An Analysis of Adjective Modification in A Novel Alice Adventures in Wonderland

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By Fatimatuzzahro
Lewis carroll's Alice adventures in wonderland is a novel of A little child named
Alice, slipping through a deep underground fantasy world inhabited by strange
anthropomorphic animals, through a rabbit hole. It is chic book for children which is also
popular among adults. This novel is exceptionally reasonable for readers who love topic
about fantasy or fictions. Moreover alice in adventures wonderland novel uses vocabulary
which is easy to understand. The language is unique and interesting to read, for instance there
is adjective modifications in a sentence. Adjective modifications is a phrase formed from
adjectives that are questioned to reinforce or clarify a word from the adjective itself
(, 2017). Adjective can as a modify such modify noun, and can be
modified from adverb.

Indeed, most of people who read a novel only just concentrate on the plot of the story
or end of story. Furthermore from reading a novel, readers can discover an adjective
modifications from the novel. Nowadays, most of people or readers feel not interested to
indicate sentence that contains adjective modifications in a novel. This case can be found in
alice adventures in wonderland novel by Lewis carroll. The purpose of this paper is to
discover type of adjective modification of sentence in Alice Adventures in Wonderland by
Lewis carroll.
Literary review
This novel has a language that is quite easy to read, moreover this novel is dedicated
for children therefore the language is very easy to understand. Morever, in this novel we can
found a sentence that contain adjective modification. Modification is a syntactic structure in
which one grammatical item, such as a noun, is preceded or changed by another such as an
adjective, the first grammatical item is called a header or a headword. The accompanying
aspect is called a modification (Nordquist, 2020). Modifiers which exist before the headword
are considered pre-modifiers. Modifiers that exist after a headword are considered post-
modifiers. Adjective can modify and be modified, there are 2 types of modification of
adjective, they are modify a noun and modification from adverb. Adjective modification is
the adjective modifying adverb phrase is within the adjective phrase with the adjective head

and changes the adjective form (Gordon, 2008, p. 51). One researcher emphasized that
“Adjective modifications is a adjective which modifies the noun or pronoun” (Oshima in
Ramadhan, 2019, p. 2). Often adjectives that occur before the noun as part of the noun
sentence, put after the determinants or numbers, if any and immediately before the noun
(Maxwell, 2020).
Adjective can modify or modifier a noun or pronoun, example : How beautiful the
house is. The word beautiful modify word the house, and word house is a noun and as a
headword. Other example ; Look at the woman in a pink dress. The word pink is adjective
and as a modifier of word dress, the word dress is a noun and as a headword. Therefore that is
the example of adjective modifying(LearnEnglish, 2020). Adjective also can be modified by
adverb, example ; He has led a very interesting life. The word very (adverb) is a modifier
word interesting(adjective) (Ompusunggu, p. 4). And other example of adjective modification
from adverb is ; This exam extremely hard, the word extreme here was originally an adjective
(extreme) but changed to adverb (extremely added ly in the end of the word), and then finally
the word extremely here as a modification and explain the word hard.
In this part, the writer examines the finding of the research in Alice adventures in
wonderland novel by Lewis carroll. Identifying the type of adjective modification in a
sentence can be done easily. From data finding of the research, there is adjective modification
from adverb and adjective modify a noun or pronoun which was found from a novel alice
adventures in wonderland novel by Lewis carroll.
NO Sentence Type of modification

1. How dreadfully savage Adjective modification from adverb

2. called out to her in an angry tone Adjective modify a noun

3. Her listeners were perfectly quiet Adjective modification from adverb

4. and it was an uncomfortably sharp chin Adjective modification from adverb

5. she heard a little shriek and a fall, and a Adjective modify a noun
crash of broken glass

In the first sentence there is adjective modification. In the sentence “How dreadfully
savage”. There are two adjective in the sentence, and the word dreadfully is originally an
adjective (dreadful) that has meaning very bad, bad quality but word dreadful changed as
adverb (dreadful+ly) that has meaning very, and word savage is also adjective that has
meaning wild. The word dreadfully as a modify and explain the word savage that include as
a headword and adjective. Therefore if in the sentence there are two adjective in the sentence
it can modify one of the adjectives from the sentence. In the sentence “How dreadfully
savage” the word dreadfully in that sentence emphasizing the word savage and has meaning
very wild or something very wild. This include as adjective modification from adverb.
The second sentence there is adjective modify, the sentence is “called out to her in an
angry tone”. The word angry is include as a adjective that has meaning emotional, and the
word tone is include as a noun and has meaning voice expression. The word angry here
modifies the word tone, and word tone in here as a headword of the sentence. Therefore the
word angry here clarifies or further explains the word tone. In the sentence “called out to her
in an angry tone” has meaning speak in a high or emotional style or tone, this include as
adjective modify a noun.
Third sentence there is adjective modification. In the sentence “Her listeners were
perfectly quiet”. There are two adjective in the sentence, and the word anxiously is originally
an adjective (perfect) that has meaning complete in every way but word anxious changed as
adverb (perfect+ly) that has meaning in a perfect way, and word quiet is also adjective that
has meaning making very little noise. The word perfectly as a modify and explain the word
quiet that include as a headword and adjective. Therefore if in the sentence there are two
adjective in the sentence it can modify one of the adjectives from the sentence. In the
sentence “Her listeners were perfectly quiet” the word perfectly in that sentence emphasizing
the word quiet and has meaning very calm. This include as adjective modification from
Fourth sentence there is adjective modification. In the sentence “and it was an
uncomfortably sharp chin”. There are two adjective in the sentence, and the word
uncomfortably is originally an adjective (uncomfortable) that has meaning not feeling
comfortable with something or situation but word uncomfortable changed as adverb
(uncomfortab+ly) that has meaning not feeling pleasant, and word sharp is also adjective that
has meaning harsh or clear. The word uncomfortably as a modify and explain the word

sharp that include as a headword and adjective. Therefore if in the sentence there are two
adjective in the sentence it can modify one of the adjectives from the sentence. In the
sentence “and it was an uncomfortably sharp chin” the word uncomfortably in that sentence
emphasizing the word sharp and has meaning something sharp and uncomfortable. This
include as adjective modification from adverb.
The last sentence there is adjective modify, the sentence is “she heard a little shriek
and a fall, and a crash of broken glass”. The word broken is include as a adjective that has
meaning damaged, and the word glass is include as a noun and has meaning a place to drink,
transparent material. The word broken here modifies the word glass, and word glass in here
as a headword of the sentence. Therefore the word broken here clarifies or further explains
the word glass. In the sentence “she heard a little shriek and a fall, and a crash of broken
glass”, word broken glass has meaning the glass that was broken or damaged, this include as
adjective modify a noun.
This research concludes that adjective modification of the sentence from Alice
adventures in wonderland novel by Lewis Carroll can be understood to the readers and make
easier to identify type modification of adjective in the sentence. Besides that readers
impression more attentive and do not confused to understate about adjective modification and
adjective modify in the sentence from Alice adventures in wonderland novel by Lewis
Carroll. There are many sentence that containing word modification, there are adjective
modification from adverb and adjective modify a noun. Moreover, to identify where is
adjective modification from adverb and where is adjective modify a noun of the sentence
from reading a novel can be enjoyable due to learning by delightful.

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Bukti plagiarism :

Introduction and literature review

Discussion and conclusion

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