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A great memory

By Yami.
I'll always remember the most important day of
my life. It all began on March 16; we had finished
the last class in the institute. If I hadn't turned on
the radio at that moment, I wouldn't have heard
that new.
Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I
couldn't believe it! The journalist was asking the
residents to hunker down for two months due to a
terrible pandemic called Coronavirus. At that
moment I heard a knock at the door, it was my
mom who had come to tell me the last new about
my sister's newborn baby.
Today, after two months of quarantine, I've finally
seen my nephew's beautiful face. I'll never forget
this day!
By Ana Martos
I'll always remember the most important day of my
life. It all began on March 16; we had finished the
last class in the institute. If I hadn't turned on the
radio at the moment, I wouldn't have heard that
Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I
couldn't believe it! The journalist was asking the
residents to hunker down for two months due to a
terrible pandemic called Coronavirus. After that my
whole life was going to change. A week later, I went
to the supermarket and got infected. If the Chinese
hadn't eaten a bat, we wouldn't have stayed in a
pandemic. (If a Chinese man hadn't eaten a bat, we
wouldn't have to deal with a pandemic.)
One month later, I was healed, and I could see all
my friends and family. And the most important, I
was able to get out on the Street!
By Claudia

I'll always remember the most important day of my

life. It all began on March 16; we had finished the
last class in the institute. If I hadn't turned the radio
at that moment, I wouldn't have heard that new.

Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I

couldn't believe it! The journalist was asking the
residents to hunker down for two months due to a
terrible pandemic called Coronavirus.

The hospitals and sanitary were collapsed. Fear

took over the entire world population. The
consequences have been dire, both health and
financial, not yo mention the loss of loved ones.

At present, we are still fighting the virus.


Sam was both anxious and excited when he left the

house. The time for the long- awaited job interview
was approaching. If I hadn't studied that hard, I
wouldn't have this opptunity .

Once there he left fear, his future depended on it.

After the interview, he returned home waiting for the
call. His friend James visited him that afternoon to
try reassure him, they played video games and
watched movies. James left when night came. Sam
couldn't sleep because he was rather nervous. 

Finally the phone rang, the job was his. He invited

all his friends to celebrate. He finally got what he
By Pablo

I'll always remember the most important day of my

life. It all began on March 16; we had finished the
last class in the institute. If I hadn't turned on
the radio at that moment, I wouldn't have heard that

Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I

couldn't believe it! The journalist was asking the
residents to hunker down for two months due to a
terrible pandemic called Coronavirus.

Later,  the journalist Matías Pratts announced that

the hunker down would end on my birthday, I
thought it was a fake new, but when the day came I
was a surprise because all my friends were in my
house, they had planned my birthday for weeks. I
will never forget that day.
By Lucía

I'll always remember the most important day of my life. It

all started on March 16, we had finished the last class in
the institute. If I hadn't turned the radio at that
momento, I wouldn't have heard that now.
Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I couldn't
believe it! The journalist was asking the residents to
hunker down for two months due to a terrible pandemic
called coronavirus.
After these two months of being locked up, the
government told us that we could go outside to do sport.
That day I was so excited to be able to see the streets of
Ceuta finally. When I finished doing sport, I felt very
happy, so I did that everyday until the most important
date, the day when we could see our friends and family.
The best moment of my life!
The store.
By Lucía

Sam was both anxious and excited when she left the
house, she felt that something strange was happening ,
the Street was empty and it was very cold, and Sam since
she left the house started to feel weaker. Something
wrong was with her and the city. Suddenly she Heard a
noise from the corner of the store, she scared, came
closer to it, and when she entered, was in shock, with all
the mess there, the products were on the floor and the
sound came slowly closer, suddenly a Little monster
Then his breathing returned and she woke up in his bed.
All it was a nightmare.
I'll always remember the most important day of my life. It
all started on March 16, we had finished the last class in
the institute. If I hadn't turned the radio at that
momento, I wouldn't have heard that now.
Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I couldn't
believe it! The journalist was asking the residents to
hunker down for two months due to a terrible pandemic
called coronavirus.

but after a long time te president said that we could go out to play sports  
. when i saw this great new i felt very anxious because it was the moment we all waited
for before one week my father who is a doctor found the  cure to kill this orrible virus
also became one of the mos famous people in that world it was the best day in my life
becaus we were back to normality thanks to my father


I'll always remember the most important day of my life. It all began on March 16, we
had finished the last class in the institute. If I hadn't turned on the radio at that time, I
wouldn't have heard that new.

Suddenly, I started sweating, and I felt nervous, I couldn't believe it! The journalist was
asking the residents to hunker down for two months due to a terrible pandemic called

Two and a half months have passed since that news, and finally the news is heard on
radio and tv that we can leave now to Street. This day will be the best for me because
I'll be able to see people on Street and my family and friends after so long.

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