents in hard water Explain your answer Berdasarkan formula struktur bagi agen pencuci dalam Rajah 7.2, kenalpasti agen pencuci A dan agen pencuci B. Berdasarkan Jadual 7.2, nystakan pemerhatian bagi Set | dan Set Il kemudian banding dan bezakan keberkesanan tindakan pencucian bagi kedua-dua agen pencuci datam air fiat. Terangkan jawapan anda. [8 marks] “4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 19 sPM 8 Diagram 8.1 shows an apparatus set-up to determine the end point of titration Uirough electrical conductivity method. 20 cm? of 1.0 mol der? of sodium hydroxide solution is neutralised by X mol dm* of sulphuric acid. Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan sate susunan radas bagi menentukan takat akhir pentitratan melalui kaedah kekonduksian elektik. 20 cm? farutan natoum hidroksids 1,0 mol dm? Gineutralkan oleh X mol dm? asid sulfunk X mol dm® of sulphuric acid ——~ X mol dr? asid sulfurik 20 om? of 1.0 mol dm® of sodium hydroxide solution 20 om? Jarutan natnum hidroksica 1.0 mol dm? Diagram / Rajah 8.1 (a) Agraph of electrical conductivity. ammeter reading (A) against the volume of sulphuric acid (cm*) is then plotted. The end point of titration during neutralisation can be determined when the electrical conductivity is at the lowest. Graf kekonduksian elektrik, bacaan ammeter (A) melawan isipadu asid suffurik (em*) Kemudian diplotkan. Takal akhir pentitratan boleh ditentukan apabila kekonduksian elektnk berada pada takat paling rendah. Ammeter reading / A Bacaan ammetedA | End point of titration | Takat akhir pentitratan Paice ever Isipadu asid fern? 10 1 tak ietaliattinire canted ® 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 20 SPM Write the chemical equation for the reaction occur in Diagram 6.1. Determine the value of X. ‘At the end point of titration, ammeter siill gives the reading. Explain why. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas yang berlaku dalam Rajah 8.1. Tentukan nilai X. Pada takat akhir peniitrelan, ammeter masih lagi memberikan bacaan. Terangkan mengapa. : [8 marks} Diagram 8.2 shows two sets of experiment for the reaction between strong acid and weak acid with excess calcium carbonete, The concentration end the volume of the acids used are same, The gas that produced from the reaction is channelled into lime water. Rajah 82 menunjukkan dua sot eksperimen bagi tindek balas antara asid kuat dan ‘asid Jemah dengan kalsium karbonat bertebihan. Kepekatan dan isipady asid-asid yang digunakan adalah sama. Gas yang lerbebas daripada tindak balas tersebut dialirkan ke dalam air kapur Apparatus set-up _____Susunanradas____ Acid P Lune watet sid P. x a os Rapur aa were gas SS | Time taken forte water tine Pesne ae ee | chalky is longer | caleium carbonate pabbles gas | cee eT wor alsin karbonat Gor, | cars| elembung gas | kepur bertukar keruh lebih { a Se ae Act Q T More gas bubbles released. Sean Lime tet | Seek oan gos > ox. Air kapur terbebas. | | : Time taken for ime water turns |- 7 chalky is shorter. | Caleiun carbone Masa yang diambit urtuk air | | Kalsium karbonat Bubbles gas | Kapur berluker kerub feb | Gelembung gas | sot | as =} Diagram’ Rajah 8.2 Based on information in Diagram 6.2. Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Rajah 8.2, {i) Suggest the name of acid P and acid Q Cadangkan nama bagi asid P dan asid Q (ij) ‘The reaction between acid P with calcium carbonate and the reaction between acid Q with calcium carbonate give different observations. Explain why. Tindak balas antara asid P dengan kafsium karbonat dan tindak balas antara asid O dengan kalsium karbonat memberikan pemerhatian yang berbeza Terangkan mengapa. [10 marks] - 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 a 21 SPM (c) Table 8 shows the pH values of two solutions which have the same concentration. Jadual 8 menunjukkan nilai pH bagi dua larutan yang mempunyai kepekatan yang sama, Solution Concentration (mol dm*) | PH value Larutan__|_Kepekatan(moldm) | __Nilai pH Sodium hydroxide 05 “4 | Natrium hidroksida | zie ates ‘Ammonia bee _Ammonia 05 8 Table / Jadual B Explain why the pH values of the two solutions are different. Terangkan mengapa nifai pH dua larutan tersebut berbeza. [4 marks} ‘ia alae ra Wd talk dosti ek 4544/2: Kimia Kertas 2 22 SPM a Section C Bahagian C [20 marks] [20 markahy Answer any one question from this section. