Terminal Vim

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Reality. Reinvented.

git terminal
● The termina is a text interface to your computer.
● Often referred to as the shell, terminal, console,
prompt or various other names.
● it can give the appearance of being complex and
confusing to use.
● Yet has the ability to type, copy and paste
● the basic programing tool.
git terminal
● List of commands in Files and Directories.

ls Displays information about file type

mkdir Creates a new directory dirname
rmdir Deletes an existing directory provided it is empty
pwd Prints current working directory
cd Changes Directory to dirname
touch create and modification time of a file
rm Removes (Deletes) filename
cp Copies source file into destination
VI editor
● The vi editor is elaborated as visual editor.
● It is installed in every Unix system.
● It is a very powerful application.
● It requires very few resources.

● opening and closing a file
● moving around in a file
● elementary editing
VI editor
vi Modes:
● vi has two modes:
○ command mode
○ insert mode

● In command mode, the letters of the keyboard

perform editing functions (like moving the cursor,
deleting text, etc.). To enter command mode, press
the escape <Esc> key.
VI editor
● In insert mode, the letters you type form words and
sentences. Unlike many word processors, vi starts up
in command mode.
● to begin entering text in this empty file, you must
change from command mode to insert mode. To do
this, type <‘i’>
● Nothing appears to change, but you are now in insert
mode and can begin typing text.
● If you have just finished typing text, you are still in
insert mode. Go back to command mode by pressing
VI editor
● If you are not sure which mode you are in, press
Esc> once or twice until you hear a beep. When you
hear the beep, you are in command mode.
VI editor
vi filename edit a file named "filename"
vi newfile create a new file named "newfile"

i insert text left of cursor
a append text right of cursor
VI editor
yy Copies the current line
nyy Copies the n lines
p Puts the copied text after the cursor.

dd delete line
ndd delete n lines

u undo last change

VI editor
ZZ save file and then quit
:w save file
:wq discard changes and quit file
VI editor
● Compiling from the terminal :
cc hello.c // cc <filename>

● Running from the terminal :

./a.out // linux
./a.exe // windows

● a.exe is the default name for the executable. To specify a

different name use option

cc -g hello.c -o hello
Fasil kv

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