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Dears ! You do not know, you cannot conceive from what a stupendous height I have
now descended on earth for your sake. You do not know how I love you, how precious
all of you are in my eyes. The price I paid to get you has indeed been very very high.
Even if you shun me, forsake me altogether, I cannot leave you so. I will have to seek
you out again, for I cannot rest without you.

Come all ye that are heavy laden, come all that mourn and all that rejoice on earth, come
all who seek eternal rest, come to me ! Lay your burden of sins, miseries and worries on
my shoulders, and walk cheerfully into Brindaban. I know the way to Brindaban, the
Kingdom of eternal love and bliss, and I can surely show it to you.

When I once allow myself to be caught by you, do not leave me, but keep holding me on
and many wonderful mysteries will be revealed to you gradually. I am knocking at every
door and a time will come when I will be at yours. Keep it open for me.

Surrender your body and soul to me and see if I cannot save you. The more you desire to
have me, the more will I pull you up to me. I have come down half-way to meet you.
Without your seriously trying to reach me, however much I love you, you can never
approach me.

Love the Lord and live for Him. It matters not by what name or in what language you call
Him. Leaving all your cares on my head, keep yourselves engaged day and night in
name-repetition. I speak not from hearsay or on scriptural authority. I speak from direct
perception. My words, know it for certain, can bear more crucial tests than the injuctions
of any sastras.

Faith in the Name arises only as a result of ages of penance and austerities. Name gives
you all the siddhis. Name gives you prem, which is the final goal of life. Do not pay heed
to those who say unto you there is a secret path to God. There is no secrecy in the realm
of God, all love and mercy as He is.

You are my everything. I am always with everyone of you. Have faith, and you will
realize everything.
Letter No. 1

My dear father

Always remain drunk, imbibing Hari’s sweet name. Let no idea of purity or impurity
enters in your mind. There is no unholy object in the world. Should there be any, it
becomes the holiest of the holy, by contact with the lord’s name. Hence always remain
absorbed in his name, even when you are sleeping or dreaming name covers mystical
ceremonies and charms, and is identical with the lord himself. There is nothing greater
than his name. Sri Krishna’s name is much bigger and weightier than Sri Krishna himself.
Lo! Such ‘name’, the foundation of joy and bliss, it is not my unhappy lot to take, and so
I dread. The power of ‘name’ is such that it cures one and all of our worldly troubles, not
to speak of bodily ailments. Harbor no thoughts in your mind, go on taking the ‘name’,
the whole world will be yours; and you, his. You will remain immersed in everlasting
joy, not even a shadow of misfortune will mar that joy. Three sorts of troubles, to which
human beings are subject, namely those induced by (1) the different elementary forces,
(2) the unseen divine forces and (3) the individual acts will ever overtake you; all sorts of
apprehensions will fly from you in terror, and for ever you will enjoy absolute peace.
Hence, to take Sri Krishna’s name is the one supreme duty and aim of life. The pleasure
of the kingdom of heaven would be turned to intense sufferings of hell, if his name were
neglected. By forgetting Sri Krishna, man becomes the slave of illusion, and by the very
memory of Sri Krishna, he attains liberation. Even such a man as has arrived at the fag
end of his career, should try to make the most of the closing moments of his life, by
taking the lord’s name. Disregard to his name would not be counter balanced by the
attainment of the status of Siva or Brahma. Worldly pleasures would be tantamount to
drinking poison by the handful.


Letter No. 2

Your letter has brought tears to my eyes. If I really possessed any powers, I would
certainly have employed them for your benefit, but sorry I have nothing of the kind
indeed, I am indigent , I keep no concern with Sri Krishna’s love (prema). If I had a small
particle of it, I would most ungrudgingly have surrendered it to you, and obtained the
highest gratification. But I can say this much that whatever you have said has been heard
by kind Sri Krishna. He will fully purify your heart and grant all your prayers. He, being
the fountain of dispensation, grants all prayers. He will thus undoubtedly grant what you
wish for. Calmly go on taking his name; you will see that you will fully attain all joy and
peace in no time. Then, many miserable beings will soothe their burning souls under your
cool shade. Do not consider that day far distant. Sri Krishna’s name is living force like it.
Take the name with firm belief. Taken even without earnestness, it does not go for
anything. Do not allow yourself to be misled by thinking that this temporary abode
(world) is your permanent resting place. If what we see of this earth is really permanent,
it is not so in regard to myself; for, the world may remain as it is , but it is absolutely for
me to remain there for ever. I am alive now, but the next moment I may not be so.
Therefore, I say, one should not lose sight of the abode of eternal peace, by looking at
this transitory earthly home as a permanent possession; this is my prayer to the all-
merciful, and I hope he will satisfy our wishes. We must not be taken up with two
days(transient) worldly pleasures and sufferings and regard our wives and children as our
own and thus forget Sri Krishna our True friend of all times and conditions, and his
name, our only lasting resource. Do not forget his name. It is the duty of every being to
have firm belief in the Lord’s name, which is the reservoir and original cause of all
forces, and he should, with the entire functions of his body, mind and words, take shelter
under his name. He should be regarded as a true friend, whose presence stimulates
conversation concerning Sri Krishna, but those who try to add to and lighten the
countless worldly bondage, are not even worthy of the title of friend. The work
appertaining to this worldly home must be executed as duty pure and simple, and you
must love the Lord’s Name with all your heart and soul, as most beneficial to you
personally, and joy-giving treasure belonging to you. Do not surrender your soul to
anyone else. Employ your material body for material objects, and surrendering your
entire heart and soul to Krishna, rest peacefully in the ocean of bliss. You will then be
above misery and devoid of fear. If you can love the original and only cause of the
Universe, you will have loved all beings and all things. By pouring water at the root of a
tree its whole system is watered. Loving Sri Krishna loves the whole Universe. When he
is the friend of any person, all animate and inanimate objects are his friends. Hence, it is
the bounden duty of all to love the supreme cause of all causes unconditionally with
body, mind and words. Hence, the shastras say: He who loves Sri Krishna, is very
circumspect.” It is duty of everyone to regard his mother as Sri Krishna in flesh and
blood. If that mother, who conceived, called into existence, protected and nourished the
body, should not be so regarded then who should be? And where are the godly attributes
of the lord to be seen? The lord is conceiving, calling into existence, protecting and
nourishing the universe. The mother is doing just the same in regard to this body. Then,
why should not the mother be just the same in relation to me? Another word, I adore and
worship the lord in a certain form, which is dear to me, but when others in a different
form adore and worship him and I slight, and exhibit disrespect for the particular form of
worship, do I not commit a sinful act? In the same way, if I reserve my store of adoration
of my own Godly mother and disrespect mothers of other people. I only sow the seeds of
incalculable sin. Therefore, all other mothers should be seen in the same light as one’s
own mother. Disregard should never be shown even to females of dogs and cats. That
mother who has carefully preserved your life with heart’s blood, it is your duty to respect
with love and devotion. There is nothing more divine that one’s own mother. Hosts of
possessors of divine attributes (deities), such as Indra, Chandra, etc., are all centered in
the mother’s body. It is not at all right to be compelled to forfeit for ever all energizing
power in this, or life to come, by looking upon one’s wife as play mate. Wife should be
regarded as principal companion in this and the next world. She is not the ordinary mate
of every-day worldly plays. she is a partner forever in plays, life after life, and should be
treated as such. She should be given honor due to her, and thus made a fit and worthy
companion in all conditions of life. Take her qualities, giving her your own in exchange.
This process of giving and taking brings the two in closer proximity until the two are
blended into one. This is the joy inexpressible. If you have learnt to love, take care to see
that such love is not forgotten in a couple of days. Do not fro ever banish everlasting
happiness by being a slave to unworthy worldly desires. Accept my love and convey it to


