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Case Report

Split mouth de-epithelization

techniques for gingival
depigmentation: A case series and
review of literature
Rahul Kathariya, A. R. Pradeep

Department of Abstract:
Periodontics, Gingival melanin pigmentation occurs in all races of mankind. Although clinical melanin pigmentation does neither
Government Dental present itself as a medical problem nor a disease entity, it is a major esthetic concern for many people, especially
College and Research Asians. Esthetic gingival depigmentation procedures can be performed in such patients with excellent results. This
Institute, Bangalore, case series presents a split mouth de-epithelization procedure using popular surgical techniques such as scalpel,
Karnataka, India bur abrasion or electrosurgery. These techniques were successfully used to treat gingival hyperpigmentation.
Although we found that electrosurgery increased the efficacy of our work, giving a cleaner and neater work field, it
required a lot of precision. In contrast, scalpel de-epithelization was easy and technique-friendly, giving excellent
results and patient satisfaction. However, the cases are being followed-up to study the factors affecting the rate
and length of time required for repigmentation and to study the repigmentation patterns. This case series also
reviews the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques available for depigmentation, and reiterates
that the scalpel technique still serves as a gold standard for depigmentation.
Key words:
Bur abrasion, depigmentation, electrosurgery, gingiva, melanin, physiological pigmentation, scalpel technique

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INTRODUCTION mm; hence, clinical pigmentation is evident.
Therefore, the size and degree of melanization

he color of the gingiva is determined by of these granules is directly proportional
several factors, namely number and size of to the degree of pigmentation. [7] Also, there
Quick Response Code:
the blood vessels, epithelial thickness, quantity appears to be a positive correlation between
of keratinization and pigments within the gingival pigmentation and degree of dermal
gingival epithelium. Melanin, carotene, reduced pigmentation.[9] However, melanin pigmentation
hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin are the main of the gingiva is symmetric and does not alter the
pigments contributing to the normal color of normal gingival architecture.[2]
the oral mucosa.[1] Melanin, a brown pigment, is
the most common natural pigment contributing In dark-skinned and black individuals, an
to endogenous pigmentation of the gingiva. increased melanin production has long been
Physiological pigmentation of the oral mucosa known to be the result of genetically determined
(mostly gingiva), is clinically manifested as hyperactivity of melanocytes. Melanocytes of
multifocal or diffuse melanin pigmentation with dark skinned and black individuals are uniformly
variable amounts in different ethnic groups highly reactive, whereas in light skinned
worldwide [2,3] and it occurs in all races. [2,4] individuals, melanocytes are highly variable in
Melanin is deposited by melanocytes, mainly reactivity.[10,11] In general, individuals with fair
located intertwined between the basal and the complexion will not demonstrate overt tissue
Address for
suprabasal cell layers of epithelium,[5,6] often pigmentation, even though comparable numbers
Dr. Rahul Kathariya, observed to a greater degree at the incisors.[7] of melanocytes are present within their gingival
Department of Periodontics, In Caucasians, most melanocytes have striated epithelium.[12]
Government Dental College granules that are incompletely melanized and
and Research Institute, vary in size from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. But, the amount Brown or dark pigmentation or discoloration
Bangalore - 560 002, is insufficient to cause pigmentation (less than of the gingival tissue is however considered as
Karnataka, India. 10% demonstrate pigmentation). A high amount multifaceted etiology, including genetic factors[8]
E-mail: rkathariya@gmail.
of melanin granules is found in individuals of (irrespective of age [2,4] and gender; [13] hence,
African and East Asian ethinicity.[8] In them, termed physiologic or racial pigmentations[2,14]),
Submission: 13-11-2010 the granules are more completely melanized tobacco use,[15,16] systemic disorders[17] (endocrine
Accepted: 17-04-2011 and form larger complexes of size about 1–3 disturbance, Albright’s syndrome, malignant

