Review 1 English Iii - 2020B STS

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Student : _____________________________
Teacher : Mg. Cruzado Portalanza, Angela
Course : English III
Group : ______________ Date: ______________

I. Choose the correct answer - Present Simple / Present Continuous

ACP/ACP Mg. Cruzado Portalanza, Angela

II. Complete the chart - PAST SIMPLE
Base form Spanish Past Past Participle

1. Dar 2. Given

Speak 3. Spoke 4.

5. cantar 6. Sung

Hide 7. hid 8.

9. correr Ran 10.

See 11. 12. Seen

13. Sonar rang 14.

Grow 15. Grew 16.

III. Complete the sentences with Present Simple or Continuous

1. Ted ____________ (take) a shower right now.

2. What ____________ (we / have) for dinner tonight?

3. My brother __________________ (have) a daughter and a son.

4. I __________________ (not / solve) some math problems at the moment.

5. My grandfather often _________________ (come) over for dinner at the weekends.

6. My school _________________ (begin) at nine every day.

7. What time ________________ (you / wake up) on weekdays?

8. What ________________ (you / do) tomorrow night?

9. I usually ____________ (not / work) on Sundays but today I _______________ (work).

10. She _______________ (not / sleep) now, she _______________ (study).

11. How often _________________ (you / review) your lessons?

12. I _________________ (not / go) on holiday this summer.

13. Can you speak slowly please, I ___________________ (not / understand) you.

14. She _________________ (work) as a secretary in a big company.

ACP/ACP Mg. Cruzado Portalanza, Angela


IV. Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue. 

1. Next summer, I ________________  (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and
bought me a plane ticket for my birthday.
2. It's getting cold. I ________________ (take) my coat!

3. Jane and Tom ___________________ (not/study) medicine next year. Jane ______________
(study) French and Tom __________________(take) a gap year.

4. Have you got any plans for tomorrow?

Yes, I __________________ (visit ) my grandparents.
5. Why is she learning Spanish? - She __________________ (travel) to Spain.

6. We are thirsty. - Wait here. I ____________ (get) some water.

7. Meat or fish? - I ____________ (have ) some fish, please.

8. Just a moment. I __________ ( help ) you with the bags.

9. We _______________ ( fly) to Venice in June.

10. Paul's sister _________________  (have) a baby.

11. A: 'I haven't got my phone.' B: 'That's OK. I ____________ (lend) you mine

12. It's Julia's birthday next week, so We _______________ (buy) her some

13. Will you lend me £10? - I promise I _______________ (give) it back to you tomorrow.


V. Choose the correct answer

1. They have ________ a great webpage.

created creating create

2. Nobody has ________ to my webpage yet.

log on logged on logging on

ACP/ACP Mg. Cruzado Portalanza, Angela

3. You ________ all my chocolates.

has eaten did ate have eaten

4. ________ you written your essay yet?

Were Has Have

5. Who ________ taken my books?

have has did

6. My cousins ________ on the internet.

have chatted are chatted has chatted

7. My friends ________ any money yet.

has made hasn't made haven't made

8. ______ you ever ___________ anyone?

Have / messaged Did / messaged Were / messaged

9. They ________ a lot of books.

sells have sell have sold


V. Choose the correct answer

1. My mother is ____ than my father. 

 old   older   the oldest   the old 

2. What is ____ movie you have ever seen? 

funny   funnier   the funniest   the funny 

3. That movie was bad, but it wasn't ____ I have ever seen. 

 baddest   worsest   worse  the worst 

ACP/ACP Mg. Cruzado Portalanza, Angela

4. Yesterday's exam was ____ than the one last month. 

 difficult    difficulter   the difficultest  more difficult 

5. I think Mary is ____ woman I have ever seen.

 beautiful   the most beautiful   the beautifulest   the beautifuler 

VI. Complete with the correct modal verb

1. I ______ speak English
A. can B. should
C. must
2. He __________ run very fast when I was a child.
A. can B. should
C. could
3.___________ you hear me?
A. Can B. Should
C. Could
4. Joe __________speak Spanish when he was young.

A. must B. should C. could

5. ___________ you pass the salt please?

A. Can B. Must C. Could

6. I __________ call my parents more often.

A. can B. should C. could

7. You ________ not drink and drive.

A. must B. should C. could

ACP/ACP Mg. Cruzado Portalanza, Angela

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