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Office of Municipality

Athbiskoth Municipality, Rukum

Detail Estimate
For Building Construction works
S.N. Description of Work No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
Site clearance work before
1 construction
whole area 1.00 6186.11
Total 6186.11 sqm
Earthwork in excavation in ordinary
2 Soils
a for administration building
For footing( Isolation) 18.00 1.60 1.60 1.50 69.12
tie beam long wall 2.00 25.80 0.60 1.10 34.06 25.8
short wall 9.00 4.40 0.60 1.10 26.14
sub total 129.32
b For toilet
For footing( Isolation) 8.00 1.60 1.60 1.50 30.72
tie beam long wall 2.00 6.13 0.60 1.10 8.09 6.126
short wall 3.00 2.90 0.60 1.10 5.74 2.9
sub total 44.55
c For Canteen
For footing( Isolation) 13.00 1.60 1.60 1.50 49.92
tie beam long wall 1.00 28.73 0.60 1.10 18.96 28.727
sub total 68.88
Total 242.75 cum
Earth filling in 150 mm thick
layer,watering,ramming including
3 supply of filling materials
30% of earthwork in excavation 0.30 242.75 72.83
Total 72.83 cum
Flat dry brick Soling on flat in foundation and

4 floor including sand fillings in joints

a for administration building
For footing( Isolation) 18.00 1.50 1.50 40.50
tie beam long wall 2.00 25.80 0.30 15.48
short wall 9.00 4.40 0.30 11.88
for floor area 1.00 167.85 167.85 167.85
sub total 235.71 sqm
b For toilet
For footing( Isolation) 8.00 1.60 1.50 19.20
tie beam long wall 2.00 6.13 0.30 3.68
short wall 3.00 2.90 0.30 8.70
for floor area 1.00 40.00 40.00 40
sub total 71.58
c For Canteen
For footing( Isolation) 13.00 1.60 1.50 31.20
tie beam total wall 1.00 28.73 0.30 8.62
for floor area 1.00 92.40 92.40 92.4
sub total 132.22
Total 439.51 sqm
Plain cement concrete (PCC) in 1:2:4
for foundations, beam, columns and
5 bus parking area

a for administration building
For footing( Isolation) 18.00 1.50 1.50 0.40 16.20
tie beam long wall 2.00 36.60 0.30 0.30 6.59 36.6
short wall 9.00 4.60 0.30 0.30 3.73

plinth beam long wall 2.00 36.60 0.23 0.35 5.89

short wall 9.00 4.60 0.23 0.35 3.33

column up to plinth beam 18.00 0.30 0.30 1.95 3.16

column up to top 18.00 0.30 0.30 3.00 4.86
lintel 1.00 114.60 0.10 11.46 114.6
sill 1.00 114.60 0.12 13.75
sub total 68.97 cum

b For toilet
For footing( Isolation) 8.00 1.50 1.50 0.40 7.20
tie beam long wall 2.00 9.42 0.30 0.30 5.65 9.42
short wall 3.00 4.10 0.30 0.30 1.11

plinth beam long wall 2.00 9.42 0.25 0.35 1.65

short wall 3.00 4.10 0.25 0.35 1.08

column up to plinth beam 8.00 0.30 0.30 1.90 1.37

column up to top 8.00 0.30 0.30 3.00 2.16
lintel 1.00 31.14 0.10 3.11 31.14
sill 1.00 31.14 0.12 3.74
sub total 27.07 cum

c For Canteen
For footing( Isolation) 13.00 1.50 1.50 0.40 11.70
tie beam total wall 1.00 44.33 0.30 0.30 3.99 44.327
plinth beam total wall 1.00 44.33 0.23 0.35 3.57
column up to plinth beam 13.00 0.30 0.30 1.90 2.22
column up to top 13.00 0.30 0.30 3.00 3.51
lintel 1.00 44.33 0.10 4.43
sill 1.00 44.33 0.12 5.32
sub total 34.74

