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Kompetensi Dasar :

[3.28] Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat
lamaran kerja, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
[4.28] Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Special Texts in the Form of Job

Application Letters
Here is an outline and a sample of Application Letter, please comprehend it.
Exercise 1
Answer the following questions based on the previous text.
1. Who was the application letter addressed to?
2. Who wrote the letter?
3. Why did the applicant write the letter?
4. What position did the applicant apply for?
5. How did the applicant get the information about the job vacancy?
6. What is the applicant’s educational background?
7. How did the applicant gain his practical automotive skills?
8. What is the applicant’s competence?
9. Why does the position suit the applicant?
10. What is the applicant ready for?

Exercise 2
Complete the following letter with suitable words.

Saep Sirekoso
Perum Air agak Bening Z No. 29
November 10, 2020
Miss Madaniati Serindu
[1] __________________
PT. Serioustak
Jl. Kali Buteuk no. 501

Dear Ma’am,
I read the advertisement on your company’s website that there is a [2] _________
in your company as Customer Service Representative. I would like to apply for
the position. I sincerely believe that I meet your [3] _________ for the position.
I [4] _________ from SMK Negeri 3 Baleendah majoring in Office
A. vacancy
Administration in 2019. I have developed my [5] _________ and qualities
B. under pressure
through studies and internships. Through internshios I have experiences for real
C. chance
work at a company. I have the ability to work [6] _________ and a pleasant
D. Personnel Manager
personality. I am [7] _________, creative, and energetic.
E. sincerely
I enclose my curriculum vitae, a photocopy of the latest certificate, identity
F. requirements
card, and references. I would welcome a [9] _________ for an interview. I look
forward to hear from you. Thank you. G. graduated
H. hardworking
Yours [10] _________ I. proficient
J. transcript
K. skills
Saef Sirekoso L. vacant
Passive Voice
Read the following pattern!

Subject + be + past participle + object/complement

I can be reached by phone or e-mail any time.

The active sentence:

You can reach me by phone or e-mail any time.

A sentence is passive when the subject is the receiver of the action.

When changing active sentences into passive ones, note the following:
1. The subject of an active sentence becomes the object of its passive form, usually preceded
by the preposition “by”.
2. The object of an active sentence becomes the subject of its passive form.
3. The verb is changed into be + past participle (Verb 3). The forms of “be” depend on the tenses
and subjects of the sentence, whether they are singular or plural.
4. You don’t have to mention the “by” agent when it’s not important.

Comprehend the changes below.

Research and Development discovers knowledge about products.
subject verb object

Knowledge about products is discovered by Research and Development.

subject verb object

Exercise 3
Change the following sentences into active/passive.
1. The products are improved (by this department).
2. It also creates new products.

Exercise 4
Imagine that you have finished your study then you are decided to apply for job.
1. Make your application letter
2. Make your Curriculum Vitae

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