Letter No. 3

O! mother,

about the bead-string! Why ask about it mother? When any one happens to find a
precious gem in an unclean spot, himself being unclean at the time, will he hesitate to
pick it up, and sit deliberating whether he was fit to touch it? This point never arises in a
man’s mind when handling a precious gem. Why then, mother, does this question of
purity or impurity cross your mind, when touching your string of beads for taking sree
Krishna’s name? Besides, how can the thing, which is always the most sacred of all the
sacred objects, be ever contaminated? You are always free from contamination. All
unholy things and all unholy objects become perfectly holy, directly they are touched by
you Hence I say, let no sort of doubt enter your mind when you use your beadstring for
taking His name. O. Mother, if sinners, conscious of their sins, refrain from bathing in
holy waters of Ganga( the bhagirathi or Ganges), how will they get rid of their sins, so
much honor and reverence are due to Ganga, simply because there are sinners. No one
would have had so much regard for Ganga if there were no sinners. Now, mother, with all
your heart and determination, make the exquisitely sweet name of Sri Krishna your
Necklace. This is my prayer. There is nothing higher than Sri Krishna’s name. A cobbler
Becomes sacred if he adores Krishnaji. The object of man’s life is to adore Sri Krishna.
Forgetting this, he allows himself to be fettered by his actions. 'When a man forgets that
he is an all-time Chartered servant of God, Matter, the mother of illusion, drawing round
his neck tightens her cord’ Mother! Forgetting Sri Krishna, men become slaves of illusion
forever. Hence, I say, do not forget him. The means by which Sri Krishna can be reached
is to take His name and to remain saturated in it. O mother, one who gets immersed in
very cold water, the scorching rays of sun cannot effect in the least. Although those on
land give vent to distressful wailings, the intense heat of sun cannot do anything to the
man under water. Similarly, Illusion, notwithstanding all her efforts, fails to get hold of
him who remains deeply absorbed in Sri Krishna’s Name and love. I do not know of
anything efficacious without Sri Krishna’s Name; that is why I beg of you to have always
recourse to it. Name, taken constantly, culminates in love for him, which in time leads to
the beloved Krishna.


Letter No. 1

My Dear Purna (Purna Chandra Chatterjee),

Your letter has given me much pleasure. My boy, everybody in this world is a debtor,
some contract large debts, some small, this being the only difference. Repentance is the
true attainment for bad deeds done; it should, however, be remembered that repentance
for a second time after the first is not possible, the action then gets into a habit and hence
it is necessary to give up for ever the deed along with the repentance. My boy, men have
often do commit though against their will, wrongs if they get into evil company; hence
you shall have to shun such company once for all. Ever seek for good company; nothing
is denied or unattainable to the will, so I urge, attain or not, always desire for good
company and you shall see that Krishna, whose will be ever done, shall gratify your
desire. You shall then be Kaiser in a moment and shall be for ever gratified. Know it for
true that the gain which is dear even in Sri Krishna's company, is very cheap in the
company of Sadhus. It is Krishna who has bestowed this honour upon them. The Sadhns
have resigned every thing to the feet of Krishna; hence it is that also Krishna has
enhanced their honour to this extent. So I say make the association and the tending of
Sadhus the principal aim of your life. If you have no money to spare, try to do good to
others as far as practicable with your body (physical labour) and sweet words. In this
make no mistake; never attempt or think of causing pain to any one. Try to shake evil
thoughts completely off your mind. Evil thoughts are more mighty than evil deeds. Raj?
yoga is therefore more praise?worthy than Hata yoga. One is thought, the other is deed.
Thought is so powerful that it can create nonexistent things, can show invisible things,
and can catch that which cannot be caught. Hence you should polish your thoughts well.
Thoughts well polished, the light, as of lightning, will flash ablaze in deep dark room;
then there remains nothing unknowns, and every thing shall be clear and visible to you as
if in a mirror. Then you shall be gratified having possessed full happiness. Parents should
be worshipped as God incarnate; and then may be attained the kindness of the All?
merciful Hari. How can he who knows not how to take care of his parents, his begetters,
possibly serve God, establishing parental relations with Him ? Don't you know that
'Charity begins at home' and so does everything ? If you are not attentive now, then you
shall have to spell wrongly ever after like a negligent student; so you should try to learn
your first lessons with considerable attention. To serve your parents is your first lesson; if
you do not pay heed to this you shall have to remain careless ever afterwards; and passing
the final examination will become a matter of great difficulty. You should serve and
revere your parents like gods incarnate. If any one wishes to see the gods in flesh and
blood with the eyes of this material body, let him look at his parents. No one can
entertain the wish to be a graduate unless he passes the Entrance Examination; so unless
one goes through his Entrance Examination by the serving of parents, his desire to
continue in the college is but a mad man's whim. As parents are objects of worship, so
wife is the object of love and affection. Let none be deceived, like ourselves, by
supposing wife to be a mere playmate. She is called Sakd (force or energy) simply
because in many things of this world we, wanting strength of our own, can only works,
becoming powerful in her company. She is Sahadharmini, because she helps us in
religious acts; she is Jaya because she holds my successor in her womb; and hence it is
that wife is our chief help?mate in every state of life?in religion, in wealth, in desire and
liberation. She will lead us the path to Heaven. She also can indicate to us the path to
renunciation and liberation, and therefore we ought never to cherish the idea of
disrespecting her. Forget not to show due respect to every woman in this world. Like
state officers some of whom are arresting, and some passing orders of execution or
release, they are performing their respective missions. Those who wish to slide down to
hell, they conduct thither with the greatest pleasure in the guise of loose women,
Raks*ashis, or Pisachis : and again it is they who are sustaining our lives with their own
blood and leading us to the path of liberation. So never show disrespect to wife, whatever
she might be. It is women who, standing at the gates of egress and ingress, conduct us to
our wished for destinations. They know all games; never try to beat them in any game. If
through Krishna's grace you are happy, I am very happy also. Never forget Krishna's
Name. This is the chief mantra (form of prayer) , there is no other mantra greater than
Krishna's Name. Do not forget this while at rest or in sleep. Do not enter into the question
of cleanliness when taking the Name which is ever holy; and all unholiness flees at a
distance from him who takes His Name.



