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Structural materials for

fission & fusion energy

Structural materials represent the key for containment of nuclear fuel
and fission products as well as reliable and thermodynamically efficient
production of electrical energy from nuclear reactors. Similarly, high-
performance structural materials will be critical for the future success
of proposed fusion energy reactors, which will subject the structures
to unprecedented fluxes of high-energy neutrons along with intense
thermomechanical stresses. Advanced materials can enable improved
reactor performance via increased safety margins and design flexibility,
in particular by providing increased strength, thermal creep resistance
and superior corrosion and neutron radiation damage resistance. In
many cases, a key strategy for designing high-performance radiation-
resistant materials is based on the introduction of a high, uniform
density of nanoscale particles that simultaneously provide good high
temperature strength and neutron radiation damage resistance.
Steven J. Zinkle* and Jeremy T. Busby
Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831-6132 USA

A diverse portfolio of energy options (encompassing renewable fusion energy reactions3-5, suggest that fission and fusion energy
energy, biofuels, nuclear power, and fossil energy systems with can be important components of the overall energy portfolio for
improved thermodynamic efficiency and improved control of the 21st century and beyond.
effluents), coupled with improvements in energy efficiency for
buildings, transportation and industry, is an attractive strategy Fission: an increasingly reliable supplier of
to achieve cost-effective and environmentally sustainable energy baseload electricity.
resources that will enable improvements in the worldwide Currently, over 430 nuclear fission reactors in 30 countries provide
standard of living. Sustained improvements in the operating about 15% of the world’s supply of electricity6. The vast majority of
performance of fission reactors1,2, along with advances in the these reactors are based on uranium dioxide fuel pellets arranged in
plasma physics knowledge required for heating and controlling long cylinders (“fuel rods”) with surrounding flowing water channels.

12 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009 Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

A typical power reactor core contains about 50 000 fuel rods with a corrosion deposits, and effect of hydrogen on cracking and corrosion.
height of ~4 m and diameter ~1 cm. Since the 1980s, fuel burnup The ~100 tonne reactor core is secured in place by a variety of fuel rod
and cycle length for nuclear reactors have steadily increased due constraint and reactor core support components typically constructed
to improvements in water chemistry control and development of of austenitic stainless steel and some Ni-base alloys such as X-750.
improved corrosion-resistant steam generator and fuel cladding These core internal structures must reliably operate for over 30 years
structural materials, and are the primary reasons that the average in a high radiation environment (resulting in higher accumulated doses
capacity factor for U.S. fission reactors is now >90 % (compared to than the fuel cladding in many cases) at ~300 °C without substantial
~74 % for coal fired power plants)7. dimensional changes or degradation in mechanical properties due to
As illustrated in Fig. 1, a diverse range of structural materials stress corrosion cracking or radiation damage. The reactor pressure
are used for a wide variety of important roles in fission reactors8. vessel (quenched and tempered Mn-Mo-Ni low-alloy pressure vessel
The fuel cladding serves to reliably contain the fuel and radioactive steel) serves as the critical safety boundary between the reactor and
fission products while simultaneously efficiently transferring the the environment, and is generally considered the key lifetime-limiting
intense nuclear heat from the fuel to the coolant. The typical heat (irreplaceable) component for a nuclear reactor. A key concern is loss
flux through the cladding is ~1 MW/m2 (~1% of the heat flux at the of fracture toughness due to radiation-induced defect cluster hardening
surface of the sun). Zirconium alloys are used as fuel cladding in most and radiation-induced precipitation. The embrittlement is monitored by
commercial reactors, due to their compatibility with UO2 and water, regular mechanical property testing of surveillance coupon specimens
their adequate thermal conductivity and ease of manufacturing. Wire located at the inside wall of the pressure vessel. Piping and heat
wrap is used to prevent constriction of coolant channels from slight exchanger materials (ferritic steels and Ni-base alloys such as Alloy
fuel pin bowing. The fuel typically remains in the reactor for several 600 and 690) are designed to enable reliable and thermodynamically
years, with the cladding continuously exposed to high temperature efficient conversion of thermal energy from the reactor into steam
(~300 °C), mechanical stress, and intense radiation. Key concerns that drives turbines to generate electricity. Due to the desire for
include oxidation, hydriding, build-up of low thermal conductivity reliable operation for decades at elevated temperatures in an aqueous