150 mm 1:2:4 PCC on RCC for

d bus bay and bus passing area 1.00 2500.00 0.15 375.00
Total 505.78 cum
Formwork, shuttering, centering with
19mm thick waterproof plyboards and
6 steel post
6 times the volume of RCC 6.00 505.78 3034.68
Total 3034.68 sqm
7 Reinforcement steel
2% of the volume of PCC 79407.46
Total 79,407.46 kgs
Good quality local chimney made
8 brick work in 1:4 c/s mortar
Upto plinth level
for administration building
long wall 2.00 36.60 0.30 1.9 41.7
short wall 9.00 4.60 0.30 1.9 23.6

For toilet
long wall 2 9.42 0.3 1.9 10.7
short wall 3 4.1 0.3 1.9 7.0
For Canteen
total wall 1.00 44.33 0.3 1.9 25.3
sub total up to plinth level 108.3 cum

Above plinth level

for administration building
2.00 36.60 0.30 3.00 65.88
9.00 4.60 0.30 3.00 37.26
Doors D1 -2.00 1.20 2.10 0.30 -1.51
D2 -7.00 1.00 2.10 0.30 -4.41
Windows W1 -14.00 2.00 1.30 0.30 -10.92
W2 -9.00 1.50 1.30 0.30 -5.27
sub total 81.03 cum
For toilet
long wall 2.00 9.42 0.3 3 16.96
short wall 3.00 4.10 0.3 3 11.07
Doors D2 -2.00 1.00 2.1 0.3 -1.26
Venilation V1 -2.00 2.00 0.8 0.3 -0.96
sub total 25.81 cum
For Canteen
total wall 1 44.33 0.3 3 39.90
Doors D1 -1.00 1.20 2.10 0.30 -0.76
D2 -1.00 1.00 2.10 0.30 -0.63
Windows W1 -9.00 2.00 1.30 0.30 -7.02
W2 -1.00 1.50 1.30 0.30 -0.59
sub total 30.90
total brick above plinth level 137.74 cum
total brick 246.04 cum

12.5mm thick cement sand plaster in

9 (1:4) c/s mortar
for administration building
inner surface 1.00 149.00 3.00 447.00 149
Outer surface 1.00 95.00 3.00 285.00 95
For toilet
inner surface 1.00 35.56 3.00 106.68 35.56
toilet partation wall 1.00 16.80 2.00 33.60 16.8
Outer surface 1.00 30.00 3.00 90.00 30
For Canteen
inner surface 1.00 39.70 3.00 119.10 39.7
Outer surface 1.00 53.50 3.00 160.50 53.5

Deductions all door and windows -22.04

Total plastering 1219.84 sqm
Aluminium casement door section of
10 101*45*1.m and 5mm thick glass
for all buildings
doors 11.34
toilet small doors 8.00 1.00 2.10 16.80
Total 28.14 sqm

Aluminium sliding window 2 track
section of 88*38*1.5 mm and 5mm
11 thick glass
for all buildings
windows 10.70
Total 10.70 sqm
2mm thick plain white putty plaster
12 work
to all wall plaster area 1219.84
Total 1219.84 sqm
Supply and painting two coat
13 Distemper paint with primer
to internal wall area 706.38
Total 706.38 sqm
Supply and painting two coat weather
14 coat with primer
to all external wall area 535.50
Total 535.50 sqm
50 mm thick( 1:2:4) P.C.C for
flooring with punning,rubbing in hard
15 surface
Total floor area 300.25
Total 300.25 sqm
25mm thick mosaic flooring- 6mm
thick marble chips with white
cement(1:1) on 19mm thick cement
16 plaster
for administration building 167.85
Total 167.85 sqm
10 mm thick Tile on 12 mm plaster
on floor and wall of toilet
17 85 85
Total 85 sqm
Supply and Fixing 80mm dia.
Galvanized heavy weight iron pipe for
18 truss post
for administration building 10 40 4200
For toilet 10 11.7 1228.5
For Canteen 12 16.3 2053.8
total 7482.3 kgs
Supply and Fixing 65mm
dia.galvanized heavy weight iron pipe
19 for truss
for administration building 13 6.19 653.42
13 4.522 477.34
13 6.94 732.59