Letter No. 2

Dear Brother Hem (Hem Chandra Ghose),

After an age I have received your letter today. I am very glad to hear that you have
sanctified yourself by a visit to Sri Brindaban. Unfortunate as I am, it has never been my
lot to see Brindaban. To spend the rest of your life in joy, make the Name of the
Sovereign of Braja your shelter. No Name sweeter than Krishna's can be had in the
universe. Name is the chief reservoir of all energies. Do not forget the name. You have
spent the most part of your life in the trivial pleasures of the world; why any further ?
Leaving these aside it is now necessary to be ready for the life to come, by taking shelter
under the really Holy Name of Sri Krishna. This is not the la9t of lives there are others
before. Dipped in error, do not therefore spoil the life to come. The body is becoming
weaker and weaker day by day. Better therefore to change Tamasik diet for Sa&ik. Fish,
meat and wines regarded as most delicious food and drink during youth, should now be
avoided as poison, else health will be seriously impaired. Fruits, roots and vegetables
should now be the chief articles of food. Good diet will render the body healthy, and a
healthy body will make the mind healthy; and with a sound mind you will be able to take
Krishna's Name with great effect. It is not at all desirable to mar the firture life for earthly
riches and worldly thoughts. The very idea of oppressing others should be cast out of the
mind and the terrible egotism 'I' and I mine' should be given up. The best part of the life
is.gone, still no halt! Good use should be made of money. To amass wealth, to obtain
jewelry for wife and other relations, or the consumption of rich viands at the table does
not mean the proper use of money. To bring relief to the needy, to feed the starving, to
clothe the naked, etc., should be reckoned as money well spent. Even the Kaiser when
leaving this world is forced to depart like a beggar. None can bring anything with him
when he comes to this world, nor can he take anything with him when he leaves it. He
brings and takes away with him only his good or bad deeds. Thus it is desirable to lay by
with the help of money good actions which will follow after death. It is necessary to be
devoid of self?esteem, otherwise the most self?less Nitai will not be kind. Imperative it is
to make the heart tender, otherwise the tenderest feet of Sri Krishna will not be found
therein. Hence it is well that attempt should be made to cast out from the heart anything
hard therein. It will not do to proceed any further like a child. With the setting sun it is
necessary to be a little more quick, else with the approach of darkness nothing can be
effected. Take the Name yourself and tell others to do so. Resolve to avoid the company
of the utterly worldly, and seek that of the devotees with all the eagerness you can
command. Taking me for a mad man disregard my foolishness. I am a great sinner and a
great dissembler. Tender our love to your loving wife and beg her to be kind to us. Tell
her not to fall into error by regarding man as god. Man is for ever a man. Tell her also
that we are utterly helpless; nothing can come or go at our desire. They are all will, and
can do at will what they please. Hence if she kindly appears before me, I shall be
gratified. Nothing whatever can come of my wishes.



Letter No. 3

Dear Brother Hem and Dear Sister (Hem Babuls Wife),

I am really very much delighted by a perusal of your letter. Would that Krishna will ever
keep us in such joy. When you are happy, I am happy too. May Krishna grant you
happiness for ever. If you want to remain happy for ever, do not forget the most
delightful Name of Sri Krishna : remain absorbed day and night in that Name and you
will see what joy it brings you. Do not allow thoughts of sanctity or uncleanness enter
your mind when taking Krishna's Name. As no impurity can approach fire, mere contact
with which purifies every object, ? so no impurity can ever approach Krishna's Name.
Repetition of the Name will generate Prema ; and through Prema, Hari, the object of
Prema, can be had. As you take Krishna's Name, so feel for the distressed and helpless
and be ever ready to bring relief to them. Strive to remove their sufferings with money or
consolation. Do not allow yourself to be incited in any way to involve any one into
trouble. If, for any reason, you are angry do not make anger your constant companion.
Cast it out of your heart quickly. The sprout of a tree, however big, can easily be removed
; but if it is uprooted after it has grown big, it is sure to leave a mark. Similarly anger,
once fed strong in the heart would be difficult of removal and if removed at all, would
leave a nasty mark behind. Passion, anger and other similar enemies once creeping into
the system do not want to leave it ; if, however they are some how driven out, they fail
not to destroy it totally when leaving. Do not, therefore, ever allow such enemies to lodge
in your heart. Even if they chance to approach you, strive to turn them out then and there.
Never think of doing harm to others. It is better to harm in actual deed than to think of
doing it. ne force of thought is indeed very potent. Thoughts are so very powerful that
with them even He who is beyond conception can be caught. The power and mother of
thought are ever irresistible. No one can rest at ease after making such a powerful agent
his enemy. Nothing remains unattainable to him who makes it his ally. When by constant
meditation the heart is purified the All?benevolent Krishna will find for ever a habitation
there. He will come even when not called for, and will not leave even when asked to go.
The joy which that state will afford is beyond description. Attain it by practice and you
will understand it. Thought is the cause of bondage and liberation. The lighter the thought
is the higher it raises the thinker; and the heavier it is, the more it bears him down.
Mother should be served and tended as living God. There is not a second person on earth
superior to mother. See that she does not suffer in any way. You are fortunate since you
have your mother still. You two should set an example to the world how to take Krishna's
Name and show what vast profit and joy result there from.


