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Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 1 Leles

Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris
Kelas / Semester : IX / 1 (Satu)
Kurikulum : 2013

Petunjuk :
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
4. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar.
5. Periksalah seluruh pekerjaan Anda sebelum di kirimkan.

Choose the a, b, c, or d as the best answer!
Read the following dialogue to answer question number 1 and 2.
Edo : “Congratulation on being the champion of the class, Lina!
I hope you will be the winner of the school’s competition, too.”
Lina : “Thank Edo, I hope so too.”
Siti : “You are very good story teller. I am sure you will win the school’s Story Telling
Competition too. Good Luck
Lina : “………………………………”
1. The underline sentence is expression….
A. The say thanks C. To respond hope or wishes
B. To congratulate other D. To express hope or wishes
2. What does Lina say to respond to Siti?
A. Congratulation! C. Thank you, I will do my best
B. You are right! I D. am happy be a winner of school’s story telling competition
Read the following dialogue to answer question number 3 and 4.
Teacher : “Mila is a winner of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you
practiced, we are all very proud of you.”
Student : “…………………………….”
Mila : “……………………………”
3. What do the Mila’s friend say to congratulate Mila?
A. Congratulation Mila! C. I hope so too
B. Wish me luck! D. Thank you
4. What does Mila say to respond her friends ?
A. Congratulation Mila! C. I hope so too
B. Wish me luck! D. Thank you
Read the following dialogue to answer question number 5 and 6.
Budi : “ I am sorry, I lost on the competition yesterday. I have not made you happy Dad!”
Dad : “Don’t mention that!........................., I wish you will win in the competition next year.”
5. …………………….
A. I am sure C. Thanks, you can do it!
B. Congratulation! D. You have to study harder
6. The underlined word has similar meaning with…
A. Fail C. Race
B. Win D. Champion
Read the following dialogue to answer question number 7 and 8.
Roni : “Our school will hold Class meeting Festival next Desember. Every class will give a performance
that day.”
Ikbal : “ We should prepare something great!
Doni : “7) ………….., What if we perform a traditional dance?”
Roni :”I am not sure!. I think dancing needs a lot of time to practice.We don’t have much time. What if we
perform short drama?”
Ikbal : “That’s a good idea. Let’s star to write the script tomorrow. So that 8)……………”
7. …………………….
A. I am sorry to hear that C. What do you mean?
B. No, I am not sure D. I agree with you
8. ……………………
A. Make our class the best C. we can star to practice next Sunday
B. The practice can start soon D. we will be the winner

Read the following dialogue to answer question number 9 and 10.

Dona : “Look at my painting, Lisa. What do you think?”
Lisa :” I think you should add green colour 10)………. Make it more beautiful.”
Dona : “green colour?”
Lisa : “ yes, between the flowers.”
Dona : “ Yeah, it will be better, thanks, Lisa!”
Lisa : “ What are you drawing?”
Dona : “ I am drawing the flowers same like you.”
Lisa : “ Ok. Let’s finish our task, the bell will ring soon.”
9. Where is the dialogue take place?
A. At the library C. At the class
B. The teacher room D. At the living room
10. ………………..
A. In order not too C. so that
B. In order to D. to
Read the following dialogue to answer questions number 11 and 12.
Sinta : “ We all have to study hard to face final exam on April.”
Beni : “ I couldn’t agree more.”
Rani : “ Yeah……….. you are absolutely right Sinta.”
11. What is the dialogue about?
A. Agreement C. complimenting
B. Disagreement D. say hope or wishes
12. We all have to study hard to face final exam on April. The underlined word in this sentence refers
A. The students of nine grade C. The students
B. Sinta, Beni, and Rani. D. Sinta
Read the text carefully to answer questions no. 13-15!
Children’s Cold & Allergy Medicine
Temporarily relieves nasal congestion due to the common cold, high fever or other upper respiratory
allergies, or associated with sinusitis.
Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to high fever (allergic, rhinitis):
- runny nose
- sneezing
- itchy, watery eyes
- itching of the nose or throat
Temporarity restores freer breathing through the nose
Don’t take more than 4 doses in any 24 hour period
Age Dose
Adults and children over 12 years 4 tsp every 4 hours
Children 6 to under 12 years 2 tsp every 4 hours
Children under 6 years ask doctor
Store in cool and dry place

13.The medicine intended for relieving…..

A. pains,fever, allergies, cold
B. runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes
C. sinusitis, allergies, headache, sneezing
D. common cold and high fever
14. from the label above we know that…..
A. this medicine is only for adult
B. this medicine is in the form of syrup
C. children under 12 cannot take this medicine
D. stomachache can be cured with this medicine
15. How many tablespoon (tsp) should children 6 to under 12 years take the medicine in a day?
A. 2 tsp B. 4 tsp C. 8 tsp D. 12 tsp
The label is for question 16-18.

16.The purpose of the text above is……..

A. to give detail information about the product. C. to tell the reader about the new product
B. to describe the nutrition fact of the product D. to persuade the reader to buy the product

17. From the text we know that…….

A. The product’s name is Manuka Honey C .It’s contains two pieces each package
B. The product can be used at January 5,2019 D. Bizkitz is sugar free
18. How many grams does one Manuka Honey weight ?
A.1280 B. 54 C. 500 D. 4
Read the following text and answer Question 19 to 20.
Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily Value *
Vitamin D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60
Zinc 15 mg *
*Daily value has not been established
Other ingredients : Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions : As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel for adults daily.
Manufactured for : EXP 04 27 10
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.

19. The label is telling about …. Of a dietary supplement.

A. the information C. the material
B. the usage D. the benefits
20. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10)
What is the meaning of the word “established”?
A. Ordered C. Carried
B. Determined D. Helped

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