For toilet 4 5.5 178.64

4 3.8 123.424
4 6.2 201.376

For Canteen 5 8.24 334.544

5 5.94 241.164
5 7.6 308.56

total 3251.06 kgs
Supply and Fixing 60mm thick Colour
20 CGI sheet for roofing
for administration building 2 40 3.6 288
For toilet 2 11.7 3.4 79.56
For Canteen 2 16.3 4.6 149.96
total 517.52 sqm




10.5 kg/m

Horizontal base
vertical 4.522
inclined member 6.94

Office of Municipality
Athbiskoth Municipality, Rukum

Abstract of Cost
For Building Construction works
S.N. Description of works Unit Quantity Rate Amount(NRs)
1 Site clearance work before construction sqm 6186.11 8.72 53,942.87
2 Earthwork in excavation in ordinary Soils cum 242.75 273.61 66,418.82
Earth filling in 150 mm thick
3 layer,watering,ramming including supply of filling
materials cum 72.83 3954.86 288,032.45
Flat dry brick Soling on flat in foundation and floor
including sand fillings in joints sqm 439.51 1469.78 645,983.00
Plain cement concrete (PCC) in 1:2:4 for
foundations, beam, columns and bus parking area cum 505.78 10853.37 5,489,417.47
Formwork, shuttering, centering with 19mm thick
waterproof plyboards and steel post sqm 3034.68 685.08 2,078,998.57
7 Reinforcement steel kgs 79407.46 70.83 5,624,430.39
Good quality local chimney made brick work in
1:4 c/s mortar cum 246.04 14051.07 3,457,125.26
12.5mm thick cement sand plaster in (1:4) c/s
mortar sqm 1219.84 314.45 383,578.68
Aluminium casement door section of 101*45*1.m
and 5mm thick glass sqm 28.14 7037.09 198,023.71
Aluminium sliding window 2 track section of
88*38*1.5 mm and 5mm thick glass sqm 10.70 6125.13 65,538.89
12 2mm thick plain white putty plaster work sqm 1219.84 227.37 277,355.02
Supply and painting two coat Distemper paint with
primer sqm 706.38 90.07 63,623.64
Supply and painting two coat weather coat with
primer sqm 535.50 192.56 103,115.88
50 mm thick( 1:2:4) P.C.C for flooring with
punning,rubbing in hard surface sqm 300.25 10853.37 3,258,724.34
25mm thick mosaic flooring- 6mm thick marble
16 chips with white cement(1:1) on 19mm thick
cement plaster sqm 167.85 1449.41 243,283.46
10 mm thick Tile on 12 mm plaster on floor and
wall of toilet sqm 85.00 860.95 73,180.75
Supply and Fixing 80mm dia. Galvanized heavy
weight iron pipe for truss post kgs 7482.30 120.60 902,365.38
Supply and Fixing 65mm dia.galvanized heavy
weight iron pipe for truss kgs 3251.06 114.58 372,506.45
Supply and Fixing 60mm thick Colour CGI sheet
for roofing sqm 517.52 960.68 497,171.11
Total 24,142,816.14
VAT @ 13% 3,138,566.09
Grand Total 27,281,382.23
b/ lain]if0f
!= 3fF; sf6\g] To;sf] h/f lemSg], l9:sf] k'm6fpg] / n]en u/L :yn ;kmf ug]{ ;a} jf]sgL ;d]t

b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! j=ld= lnOPsf]

k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds Hofld 0.023 hjfg 330 7.59 7.59
jf:tljs b//]6 7.59
!%Ü 7]s]bf/sf] cf]e/x]8 1.13
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] hDdf b/ /]6 8.72
8.72 k}=

@= g/d k|sf/sf] Sn] / l;N6L df6f]df ;j} lsl;dsf] vGg] sfd !) dL6/
;Dd jf]sgL l8:kf]hn / !=% dL6/;Dd lnˆ6 ;d]t
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds Hofld 0.70 hjfg 330.00 231.00 231.00
oflGqs pks/0 Hofldsf] Hofnfsf] #Ü n] 6.93
jf:tljs b//]6 237.93
!%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 35.68
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] hDdf b/ /]6 273.61
?= 273.61 k}=

#=;'Vvf O{6f 7f8f] 5fKg] sfd .

