Ong v. Tating

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(15 April 1987)  An action of desahucio was instituted in the City Court of
Quezon City by petitioner Ong against his lessee, Evangeline
DOCTRINE: Money judgments are enforceable only against property
Roces. In Court of First Instance, the judgment of the City Court
unquestionably belonging to the judgment debtor. Therefore, the
was set aside and Roces was then ordered vacate plaintiff's
sheriff acts properly only when he subjects to execution property
premises and to pay pay rentals in arrears. The decision became
undeniably belonging to the judgment debtor.
final and executory. The City Court then directed execution of
the judgment. Accordingly, the sheriff cleared the premises of
When the sheriff thus seizes property of a third person in which the
its occupants, which included Anacleto Tating (Evangeline's
judgment debtor holds no right or interest, the supervisory power
stepfather and lawyer), Marilyn Tating and Robert Tating.
of the Court which has authorized execution may be invoked by the
 The sheriff also levied on certain chattels (a stereo, TV,
third person. Upon due application by the third person, and after
refrigerator, desk fan) found in the place. Marilyn and Robert
summary hearing, the Court may command that the property be
sought to retrieve these appliances from the sheriff, alleging
released from the mistaken levy and restored to the rightful owner
that the articles belonged to them and not to Roces. Robert and
or possessor.
Marilyn then filed with the sheriff a "Third Party Claim". They
later filed with the City Court an Urgent Motion for Suspension
What the Court can do in these instances however is limited to a
of Sheriff Sale and for Release of Properties Wrongfully Levied
determination of whether the sheriff has acted rightly or wrongly in
Upon on Execution”. In order for the execution sale to proceed,
the performance of his duties in the execution of the judgment. The
Ong posted two surety bonds to indemnify the sheriff for any
Court can require the sheriff to restore the property to the
liability for damages. However, the City Court later restrained
claimant's possession if warranted by the evidence.
the sale and set the Tatings' motions for hearing.
 Later, Ong presented an "Omnibus Opposition" contending that
This remedy is not that of intervention, which is dealt with in Rule
the Tatings' motions should have been filed with the Court of
12 of the Rules of Court, and may be availed of only before or
First Instance since it was the latter's decision which was being
during trial, not thereafter, and certainly not when judgment is
executed; and that, the Tatings' remedy was to file an action for
executory. It is rather simply an invocation of the Court's power of
damages against the indemnity bonds after the auction sale. A
supervision and control over the actuations of its officers and
"Motion to Inhibit" was later filed by Ong but was denied by the
City Court .
 Ong then filed with the CFI a petition for certiorari and
prohibition, with application for preliminary injunction but the
NATURE: Petition for Review on Certiorari CFI directed the maintenance of the status quo and commanded
that the City Court refrain from hearing and deciding the third
PONENTE: NARVASA, J. party claims and the urgent motion for suspension of Sheriff's
Sale, etc. until the resolution of the injunction.
 Later, the CFI ruled that the procedure followed by said private 5. Whether the Tatings are liable for the payment of rentals in
respondents in vindicating their rights over levied appliances is arrears jointly or solidarily with said Roces? NO.
not the one sanctioned by law for they should have filed a
separate and independent action. Thus, the parties, the deputy
sheriff and the petitioner are responsible for the execution and
Ong is entitled to relief. 1. A "petition for review" is the correct mode of appeal from a
 Thus, the Tatings appealed to the CA via a petition for review. judgment rendered by a CFI (RTC) in the exercise of appellate
The CA expressed puzzlement why the matter of the execution jurisdiction. In such a case, the appeal is not a matter of right, its
and related incidents were passed upon by the lower court, acceptance being discretionary on the Court of Appeals, which "may
when the only issue was the correctness of the City Judge's give it due course only when the petition shows prima facie that the
refusal to inhibit himself. The CA then denied the motion for lower court has committed an error of fact or law that will warrant a
Judge Laquio, Jr. to inhibit himself from the ejectment case and reversal or modification of the decision or judgment sought to be
remanded the case to the City Court presided over by Judge reviewed". On the other hand, when a CFI (RTC) adjudicates a case
Laquio, Jr. for further proceedings. Ong now prays for the in the exercise of its original jurisdiction, the correct mode of
reversal of the decision of the CA, and the perpetual inhibition elevating the judgment to the Court of Appeals is by ordinary
