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Survey I 1

Lecture 5
Out lines 2

❖ Leveling.
❖ Rise and Fall method
❖ Inverted Leveling.
Rise and Fall method 3

Difference in height (ΔH)= Last reading – Next reading =
To find the elevation of other points

Next Elev. = Last Elev. + R or Next Elev. = Last Elev. – F

To check the calculations:

ΣBS – ΣFS = Σ Rises – Σ Falls = Last Elev. - First Elev.

Leveling. 4
The following staff reading
0.915, 2.672, 3.145, 2.112, 1.215, 1.725, 2.315, 3.315, 3.623, 1.292, 1.550,
The level was shifted after second and 6th and 9th reading , the elevation of
B.M = 323.300
Calculate the elevations of the points. Using :
1- Rise and Fall method.
Solution. 5
2- Rise and Fall method
# point B.S I.S F.S Rise Fall Elev. (m) Remarks

1 A 0.915 One Loop 323.300 B.M

2 B 3.145 2.672 1.757 321.543
3 C 2.112 1.033 (=) 322.576 T.P
4 D 1.215 0.897 (=) 323.473

5 E 2.315 1.725 0.510(=) 322.963 T.P

6 F 3.315 1.000(=) 321.963
7 G 1.292 3.623 0.308(=) 321.655 T.P
8 H 1.550 0.258 321.397
9 I 2.355 0.805 320.592
∑ = 7.667 = 10.375 = 1.930 = 4.638
Solution. 6

2- Rise and Fall method

Check the calculations:
ΣBS – ΣFS = Σ Rises – Σ Falls = Last Elev. - First Elev.
7.667 - 10.375 = 1.930 - 4.638 = 320.592 - 323.300 = - 2.708
Example: 7
The following staff readings were taken on an ascending land, 1-
1- Find the elevations of the another points.
2- Check the calculations.
The staff reading on the B.M with elev. 445.325 m was 1.565
1.565, 2.315, 1.891, 1.565, 1.016, 0.730, 3.150, 2.635,1.925,1.252, 0.835, 2.831,
2.085, 1.731, 1.205, and 0.895
1- H.I method 8
# Points B.S I.S F.S H.I Elev. Remarks
1 A 1.565 446.890 445.325 B.M
2 B 2.315 444.575 First #
3 C 1.891 444.999
4 D 1.565 445.325
5 E 1.016 445.874
6 F 3.150 0.730 449.310 446.160 T.P1
7 G 2.635 446.675
8 H 1.925 447.385
9 I 1.252 448.058
10 J 2.831 0.835 451.306 448.475 T.P2
11 K 2.085 449.221
12 L 1.731 449.575
13 M 1.205 450.101
14 N 0.895 450.411 Last #
2- Rise and Fall method 9
# Points B.S I.S B.S Rise Fall Elev. Remarks
1 A 1.565 445.325 B.M
2 B 2.315 0.750 444.575 First #
3 C 1.891 0.424 444.999
4 D 1.565 0.326 445.325
5 E 1.016 0.549 445.874
6 F 3.150 0.730 0.286 446.160 T.P1
7 G 2.635 0.515 446.675
8 H 1.925 0.710 447.385
9 I 1.252 0.673 448.058
10 J 2.831 0.835 0.417 448.475 T.P2
11 K 2.085 0.746 449.221
12 L 1.731 0.354 449.575
13 M 1.205 0.526 450.101
14 N 0.895 0.310 450.411 Last #
∑ 7.546 2.460 5.836 0.750
References 10
Ghilani, C. D. and P. R. WOLF (2014). Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics . New
Jersey, PEARSON.

Uren, J. and B. Price (2010). Surveying for Engineers. UK, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN.

Barry F. Kavanagh – 7th – ed. SURVEYING with Construction

Applications. PEARSON.
End of Lecture 5 11

Next Lecture :Sources of error in levelling,

Earth's curvature.

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