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Kathariya and Pradeep: Depigmentation by de-epithelization

melanoma, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, hemachromatosis, Minimal bleeding with a clean field increased the efficacy of
chronic pulmonary disease, Addison’s syndrome and the work [Figures 9 and 10]. Light brushing strokes were used
von Recklinghausen’s disease [neurofibromatosis]),[17,18] and the tip was kept moving all the time. Prolonged or repeated
antimalarial therapy,[19,20] tricyclic antidepressants and a variety application of electrode to the tissues was avoided as it induces
of local and systemic factors.[21] heat accumulation and causes undesired tissue destruction.
As it causes an undesired effect, enough care was taken to
Clinical melanin pigmentation is completely benign and does avoid contact of current with the periosteum and vital teeth,
not present a medical problem, although complaints of dark but at one point the tissue fenestrated [Figure 10].
gums may pose an esthetic concern, particularly if visible
during speech and smiling[22] Demand for cosmetic therapy RESULTS
is made, especially by fair skinned people with moderate
or severe gingival pigmentation,[23] mostly in patients with Scalpel technique
a high smile line (gummy smile). Gingival depigmentation No post-operative pain, hemorrhage, infection or scarring
is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure whereby the occurred. Although mild inflammation at the canine–premolar
gingival hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced by various region [Figure 11] was observed in one case, healing was
techniques. uneventful. Patient’s acceptance of the procedure was
good and results were excellent as perceived by the patient
CASE PRESENTATIONS [Figure 12]. No repigmentation occurred for the initial 24 weeks
[Figure 13, patient 2, I quadrant], and the patient is being
Six patients [four male, two female [Figure 1]], all students, monitored for longitudinal period for any repigmentation.
aged 19–25 years visited the Department of Periodontics,
Government Dental College and Research Institute, Bangalore, Surgical bur abrasion
India, with the chief complaint of “dark gums” with loss of The results were similar and comparable to the scalpel
confidence and embarrassment within their peer groups. technique. Patients’ acceptance of the procedure was good
Two patients requested for any cosmetic therapy that would and no repigmentation was reported till 12 weeks period
eventually enhance the esthetics on smiling; the other four [Figure 13, patient 2, II quadrant], and the patient is being
were referred cases. The patients’ history revealed that monitored for a long term.
the blackish discoloration of gingiva was present since
birth, suggestive of physiologic melanin pigmentation. Electrosurgery
Clinical examination revealed pronounced bilateral melanin Mild post-operative burning and no post-operative
pigmentation associated with a healthy periodontium. Their hemorrhage and infection occurred. Patient’s acceptance of
medical history was non-contributory. The patients were in the procedure was not as good as contralateral surgery and
good general health and there were no contraindications for the results were not as promising. The patient kept saying
the surgeries. All depigmentation areas were graded from 1 that the previous procedure was better [Figure 14]. Although
to 10 according to the “Weinman” scale of grading gingival the patient is under observation for any scarring, a difference
depigmentation. Considering the patient’s concern, a split in the color and texture between the two procedures was
mouth surgical gingival de-epithelization procedure was apparent [Figure 14].
decided. A combination of scalpel de-epithelization, bur
abrasion or electrosurgery was planned [Figures 2-7]. Although electrosurgery has advantages of minimal bleeding
and a cleaner work field, it requires more expertise and
Surgical procedure caution. The results with the conventional split thickness
About 2 ml of Lignocaine adrenaline local anesthesia was scalpel technique are excellent and better than electrosurgery.
administered as nerve block and/or infiltration. Two vertical This conclusion was also supported by the patients’ feedbacks.
incisions were made on the side destined to undergo scalpel de-
epithelization (both distally and mesially) of the pigmentated DISCUSSION
area using a #15 scalpel blade. A split thickness flap was raised
and excised, maintaining the normal architecture of the gingiva To treat depigmentation and to enhance esthetics, numerous
[Figures 3, 4 and 6]. Bleeding was controlled using pressure techniques have been employed from time to time. This review
pack with sterile gauze. Sterile saline-soaked gauze was further compiles the advantages and disadvantages of each
placed on the recipient site to control bleeding. The exposed technique.
depigmented surface was covered with Coe-pak periodontal
dressing for 1 week. The patient was prescribed Amoxicillin 500 Various techniques
mg, TD for 5 days and Aceclofenac–paracetamol combination 1. De-epithelization
BD for 3 days and post-operative instructions were given. In a. Scalpel technique[7,25,26]
the next week, electrosurgery/surgical abrasion using diamond b. Gingival abrasion technique using diamond bur[27,28]
burs was performed on the other side [Figures 2 and 8]. To c. Combination of the scalpel and bur[29]
eliminate the demarcation between these two procedures, a 2. Gingivectomy[30,31]
mesial incision was given with BP blade. 3. Gingivectomy with free gingival autografting[32,33]
4. Acellular dermal matrix allograft (ADMA)[34,35]
Electrosurgery 5. Electrosurgery[24]
Needle electrode was used for incisions and ball electrodes 6. Cryosurgery[36]
of different diameters were used to coagulate [Figures 7–9]. a. Using liquid nitrogren[36]

