Opioid Analgesia For Medical Abortion: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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Abortion: Original Research

Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion

A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Alyssa Covelli Colwill, MD, MCR, Lisa L. Bayer, MD, MPH, Paula Bednarek, MD, MPH,
Bharti Garg, MBBS, MPH, Jeffery T. Jensen, MD, MPH, and Alison B. Edelman, MD, MPH

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effect of oral opioids on tionally, all patients received 800-mg ibuprofen tablets,
patient pain during first-trimester medical abortion. 4-mg ondansetron oral dissolving tablets, and a written
METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, prescription for adjunctive pain medication (six tablets
placebo-controlled trial where patients up to 10 0/7 oxycodone 5 mg). Participants used a text-messaging
weeks of gestation undergoing a medical abortion with service to report pain scores on a numerical rating scale
mifepristone and misoprostol took 10 mg oral oxy- from 0 to 10 (0 being no pain, 10 being worst pain) for 24
codone or placebo at onset of painful cramping. Addi- hours at start of misoprostol dosing. The primary out-
come was maximum pain experienced within 24 hours
From the Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon. postmisoprostol. Our secondary outcomes were maxi-
Supported by the Society of Family Planning grant SFPRF17-16. The Society of
mum pain stratified by gestational age (less than 7 weeks
Family Planning had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, of gestation, 7–10 weeks of gestation), duration of max-
interpretation, writing or decision for publication. The use of REDCap, data imum pain, use of adjunctive medication, presence of
capture system, was supported by National Center for Advancing Translational nausea or vomiting, and satisfaction. We needed at least
Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number
UL1TR0002369. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does 76 participants per group to differentiate a clinically
not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. important pain difference of 2 points on the numerical
The authors thank Planned Parenthood of Columbia Willamette and the Wom- rating scale.
en’s Health Research Unit of Oregon Health & Science University for providing RESULTS: From May 2017 to May 2018, we randomized
recruitment and data collection support. The findings and conclusions in this
article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Planned 172 participants (placebo group with 86, oxycodone
Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. group with 86). The study groups had comparable
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for baseline characteristics. We found no difference
authorship. between groups in median maximum pain scores (pla-
Corresponding author: Alyssa Covelli Colwill, MD, MCR, Oregon Health & cebo 8 [range 1–10], oxycodone 8 [range 2–10], P5.92)
Science University, Portland, OR; email: Colwill@ohsu.edu. and the median duration of maximum pain (placebo 0.75
Financial Disclosure hours range 0.01–15 vs oxycodone 1 hour range 0.02–10,
Lisa L. Bayer, MD, MPH is a trainer for Merck & Co for which she receives an P5.39). Groups were also similar in the proportion ob-
honorarium. Paula Bednarek, MD, MPH, is an author for UpToDate, a trainer
for Nexplanon with Merck & Co and Paragard IUD Speakers Bureau with
taining (placebo 62%, oxycodone 49%, P5.09) and using
Cooper Surgical. Jeffery T. Jensen, MD, MPH, has received payments for consul- (placebo 48%, oxycodone 40%, P5.28) adjunctive medi-
ting from Abbvie, Cooper Surgical, Bayer Healthcare, Merck, Sebela, and the cation, experiencing nausea or vomiting (placebo 59%,
Population Council. OHSU has received research support from Abbvie, Bayer oxycodone 65%, P5.43) and reported satisfaction with
Healthcare, Daré, Estetra SPRL, Medicines360, Merck, and Sebela. These com-
panies and organizations may have a commercial or financial interest in the pain medications (placebo 62%, oxycodone 65%, P5.63).
results of this research and technology. These potential conflicts of interest have CONCLUSION: Oxycodone does not reduce the maxi-
been reviewed and managed by OHSU. Alison Edelman, MD, MPH, is a con-
mum level of pain experienced by women undergoing
sultant for World Health Organization, CDC, Gynuity Health Projects,
FHI360, Exeltis, Nexplanon trainer for Merck. Author for UptoDate (royalties medical abortion up to 10 0/7 weeks of gestation or
received). Her institution receives research monies from Merck, HRA Pharma, improve satisfaction.
and NIH on projects where she is principal investigator. These potential conflicts
have been reviewed and managed by OHSU. She is the Chair of the ACOG PB CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov,
GYN committee and has received travel and honorarium from ACOG. She is an NCT03139240.
expert technical consultant for the CDC and the WHO on reproductive health (Obstet Gynecol 2019;134:1163–70)
issues and has received travel reimbursement. The other authors did not report any
potential conflicts of interest. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003576