b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !) j=dL= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 840.00 840.00
v_ HofdL 3.25 hjfg 330.00 1072.50 1912.50
O{6f 750 uf]6f 13.00 9750.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L jfn'jf vf]nfsf] 3=dL=
0.71 1575.00 1118.25 10868.25
jf:tljs b//]6 12780.75
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] = !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1917.11
14697.86 Ö ?= 1469.78 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 14697.86

$= d]lzgsf] k|of]u u/L hu leQf kvf{ndf l;d]G6 s+lqm6 ug]{ sfd dfn;fdfg pknAw ug]{
#) dL6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
-lk=;L=;L= !M@M$_
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ b/ k|lt PsfO{ /sd
;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds s_ l;kfn' 0.50 hjfg 840.00 420.00
v_ HofdL 3.50 hjfg 330.00 1155.00 1575.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L l;d]G6 0.32 d]=6= 14320.00 4582.40
$) dL=dL=9'+uf -qm;\8_ /f]8f 0.52 3=dL= 1100.00 572.00
@) dL=dL=9'+uf -qm;\8_ /f]8f 0.33 3=dL= 1575.00 519.75
v;|f] afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.445 3=dL= 1575.00 700.87
kfgL 130.00 nL6/ 0.25 32.50
l8h]n 3.00 nL6/ 98.00 294.00
k]6«f]n 0.10 nL6/ 112.00 11.20 6712.72
pks/0f ldS;/ 0.60 306f 1875.00 1125.00
efOa]|6/ 0.25 306f 100.00 25.00 1150.00
jf:tljs b//]6 9437.72
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1415.65
?= 10853.37 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 10853.37

%=kmnfdsf] kfOk (Prop), KnfOjf]8{ k|of]u u/L km;{ / :nfjsf] nflu kmdf{ agfpg] sfd .
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=ld= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf

s_ l;kfn' 17.20 hjfg 840.00 14448.00
v_ HofdL 25.70 hjfg 330.00 8481.00 22929.00
!( dL=dL= jf]8{ 16.5 j=dL= 1124.42 18552.93
:yfgLo s'–sf7 0.232 3=dL= 33721.05 7823.28
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L kmnfd] kfO{k (NMB
50-M) 4.4 ;+Vof 1771.00 7792.40
lsnf sfF6L 25.00 s]=hL= 99.00 2475.00 36643.61
jf:tljs b//]6 59572.61
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 8935.89
68508.50 ?= 685.08 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 68508.50
gf]6 M sf7 M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
1.6875x1.1x0.7516= 0.232
M KNffO{ M ^ k6s;dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 !)Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
M kfO{k M !% k6s;Dd k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] To;kl5 @%Ü d"No afFsL /xg] lx;fan] ul/Psf]
88/15x0.75 =4.4

^=cf/=;L=;L= nflu kmnfd] 808L sf6\g], df]8\g]

gS:ff cg';f/ 7fpFdf /fvL afFWg] sfd
#) dL6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Df]=6= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 12.00 hjfg 840.00 10080.00
v_ HofdL 12.00 hjfg 330.00 3960.00 14040.00
808L (TMT rod) 1.05 d]=6= 45000.00 47250.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
hL=cfO{=afFWg] tf/ 10.0 s]=hL= 30.00 300.00 47550.00
jf:tljs b//]6 61590.00
b/ k|lt d]=6=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 9238.50
?= 70828.50 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 70828.50

&=e'O{tNnfdf lrDgL e§fsf] O{6f pknAw ug]{,

l;d]G6 d;nf -!M#_ tof/ u/L uf/f] nufpg]
sfd #) dL6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 1.50 hjfg 840.00 1260.00
>lds v_ HofdL 2.20 hjfg 330.00 726.00
u_ HofdL 0.20 hjfg 330.00 66.00 2052.00
O{6f 560 uf]6f 14.00 7840.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L l;d]G6 0.13 d]=6= 14320.00 1861.60
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.27 3=dL= 1575.00 425.25
kfgL 150.00 nL6/ 0.25 37.50 10164.35
v6sf] ;ffdfg -u_ sf] #Ü n] 1.98
jf:tljs b//]6 12218.33
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1832.74
?= 14051.07 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 14051.07