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Kathariya and Pradeep: Depigmentation by de-epithelization

Figure 1: Baseline (Left to right). Patient 1: 20 years male (Weinman score 10) Figure 2: Patient 2 – Bur abrasion (II quadrant) on the contralateral side after
Patient 2: 25-years-old male (Weinman score 7), 12 weeks post-treatment after scalpel de-epithelization (I quadrant, not shown)
scalpel de-epithelization Patient 3: 20 years female (Weinman score 10) Patient 4:
22 years female (Weinman score 10) Patient 5: 21 years male (Weinman score 10)
Patient 6: 19 years male (Weinman score 10)

Figure 3: Patient 3 – Scalpel de-epithelization procedure (I quadrant) Figure 4: Patient 4 – A single sitting scalpel de-epithelization with frenectomy
(upper arch)

Figure 5: Patient 5 – Diamond bur abrasion (I quadrant) Figure 6: Patient 6 – Scalpel de-epithelization (I quadrant)

Figure 7: Patient 6 – Needle electrode used to give incisoin, mesial incision was
given with a scalpel to avoid demarkation between the contralateral side Figure 8: Patient 6 – Outline of the incision using needle electrode

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Kathariya and Pradeep: Depigmentation by de-epithelization

Figure 9: Patient 6 – Ball electrodes of different diameters used for coagulation Figure 10: Patient 6 – Arrow showing fenestration between the canine and the
premolar region

Figure 11: Patient 6: 1 week post-treatment, mild inflammation in the canine Figure 12: Patient 1: 8 weeks post-operative following scalpel de-epithelization
premolar region (I quadrant)

Figure 14: Patient 6: 3week post-op after scalpel de-epithelization (I quadrant) and
12 days post-electrosurgery (II quadrant)
Figure 13: Post-treatment Patient 1 – 22 weeks post-operative (post-op) following
scalpel technique (I quadrant) and 2 weeks post-op following diamond bur abrasion (II
quadrant) Patient 2: 24 weeks post-op after scalpel de-epithelization (I quadrant) and Although any of the above techniques may be employed for
12 week post-op after bur abrasion (II quadrant) Patient 3: 22 weeks post-treatment depigmentation, selection of a technique should be based
after scalpel de-epithelization (I quadranat) Patient 4: 20 weeks post-operative after on clinical expertise, patient’s affordability and individual
scalpel de-epithelization and frenectomy (upper arch) Patient 5: 2 weeks post-
preferences. They should be performed cautiously, with care
treatment after bur abrasion (I quadrant) Patient 6: As Figure 13
to protect adjacent tissue, because inappropriate technique/
application may cause gingival recession, damage to the
b. Using a gas expansion system[37] periosteum and bone and may cause pain, discomfort and
7. Chemical agents delayed wound healing.[30]
a. 90% phenol and 95% alcohol[38]
b. Ascorbic acid De-epithelization
8. Laser[39] Scalpel[7,25,26]
a. Nd:YAG[40] The procedure essentially involves surgical removal of the
b. Semiconductor diode laser[41] gingival epithelium along with a layer of the underlying
c. CO2 laser[42] connective tissue under adequate local anesthesia and allowing
d. Argon laser[43] the denuded connective tissue to heal by secondary intention.

