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Galatasaray H gh
2020 | İstanbul
The H story Of
Our School
Establ shed n 1481, t s the
oldest h gh school n Turkey and
the second-oldest Turk sh
educat onal nst tut on after
Istanbul Un vers ty, wh ch was
establ shed n 1453.
Educat on
Galatasaray, be ng a board ng school, has a
d verse student body, w th boys and g rls
com ng from every part of the country. The
current curr culum cons sts of a blend of
Turk sh and French curr cula, plus a number
of add t onal language courses and elect ve
subjects. Courses on Turk sh l terature,
geography, h story, eth cs, and art are taught
n Turk sh, wh le French L terature,
ph losophy, soc ology, mathemat cs, and
sc ence courses use French as the language
of nstruct on.

M&Y M marlık 2020

Our Events
We attach great mportance to
soc al act v t es n our school.
Soc al act v t es enl ven our
school l fe, there are many clubs
where each student s a member
n the r own f eld.
Thank youFORfor
THANKS l sten ng!

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