Fig. 1 Schematic of key components utilizing structural materials in pressurized water fission reactor8.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 13

REVIEW Structural materials for fission & fusion energy

environment at 300 to 350 ºC, key concerns for the piping and
heat exchanger materials include thermal aging and complex water
chemistry issues that may induce corrosion or stress corrosion cracking.
Aqueous corrosion is a complex form of degradation that is
dependent on temperature, material condition, material composition,
water purity, water pH, water impurities, and dissolved gas
concentrations. The predominant corrosion mechanism varies
with location in the reactor core and multiple mechanisms may
be simultaneously operating9,10. These include the mechanisms of
uniform corrosion, boric acid corrosion, flow accelerated corrosion,
and/or erosion corrosion which will occur over a large area in a
fairly homogenous manner. Localized corrosion modes occur over
much smaller areas, but at much higher rates than general corrosion
and include crevice corrosion, pitting, galvanic corrosion, and Fig. 2 Schematic of key components in a magnetically-confined fusion reactor,
microbiologically influenced corrosion. Finally, environmentally assisted based on the ARIES-AT tokamak reactor design study5.
cracking includes other forms of degradation, which are closely related
to localized or general corrosion with the added contribution of stress. reactions and transfer the heat to a coolant for electricity generation,
In a light water reactor, a number of different environmentally assisted and to create and extract fresh tritium fuel (by utilizing nuclear
cracking mechanisms are observed: intergranular stress-corrosion transmutation reactions with lithium-containing liquid or solid
cracking11, transgranular stress corrosion cracking, primary water stress materials) to enable continuous operation of the fusion energy system.
corrosion cracking, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) A wide variety of structural materials, reactor coolants, and tritium
and low-temperature crack propagation. While all forms of corrosion generation materials systems have been evaluated for potential use in
are important in managing a nuclear reactor, IASCC has received future fusion reactors. Table 1 summarizes the material combinations
particular attention over the last four decades due both to its severity that are considered to be the most promising based on thermodynamic
and unpredictability12. Despite over thirty years of international study, efficiency, neutronics, chemical compatibility, and other engineering
the underlying mechanism of IASCC is still unknown, although recent considerations19,20.
work led by groups such as the Cooperative IASCC Research Group has High-performance structural materials will be critical for the future
identified several possible causes. success of proposed fusion energy reactors, which will subject the
structures to unprecedented fluxes of high-energy neutrons along with
Fusion: a potentially attractive but intense thermomechanical stresses and high temperature coolants that
technologically challenging endeavor. may induce corrosion19,21-31. Steady-state heat fluxes for first-wall
Sustained progress over several decades has taken fusion researchers and divertor components in proposed magnetically-confined fusion
to the brink of demonstrating the plasma physics feasibility of fusion energy reactors are projected to be in the range of 1 to 10 MW/m2,
energy via magnetically-confined4,13,14 and inertially-confined13,15,16 which is substantially higher than the highest heat flux for structural
concepts. Major fusion facilities recently completed (e.g., National materials in fission reactors (~1 MW/m2 for the fuel cladding). The
Ignition Facility)17 or under construction (e.g., ITER)18 are designed to
explore the key remaining plasma physics issues near reactor-relevant Table 1. Summary of leading proposed structural
operating conditions. If successful, the focus of attention will shift materials, coolant and tritium generation concepts
towards large-scale next-step fusion facilities that will examine the for fusion energy systems19,20. The filled cells in the
daunting technological hurdles to practical fusion energy. table indicate material combinations that are under
A schematic of a prototypic magnetic fusion energy reactor5 is consideration for fusion energy blankets. FLiBe is a LiF-
shown in Fig. 2. The fusion reactions are induced within a toroidal- BeF2 molten salt.
shaped high temperature ionized plasma that is shaped by powerful
Coolant/Tritium Generating Material System
toroidal and poloidal field magnets. The heat and energetic neutrons Structural
Material H2O/ He/Li H2O/Li FLiBe/
produced by the deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion reaction are absorbed Li/Li He/PbLi
PbLi ceramic ceramic FLiBe
by the surrounding first wall, blanket, and divertor components. The Ferritic steel
fusion reaction occurs inside a vacuum vessel to prevent atmospheric V alloy
contamination of the D-T plasma. The major functions of the blanket
region are to efficiently capture the energy produced by the fusion