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Kathariya and Pradeep: Depigmentation by de-epithelization

The new epithelium that forms is devoid of pigmentation.[25] Acellular dermal matrix allograft[34,35]
Care must be taken to remove all remnants of the pigment layer ADMA has been used to treat burn patients and patients with
(to avoid chances of recurrences) and it should be removed in soft tissue defects.[50] It is acellular and non-immunogenic and
thin sections to avoid exposing the underlying bone. Scalpel healing occurs by repopulation and revascularization rather
de-epithelization is relatively simple and effective, and most than granulation to limit scarring.[51] Novaes et al. reported the
economical of all the other techniques available. It does not require use of ADMA for elimination of the gingival pigmentation.[35]
any sophisticated armamentarium, is easy to perform and, most These studies demonstrated the efficacy of the ADMA, with
importantly, requires minimum time and effort.[44] Also, the the advantages of reduced surgical time (due to elimination
healing period for scalpel wound is faster than other techniques. of the surgical procedure for donor tissue), decreased post-
However, it might result in unpleasant hemorrhage during or operative complications, unlimited amount of graft material
after surgery. Hence, it is necessary to cover the lamina propria and a predictable and satisfactory esthetic result. However, it
with periodontal dressing for 7–10 days.[26] It also has chances is expensive and requires clinical expertise.
of infection or recurrence. Results reported are excellent.[45] This
technique is highly recommended in the Indian subcontinent Electrosurgery[24]
considering equipment constraints and patient affordability.[26] According to Oringer’s “Exploding cell theory,”[52] it is predicted
that electrical energy leads to the molecular disintegration of
Gingival abrasion technique using diamond bur[27,28] melanin cells of the operated and surrounding sites. Thus,
The process of healing in this method is similar to the electrosurgery has a strong influence in retarding migration
scalpel technique. It is also a comparatively simple, safe of melanin cells.[52] However, electrosurgery requires more
and non-aggressive method that can be easily performed expertise than the techniques mentioned above. Prolonged
and readily repeated, if necessary, to eradicate any residual or repeated application of current to the tissues induces heat
repigmentation. [46] Also, these techniques do not require any accumulation and undesired tissue destruction.[24] Contact
sophisticated equipment and are hence economical. Pre- and post- of current with the periosteum and vital teeth should be
surgical care is similar to that of the scalpel technique. However, avoided. [42] Hence, it is to be used in light brushing strokes and
extra care should be taken to control the speed and pressure of the the tip has to be kept moving.
handpiece bur so as not to cause unwanted abrasion or pitting of
the tissue. Minimum pressure with feather light brushing strokes Cryosurgery[36] is a method of tissue destruction by rapid
with copious saline irrigation should be used without holding freezing. The cytoplasm of the cells freezes, leading to
the bur in one place to perceive excellent results.[47] denaturation of proteins and cell death. It does not require
use of local anesthesia or periodontal dressing, is relatively
Gingivectomy[30,31] painless and has shown excellent results lasting for several
Removing the gingival margin by gingivectomy or the entire years. [23] The cryotherapy procedure requires a special
attached gingiva by the “push back” procedure may also container for storage of liquid nitrogen (LN), and dispensing
be used. However, these procedures are associated with is difficult as it is highly volatile (-190°C) and is difficult to
alveolar bone loss, prolonged healing by secondary intention maintain for 20–30 s of freezing application. Moreover, the
and excessive pain and discomfort caused by exposure and depth of penetration is difficult to control and prolonged
denudation of the underlying bone.[18] freezing may cause excessive tissue destruction. Also, the
shelf-life of LN is not high for storage for long periods. It is
Gingival depigmentation has been attempted by displacing also important to handle the liquid carefully as accidental
the flap (push back technique) by Kon et al., who reported contact can cause injury to the skin or other contact areas.
that melanocytes may lose their ability, transiently, to produce Also, no literature on dispensing, shelf-life or proper usage
and transfer the pigment to the keratinocytes as observed after directions is available.
The Dip-stick method utilizes a small cotton bud/swab
Gingivectomy with free gingival graft[32,33] dipped in LN, which can be applied on the pigmented area
Tamizi and Taheri [32] replaced pigmented gingiva with and maintained in contact for around 20–30 s as described
unpigmented free gingival autografts in 10 patients. At least by Tal et al.[37] However, the removal of pigments cannot
two areas in each patient were grafted; one with a full thickness be evaluated during the procedure as immediate clinical
flap and another with a partial thickness flap. They reported changes are not appreciable and hence may lead to multiple
no evidence of repigmentation for 4.5 years post-operatively in applications. It requires a separate sitting after about 5 days,
areas that received a full thickness flap, and only one instance during which the residual pigmentation, if any, may be
of repigmentation was observed 1 year post-operatively in a removed. Thus, this procedure requires a minimum of two
patient treated with a partial thickness flap. Although the results sittings. Moreover, it is followed by considerable swelling
were favorable, this technique required the use of additional and accompanied by increased soft tissue destruction.[53] It is
surgical sites with added discomfort, and healing was reported said that all parts of the freeze–thaw cycle can cause tissue
to be slow and painful. The amount of tissue available in the injury and healing may be uneventful. As immediate clinical
donor area was also limited. Moreover, the esthetic result was changes cannot be noticed, it is difficult to analyze the site of
not always satisfactory due to color differences between the previous application and hence depth control is difficult. Also,
palatal tissues and the gingiva,[48] resulting in poor tissue color the optimal duration of freezing is not known and prolonged
matching at the recipient site.[49] Furthermore, the presence of freezing increases tissue destruction.[26] Tal et al.[37] did not
a demarcated line commonly observed around the graft in the observe repigmentation until 20 months after cryosurgical
recipient site may itself pose an esthetic problem. depigmentation.

