The Role of Parentese in First Language Acquisition Persvective: A Psycholinguistic Study

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The Role of Parentese in First Language Acquisition Persvective: A

Psycholinguistic Study
Sindy Anggraeni
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Amroh Umaemah
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Abstract: This paper discusses one of the key subjects of

psychology, Acquisition of language. Language is the ability to
communicate with others, where thoughts and feelings are
expressed in forms symbols or symbols to express an
understanding. Language is a distinctive human and animal legal
element. It can stand as a civilized creature with human language
and the society evolves. However, language development and
progress will be better in combination with coaching and
guidance from parents. Linguistic skills in children will be
developed according to development. Parents can do many things
in children's language development young education, such as
child pioneering, motorsport, the use, encouragement and control
of children's words. Their avoidance involves child rudely
speaking, the improvement of communication skills, playing and
regularly engaging within the home. The Role of Parents in First
Language Acquisition. This describes how children acquire and
master their first language and the conditions that affect their
acquistion. Pioneering and laying the foundation of language on
child, Familiarize Motoric Exercise in children, Nurturing,
supervising children's language, and Preventing Speaking
Offensive, Develop language skills through play and Parentese
and Baby Talk. The purpose of this study is to find out the role of
parents in first language acquisition, this paper is focused on

effort or the task parents do in improve the ability of children to
communicate with others, especially in obtaining the first
Keywords: language, first language, acquisition, parentese, role of


Language is the main human communication device. It's a really

important thing that they need to thrive. A communication may fail without
the language, whether spoken or written. Language is an arbitrary verbal
symbol system used by members of a language community to communicate
and interact with each other, based on the culture they share (Dardjowidjojo,
2012, p. 16). Language has an important role in the process of
communication between people. No exception for children, language
becomes an important tool to convey a number of their needs / desires to
parents. Language acquisition is a very amazing thing especially in the
process of acquiring the first language that is owned by a child without any
special learning about the language to them (Natsir, 2017, p. 21). Even
though philosophical grounds may differ, in general most psycholinguists
hold that children everywhere also acquire their mother tongue using the
same strategy.

This similarity is not only based on the same human biology and
neurology but also by the mentalistic view that states that children are
equipped with natural provisions at birth. Besides that, in language there is
also a universal concept so that children are mentally aware of these
universal natures. Chomsky likens the child as an entity whose entire body
has been propelled by buttons and electrical wires: which are squeezed,
that's what will cause certain light bulbs to turn on. Therefore, which
language and form is determined by the input from the surroundings.

The development of time has a great influence on various aspects of

life. One of them is the role of parents in parenting. The phenomenon that

occurs today is the tendency of parents to care for their children to
caregivers. This happens because the circumstances of parents who are
preoccupied with work, it causes the care of the child actually surrendered
to others. Every parent must be observant in choosing a caregiver because
the future development of the child is in the hands of the caregiver. One
development that plays an important role in a child's life is his language
ability. The acquisition of children's language cannot be separated from the
universality of the language. Children can acquire any language because of
the universal nature of language (Dardjowidjojo, 2000, p. 17).

Language is conducted in communication through two main activities:

speaking and listening. Language is expressed in conversation through two
main activities: speaking and listening. People bring thoughts into terms of
speech, speaking to other people about their perceptions, feelings, and
intentions. In Listening, they translate the terms into thoughts, they seek to
recreate the memories. In a field of psycholinguistics, the process of
language use is studied.
As the name shows, two studies involve a word psycholinguistics, i.e.
Linguistics, and psychology. It therefore explores how the psychological
condition can affect a certain language production and comprehension. In
psycholinguistics, three main issues are discussed; speech development,
Understanding the expression, etc. Acquisition in languages. The first is
how people can speak, how sounds can be formed and articulated. The
second is how individuals can perceive and comprehend the words they are
referred to, and how vocabulary is interpreted in the brain. The last issue
was the learning and contact of children using the language.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative
research is research that intends to understand phenomena about what is
experienced by research subjects for example, behavior, perception,
motivation, action, etc. holistically and by means of descriptions in the form
of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various

natural methods (Moleong, 2005, p. 6). The source of the research is from
the Journal, Web and books.

