Ed360a - Science - Stars in The Night Sky

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Day: Friday Date: November 20, 2020

Subject: First Grade Science – Stars in the Night Sky

Common Core Standard(s):

NGSS 1-ESS1-1. Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that can be
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able to describe the movement of the
stars across the sky at night and explain how stars create constellations.

Resources/Materials List:

 Nonfiction text about stars & constellations

 Science journals & pencils
 1 piece of dark blue or black construction paper per student
 8-10 gold or silver star stickers per student
 Gold, silver, or white crayons


Warm up

 To begin this lesson, I will start with a review of the questions my students asked at the
beginning of the unit and will say, “You had lots of questions about lots of different parts
of the solar system. Now, you have more knowledge about the moon, the sun, and the
Earth. Today, I want you to think of 3 more scientific questions about stars and put them
at the top of your page. You have about 2 minutes."
 I want my students to start working more independently. After 2 minutes, I will ask a few
students to share their questions and I will add them to our chart for the day where we
will take notes about important things we learn. Asking scientific questions supports
Science and Engineering Practice 1. 


 First, to give my students as much information as quickly as possible, we will skim a

nonfiction book, The Constellations Stars and Stories, that has most of the answers to the
questions that they asked initially about stars.
 As I read the book, we will talk about the content so that it makes sense to my students. I
will point out the models and diagrams in the text and how they help us, the readers, to
make sense of the information. Using grade-appropriate texts to understand scientific
content about the natural world supports Science and Engineering Practice 8. After I
finish the text, I will say, “Now that you have a lot of information about the stars, look at
the three questions you wrote down and see if you can answer them. Write the answers in
your journal."
 After a minute or two, I will ask for volunteers to share one question and an answer. I
think that is fair since they had to write down three questions and I am asking them to
share one. After several students share, we will move on to the next activity.
 To begin the constellation activity, I will say, “We are going to make our own
constellations. Let me show you some examples, then you can choose which kind you
want to make and get started!"
 I use the text to show the real constellations and read the description of how people
connect the stars and imagine figures to be in the sky. I explain that they are not really in
the sky - it is pretend, and that people make up the stories as well. Making a model of the
constellations supports Science and Engineering Practice 2, Developing and Using
Models. Then, I will say, “You can choose whether you want to make a person or an
animal. Then, make it with dots and connect it with the crayons on your table. After your
constellation is made, write the name of it underneath so we will all know what it is
 To add on to this activity, once my students have created their constellation, they also
write a story during literacy that explains their figure!

Wrap up

 To end the lesson today, I ask students to share their constellations and names with the
group and how they came up with their ideas. Sharing scientific ideas supports Practice 8
--and this one is really fun to share!

Plans for differentiation: For the fast learners, I will enrich the lesson by challenging the
students to come up with an additional scientific question that they will end up writing about in
their journals. I will help the students who are struggling by reiterating information until they
fully understand the tasks being asked of them. I will write the tasks on the board in order to aid
the visual learners. I will allow additional time for them to work in their journals and on their

Assessment: The teacher observations throughout the activity work time and the students
answers during the class discussions will be used as forms of assessment.

Plans for accommodation/modification: I will allow students to partner up while they work in
their journals and on their constellations. Also, I will keep the book, The Constellations Stars
and Stories, and the constellation examples readily visible and available for the entire class to
see, allowing the students to refer back to these materials while they work. This will give them
the resources they need to reinsure their own understanding. Teacher’s aide and
paraprofessionals may also provide assistance for those students who need extra guidance and

What’s next? N/A

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