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Kathariya and Pradeep: Depigmentation by de-epithelization

An alternative to the Dip-stick method is the use of gas- post-operative discomfort lasting up to 1–2 weeks. Epithelial
expansion cryosurgical guns with special probes. But, this regeneration (re-epithelialize) is delayed (lack of wound
requires extensive sophisticated equipment. It works on the contraction) as compared to conventional surgery. Moreover,
Joule-Thompson effect, i.e. the “change in temperature that expensive and sophisticated equipment makes the treatment
accompanies expansion of a gas without production of work very expensive.[40] Another disadvantage is loss of tactile
or transfer of heat. The cooling occurs because work must be feedback while using lasers. Nevertheless, in hyperplastic
done to overcome the attraction between the gas molecules as conditions, for bloodless incision, partial thickness dissections
they move further apart.” and for the removal of soft tissue grafts from the palate
leaving a dry wound (avoiding any post-operative bleeding
Chemical agents (chemoexfoliation) complications), use of lasers is recommended.
It is a treatment method that destroys the epidermis and/or
dermis using a chemical peeling agent. A variety of chemical Growing esthetic concerns require patients to seek cosmetic
peeling agents are available; phenols, salicylic acid, glycolic treatment for their unsightly pigmented gingiva. Several
acid, trichloracetic acid, etc. These agents have been classified treatment modalities have been suggested and presented in
into four types: Very superficial, superficial, medium depth the literature, ranging from a simple slicing method to free
and deep, based on their penetration. gingival grafts or “push back” operation, in which the alveolar
bone may be, exposed leading to bone loss, secondary healing,
90% phenol and 95% alcohol[22] discomfort and pain. Although the scalpel technique results
Phenol penetrates the subepithelial connective tissue and in rapid healing with a satisfactory esthetic result, its efficacy
causes necrosis or apoptosis of melanocytes. It result in lasted for a variable duration of time, making this technique
incapacity of melanocytes to normally synthesize melanin.[54] mainly a short-term solution. The potential risk of injuring
Phenol does not seem to determine melanocyte destruction; the bone surface during rotary instrumentation may lead to
rather, it compromises its activity. Hirschfeld reported a series incomplete removal of the basal layer. Also, the presence of
with 20 cases that were treated for melanin pigmentation epithelial rete-pegs that penetrate the connective tissue further
with the phenol–alcohol method.[55] It requires the area to be complicate the elimination of the basal layer by bur abrasion.
air-dried before application The phenol pellet is applied and A free gingival graft usually requires an additional surgical
maintained for 1 min and the area needs to be rinsed with 99% site and a careful concern for color matching. Furthermore, the
alcohol. Eighty-eight to 90% phenol rapidly coagulates the presence of a demarcated line around the graft at the recipient
epidermis thus decreasing its mucosal penetration. Although site may itself elicit an esthetic problem. These disadvantages of
application is easy and no anesthesia is required, care must conventional techniques are avoided with newer technologies
be taken not to contact other tissues as it causes undue effects. like electrosurgery, cryosurgery and lasers. But, there exist some