Letter No. 1

The reading of your letter affords me intense pleasure. Father, a few passages of your
letter leave a pleasant glow in my mind. I realise your position as well as mine. I further
realise that your souls have been greatly drawn like those of Gopeekas towards Sn'
Krishna and have thus kept you abiding joy. You are indeed worthy to achieve the*love
of Braja. May Lord grant your heart's desire. Please gratify us by counting us among
those who share in your plays. You go on with the play with your very own Friend. All I
desire is to look on from a distance, for, that will please ine beyond measure. Father, it is
said:? "To make love with Kanu, one must have craftiness," Father dear, this craffiness
should not be in relation to love, but only to obdurate persons, to hoodwink Jatila and
Kutila. The secret behind one's adoration to Krishna is to food Maya and her ephemeral
world. There can be no question of practicing of wiles on Krishna. Before him one must
appear in all nakedness. He cannot bear the site of anyone wear?a single stitch of
clothing, then what to say of any other sort of covering? One should not talk of the ways
of his adoring Krishna to anybody and everybody in the beginning, before His love grew
deep, as other?wise people wil/jeer and taunt to leave the way of adoration andfinally he
will give up! But there will be no need of any craftiness, when love becomes like a tiger,
strong, hard and awe?inspiring. Then the agents of maya in the shape of detractors will
fly away in terror or surrender themselves. One should develop the great art till his heart
gets such strength and fortitude. At such a time the condition of the man is described as"
"When the tiger of Kanu's love entered his heart, things began to tremble even in the
thick of thejungle." The mere roar of the tiger will make the other animals in the jungle
scurry out to safety. it is needless to say that in such an event not only will you become
safe but the rest of the people in the jungle who left for fear of the lesser animals like
dogs etc., will have a sip of relief and pleasure. They too will feel free. For this reason
Lord Gauranga used to do Sankirtan with loud voice as that of a lion. The sound of Name
made Maya fly away ftom this earth and then everyone, having been freed from illusion
bowed down at the feet of Krishna with a singleness of mind and purpose. For this reason
the Lord sometimes used to roar while singing Sankirtan. The object of raising one's
voice while singing such songs of Love is to make Maya and her henchmen fly far away.
Hence, I ask to chant Sankeetan at the top of our voices. The very sound of sankeertan
will make Maya flee for, that diabolic being remains in constant terror of my Nitai and
Gaur; the momentary deafness due to that mighty roar still persists. Hence I tell you, sing
the sweet Name both loudly and in a hushed tone, if you would like to pass your days
injoy. Father, it is like this, you start in a hushed ?tone, but the intensity increases of itself
as you get more and more intoxicated with the dose. That is why wiles are necessary at
the outset. Narotham Thakur has similarly echoed "One must not speak of one's own
adoration to all and everybody; one must be careful. The Tantras to say likewise that they
must be done secretly to the best of one's ability. Those who are addicted to drink, take it
on the sly at the beginning, but once the drink goes into their heads, they have no qualms
even if they roll in the gutter? So, I tell you, you cannot take to drink, if you come out in
the street before the intoxication has soaked in. When a man goes to a paramour for the
first time, he is very careful and hideshimself about it, but once he became attached to
her, he publicly extols his paramour's virtues, far from making any secret of it. Bilwa
Mangal R.' ar is a case in point. That is why cleverness is necessary before resorting to
such ways. You have gone a long way and for that reason the question of wiles will not
appeal to your mind. The mere remembrance of the Lord, not unlike the thoughts of a
married woman for her paramour, is the same as the contemplation of HIM in mind and
soul within and without. This alone brings about love. This was demonstrated by
Narotham Thakur this way: "As I go to the kitchen, I sing your praise, and weep
incessantly, Oh! my friend, and weep on the pretext of the smoke." Father, Krishna never
kicks out any one from His heavenly feet. Those who are not blessed with introspection
do not realise His favours as a spoilt child thinks that his parents do not love him. A little
thought will make one realise as to who is to be blamed. Love multiples and become
sweeter by exchange. It does not appear so sweet when it is one?sided. Love is not
complete when my beloved does not reciprocate it, nor is it sweet unless and until it is
complete. My submission therefore is do not take Him to be crooked. If you become
simple, He too will be simple, for He is always so. I shall be able to realise His true
nature only when I practice simplicity. Love is exceedingly simple but why does it then
become perverse sometimes? It I's like the sugarcane. The closer you approach a knot, the
sweeter it becomes. In a similar way an occasional dash of perverseness is necessary to
make over even sweeter. Perhaps that is why Krishnadas Kaviraj writes in Chaitanya
Charitamrita "Perverse love goes forward! it cannot discriminate between good and bad,
nor does it care for the right or the wrong place., Ponder over it, and you will realise that
none is more simple than one who cannot discriminate between good and evil. The love
cannot be perverse ? The object of all this is to heighten the sweetness. That is what Rupa
Goswamy remarked while describing Krishna Prema. Krishna Kaviraj too follows the
same line when he described Krishna Prema as the mixture of nectar and poison. He has
further said "The testing of Krishna's love is like chewing sugarcane when it is hot ; one's
mouth bums ; but he cannot drop it You know it that the sugarcane has cooling effect and
also sooths, but it has to be heated to heighten its sweetness : In a similar way simple love
is given a touch of perversity to increase its flavour, Otherwise nothing is simpler than.
love. Surely the repository of that love, Krishna can never be crooked: The tears of the
Gopees, that of mother Jashoda and the devotees are all like knots in love and are
therefore sweet beyond measure. That is why the devotees crave for tears above
SO SWEET. The love of one who does ,?not dissolve into tears on account of it, is no
love worth the name. As borax is to gold, so are tears to love. Both soften and purify.
May our Lord so ordain that we can always shed tears with His Name on our lips. Tears
are so like swirls in the stream of love; hence they are so deep. Father, indeed you are a
true lover. That is why you have been able to intoxicate such an unimaginative fellow as
myself That is the reason, why I could talk so much nonsense like a mad fellow. Please
forgive me. Ignore it as spoutings from a crazy man; that is all I pray for. Insist because
of my lack of ability. If ever Krishna takes me to you and raises such a storm, then I shall
talk all I have in mind. I cannot do anything further today, forgive me.