Because it is a type of qualitative research, the main instrument of

this study is the researcher. Researchers conduct research through literature
reviews such as books, journals and the web. Data collection procedures are
taken from a journal that contains the role of parents in obtaining the first
language for children. then analyze what are the roles of parents in
encouraging their children to get the first language.


Language has an important role in human life. With human

language can express thoughts and feelings to others, in contrast to human
language can understand intention, purpose, and will of others. According to
Chomsky (Chomsky, 1957, p. 13). Language is a "set of sentences, each of
which is finite in length and consists of a finite set of elements”. A
systematical means by using conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures or
traits that understand meanings to communicate ideas or sentiments
(Merriam-Webster, 2020).

The role of language is very important in everyday human life it has

given rise to experts linguistics to study how language is processed, and
used by humans therefore that it comes to communication events. This spell
is known as "Psycholinguistics". According to Hartly in Pateda (1988),
Psycolinguistics explores the interrelation between language and mind in the
processing and production of words and linguistic interpretations (p. 11).
Psycholinguistics is a science that examines how it really is speakers or
speakers of language form, build or use the language sentences (Emon Bach
in Tarigan, 1985, p. 3). The definition put forward by Emon Bach directed
his studies to the cognitive domain, namely studies shows how the human
mind works in language processing. From the two limitations on
psycholinguistics above, it can be concluded that what is studied in

psycholinguistics is how language is processed, and how language is
acquired take place.

The acquisition of children's language is influenced by four factors

they are : (1) parents, (2) environment, (3) peers, and (4) activities
communication (Sri Hastuti, 1996). Parents have a big influence on
children's language acquisition, by that if parents want children to obtain
and use language well, parents should give example, and good attitude when
and will use language in before the children. children will always imitate
words that are heard from the words of his parents.


In this research was found that the role of parents in supporting the hunt for
the first language are:

1. Pioneering and laying the foundation of language on child

Pioneering and laying the foundation of language in children is
teaching children who are not fluent in language, starting from age 0
years even since in the womb by making a sound Language by
conducting dialogue the dialogue is one-sided because the child
hasn't good at speaking but already giving influence on the child's
mind, according to Kuhl Patricia's opinion that the baby felt voice of
conversation, he added that from birth to 6 months, honey are world
citizens, they admit syllable changes everything language.
2. Familiarize Motor Exercise in children
The ability to speak can be developed through learning to use
motoric for speaking like a tongue lips, vocal cords and others by the
way communicating with other people reciprocal. Children learn to
talk around age 6 or 7 months, language development not as fast in
every child.
3. Nurturing, supervising children's language, and Preventing
Speaking Offensive

At the age of two and a half years and over children's
language has started to be perfect, they are can pronounce compound
sentences and more and more questions to recognize objects or
people around him and understanding various events which he
experienced with various questions like who, where, from where,
how etc.

4. Develop language skills through play

Good parents will always try to develop language skills his son,
even though it really is Children's language develops in harmony
with development of his age.
5. Parentese and Baby Talk
As parents must always invite to talk to their children, this is a
factor that can make children get the first language.
Based on the research findings above, there are the role of parents in
supporting the hunt for the first language
1. Pioneering and laying the foundation of language on child
Pioneering and laying the foundation of language in children i
teaching children who are not fluent in language, starting from age 0 years
even since in the womb by making a sound Language by conductin dialogue
the dialogue is one-sided because the child hasn't good at speaking but
already giving influence on the child's mind, according to Kuhl Patricia's
opinion that the baby felt voice of conversation, he added that from birth to
6 months, honey are world citizens, they admit syllable changes everything
language. Laying the foundation of language in a way make sounds of
language for things who are around him, because of age 6 months babies are
more sensitive in feeling sound changes from their own language, namely
the language spoken by his parents and slowly lose ability recognize sound
changes that don't in their mother tongue. Despite the development of
communication in children will develop according to the age of the child
increases, but that ability will be easier and more sufficient controlled by