of the City Judge from further hearing and deciding the Tatings' appeal. When the appeal would involve purely questions of law or
third-party claims. any of the other cases (except criminal cases as stated hereunder)
specified in Section 5(2), Article X of the Constitution, it should be
taken to the Supreme Court by petition for review on certiorari  in
accordance with Rules 42 and 45 of the Rules of Court. 
1. Whether the correct remedy by the Tatings to the CA from the
decision of the CFI was appeal a petition for review and not appeal?
However, even if the Tatings erred in the remedy it chose, it is
inconsequential because of the need to finally resolve this case. In
any event, the defect has been waived, no issue concerning it
2. What remedies can be availed by a third party whose properties
having been raised in the proceedings before the Court of Appeals. 
were levied by the sheriff in the execution of a judgment against a
2. Money judgments are enforceable only against property
unquestionably belonging to the judgment debtor. Therefore, the
3. Whether Ong's filing of the judgment creditor's bond divest the
sheriff acts properly only when he subjects to execution property
Court of jurisdiction to control and supervise the conduct of the
undeniably belonging to the judgment debtor.
execution sale? NO.
a. When the sheriff thus seizes property of a third person in
4. Whether the city court judge should inhibit himself from trying
which the judgment debtor holds no right or interest, the
the case? NO.
supervisory power of the Court which has authorized
execution may be invoked by the third person. Upon due
application by the third person, and after summary hearing, c. The remedies just mentioned are without prejudice to
the Court may command that the property be released from any “proper action” that a third-party claimant may deem
the mistaken levy and restored to the rightful owner or suitable, to vindicate his claim to the property. Such "proper
possessor. action" refer to an action distinct and separate from that in
which the judgment is being enforced.
What the Court can do in these instances however is limited
to a determination of whether the sheriff has acted rightly This "proper action" would have for its object the recovery of the
or wrongly in the performance of his duties in the execution possession of the property seized by the sheriff, as well as damages
of the judgment. The Court can require the sheriff to restore resulting from the allegedly wrongful seizure and detention thereof
the property to the claimant's possession if warranted by despite the third-party claim. By filing a separate action, the rights
the evidence. of third-party claimant over certain properties levied upon by the
sheriff to satisfy the judgment should not be decided in the action
This remedy is not that of intervention, which is dealt with where the third- party claims have been presented, but in the
in Rule 12 of the Rules of Court, and may be availed of only separate action instituted by the claimants.
before or during trial, not thereafter, and certainly not when
judgment is executory. It is rather simply an invocation of Since the third-party claimant is not one of the parties to the action,
the Court's power of supervision and control over the she could not strictly speaking, appeal from the order denying her
actuations of its officers and employees. claim, but should file a separate reivindicatory action against the
execution creditor This rule is dictated by reasons -of convenience,
b. Another remedy is that of terceria set out in Section 17, as "intervention is more likely to inject confusion into the issues
Rule 391 of the Rules of Court. between the parties in the case with which the third-party claimant
has nothing to do and thereby retard instead of facilitate the
prompt dispatch of the controversy which is the underlying
SEC. 17. Proceedings where property claimed by third person. — If property levied on be objective of the rules of pleading and practice
claimed by any other person than the judgment debtor or his agent, and such person make an
affidavit of his title thereto or right to the possession thereof, stating the grounds of such
right or title, and serve the same upon the officer making the levy, and a copy thereof upon In such separate action, the court may issue a writ of preliminary
the judgment creditor, the officer shall not be bound to keep the property, unless such injunction against the sheriff enjoining him from proceeding with
judgment creditor or his agent, on demand of the officer, indemnify the officer against such the execution sale. However, if the claim of impropriety on the part
claim by a bond in a sum not greater than the value of the property levied on. In case of
disagreement as to such value, the same shall be determined by the court issuing the writ of of the sheriff in the execution proceedings is made by a party to the
execution. action, not a stranger thereto, any relief therefrom may be applied