Yours protege

Letter No. 2

Great Soul (Sri Athula Krishna Goswami, Calcutta)

My Lord ! I realise that today is very auspicious because you kindly redeemed this great
sinner after so many days. But for this merciful nature of yours, Gouranga would not
have kept you as the sole refuge of the people of this Iron age (Kali yuga). That you are
the redeemer of the sinners is amply clear by my own example. As much a sinner as I am,
so great are you as a holy soul a good combination indeed. Now I feel relieved. Great
soul! I am a dog barking before a lion's den. The lion has now woke up. Now nothing
else remains to be done by me, I do not care even if I lose my life. Lord! Before my
departure from this world kindly hear my lone prayer. "Wake up ! Taking up your works
in hand makes everybody bold. Free them from fear. May no one become the slaves of
Maya (illusion) forgetting you. Let not an ordinary creature destroy the established
kingdom, when the lion is living. From his childhood Nithai left the family (samsara). He
became a pure and complete monk (Poomavadhuta). But Mahaprabhu (Gour) for our
sake, made this mad monk (Vumnattaavadhuta) in his old age, a family man ! (a married
man)! Is this not superior to Jesus Christ's to the cross carrying the sins of the human race
? Christ gave his body only but once. But Nithai became ours for everfrom generation to
generation. He stayed with us. You are that kind of Nithai. But we are the worst living
creatures and the slaves of Maya (illusion). * Now you please look after your works
personally. We shall be fearless and go on our way. Lord ! I could get your mercy at the
fag end of my life. Even by this, all my sins accumulated over a series of earlier births
have been washed out. Life may last after all for few days more. Let not the sold out head
turn in other directions. This is my prayer (Sreepatha) for the sacred memory of Vasu and
Jahnava (the two wives of Nityananda). This has been our eternal relationship of the
master and the servant. Think over it and please take me to be so and appropriate me to
yourself I have no other refuge. To liberate beings is your secondary work while
dissemination of love of the Lord of Love is your primary work. Lord! watch me lest I
shall not be deceived. I do not desire to be liberated; even by mistake. I do not desire
deliverance or liberation. Again and again I shall come to this world. I shall hear the love
stories of the Lord of Love staying here at your feet, and enjoy the taste of love. This is
my passion, prayer. Liberation of men, distribution of Name are the works attributed to
you. In fact your main objective is to enjoy the love of the beloved." Rivers run to merge
with sea. These thoughts of yours can be equalled to the exhibition of Vraja Rasa Leela
(The divine dance of Krishna of Brindavan). Lord ! pulling me don't push me into the sea
for being drowned. Take me to the shore and see that I get trained in love, in the kingdom
of love of the All love. Each one of you is a superior officer. Excepting you, no other
person can get employment there, as they have very little chance. Inspite of it, those who
satisfy you physically, mentally and spiritually and obtain your 'recommendation' can
alone get a place in that kingdom and ' succeed. These are your branches and sub?
branches. Lord! kindly recommend my case in that kingdom. I cannot satisfy you with
my services. Keep your traditional dharma by making the lame man cross the mountain !
There is no one who is so blind, lame and distressed like me. By the kind and helpful
nature of Brother Radhavallabb. I could stand at your door and got food and be satisfied.
Life is fruitful by having your prasad I can never repay the debt. Of 'Radha' even if I get
the means I shall not do so. May the Lord bring all good to Radha. I was blessed because
of brother Radha. I am also ever indebted to Atal Behari Nandy. With great effort he
published a few letters of this mad man and granted me an invaluable treasure thereby.
Still he is givMig it, though that book is not worthy of your possession still, if it receives
your kind consideration it will be a great benefit to this unlucky fellow. There is no doubt
about it. Today there is no limit to my joy. I shall live by reading and witnessing Sri
Chaithanya Bhagavatha" and "Bhaktamala" which are the embodiments and proof of the
Lord's mercy. I am living with the hope of getting your lordship's feet and the hallowed
remains. Seeing the publication of the holy Sri Chaitanya Bhagavatha I having become
pure and my wife, being delighted as if she has got back her lost treasure, conveys her
repeated saluations to your holy feet and prays for such kindness forever. Please fulfil her
desire. This is my submission.

Yours protege


Letter No. 3

My salutations, and submission (Sri Vinod Vihari Goswamy, Calcutta).

