King-S Field - 1996 - ASCII Corporation

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Peta ee aes ee) | cL table of Contents Getting Marted 122.5 002. 22.2. as Z King’s Field Controls ..............054 3 The Storyoe seers salves cet: we. so 4 Your Journey Begins.................5 7 Starting a New Game, ...........-. 7 Loading a Saved Game. ...... 2544.4 ry Saving and Exiting... scceeue een dees % Playing King’s Field... ....---...50-5+ 10 Main'Screen. 5: 72 gee. OSS 10 Status Window... 2) 4. utes - bt ey W UsefEquip Item... 6.6 seenseee. sees 12 Gah Information and Items... .. . . 3 ; Buying and Selling ..... 2... ....2.0. ! Fighting, Experience and Conditions. .. . . Items, Armor and Weapons. ........... er Rare Mea Colamco 4 COMTAOLLER PORT + _ ‘CONTROLLER #pAT 2 ———________— . Set up your PlayStation game console according to the instructions in its Instruction Manual, . Insert the KING'S FIELD disc and close the CD door. Note: Make sure the PlayStation game coniole's power is off before inserting or removing a compact disc. . Insert 2 game controller and tum the PlayStation game comole ON. The opening story will start, and then the Title/Game Start Menu will appear. . Press the Start Button to begin play, Follow the on-screen instructions to start a game. Kings Field Controls eerste eehai oe ] Move character forward or backimove cunor | Direction Button T or + bd % burton Attack with weapo Attack with magic (Close/open doon, talk with other characters, pick up items, and confirm comeancs ‘Opes statu: window Move character parallel right Use selected item Ca f F g Ancient Writings ; Deep within the forests of Verdite lay a hidden caver, Concealed among the stalactites of thi: mystical and holy place was @ monument eterted for the Highest Elf. The monument was inscribed ancient writing jupon it: base, and only the direct descendant of the Highest EM was able to a ipber the writings. which said: "Nt is written, A great ship has fallen from the havens igh fhe island of Malanat: aid was buried deep within the tand. assitl hewn fan- Soy a Sarat Sees a mw Nara ga * tle on the Island of Melanat, but the mo King's men. Harvine was forced to retreat to left. Because of hit retfeat, he lost power on | , and he could not overcome the Great War on the eo r Ster a The Fall of Verdite } Over the next few years, there was peace and joy in the Kingdom of Verdite Then something very terrible happened. The'monsten: appeared in the caverns near Verdite. (King Alfred went to devtroy the moniter, but feund that his powerful Moonlight Sword had been stolen. Without hi Hsword, King Alfred was unable to defeat the monsters = King Alfred then dispatched an extensive search party to hus his treavured weapon. The soldiers thoroughly searched every villager, Piword was not to be foundy While the soldicn searched for the sword, they found a letter deep within the forgsts of Verdite. It was written im the ancient weitings that iphered by the descendants of the high-elves, and it read: of the Moonlight Sword. He lives on a mystical Nt. ||Necron control the ikand of aoe moruter, and bring back the King’s sword, The and Alexander began hit journey. While crossing the channel to the liland, Alexa (Creatures of the Sea, and wai completely desire ed to.a.small reef. When Alexander regained and observed an island in the distance. Heth ing his weaponry and armor in the murky the sea, and stumbled Starting a New Game: To begin your journey into King's Field, follow these instructions to start a new game. 1. Select “START” from the Tithe Screen/Game Start Menu, 2. After checking the memory card, the New/Load menu will appear Note: If no memory card is inverted, King's Field will inform you that your game cannot be saved, and you will start your journey on the shores of Melanat bland. 3. To start a new game, wlect "NEW" from the menu and pret an action button te contin 4. You will begin your jourmey shipwrecked on the ihores of Melanat Inland Loading a Saved Game: En King’s Field, there are two ways to load a saved paene: 1, Loading from the Title Screen ‘You can load a saved game from the Title/ Game Start Menu, 1. Sehect “START from the Title Screen/Game Start Menu. 2. After checking the memory card, the New/Load menu will appear 3. To continue a caved game, move the cursor to “LOAD* and prew an action button (O to cancel). 