To Protect Domestic Jobs From "Cheap" Labor Abroad: Their Trade Relationships

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Why is "trade agreement" important?

Trade agreement, any contractual arrangement between states concerning

their trade relationships.
1. Reduces trade barriers. 
Trade barriers are government policies that place restrictions on international trade. It
can either make trade more difficult and expensive or prevent trade completely. 

And we can see on our copies, it states that for most countries, international trade is
regulated by unilateral barriers of several types, such as tariff and nontariff. 
Tariff Barriers. These are taxes on certain imports.
Non-Tariff Barriers. These involve rules and regulations which make trade more
difficult. (Also, I've researched several barriers like)
Quotas. A limit placed on the number of imports
Voluntary Export Restraint (VER). Similar to quotas, this is where countries agree to
limit the number of imports.
Subsidies. A domestic subsidy from the government can give the local firm a
competitive advantage.
Embargo. A complete ban on imports from a certain country. E.g. US embargo with

Real-world examples 
Chinese import tariffs. This link shows that China is reducing its import tariffs on
luxury foreign goods such as Scottish Whiskey from 10% to 5%. It is a sign the Chinese
government want to encourage consumer spending
Subsidies. The EU gives €39 billion to farmers in direct subsidies. Indirectly, this
makes EU agricultural exports more competitive and gives EU farmers an
advantage in trade.
Embargoes are usually implemented for political reasons. After Fidel Castro came to
power, the US imposed a trade embargo on Cuba, which was strictly enforced.

-Trade agreements are one way to reduce these barriers, thereby opening all
parties to the benefits of increased trade.
-Two or more countries can go for an economic integration which is an
agreement between countries, which aims to reduce costs for both producers
and consumers. Its end goal is to remove barriers to the free flow of goods and
-In most modern economies the possible coalitions of interested groups are
numerous, and the variety of possible unilateral barriers are great. 

there are also certain reason why government implements these

To protect domestic jobs from “cheap” labor
For example, the U.S. has import tariffs on sugar, making imported sugar
more expensive than domestically-grown sugar. Thus, people in the US are
going to buy US-produced sugar, which keeps money in the wallets of US
sugar producers and farmers.

To improve a trade deficit

Trade barriers make imports more expensive, and as a result, they also
decrease the demand for imports.
To protect “infant industries”
Countries want to give newly developing industries (known as infant
industries) time to grow and become competitive

To earn more revenue

Governments gain extra revenue from tariffs (which is a tax on imports)

As a conclusion I highly believe that trading agreement is really important and necessary for it
opens new opportunity and economic growth for one’s country. By reducing these trade barriers
we can have more easier trading system and allows new ideas and techniques to be learned
and have an increasing economy.
Trade barriers (reasons why we need it )
Trade Barriers definition and examples
Trade Agreement
China cuts tariff

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