*=e'O{tNnfeGbf dfly lrDgL e§fsf] O{6f pknAw ug]{,
l;d]G6 d;nf -!M#_ tof/ u/L uf/f] nufpg]
sfd #) dL6/;Dd 9'jfgL ;lxt
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! 3=ld= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 1.50 hjfg 600.00 900.00
>lds v_ HofdL 2.20 hjfg 425.00 935.00
u_ HofdL 0.70 hjfg 425.00 297.50 2132.50
O{6f 560 uf]6f 8.00 4480.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L l;d]G6 0.13 d]=6= 14320.00 1861.60
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.27 3=dL= 1730.19 467.15
kfgL 150.00 nL6/ 0.25 37.50 6846.25
v6sf] ;ffdfg -u_ sf] #Ü n] 8.92
jf:tljs b//]6 8987.67
b/ k|lt 3=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1348.15
?= 10335.82 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 10335.82

(=!@=% dL=dL= afSnf] l;d]G6 afn'jf -!M$_ df

l;lnË jfx]s cGoq Knfi6/ ug]{ .
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
s_ l;kfn' 12.00 hjfg 840.00 10080.00
v_ HofdL 16.00 hjfg 330.00 5280.00 15360.00
l;d]G6 0.538 d]=6= 18000.00 9684.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
afn'jf vf]nfsf] 1.46 3=dL= 1575.00 2299.50 11983.50
jf:tljs b//]6 27343.50
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] = !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 4101.52
31445.02 Ö ?= 314.45 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 31445.02

10.Supplying and fitting Aluminium sliding door section (101 x45 x1.5)mm with sash 40x45x1.5mm and
5mm glass.
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L sliding door

-Hofnf ;lxt_ with sash 1.00 j=dL= 6119.21 6119.21

sf ;fdfg 6119.21
jf:tljs b//]6 6119.21
b/ /]6 k|lt j= dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 917.88
?= 7037.09 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 7037.09

11.Supplying and fitting Aluminium sliding window with Ventilator from section (101 x45x1.50)mm and
5mm glass.
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu ! Jf= dL= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
cfNd'lgodsf cfNd'lgodsf
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L sliding window with Ventilator

-Hofnf ;lxt_ sf ;/;fdfgx? 1.00 j=dL= 5326.20 5326.20

/ P]gf 5326.20
jf:tljs b//]6 5326.20
b/ /]6 k|lt j= dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 798.93
?= 6125.13 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 6125.13

!@=l8:6]Dk/ nufpg] sfd b'O{ sf]6 .

b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]

b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds s_ l;kfn' 5.80 hjfg 600.00 3480.00
v_ HofdL 5.80 hjfg 425.00 2465.00 5945.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L c:t/ 8.0 nL= 236.00 1888.00
l8:6]Dk/ kfp8/ 11.50 s]=hL= 0.00 0.00 1888.00
jf:tljs b//]6 7833.00
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] = !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 1174.95
9007.95 Ö ?= 90.07 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 9007.95

!#=tof/L Ogfd]n k]G6 b'O{ sf]6 nufpg] .

-Ps sf]6 k|fO{d/ ;lxt_
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]
b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t
;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds s_ l;kfn' 12.00 hjfg 600.00 7200.00
v_ HofdL 8.00 hjfg 425.00 3400.00 10600.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L c:t/ 8.10 nL= 315.00 2551.50
tof/L /+u 16.00 nL= 463.00 7408.00 9959.50
jf:tljs b//]6 20559.50
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 3083.92
23643.42 Ö ?= 236.43 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 23643.42

!$= Ps sf]6 k|fO{d/ ;lxt b'O{ sf]6 j]b/sf]6 -Pk]S; jf ;f] ;/x_ k]G6 ug]{ sfd
b/ ljZn]if0fsf] nflu !)) j=dL= lnOPsf]

b/ k|lt k|To]s ;|f]t

;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds s_ l;kfn' 5.80 hjfg 600.00 3480.00
v_ HofdL 5.80 hjfg 425.00 2465.00 5945.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L c:t/ 8.0 nL= 236.00 1888.00
j]b/sf]6 16.00 nL= 557.00 8912.00 10800.00
jf:tljs b//]6 16745.00
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 2511.75
19256.75 Ö ?= 192.56 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 19256.75