4. A list of all King’s Field games, previously aved on 2. Loading from the Status Window You can load a uved game anytime throughout the game by using the Status Window. . Move the cunorto “DATA, then prem % to con- . Mowe the cuner to "LOAD", then prea 3 to con- . Selected data will now load that memory card, will be displayed, Move cursor te desired data and presan action button to confirm (© to cancel). King’s Field will now load the welected, previowtly waved game Pres the start or © button to open the Status Window firm (© to cancel). firm (© to cancel) Select desired data and pre % (G to cancel), Tet tab Mara mee mL) Saving Your Game: You mutt wwe your game before exiting and after you find important items. Your game can only be sawed at the crystal saving poles, 1. Locate @ crystal saving pole and press ¥ in front of it. 2. King’s Field will check the memory card and dis- play its contents. Select desired data or "NEW" if you do not have a previcusly saved game (© to cancel). Ending Your Game: To exit King’s Field and return to the Title Screen, you mut end your current game, Br vere you have saved your game before you exit, or item: and experience acquired since your last eve will be lost. 1. Pres Start or the O button to open the Status Window. Move the cunor to “BATA™, then pren % (0 to cancel). 2. Select “QUIT? fom menu and preis (© to cancel). Playing Kings Field Modes: King’s Field has two modes: the Main Sereen and the Status Window. Pres Start or the © button to nwitch between the two. Lhe) Main Screen Status Window 1, Main Screen All fighting and action taker place on the main screen. The Main Screen contains the status panel and compan, shows the number of hit points remaining. When weapon, When th The Compan shows the direction you are heading. [alo shows your point of bee ra Playing Kings Field const a | fe rmoreringee itenire mages | fT cteckyow defense and ofenive power, | | Loading data and ending the game. { |] Game options like Sound On/Off, ete | - e AU Use/Equip Hems Using Items: ‘Once you find an item, i goes into: your inventory. You must then decide when to use il 1. Preis Start or the © button to open the Status Window. 2. Move the curtor to “USE ITEM”, then press % to contin (2 to cancel). . Select the item you with bo une, then press the * button (0 to cancel}, Equipping Your Character: There are many different items, weapons, armor, and magict in King’s Field. Most of thee must be equipped in order to use therm. You equig in one these cate- gore: weapon, shield, head, body, arms, legs, item | or item 2. You can alo anign either a magic or item to the Select button. 1. Press Start or the O but- ten to open the Status ‘Wirectow: 2. Move the cunor to “EQUIPMENT”, ther preas the butten [© to canoel). 3. Select the category for equipping. Prew the ¥ but- ten to confinn (© te cancel). Note: Item: | and 2 are item other than weapon and armor, woh as bracelets and pendants. 4. Select the item you want to equip and pres the button ( te cancel). A] a ajo ante 5 | rere ratte) Tvcinacaeueie heae Opening doors: You must open doon to go through them. Preu the ® button while in front of the door to open it. Doorn are often locked, so you need to use the cor- rect key to unlock it. Some doon requir two keyi, one for each direction you with to open. Conversation: You will meet many people in thi adventure. You mut listen carefully to them to that pou don't min any important infermation. People have a lot to say, vo dan’t forget to talk to them more than once. 1, Pree the % button to start comveration. 2. After the first text comes up, prest again to continue the conversation Looking for items: There are three ways to find ems, Youcan find items in containers, on the ground, and on the crea- tures you destroy (they may drop them). ‘You must make wire fo check everywhere, or you may mike Jin important or useful item. ‘Open treasure chests by prewing the % button while infrontof ft. Some chevts are locked, and key are needed to open them. Creatures you hull may drop gold and important items, 29 male sure you stick around to find out what they leave behind 12 w Gothering TANS ott ay Picking Up Items: You need to pick up the items that you find. Pay attention to the ground as iterm ane scat- tered all around Melanat ldand. 1, When you find an item you with to pick up, move your character close to it. mw Prew the 3 button. The item will then rotabe in front of you. 3. To add this item into your inventory, press the % button while lookang at it (© to cancel), Some items will bein comtainer or on dead inhabitants. Picking up these iter is no different from picking up item: from the ground, Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Items: When you find a merchant, you can talk to him and buy and sell items fyou cannot sell equipped ftems) 1. Prev ® in front of the merchant to start a convention, 2. Mave the cursor to *BUN™ or “SELL” then prew % to con- firm (© to cancel). 