Lord! You uttered a new word today. I am the servant of the servants only. But without
that realisation I distributed your wealth. It is only to increase your fame. I do not have
any selfish motive in this. It is my desire that your fund of fame should spread to other
parts of the world. Our Nithal is mad. I am meanest of the creatures. I am a servant of the
servants of Nithai. Is it possible for me to have His title 'Pagal' ? Still you are kind
enough to grant that to me. "Sri Gouranga is mad. His companions are crazy. They sang
and danced in Bhajanas playing the Drums (Mridangas). Nithai and Advaita also are
crazy. With them their children also are mad." In this crazy (mad) company, if I get even
the last place, I consider myself to be blessed in life after life. Oh Lord ! you have got
your own wealth. It shall be there always. Even if it is looted, it shall not be reduced. The
wealth of others, if robbed or looted will get reduced or depleted. But the treasury of
Nitai will increase every day. Lord ! Don't be afraid. To the extent the treasure is taken,
your fame will spread. I shall hold responsibility age after age. For whatever is kept with
me I shall return it as and when demanded. I shall not move even a single step violating
your command. Take mercy on me, consider, me as your servant and let me be blessed.
This is my humble prayer. Lord ! Why should I play hide and seek ? I am one of the
ordinary players. You are the commander. When you order me to go in for hiding, I will
do so. When ordered to 'come out' I cannot hide. I shall follow your instructions. I shall
never be disobedient. You have every right on me. So you can do as you please. True, but
do not decorate me with ornaments which will not befit me, keep me in my trueform and
dress. This is my prayer. Lord ! what 'Atal' has said is not so very false. I do not know
how many days you will keep me in this Mahal (world). I think that you will send me to
another 'Mahal'. Sooii assign the work I also feel likewise. If a suitable place is secured, I
will beg to establish a great, 'Ashram' (asylum) Hoisting your flag there; I would feel the
desire of my mind fulfilled. Looks though you do not desire it so. Be that as it may. We
may secure eight kattas of land and construct two or four Rooms. If the Lord wills it, the
'business' will increase automatically, Now we may keep two or four stationery articles.
Then we can see what the merciful Lord does for it. Oh Lord! no work of the shop can be
performed by me. You have to do everything purchasing. 'selling, issuing and receiving.
When in the evening, you will be tired, my work will begin. I shall make you strong and
Healthy for future work. Excepting this, don't with confidence entrust any other work to
this fool. You have said repeatedly we have come of age, It is true. The treasure of love is
yours. Now take up the burden of distributing it yourself. We shall pick and hand it over
to you, and you will distribute it. It is the duty of the youngsters to look after the Paternal
wealth, accepting it. You have taken up your work in your own hands. Now we are
carefree. Now onwards you can take charge of your shop and start the work. Victory to
Nithai, victory to the shopkeeper. Staying this we shall leave like Narahari. This is our
hearty desire. Kindly start the sale, once Lord takes the letter of giff (danapatra) in your
hand. Kindly convey my salutations to His lordship Atul Krishna and convey this to him.
Please tell him about my submission (Prayer) also. Please inform him to come once to the
stage and combining every force furnish the shop and to visit once, hear and to perform
the duty. It is left to your discretion whether to distribute freely or to fix some price for
the articles. But it is the desire of this Servant that it is better that a low price be charged
as long as good time does not come and as long as the samaj of beggars does not decrease
a little. Otherwise, in this bad period, in the cries of distress all around, if you distribute
freely, you will not have any rest what so ever in day or night. I will not be able to bear it.
This is the opinion of this servant. But it is your treasure. Do as you like. Oh Lord ! why
delay in establishing the shop? One word, in Jagannath's wide kingdom, if a small plot
could be secured I had a desire to start the shop on a permanent basis. Will not Jagannath
fulfil that desire ? Cannot the place be found some where else? Cannot there be a place
near the big Sea shore? Please ponder. Do as you please, My Lord! May your name and
fame be permanent. This is my wish, this is my prayer before the presence of that
merciful one.
Your servant

Letter No. 1

My dear father (Sjt. Saradacharan Dey, Silchar)

Your letter seemed so sweet to me. Indeed, it seemed to be as sweet as the patter of
children. May Krishna ever maintain this childlike nature of yours is my only desire and
prayer to the All-merciful. Dear, all of us have come here to worship Krishna. If we can
accomplish that, we win; otherwise we are the losers. Through life and death, make
Krishna the Life of your life, and thus score a victory over the world. The only
contrivance to get hold of Krishna is to hold fast to his Name. The only way to attain the
unknowable is to bear His Name in mind. That is why I tell you not to forget His Name
by any means; never discard His Name. All the desires of your mind will be fulfilled and
thereby you will attain eternal peace. Dear, there is no second man in this, perhaps greater
ignoramus or with such childish intelligence as I am. I am, therefore, not fit to be father
to anyone, and so I am a son to everybody. Realising this condition of mine, do not forget
to bestow your pity and affection on me. It is indeed true, father, that men forget their
true goal, when they marry and flounder in diverse sorts of currents. It is strange that men
do not take a lesson by seeing all these things. Your reasonable arguments have given me
great pleasure. But there is one thing I would like to tell you; it is not fair to neglect to
fulfil the desire of your mother who has brought you into the world, has reared you and is
still doing so. So I tell you that it would be a matter of great joy if you can enter into your
field of activities after taking all the necessary precautions. No state of life except
Grihasthashrama(married life) affords such great pleasure, if keeping one's goal
constantly in view, one enters the duties of a house-holder. It was just to demonstrate this
that the merciful Sri Gauranga advised Nityananda to enter into the duties of a house-
holder at an advanced age. And Nityananda, as a courageous soul, in spite of his being a
celibate Sanyasi, for our sake carried out this difficult order without any hesitation. So I
tell you, dear, do not despise Grihasthashrama, the state of a house-holder. This is the
root of all other ashramas. It can by no means be devoid of joy. Rule in heaven even is
not desirable if that causes pain to one's mother. Mother is Guru, mother is God, she is
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - all in one. Be careful that you do not cause pain to her even
in the slightest degree. Father, be not anxious to see me. If the Lord preserves my body
for His own purposes, we will surely meet some day. Now serve the feet of your mother
with a careful mind and take the sweet Name of Krishna. Your mind will be full of joy.
Father, there is no other goal than His Name. So I tell you, father, be not anxious on any
account. Repeat His Name with the greatest joy. By repeating His Name you will attain
everything, and all your desires will be fulfilled. Read every letter of "Pagal Haranath"
through and through, in solitude and with concentration. You will find many things in it
that are in tune with innermost thoughts of your heart. Read the book yourself and read it
to your mother. Make it your constant companion. Reading the book will give you peace
of mind and will add to your ardour. I shall go to Kashmir in eight or ten days. My
address will be Srinagar, Kashmir. The All-merciful alone knows how very anxious I am
to see you. I do not know why He prevents it. Do not forget me when once you have been
kind to me. My love to you. When Krishna wills an opportunity for us to meet, we will
talk with each other to heart's content. How can such a joy be attained through a letter?