!%=%) dL=dL= -@Æ_ afSnf] l;d]G6 s+qmL6 -!M@M$_ ˆnf]/ 9nfg u/L
l;d]G6 3f]6L tof/ ug]{ .
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;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds s_ l;kfn' 1.25 hjfg 840.00 1050.00
v_ HofdL 2.50 hjfg 330.00 825.00 1875.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L l;d]G6 0.17 d]=6= 14320.00 2434.40
jfn'jf 0.23 3=dL= 1575.00 362.25
@) dL=dL /f]8f 0.46 3=dL= 2012.67 925.82 3722.47
jf:tljs b//]6 5597.47
b/ k|lt j=dL=sf] !%Ü 7]s]bf/ cf]e/x]8 839.62
6437.09 ?= 643.70 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 6437.09

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;|f]t ;fwg tx÷lsl;d kl/df0f PsfO{ /sd
PsfO{ ;fwgsf] hDdf
>lds s_ l;kfn' 17.65 hjfg 600.00 10590.00
v_ HofdL 1.76 hjfg 425.00 748.00 11338.00
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L cu|fv sf7 1.05 3=dL= 144771.00 152009.55
lsnf cGbfhL s]=hL= – 60.00 152069.55
jf:tljs b//]6 163407.55
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?= 187918.68 k}= hDdf b/ /]6 187918.68

Description of 17.Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches etc with approved filler material
including compaction and watering etc complete,lead 10 m Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 908 a) Depth of foundation upto 1.5m m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount

Unskilled md 1.140 330.00 Filler Material m3 1.1 2817.38 3099.11 3.00% of L.C. 9.90
and plant
9.10.a 275.00
Sub total of A = 330.00 Sub total of B = 3099.11 Sub total of C = 9.90
Sub total of A +B + C = 3439.01 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 515.85 Unit Rate = 3954.86

Description of 18.Excavation and disposal of slides manually haulage distance upto 50m
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905
a)Soft soil m3

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)

Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount

Unskilled md 0.600 255.00 3.00% of L.C. 7.65
and plant
9.11.a 425.00
Sub total of A = 255.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 7.65
Sub total of A +B + C = 262.65 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 39.40 Unit Rate = 302.05
Description of 19.Providing, laying and levelling of dry stone soling works in the foundation all
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No:
Norms 2041(1st
complete. m3
ammendment 2050) Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.01, 6.05 old Unskilled md 1.50 330.00 495.00 Blockstone m 3
1.00 989.69 989.69
Bond stone m3 0.20 989.69 197.93
Sub total of A = 495.00 Sub total of B = 1187.62 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1682.62 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 252.39 Unit Rate : 1935.01

Description of works: 20.Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(4)]
including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 2607 (manual mixing), mortar 35% m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Tools &
Skilled md 1.50 600.00 900.00 Cement t 0.155 14821.69 2297.36 3% of L.C. 84.37
26.04.b Plant
Unskilled md 4.50 1912.50 Sand m3 0.450 2311.29 1040.08 1.50% of T.C. 110.94
425.00 Control
Stone m3 1.150 989.69 1138.14
water lit 100.000 0.2400 24.00
Sub total of A = 2812.50 Sub total of B = 4499.58 Sub total of C = 195.31
Sub total of A +B + C = 7507.39 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1126.11 Unit Rate = 8633.50

Office of Municipality
Athbiskoth Municipality, Rukum

Project:- Detail Engineering report of Rukum Buspark


AMOUNT Remarks
S.No. Description

1 Building Construction Works 22,370,773.20

2 Construction of Truss Work 1,772,042.94

3 Sanitary works 2% of civil works 482,856.32

4 Elctrical works 1% of civil works 241,428.16

Construction of Asses Roads,Insurance

and other works taking 3% of total

Sub Total 25,591,385.10

13% Vat 3,326,880.06

Total 28,918,265.16

Grand Total 28,918,265.16

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