3, Select an item with the direction pad. You can add or wib- tract how many of that item you with to buy or sell by using the LT or RI buttons, Pres the % butten to confinn order (O to cancel) Other Shops and Characters: There are other useful shops im King’s Field, \— Key Shap - You can buy of duplicate keys here. Nae vy! | Crystal Shop - You can exchange your crystal for other useful item. Fortune Teller - She can explain item to you. Fighting: = You will find many different creatures in King’s Field. You must learn their move- ments and weakneses to master your fighting technique. To fight, you must use a weapon or magic. + To we a tword, you must be close enough to attack the creature, Each weapon has its own characterti- ict, $0 you must leam thes advantages and disadvantages. + Magic i shat to the center of the screen, so you must caut it when the creature is dinectly in front of you, * Basic movement to fight is Hit - Away = Hit - Awa nation of both sward and magic, — Experience, Power and Conditions: You can examine your experience points and strength levek. by opening the status window: = ae ~ Every time you kill a creature, you gain experience points, When you receive enough experience, you gain a level. Then when you gain a level, your HP and MP increase. : + When you fight with your nword, your Strength Power increases. When you fight with magic, your Magic Power incremes, Note; Your Strength and Magic power relate to Offeme and Defense ‘ ing Conditions: ; Some of the monuters in King’s Fick attack with unusual weapons, rch as policn ga. When you get attacked by thom weapons, your body condition changes, and you need to check and heal as soon as powible. Conditiom can be checked from find a good combi- NLL Pee weapons Ce ene henna: tere are some examples of items you can find in King Earth Herb - These herbs will replace ints of HP. Daypoieon He hertot cure the condition of be: oned and 15 points of HP. Moon Stone - These stones were made by and recover 40 point of MP. Fire Cryital - These crystal const of fine energy. When you find and ue one of there erpitah, you learn one of the five fire magica. Flute - HF this flute is played winds, an ice bridge wi Weapons: Thee are examples of items you can fir Dagger - This is the weapon you start the game with. It it not strong, aed you muvt be wery clove to wae it, Try to find a different Weapon a4 1OON at powible. d Arbalest - A kind of bow that har a long age and great power. You mred high strength to equip thi: weapon Cres Ase - A long and powerful axe. It is. very heavy. Armor: These are examples of armon you ca Great Helm - These helmets were once wor by Knight. It's a good head protector Breatt Pla plate. It's not very strong, | good mobility. Iron Boots - These ordinary boots are crafted of leather and coated with iron. bth Casting Magic: There are offersive and defensive magics. Magic are abo classified into five attributes: Fire, water, earth, wind, and light. Each attribute hai a few different magic When you find and we an attributive crystal, you foam the spell that's trapped inice it. Heve are tome examples of magic: Offensive Magies: Fire Ball (Fire) Wind Cutter (Wind) Earth Heal (Earth) Recovers leat HP paint Dispoion (Water) Cures poison. BP eiee Helpful Hints: Here ore tome basic hints and ttrategies to help you find the Moonlight Sword. 1. Fighting - Tht is one technique for fighting: Put tome distance between you and the enemy. Wait until your Power Gauge # full, Start vimhing and rush the enemy {takes » litte timing practice). After your attack, retreat. Repeat procedure until DEATH. (Use L1/R1 to rotate behind the enecmy sa you car attack tsfely.) 2. Onee you find a “Gate” and “Gate Key” of the same type: find! a guidepoit. Use your hey on front af the quidepot. Naw, if you ever get lout oF chuck use the “Gate” and you will be tramported te the guidepart you left the key in, There are three pain of "Keys" and “Gates* 3. Do not attack enemies from the front. Retate around them and ikih them in the back 4. Leam the length of the sword your using. Each sword is different: Your appeoach needs to be chose enough to attack the enemy: 5. Leam to fine good combination: of magic and word, A weak magic can at leait stop the enemy hom attacking 6. Don't fight enemies ith higher level. ‘You wall eneounter creatures that you can newer beat at your level. Ge around them until you go up: ume levels, 7. You can rum by prewing the X button When you ne you can't attach and your defense in knw: & You will see manyitrays. Check out around the traps there ually a waditch to turn it off 9, There are many hidden doon in the walle, Pren the button in front of the wally, you may find hidden door. 0. While you are locking for hidden door, you may find something ehe. tape You may be killed by the trap, be careful. King Field is a vant world. You can travel almost everywhere. But you caw also love your way easily, Ba careful until you get a" and “Kery" Each eee 6 separated bya big door. On the other tide of the door, monster: may be stronger Malze sure your levels are high enough te yee bc the newt area. 13, Wyow hawe the Image of Seth, and have a certain pendant equipped, the lmage of Sieth dies in place of you. It only works if you are killed by traps or manten. ALL

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