Letter No. 2

Father Pulinkrishna (Sjt. Pulinkrishna Sen, Silchar),

Your letter exudes the love of Nitai in hundred of streams a touch of which has entranced
me. It is true, dear, none but my Nitai is ready to take other's burdens on His own
shoulders. Who else but He will carry our heavy burdens? I tell you therefore to take
refuge at the feet of merciful Nitai is our only duty. Why should we at all have.-any fear
having such merciful Nitai? Let us all go unto Him, singing His praise and take from Him
invaluable love for Krishna in exchange of sorrows and cares. Dear, love of Krishna
should be, considered as the only object of attainment and to give us this, Nitai has taken
so much pains in order to give succour and comfort to sinners and afflicted as we are. The
mercy of the kll merciful is unbounded. As there is no limit to our sins, so also there is no
limit to Nitai's mercy; so what have we to fear? Let us all go to the abode of peace. My
Nitai does not discriminate in His mercy. Whoever approaches Him, Nitai gives him
love. There is no like giver, nor such a merciful One, Glory to Kaliyuga, the Yuga which
saw the advent of my Gaur and Nitai. Father, because we are not capable of Yoga,
Tapasya or Dhyan or Dharana, He came in our midst as the destitute of destitutes, in
order to give us the constantly pure mantra of His name, complete in itself and priceless.
Oh ! what an amount of sufferings the All-powerful and the Eternal Lord of Rasa has
undergone for our sake !. Leaving such a merciful Lord to whom shall we pray for
mercy? Oh! Lord! Thou art the Lord of the destitute, where shall thou get such destitutes
like us?. Will you be merciful to us, Oh Lord ! for once?. Dear, say at least once with
your body, mind and soul, Oh Gour 'Oh Nitai'. Father, thereby your breast will be flooded
with tears spontaneously which by nature will be quenched by all the waters of all the
oceans in the world, can be quenched by the mere touch of only a drop of the love of
Krishna. So do I say, dear, if you want the fire in you to be put out, just shed a drop of
tear by taking the Name of Krishna and you will be fully satisfied. One who attains
Krishna in this birth can avert Maya even if surrounded by it. The Lord is playing a game
of joy with the whole universe as His stage to play up and is getting enjoyment by the rise
of some and the fall of others. He remains seated in the centre with His own Maya
surrounding Him on all sides. We are all players. The play ends as soon as we touch Him.
At the centre Maya is carefully shielding all sides and is not allowing easy passage to any
body. Afraid of a touch of Maya we are running helter skelter in search of a way in the
envelope of Maya. Dear, this play is forjoy only and it must be taken that those who find
no joy in it are not in their senses. There is nothing but joy here. Take the Name of
Krishna and live in joy. There will be danger if you deviate from the God. We have all
come here to worship Krishna, may we be able to accomplish that. As a screw tightens
and loosens on the same thread, only you have to apply the force in different ways.
Similarly, adoration of Krishna and a vision towards Him work in the same groove, in
one there is a deliverance and in the other bondage. So I tell you, dear, whatever you may
do after forgetting Krishna will give you but bondage@ Dear, at this new place
everything is deranged. I cannot find ink or pen. So I could write only this much. Keep a
merciful eye on me. Consider me as one under your protection. Probably it will be
difficult for you to read this letter, but I can't help it. Do forgive me.



Letter No. 3

Dear Sarada (Sjt. Sarada Charan De, Silchar);

I left Jammu the very day I received your letter. I received another letter as soon
as I reached Kashmir. I was so much delayed on my way that I could not reply to your
letter in time. I do not know how you have taken that but you will surely understand now
that it was due to no fault of mine - it was just a result of circumstances. On my way I had
to wait for I-6 to 17 days for my wife and son. My son fell ill again as soon as we arrived
here and I could make no suitable arrangements for my stay. Now, however, I have got
my own quarters and felt relieved. Henceforth I shall write to Iyou regularly.

Dear, men achieve the Lord by dedicating their whole soul and mind to a lifeless piece of
stone or a small quantity of water - they thus satisfy all the desires of their heart. But does
that bespeak any merit in that piece of stone or water. That is why I tell you, dear, you
must not discard the family Guru. Why worry about the merit of Guru? Was Sandiponi a
fit Guru for Krishna or Chandamarka for Prahlada or Puri for Lord Gouranga? Indeed it
could not be helpful or the sanctity and injunctions of the Vedas would have been
violated. So I ask you to receive Mantra from your Guru whatever he may be. But if you
are very much disinclined to do that, receive Mantra from the greatest of Gurus - Your
mother - ofcourse with the approval of your family Guru. This will be the best course.
You need have no mental reservations about this. Take the Name of Krishna, love the
Name and good results will follow immediately. I was amazed at a strange tale from
Silchar published in the "Prajashakti" . Do not consider it to be the desire of Mother to
partake of goat flesh, rather consider it as a punishment for untruth. Mother is all merciful
and this is the way in which she showed mercy to Her devotee. How can one please Her
with the offering of a goat, when She owns the whole universe? If you want to satisfy the
Lord, take His Name constantly, offer unto Him your soul with complete sincerity. You
will always be in joy and never feel any qualms. No body gets a burning sensation when
he sits under a cool shade. So, I tell you dear, repeat His name, you will be happy. Name
is the chief way to salvation. Name is the greatest Mantra. There is no other greater
Mantra than the Name of Krishna. If I ever meet you, I shall talk out my heart to you. Do
not worry about me - my health is much better. My love to all.


Letter No 1

9th May '04, 7pm

Father Radhika, (Babu Radhika Prasad Neogy, District Superintendent's


I am very glad to receive your letter. Father, wherever you may remain, may krishna keep
you in happiness this much is the prayer to that Kind One. Father, never forget that
"Rasamaya" (one full of the sentiment ofjoy and love). Rather forget Him but never
forget His honeyed Name; there greater Mantra than Name. Name can give even
"Chaturvarga" (the group of four : Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha). "Krishna's Name
is greater than Krishna. " If you remain drunken in Name, never will you have any
difficulty; you will remain in eternal happiness. Krishna will give you many friends after
your mind even in the place, where you have gone now, no worry. The other day, I have
received a letter from Delhi; all are in good cheer; Radha is a bit anxious about you. T'he
children also are worrying for you, but they will soon forget. Wherever you may remain,
give letters from time to time. I have received a letter from Sonamukhi; all are well. At
times, write letters to Sonamukhi, when you will go home, go after visiting it. Now-a-
days, it is becoming hot in this place of ours. Now it is not necessary to put many clothes
on the body; at night, one quilt serves the purpose. Perhaps, it is now very hot at Gaya.
Do not delay to write letters as to where you are now. Do not worry about me.