14 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

design lifetime doses for the first wall and blanket structural materials from its lattice site. For reactor operating temperatures, there is
are about five times higher than the core internal structures for existing sufficient thermally activated diffusion of the radiation-induced
fission reactors. In addition, the high average neutron energy associated defects to enable recombination of many of the vacancies and SIAs
with the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction compared to fission tends so that the retained displacement damage is a fraction of the dpa
to produce much higher levels of transmutant solutes such as H and value. A key strategy for designing radiation resistant materials is to
He in the structural materials that generally magnify radiation-induced promote very efficient recovery of the defects: Very little can be done
degradation processes. to alter the instantaneous displacement damage from exposure to
A key additional constraint for fusion structural materials is the energetic neutrons, but substantial resistance to radiation damage can
international mandate for intrinsic safety (i.e., no public evacuation be engineered by efficiently facilitating the recombination of these
in case of a loss of coolant accident) and minimal long-term defects. Considering that dimensional instabilities above a few percent
environmental impact (i.e., no long-lived radioisotopes that would generally cannot be tolerated in large-scale engineering structures
require deep geologic burial or equivalent sequestration) for the and that future reactor designs call for structural materials that will
fusion reactor structures21,23,26,29,32-35. Consideration of this reduced- be exposed to damage levels in excess of 100 dpa, the challenge is to
activation mandate, along with the requirement for high performance, engineer “self-healing” defect recombination processes into structural
leads to three major options for fusion structural materials21. Ferritic/ materials that are ~99.99 % efficient. A further challenge is that these
martensitic steel (where high activation solutes such as Mo and Nb engineered defect recombination structures must be resistant to the
in commercial steels are replaced by W and V) is the most mature vigorous transient (~1 fs to 1 ps) atomic mixing that occurs within
option21,36-41, with natural leveraging of the extensive worldwide fast neutron-induced displacement cascades; the magnitude of this
expertise and industrial infrastructure in steelmaking. Oxide dispersion transient atomic mixing is roughly two orders of magnitude higher
strengthened steel represents a potential future higher-performance than the dpa value58,60,61 and could result in dispersal or dissolution of
option if key issues such as property nonuniformity, joining, and nanoscale precipitate structures.
high cost can be resolved39,40,42-46. Refractory alloys based on Radiation damage poses five main threats to the operation of
either vanadium47-50 or tungsten30,51-53 alloys represent a higher structural materials, emerging at different operating temperatures
performance, higher risk option. Vanadium alloys are particular and damage levels60,62. These phenomena are summarized in Fig. 3.
attractive for self-cooled lithium blanket systems19, but are not At low temperatures (below 0.3-0.4 TM, where TM is the absolute
considered to be viable for other blanket concepts21. SiC/SiC ceramic melting temperature), radiation-induced defect clusters (predominantly
composites offer the potential for the highest thermodynamic created directly in displacement cascades) serve as strong obstacles to
efficiency and best safety and waste disposal margins, but are dislocation motion. This radiation hardening is usually accompanied
the least developed materials system for large-scale structural by substantial reductions in uniform elongation and macroscopic work
applications21. Numerous issues including structural engineering design hardening capacity, and can induce loss of fracture toughness in body
rules, how to achieve leak-tight boundaries for gas cooled systems,
joining and other fabrication issues, radiation stability uncertainties,
improvement of thermal conductivity (and minimization of radiation-
induced degradation), and fabrication cost need further research
and development to enable this materials system to achieve its full

Radiation damage: A multi-faceted challenge

to structural materials in fission and fusion
The energetic neutrons produced by the fission and fusion reactions
have sufficient kinetic energy to dislodge substantial numbers of
atoms in structural materials from their lattice sites over the projected
operating lifetimes of the reactors, creating defects associated with
the missing lattice atoms (vacancies) and the dislodged atoms
that reside in the lattice interstices (self-interstitial atoms, SIAs).
The amount of radiation damage from these ballistic collisions is
quantified58-61 in terms of displacements per atom, dpa. A damage Fig. 3 Summary of five radiation damage threats to structural materials
level of 1 dpa corresponds to “stable” displacement of every atom performance.