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. ore than a quarter of a million medical abor-
ISSN: 0029-7844/19 tions are performed annually in the United


© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
States.1 Medical abortion with mifepristone and miso- We collected baseline information including
prostol is the recommended regimen by the American demographic, medical, and pregnancy history; body
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the mass index; estimated gestational age by ultrasound
World Health Organization.2–4 Medical abortion has examination; and anticipated maximum pain using an
been extensively studied and is safe.5 However, 11-point numerical rating scale (0–10). Oregon Health
abortion-related pain has not been systematically & Science University research pharmacy staff gener-
studied in clinical trials, limiting our ability to recom- ated, assigned, and maintained the computer-
mend appropriate analgesia.6 Medical abortion has generated 1:1 randomization scheme with random
been described as painful in 36–86% of patients, with blocks ranging from 5–16. We did not collect baseline
up to one-third reporting more pain than antici- demographics on participants who were not random-
pated.4,7–9 ized. The study drugs, 10 mg oxycodone or an iden-
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) tical placebo, were labelled in identical sequentially
are the cornerstone of analgesia regimens for numbered bottles. Study staff, participants, and health
abortion-related pain. Yet, NSAIDs do not provide care providers were blinded to treatment assignments;
sufficient pain relief for many women undergoing the randomization sequence was only unblinded after
medical abortion.10 Clinicians often prescribe oral completion of all data collection and entry.
opioids as an adjunct to NSAIDs to aid in pain control Our primary outcome was to determine whether
for medical abortion but no consensus exists on the women undergoing medical abortion who receive
use of opioids in this setting.11,12 The one randomized oxycodone 10 mg and ibuprofen 800 mg will report
controlled trial that exists found no difference in pain maximum pain scores at least 2 points lower on
score among women who received either ibuprofen or a numerical rating scale as compared with women
acetaminophen with codeine during methotrexate and using ibuprofen 800 mg and placebo within 24 hours
misoprostol medical abortion, but the conclusions are postmisoprostol. Our secondary outcomes included
limited by underdosing of a weak opioid.13 maximum reported pain score stratified by gestational
Immediate release oxycodone is known to be age (less than 7 weeks of gestation, 7–10 weeks of
effective for severe pain outside of abortion care.14,15 gestation), duration of maximum pain, number of ibu-
We hypothesized that a more potent opioid could profen tablets used, and use of adjunctive oxycodone.
decrease the overall pain experienced during medical All participants received four 200-microgram
abortion. Our primary objective of this study was to misoprostol buccal tablets for use 24–48 hours after
estimate whether ibuprofen plus a strong opioid (oxy- mifepristone, six 4-mg ondansetron oral dissolving
codone) given at a dose recommended for severe pain tablets to take as needed for nausea, and nine 800-
decreases pain scores in women undergoing medical mg ibuprofen tablets to start up to 1 hour before mi-
abortion as compared with ibuprofen alone. soprostol administration and every 8 hours as needed
for cramping. Participants were given one study drug
tablet (10 mg oxycodone or identical placebo) to take
METHODS at the onset of uterine cramping. In addition, we pro-
We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo- vided participants a paper prescription for six oxyco-
controlled trial based at Planned Parenthood Colum- done 5-mg oral tablets (1 tablet orally every 4 hours as
bia Willamette in Oregon from May 2017 to May needed for pain) to fill and use only if needed
2018. The Institutional Review Board at Oregon (“adjunctive” medication).
Health & Science University approved the study pro- Study staff launched the text-message platform
tocol. Women were invited to participate in the study when participants notified them of misoprostol inges-
after choosing and consenting to a medical abortion. tion (0 hours). At 6 and 24 hours, participants
Our main eligibility criteria were women aged 18 responded to an automated survey using text message
years or older, with gestations up to 10 0/7 weeks of (TextIt), which included questions on maximum pain
gestation with no diagnosis of an early pregnancy fail- (11-point numerical rating scale), duration of maxi-
ure, able to receive text messages, literate in English, mum pain, time of study drug administration, number
able to avoid driving or alcohol use while taking study of ibuprofen tablets used, whether the oxycodone
medications, no past use of methadone or heroin, no adjunctive prescription was filled (yes or no) and used
marijuana use greater than four times per week, no (yes or no; if yes, number of tablets taken), nausea or
opioid use in the past 30 days, and no use of other vomiting (yes or no), satisfaction with pain medica-
pain medications. All participants completed written tions (yes or no), adequacy of blinding (do you believe
informed consent before any study procedures. the study drug was oxycodone or placebo?), whether