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan darjpada bahagian i 9 (a) Table $.1 shows the result of two sets of experiment to investigate the coagulation of latex. Jadual 9.1 menunjukkan keputusan bagi dua ekperimen untuk menyiasat penggumpatan getah. ~ Set | “Type of solution added Observation e Jenis larutan yang ditambahkan | Pemerhatian i Latex + solution P | Latex coagulate very fast | Susu getah + farutan P Susu galah menggumpal | dengan cepat is Latex does not coagulate Susu getah tidak menggumy it~ [Latex ¥ solution are ____| Susu getah +tarutanQ Table / Jadual £1 () Suggest one possible substance for solution P and Q. Cadangkan satu bahan yang mungkin untuk Jarutan P dan Q. [2 marks} (ii) Explain the observations in Set | and Set Il Terangken pemerhatian dalam Set | dan Set li, [6 marks] (b) Diagram 9.1 shows how compound ¥ is formed from alkene X. Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan bagaimana sebatian ¥ ferbentuk daripada alkena X. [alkene X +120 [Compound ¥ |__ AlkenaX + H:0 ineerse | SebatianY Diagram / Rajah 9.1 ()_ State the homotogous series and two chemical properties of compound Y, Nyatakan siti homolog dan dua sifat kimia bagi sebatian Y. 13 marks} eel a Toa - 4541/2; Kimia Kertas 2 23 SPM By using compound Y with more than one carbon atom per molecule, describe an experiment to convert compound Y to alkene X. Your answer should consist of the following: ai) © Procedure of the experiment * A labelled diagram showing apparatus set-up © The chemical test to confirm the product formed i Dengan menggunakan sebatian Y yang mempunyai lebih daripada satu karbon per molekul, huraikan satu experimen untuk menukarkan sebatian Y kepada sebatian X. Jawepan anda harus mengandungi perkara berikut: * Prosedur eksperimen * Gambar rajah susunan radas yang berlabel * Ujian kimia untuk mengesahkan hasil tindak belas yang terbentuk [8 marks} MDD4 Onon Ex Waid ieitetiehin ontiise. 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 2 24 ‘SPM 10 Diagram 10 shows thermochemical equation for the formation of silver chloride, Rajah 10 menunjukkan persamaan termokimia bagi pembentukan argentum Klorida. 5 kJ mol AgCl a, AI Ag’aa + Cl Diagram / Rajah 10 (2) Draw an energy level diagram for the reaction in Diagram 10. Explain the differences in energy content of the reactants compared to the product. Lukiskan gambar rajah aras tenaga bagi tindak balas dalam Rajah 10. Terangkan perbezaan kandungan tenaga dalam bahan tindak balas berbanding dengan hasi! tindak balas. [4 marks] (b) Table 10 shows the heat released in Experiment |, I and ill using different acid that has been reacted with sodium hydroxide solution. Jadual 10 menujukkan haba yang dibebaskan dalam Eksperimen |, Il dan ill menggunakan asid yang berbeza yang ditindakbalaskan dengan larutan natrium hidroksida. [ ees a Heat released | Experiment | Chemical Equation Haba | Eksperimen | Persamaan kimia dibebaskan ee eee eres aes _—_{kd) 1 | Hcl + NaOH — KCI + H.0 57.3 C CHsCOOH + NaOH -> CH;COONa + H.0 55.0 jeeaanill H:SO, + 2NaQH —> NaxSO. + 2H20 114.6 Table / Jadual 10 Based on Table 10, explain the difference in heat released between : Berdasarkan Jadual 10, terangkan perbezaan haba yang dibebaskan antara : () Experiment | and Experiment Il Eksperimen | dan Eksperimen lt Gi) Experiment | and Experiment il! Eksperimen | dan Eksperimen Wt [6 marks } 4541/2: Kimia Kertas 2 25 SPM (©) Describe a laboratory experiment to determine the heat of combustion of a named alcohol with a number of carbon atoms per molecule less than four. In your description, include the steps involved in the calculation. [Relative atomic mass: C =12, O =16, H = 1] [Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g °C*t; Density of water = 1 g cnr] Huraikan eksperimen makmal untuk menentukan haba pembakaran bagi alkoho! yang dinamakan dengan bilangan atom karbon per molekul kurang daripada empat Dalam penerangan anda sertakan langkah pengiraan yang terlibat. [Jisim atom relatif: C =12, 0 =16, H = 1] [Muatan haba tentu air = 4.2 J gt °C*; Ketumpatan air =1 g crv] {10 marks] END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT ‘heats nnn Lihat holaman sebelah

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