children if parents are always give encouragement to children to speak like
using the name object existing in the child's environment as well teach you
how to pronounce it with true because many children are two years old
difficult to pronounce letters R, L or G etc.
2. Familiarize Motor Exercise in children
The ability to speak can be developed through learning to use
motoric for speaking like a tongue lips, vocal cords and others by the way
communicating with other people reciprocal. Children learn to talk around
age 6 or 7 months, language development not as fast in every child. There is
a faster progress and some are slow. The child who gets exercise motor
language for people around him in language learning will be get faster
progress compared to children who don't get training, guidance from people
surrounding. This is caused by at this age children tend to say or repetition
of voices and people in the surrounding must utilize this phase to stimulate
or encourage children to imitating the voices he hears someone else said.
Like saying words related to his family: father, mother, grandfather,
grandmother, brother, sister, and so on who are in around until the child is
one year old.
3. Nurturing, supervising children's language, and Preventing
Speaking Offensive
At the age of two and a half years and over children's language has
started to be perfect, they are can pronounce compound sentences and more
and more questions to recognize objects or people around him and
understanding various events which he experienced with various questions
like who, where, from where, how etc. Therefore parents must maintain
language that he already knows by asking questions again he already knew.
Therefore, what he knows is not lost or forgotten. Children aged two and a
half years and up, have started socializing with friends his age, usually they
imitate what was said by friends his age, though they are do not understand.
Therefore parents must keep an eye on his children's words and prevent
their child to speak improperly and correct the wrong words spoken by the
child. Therefore, that children can speak well and polite to the speaker. If
child allowed to talk dirty, disrespectful, rude and so on, then the child will

become disrespectful, rude and ultimately person not liked by friends and
people around it.
4. Develop language skills through play
Good parents will always try to develop language skills his son, even
though it really is Children's language develops in harmony with
development of his age. childs who get guidance, direction and motivation
from his parents in the language will experience rapid development in
language. Many ways you can parents do to develop the language of the
child, including buying a game and teaches its namesake children and using
games. Therefore, the child has unconsciously learned the language of his
parents. Apart from those people give parents a chance to play for her child
with neighbors and people around it. On this occasion children will be able
to learn to communicate and socialize with friends. Here child learn to
express desires, feelings and his desires for other people. With the extent of
the association of children outside family in playgroup give opportunity for
children to enrich vocabulary is passively good accepting the expressions of
other people's souls, able actively declaring the contents of his soul to other
5. Parentese and Baby Talk
As parents must always invite to talk to their children, this is a factor
that can make children get the first language. Clark and Clark (1977: 322)
states that currently parents speak primarily about "here and now" to small
ones. We make assumptions on what children are doing or for predicting
their behaviour. Adults are concerned about things children are interested in.
They name, define properties and discuss about the relationship among

Based on the result of the research, there are the role of parents in
supporting the hunt for the first language:
1. Pioneering and laying the foundation of language on child
Pioneering and laying the foundation of language in children is teaching
children who are not fluent in language, starting from age 0 years even since
in the womb by making a sound Language by conducting dialogue the
dialogue is one-sided because the child hasn't good at speaking but already
giving influence on the child's mind.

2. Familiarize Motor Exercise in children

The ability to speak can be developed through learning to use motoric for
speaking like a tongue lips, vocal cords and others by the way
communicating with other people reciprocal.

3. Nurturing, supervising children's language, and Preventing Speaking

At the age of two and a half years and over children's language has
started to be perfect, they are can pronounce compound sentences and more
and more questions to recognize objects or people around him and

understanding various events which he experienced with various questions
like who, where, from where, how etc.
4. Develop language skills through play
On this occasion children will be able to learn to communicate and
socialize with friends. Here child learn to express desires, feelings and his
desires for other people. With the extent of the association of children
outside family in playgroup give opportunity for children to enrich
vocabulary is passively good accepting the expressions of other people's
souls, able actively declaring the contents of his soul to other people.
5. Parentese and Baby Talk
As parents must always invite to talk to their children, this is a factor that
can make children get the first language.

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Merriam-webster. (2020). Definition of language. Retrieved June 10 , 2020,


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