1164 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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other medical and nonmedical therapies were used for an intent-to-treat approach. Additionally, we per-
pain (free text), and belief of passing the pregnancy formed a per-protocol analysis.
(yes or no).
Participants returned for a standard follow up visit RESULTS
within 21 days for confirmation of medical abortion We screened a total of 512 women and randomized
success.16 We reviewed medical records to verify 172 (86 per treatment group; Fig. 1). Regarding ges-
completion of medical abortion as well as to check tational age stratification, we recruited 96 women with
for unanticipated phone calls or visits. If a participant gestations of less than 7 weeks and 76 women with
did not return to this scheduled visit, we sent a text gestations between 7 and 10 weeks. Text-message sur-
message to check whether the participant was “feeling veys were completed by 170 of 172 (98.8%) of partic-
back to normal” and had seen another health care ipants. Treatment groups did not differ in
provider. We considered a participant lost to follow- demographic characteristics (Table 1) but when strat-
up if we received no notification of misoprostol inges- ified by gestational age (Appendix 1, available online
tion, no response to text or phone contacts during at http://links.lww.com/AOG/B626), more Hispanic
data collection, or they did not return to their women were allocated to oxycodone in the later ges-
follow-up visit (or no response to text or phone tational age groups (P5.01).
contact). Overall, women reported that their maximum
Previous studies suggest that the 11-point reported pain level was a median of eight. We found
numeric pain scale is as sensitive to changes in no difference in the maximum reported pain level
clinical pain as the visual analog scale and a change between the treatment (P5.92, Table 2) or the strati-
of 2 points or more is needed to determine fied gestational age treatment (7 weeks of gestation or
a difference in pain intensity.17,18 We based our less P5.75; greater than 7 weeks of gestation P5.62,
sample on the assumptions of nonnormally distrib- Table 3) groups. We also performed noninferiority
uted data, and used a Wilcoxon rank-sum test data testing and the maximum pain scores did not differ
simulation using specified parameters (delta52, between groups by more than 1 point on the numer-
sigma52.6, alpha50.05) for a moderate effect. A ical rating scale (P5.001). Oxycodone treatment did
sample size of 34 participants per group provided not reduce the proportion of women with reported
80% probability of detecting the 2-point difference moderate-severe pain (numerical rating scale greater
in the simulated data. To allow equal power for than 7) or the maximum median duration of pain,
stratification by the two gestational age groups, we which was about 1 hour in length (P5.39, Tables 2
doubled the sample and to allow for up to 10% and 3). The onset of maximum mean pain occurred
drop-out, we planned to enroll 152 participants (less approximately 2 hours postmisoprostol in both the
than 7 weeks of gestation: 38 placebo, 38 oxyco- treatment (Table 2) and the stratified gestational age
done; 7–10 weeks of gestation: 38 placebo, 38 oxy- groups (Table 3). Baseline anticipated pain correlated
codone). Before completion of the study, without with the maximum pain that participants experienced
breaking the randomization schema or further eval- (r50.43, P,.01).
uating outcomes, we found that 30.8% of enrolled Participants used a similar median number of
participants had not taken the study drug. There- ibuprofen tablets [oxycodone 2 (range 0–9), placebo 2
fore, we increased the total enrollment by 25% in (range 0–7), P5.59]. At least half of all participants
the less than 7 weeks of gestation group to a total of filled their adjunctive medication prescription but
172 participants to have sufficient power to deter- there was no difference between groups (oxycodone
mine our primary outcome (less than 7 weeks of 49%, placebo 62%, P5.09; less than 7 weeks of gesta-
gestation: 48 placebo, 48 oxycodone; 7–10 weeks tion: oxycodone 50%, placebo 66%, P5.11; 7–10
of gestation: 38 placebo, 38 oxycodone). weeks of gestation: oxycodone 49%, placebo 58%,
We used the REDCap electronic data capture P5.42). Less than half of the participants in either
tool at Oregon Health & Science University for data group used the adjunctive medication (oxycodone
management. We exported data directly from RED- 40%, placebo 48%, P5.28) and the median number
Cap into Stata 15.1 for statistical analysis. We used of adjunctive oxycodone tablets used was two (total 10
independent two-sample t-tests to compare continu- mg) (Table 2, P5.59). In total, we prescribed 1,032
ous variables, x2 tests to compare categorical variables tablets of oxycodone for adjunctive medication (six
and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests to compare medians. tablets per participant). Our research population only
Odds ratios (ORs) were computed using simple logis- used 15% of what we prescribed—leaving 85% of pre-
tic regression. We analyzed our primary cohort using scribed tablets unused. Only four women (2% of the