for with, and obtained from, only the executing court.
The officer is not liable for damages, for the taking or keeping of the property, to any third-
party claimant unless a claim is made by the latter and unless an action for damages is
brought by him against the officer within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the
filing of the bond. But nothing herein contained shall prevent such claimant or any third person from vindicating his claim to the property by any proper action.
3. The bond had absolutely no effect on the Court's jurisdiction. It In the Matter of Harry Reeves (Respodent/Creditor) v. Charles
was merely "equivalent to the personal interference of the Crownshield (Appellant/Debtor)
indemnitor and his bondsmen in the course of the proceeding by
directing or requesting the sheriff to hold and sell the goods as if (April 27, 1937)
they were the property of the defendants in attachment.
4. No proper ground exists to disqualify His Honor from continuing
to act in the case.
DOCTRINE: Court may direct judgment debtor to make payments
5. They were never impleaded as parties and never served with to creditor out of income and punish him for contempt on failure
summons in the suit for ejectment initiated by Ong against to do so, valid --- Punishment for contempt not imprisonment for
Evangeline Roces. The Court therefore never acquired jurisdiction debt . To compel the judgment debtor to obey the order of the
over them.
court is not imprisonment for debt, but only imprisonment for
disobedience of an order with which he is able to comply. His
DISPOSITION: WHEREFORE, the petition is dismissed for lack of refusal is contumacious conduct, the same as a refusal to obey any
merit. The case shall be remanded to the Metropolitan Trial Court at other lawful order of the court.
Quezon City which shall forthwith resolve the Tatings' pending
motions in Civil Case No. 28309, consistently with the principles
herein set forth. Costs against petitioner.
 Crownshield, the debtor in this case, has a collection money
VOTE: Yap (Chairman), Melencio-Herrera, Cruz, Feliciano, Gancayco judgement against him ($400).
and Sarmiento, JJ., concur.
 Being a Federal employee, (a steamship inspector) with a
salary, the court issued an order that his income be
garnished by ordering him to pay his debt by installment
($20/month). (NOTE: The court decided so, because they
found out that his salary, $230/month – less reasonable
expenses and small pension deduction, without a wife and a
family, he is not poor and able to pay the debt thru such an
amount of income).
Reeves v. Crownshield (1937)
 Crownshield (debtor) however, failed to follow the order of
the court hence, Reeves (creditor) filed a motion for an
order to punish appellant for imprisonment, for contempt would be no power in the court to enforce its order. To compel the
of court. City Court of City of New York, granted the judgment debtor to obey the order of the court is not
motion. imprisonment for debt, but only imprisonment for disobedience of
an order with which he is able to comply. His refusal is
 Crownshield, now appeals on constitutional grounds
contumacious conduct, the same as a refusal to obey any other
challenging that the constitutionality of section 793
(garnishment order) and section 801 (order of contempt of lawful order of the court.
court) on the ground that in effect, they provide for
imprisonment for debt; Imprisonment for debt is barred by
the due process clauses of the State and Federal 2. It is true that the wages of a Federal employee cannot be
Constitutions. garnisheed but once his wage has been paid to him a State is not
prohibited from ordering him to apply a portion of such income
ISSUE: WON the penalty to punish Crownshield for imprisonment towards the payment of his just debts. The moment the salary is
is unconstitutional. – No. received it becomes a part of the general income of the owner. If he
should therewith purchase property the property could be taken
under execution for the payment of a judgment against the owner.
RATIO/RULING: 1. No. He is being imprisoned, not for debt, but for
No reason appears for exempting the income while still held as
disobedience, for the neglect and refusal to perform a moral and
money and not exempting it when it has been converted into
legal duty, to perform the obligation to pay.

In the case at bar the judgment debtor has not complained that the
order directing the payment of $20 per month is unjust,
inequitable or harsh. His position is an arbitrary refusal to pay. It is
based upon the ground that the courts are powerless to compel him
to pay out of his income an amount fixed after deducting the sum
necessary for his reasonable needs.

The Legislature has seen fit to provide a creditor with a direct

remedy for the collection of his just debts. A refusal to recognize
such an order by the judgment debtor entitles the creditor to
move to have him punished for contempt. Without this right, there

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