Transient or definite hypopigmentation is a feature of phenol complications with these techniques as well. An electrosurgical
cauterizing. It can be repeated subsequently until satisfactory procedure requires clinical expertise, occupies a large space
depigmentation is achieved. and is expensive. Cryosurgery requires a skillful management
because of the complicated technique and sophisticated
Phenol de-epithelization may be accompanied with instruments involved. It also involves the various drawbacks of
inflammation of keratinocytes. [56] Burning sensation for using LN. Chemical agents such as 90% phenol and 95% alcohol
approximately 60 s, followed by a transient period and pain have been used in combination. However, these agents are quite
returning after 10 min, with a lesser intensity that lasts from harmful to the oral soft tissues. Lasers lead to post-operative
minutes to hours, is known. Post-operative care should include discomforts, require a longer healing time, with high cost of
delicate cleaning of the gingiva with saline and prescribed instruments and expensive treatment charges, making it less
antibiotic regimen. Phenol may induce cardiac arrhythmia; popular compared with the other techniques.
hence, hydration before, during and after the peel is required.
Cardiac monitoring is necessary, especially in patients with Our cases described a split mouth comparison of three popular
cardiac, liver or kidney disease (partially detoxified in the liver techniques: Scalpel, bur abrasion and electrosurgery. Although
and excreted by the kidneys). we found that electrosurgery increased the efficacy of our
work, giving a cleaner and a neater work field, it required
Lasers[39] are named according to the material used for the lasing a lot of precision. The results obtained till 24 weeks post-
medium Nd/YAG (neodymium–yttrium-aluminum-garnet), treatment suggested excellent results with the scalpel technique
CO2, argon and ruby. Lasers combine the advantages of rapid compared with other techniques. In view of the advantages and
healing of the scalpel surgery and the minimal bleeding of disadvantages of the various techniques available, scalpel de-
electrosurgery. A one-step laser treatment is usually sufficient epithelization still serves to be the best treatment modality for
to eliminate the pigmented gingiva and does not require a depigmentation. However, a long-term follow-up is required
periodontal dressing. Easy handling, short treatment line, to study repigmentation patterns and durability. Pigment
hemostasis, sterilization effects and excellent coagulation (small recurrence has been documented in the literature, following
vessels and lymphatics) are its known advantages. The treated the surgical procedure, within 24 days to as long as 8 years.
area should be left exposed in the mouth. Few myofibroblasts Spontaneous repigmentation has been shown to occur and
present in the base of the wound cause minimal contraction and the mechanism suggested is that the melanocytes from the
scarring, with little restriction in movement of the soft tissues. normal skin proliferate and migrate into the depigmented
areas. Further research is required on repigmentation to study
However, laser surgery does have some disadvantages. the factors affecting the rate and length of time required for
Delayed type of inflammatory reaction may occur with mild recurrence of pigmentation. Research should also focus on

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