VOL. 134, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2019 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion 1165

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Fig. 1. CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) flow diagram.
Colwill. Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion. Obstet Gynecol 2019.

cohort) used all six tablets of the adjunctive oxyco- ibuprofen tablets used, proportion of participants
done medication. No one reported using more than who filled and used oxycodone, or satisfaction
the six tablets prescribed. (Appendices 2 and 3, available online at http://
We performed a per-protocol analysis to com- links.lww.com/AOG/B626). A total of 49 partici-
pare our main outcomes between participants that pants (placebo group n521; oxycodone group
adhered to the study protocol by taking the study n528) did not follow the protocol by: not taking
drug as prescribed (Table 4). We found no differ- study drug but taking the baseline ibuprofen (pla-
ences in baseline characteristics, maximum re- cebo group n516; oxycodone group n524); taking
ported pain score, duration of pain, number of ibuprofen and adjunctive drug without study drug

1166 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

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Table 1. Characteristics

Characteristic Oxycodone (n586) Placebo (n586)

Age (y) 2766 2767

White, non-Hispanic 52 (60) 41 (48)
Other 34 (40) 45 (52)
Nulliparous 33 (39) 35 (41)
Parous 53 (61) 51 (59)
Obstetric history
Prior vaginal deliveries 36 (42) 41 (48)
Prior cesarean deliveries 6 (7) 6 (7)
Prior medical abortions 22 (26) 17 (20)
Prior surgical abortions 17 (20) 15 (17)
BMI (kg/m2) 2766 2768
High school or less 20 (23) 30 (35)
College (any) 66 (77) 56 (65)
Gestational age (d) 4768 4869
BMI, body mass index.
Data are mean6SD or n (%).

(placebo group n52; oxycodone group n52); tak- enthood Columbia Willamette or another health care
ing study drug and not taking ibuprofen or adjunc- provider (oxycodone four, placebo six, P5.81); one
tive medication (placebo group n51; oxycodone for pain, one for bleeding, and eight for nonurgent
group n51); or who took no medications at all (pla- issues.
cebo group n52; oxycodone group n51) (Appen- Two women had incomplete abortions or an
dix 4, available online at http://links.lww.com/ ongoing pregnancy requiring surgical aspiration (oxy-
AOG/B626). We performed additional analyses to codone one, placebo one) as confirmed at their follow-
compare our main outcomes between participants up appointment, which is consistent with the typical
that did and did not take study drugs. We found completion rate for medical abortion of 95–99%.2
no differences in baseline characteristics, however One additional woman required an extra dose of mi-
nonprotocol followers were more likely to report soprostol to complete, and one participant completed
lower maximum pain (P,.01), a decreased duration with expectant management (oxycodone two, placebo
of maximum pain (P,.01), and use less ibuprofen zero). All of these participants reported by text survey
and adjunctive pain medication (P,.01) (Appendi- that they believed they had passed the pregnancy. No
ces 5 and 6, available online at http://links.lww. participant reported a serious adverse event due to the
com/AOG/B626). study drugs. One participant in the oxycodone group
Women’s satisfaction with the prescribed pain presented to the emergency department with dizziness
medication did not differ between treatment groups and was diagnosed with an inner ear infection. One
(OR 1.16; 95% CI 0.62–2.18). The incidence of nau- participant in the placebo group presented with heavy
sea or vomiting was similar between groups (OR 1.28; bleeding, which was treated with expectant
95% CI 0.69–2.38). Blinding to allocation group was management.
adequate (placebo 70%, oxycodone 47% P5.09).
The majority of women completed their follow up DISCUSSION
(85%, 150/172; in-person visit n5135 participants, We found that oxycodone does not reduce the
text message: n515) and this did not differ by treat- amount or duration of maximum pain experienced
ment group (P5.85). Thirteen percent (22/170) of par- or the duration of overall pain in women undergoing
ticipants made an extra phone call to Planned medical abortion up to 10 0/7 weeks of gestation. Our
Parenthood Columbia Willamette or to the study findings did not differ by gestational age. Overall, we
phone but only six (4%) total participants called with found that the use of opioids provided no overall
complaints of pain (four placebo, two oxycodone). benefit for pain control for women undergoing
Ten women had unscheduled visits with Planned Par- medical abortion. Our study also helps to further