Yours only


There is a strong desire to see you once; do not know after how many days Krishna will
fulfil the desire. Father, delay in seeing is causing pain. Day and night are passing in this
one thought, this alone has now become my "Ista Kriya" (spiritual endeavour). Do not
worry for me, my love and affection to Bow Ma (Neogi's wife). Have you got a dwelling
house or not? What arrangements are being made at Gaya? When will Bow Ma come?


Haranath Benerji , SHRINAGAR

(this signature in English is found on the left side of the name of the addressee)
Letter No 2

Gaya, 29 May '06 SRINAGAR,

25 May '06


(Babu Radhika Prasad Neogy, District Superintendent's Office, Gaya)

I am very glad to receive your and mother's letter. Father, hearing that you are quite in
joy, we have no room to contain our happiness. We have joy only if Krishna keeps you in
constant joy. Father Radhika, I have received a letter from Delhi. In heat, Radha is having
difficulty due to lack of a suitable house. Not getting a convenient house, his days are
passing in difficulty only. He is on the look out for a good house. Tell your mother that
all of Delhi are quite well; she should have no worry. By her blessings, you will remain
in eternal happiness only. Those, who have such a mother, never and no where will come
across any difficulty. See that she does not get trouble of any sort, even if it requires you
to risk your life for that. When I remember her, I have to become very restless at heart
from time to time. Who knows after how many days, I shall be able to see her again?
Krishna's will, Krishna alone knows. Give our love to her. I am very glad to hear that our
dear grand daughter is quite well. Can she walk now? How much can I inform you by
writing how much your Mother tosses for her? If you see, you could know what your
Mother does for you at times. However, father, remain in happiness. Father Radhika,
hearing today that you have sent tobacco; I went to the Post Office and found that there
was the tin only and no tobacco. So, I have not taken it. For it, you should demand 4
rupees for 4 seers of tobacco, the demand should not be less than this. Anyhow, that
amount has to be realised. Another word, if at any time you send tobacco in any way,
cover the tin with cloth and seal it. Be not impatient to send tobacco. I shall ask for it
when necessary. Mother Mrinalini, what shall I write as to what your Mother became for
you and the grand daughter on reading your letter? Mother, great is Her restlessness for
seeing you. She wants to remain always near you, you are a greatly treasured object to
Her. Mother, never forget us. Another thing the sweet Name ofKrishna, you should not
forget, mother. However, and wherever you remain, remember Name and keep
attachment towards the lotus feet of Krishna... Look upon your mother-in-law as Goddess
manifest and serve her with body and mind, Let her never; x x x this alone is my
injunction to you. Bear in mind that parents are visible forms of God Mother dear,
Krishna is very kind, do not forsake Him. This day must have to pass whether in sorrow,
or happiness. Do not worry in the least about this. For two days' happiness. Do not worry
in the least about this, for two days' happiness of this earth do not forget, mother,
Krishna, the source of infinite happiness. By Krishnas will, you will remain in happiness
for ever. Father Radhika, Raimati is at Hathras near Atal and is in happiness. With Atal,
she has gone home country on 15 day's leave. Here, Krishnadas only is with us. At times
he grows mad to go to you. Father, at intervals, write letters to Anu at Sonamukhi, he
becomes very happy, if he gets your letters. Give a letter to your Jetha Mahashaya
(father's elder brother, i.e., Thakur's elder brother) at Sonamukhi. I have heard that his
son-in-law is seriously ill. All other things are welL quickly give reply to the letter.

(XX indicate words eaten by moth or rendered indistinct by damp)



Letter No 3

6 X '06

Father Radhika,

(Babu Radhika Prasad Neogy etc. Gaya, E. 1. Ry)

Reading your letter, I understand that you have become much overwhelmed; that is a
thing to be expected. Losing such a joy ful daughter, one cannot but be joyless. But,
father, consider once that you are the head of the house and ofthose who remain near you.
On that account, the hapiness and sorrow of all are depending upon you. If you become
so impatient, then mother will become altogether overwhelmed and will have particular
pain. Father, it is not proper to become overwhelmed at so little a thing, you have to keep
all steady. Listen to me,be a little steady, Krishna has taken Krishna's treasure, why are
you sorry for that? Is it the way you love Krishna? Whatever is on this earth belongs to
Krishna, but one brings up and fondles as a supervisor what He keeps with one for the
time being. So I say, father, be not so much distressed, Krishna will give you another
child better than thisno worry. If you be distressed, my mother, your mother and every
one will have agony, now be steady. If you give up service, what else shall you do in life?
It is no more a single life now. So, I say, do not do anything rashly. Not listening to my
words, my very dear Madhab Chandra Ghosh is having much difficulty now a days.
Father dear, go on in the field of work like a calm and steady being, you will see that
Krishna will show all happiness. Do 'Karma'(work) as 'Karma (work)but keep heart and
soul on Krishna's feet Do not forget Krishna and Krishna'sName. Mother Lakshmi, be
not, mother, distressed. Your daughter kept your Mother on fast yesterday and made her
weep the whole day. She was so smeared with honey, simply because she would make
her relatives weep. Mother dear, wherever there is honey, there is the bee, mother, so
today we are having sorrow. Lakshmi, mother mine, be not sorry, nor give sorrow to
Radhika. Radhika will have great sorrow, if he sees you dry and pale. So, I say, mother,
endure. ByKrishna's will, everything is coming into being and passing away, why so
much fear? You will get a still better child very soon, be not sorry in any way. Radhika is
a mad fellow; do not madden him still more. Write a letter, as soon as you read this letter.
Do not forget usMake Krishna's Name all the strength of your life.



Krishnadas is well, I have not informed him of this news. He loves the female baby very

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