VOL. 134, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2019 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion 1167

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Primary and Secondary Outcomes of Entire Cohort (Intention-to-Treat Analysis)

Result Oxycodone (n585) Placebo (n585) P

Primary outcome
Maximum pain score* 8 (2–10) 8 (1–10) .92
Secondary outcomes
Duration of maximum pain (h) 1 (0.02–10) 0.75 (0.01–15) .39
Reported maximum pain score greater than 7 49 (58) 51 (60) .75
Onset of worst pain from misoprostol administration (h) 2.361.4 2.661.6 .17
No. of ibuprofen tablets used 2 (0–9) 2 (0–7) .59
Filled adjunctive oxycodone prescription 42 (49) 53 (62) .09
Took adjunctive oxycodone medication 34 (40) 41 (48) .28
No. of adjunctive oxycodone tablets used 2 (1–6) 2 (1–6) .59
Satisfied with pain medications 56 (65) 53 (62) .63
Presence of nausea or vomiting 55 (65) 50 (59) .43
Took study medication 58 (68) 65 (77) .23
Belief of completed abortion (24 h postmisoprostol use) 65 (77) 63 (75) .72
Data are median (range), n (%), or mean6SD unless otherwise specified.
* 11-point numerical rating scale.

characterize the pain experienced by women under- additional opioids and that ibuprofen was sufficient.
going medical abortion as it has not been well- Because we did not initially account for so many
described. Women reported a relatively high peak women deviating from protocol, we increased our
pain level of 8 out of 10 on a numerical rating scale, sample size in the lower gestational age cohort to be
which occurred 2.5 to 4 hours after misoprostol use powered to analyze our primary outcome. However,
and lasted for about 1 hour. analyzing our outcomes using a per-protocol analysis
Interestingly, we had a relatively high proportion also failed to show a difference in maximum pain
of women who did not adhere to the study protocol. scores, strengthening our conclusions that the use of
The majority of these women used ibuprofen alone opioids does not reduce maximum pain induced by
and had lower reported pain scores and shorter medical abortion.
duration of pain than protocol followers, implying Women were instructed to take oxycodone at the
that their pain was not severe enough to need onset of uterine cramping in an attempt to provide

Table 3. Stratification by Gestational Age in Intent-to-Treat Cohort

Less Than 7 Wk of Gestation 7–10 Wk of Gestation

Oxycodone Placebo Oxycodone Placebo
Result (n548) (n547) P (n537) (n538) P

Maximum pain score* 8 (2–10) 8 (1–10) .75 9 (2–10) 8 (4–10) .62

Duration of maximum pain (h) 0.79 (0.02–10) 0.75 (0.02–12) .79 2 (0.08–10) 0.75 (.01–15) .28
Reported maximum pain score greater than 7 26 (54) 28 (60) .59 23 (62) 23 (61) .88
Onset of worst pain from misoprostol 2.361.4 2.861.6 .10 2.261.5 2.361.5 .82
administration (h)
No. of ibuprofen tablets used 2.5 (1–9) 2 (0–5) .94 2 (0–5) 2 (0–7) .34
Filled adjunctive oxycodone prescription 24 (50) 31 (66) .11 18 (49) 22 (58) .42
Took adjunctive oxycodone medication 19 (40) 22 (47) .48 15 (41) 19 (50) .41
No. of adjunctive oxycodone tablets used 2 (1–6) 2 (1–4) .83 2 (1–6) 2 (1–6) .58
Satisfied with pain medications 34 (71) 29 (62) .35 22 (59) 24 (63) .74
Presence of nausea or vomiting 31 (65) 25 (53) .26 24 (65) 25 (66) .93
Took study medication 33 (69) 35 (75) .53 25 (67) 30 (79) .26
Belief of completed abortion (24 h 34 (72) 32 (68) .65 31 (84) 31 (84) 1.00
postmisoprostol use)
Data are median (range), n (%), or mean6SD unless otherwise specified.
* 11-point numerical rating scale.

1168 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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Table 4. Results of Protocol Followers (Per-Protocol Analysis)

Oxycodone (n557) Placebo (n564) P

Maximum pain score* 9 (2–10) 8 (4–10) .60

Duration of maximum pain (h) 2 (0.08–10) 1 (0.02–15) .21
Onset of worst pain from misoprostol administration (h) 2.261.4 2.561.6 .27
Reported maximum score greater than 7 40 (70) 45 (70) .99
Ibuprofen tablets used 2 (1–9) 2 (1–7) .77
Filled adjunctive medication 38 (67) 47 (73) .42
Used adjunctive medication 32 (56) 39 (61) .59
Adjunctive oxycodone used 1 (0–6) 1 (0–6) .92
Satisfaction with pain medications 39 (68) 37 (58) .23
Presence of nausea or vomiting 39 (68) 43 (67) .88
Adequacy of blinding (percentage who guessed allocation group correctly) 27 (47) 45 (70) .09
Data are median (range), mean6SD, or n (%) unless otherwise specified.
* 11-point numerical rating scale.

pain relief when needed most. We feel it is unlikely opioid and be opioid naive, which may skew the
that the timing of administration was too late to population towards women who are fearful of pain
provide participants’ coverage of their peak pain, and more likely to use opioids. Our exclusion criteria
because oxycodone provides analgesic relief in as limit the generalizability of our results for women who
soon as 15 minutes. Even if women missed the peak may experience pain differently, such as those who
coverage with administration, we would anticipate have or are using illicit drugs or chronic opioids or
a shorter duration of pain, but we did not find this. women with chronic pain disorders. A participant’s
We did find that a significant subset of women still anticipated pain did strongly correlate with experi-
experience severe pain, despite use of ibuprofen and enced pain. Therefore, it would be reasonable to use
oxycodone, indicating an area of focus for future this information to determine whether to offer addi-
research. tional therapies to aid in pain control on an individual
The major strength of this study is its design as patient basis. Although we did not study pain man-
a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized con- agement for medical management of early pregnancy
trolled trial, which reduced confounding. Our study is loss, we believe, given the similarities in the pain
the only one to date that examines the effect of opioid experience, that it is reasonable to extrapolate our
use for medical abortion using the current recom- study findings to this patient population as well.
mended regimen with mifepristone and misoprostol. As health care providers, we have been the largest
We used an oxycodone dosage of 10 mg, which is contributor to the opioid epidemic, but changing pre-
appropriate to treat severe pain. In addition, oxy- scribing patterns can have a significant effect on
codone was only available at this clinic to eligible exposure and availability of opioids to the public. Even
women through study participation to increase inter- with prescribing few tablets, 85% (874 tablets) of the
nal validity. Our data collection rate was near 100%, prescribed oxycodone tablets for adjunctive medication
indicating text messaging is a reliable form of data went unused. Therefore, all opioid prescribing patterns
collection in this population. Text-message use also should be evaluated and individualized to prevent
increased follow-up data for women who were unable overprescribing. We can conclude that routinely pre-
to return to their scheduled clinic visit. scribing opioids for medical abortion up to 10 0/7 weeks
Limitations include that the adjunctive medica- of gestation is unnecessary, but, if opioids are requested,
tion was prescribed and not dispensed, potentially we would recommend providing four tablets or fewer.
a limiting factor for women who may not have had
access to it owing to financial or logistical issues, thus
potentially lowering its use if it were otherwise REFERENCES
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VOL. 134, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2019 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion 1169

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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1170 Colwill et al Opioid Analgesia for Medical Abortion OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2019 by the American College of Obstetricians

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