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REVIEW Structural materials for fission & fusion energy

centered cubic metals and alloys63. Since the radiation hardening replacement can mitigate these factors, although failures may still
emerges at relatively low doses (0.001 to 0.1 dpa), radiation hardening occur. Considering the potential for power uprates (resulting in higher
and embrittlement often defines the lower operating temperature operating temperatures) and for reactor life extensions to 60 years or
limit for structural materials in neutron irradiation environments. At beyond, many components must tolerate the reactor environment at
intermediate temperatures, three distinct radiation effects phenomena temperatures near or slightly higher than their original design limit for
are of potential significance for doses above ~1 to 10 dpa: radiation- very long times. This may increase the susceptibility to failure for some
induced segregation and precipitation (0.3-0.6 TM) that can lead to components and may introduce new degradation modes. While all
localized corrosion or mechanical property degradation such as grain components (except perhaps the reactor pressure vessel and concrete
boundary embrittlement64, void swelling from vacancy accumulation support structures) can be replaced, it may not be economically
(0.3-0.6 TM) that can create unacceptable volumetric expansion65, and favorable. Therefore, understanding, controlling, and mitigating
radiation induced creep65 and/or anisotropic growth66 (0.2-0.6 TM) materials degradation processes are key priorities for reactor operation,
that can produce dimensional expansion along directions of high stress power uprate considerations, and life extension.
and/or specific crystallographic directions. At very high temperatures The Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is the largest component in
(>0.5 TM) and under applied mechanical stress, helium produced the pressure boundary of a light water nuclear reactor. It provides
by neutron transmutation reactions in the structural material may the primary line of defense against a release of radiation and
migrate to grain boundaries and form cavities, thereby causing the steels used for RPVs must maintain conservative margins of
intergranular fracture with limited ductility in stressed materials67. This fracture toughness so degradation does not threaten the integrity
high temperature helium embrittlement of grain boundaries typically of the RPV during either normal operation and maintenance cycles
emerges for helium concentrations above 10 to 100 appm (~1 to or under accident transients69. Neutron irradiation can degrade
100 dpa depending on material and neutron spectrum) and becomes the fracture toughness of these steels and in some cases severely.
increasingly severe with increasing temperature and applied stress and Extending the operating lifetime of a reactor to beyond 60 years may
decreasing deformation rate. Along with chemical compatibility and require a careful evaluation of these irradiation-induced embrittlement
thermal creep strength, high temperature helium embrittlement may effects69.
define the maximum allowable operating temperature for a structural Structural components within the reactor core (commonly 304
material in neutron irradiation environments. or 316 stainless steel) are often the most critical for safe and reliable
operation as the failure of a core internal component may have very
Structural materials issues for fission severe consequences. There are a number of key issues that must
reactors: life extension of existing reactors be considered and evaluated when considering extended reactor
and deployment of next generation reactors lifetimes, including thermal aging, fatigue, corrosion, and irradiation
Nuclear reactors represent a harsh environment for components, damage. The extended exposure of core internal components to
combining the effects of high temperature water, stress, vibration, and elevated temperature may be sufficient to induce a variety of phase
an intense neutron field. Degradation of materials in this environment transformations and potentially reduce fracture toughness. Fatigue has
can lead to reduced performance, or in severe cases, sudden failure. been identified as a potential concern for existing service conditions
When polled during a recent Electric Power Research Institute study on for a number of different components and subcomponents9. Extension
the most challenging issues facing further life extension, two-thirds of to longer service lifetimes may exacerbate the susceptibility to fatigue.
the 47 US nuclear utility executives cited nuclear power plant reliability Over a forty-year operating time period in a light water reactor,
as the key issue, with materials aging and cable/piping degradation internal structural components may be exposed to fast neutron
listed as the primary concerns. fluences up to ~1022 n/cm2 and ~1023 n/cm2 (E > 1 MeV) in a boiling-
Materials degradation in a nuclear power plant is complex due to and pressurized-water reactor, corresponding to ~7 dpa and 70 dpa,
the wide variety of materials, environmental conditions, and stress respectively. Extending the service life of a reactor will increase the
states68. Over 25 different metal alloys can be found within the total neutron fluence to each component. Fortunately, radiation effects
primary and secondary systems of today’s light water reactor fleet in stainless steel are relatively well known to high damage levels24,65,68,
(cf. Fig. 1) and additional materials exist in the concrete containment in part because these materials are also of interest for fast-spectrum
vessel, instrumentation and control systems, cabling, buried piping fission and fusion reactors that require operation to very high fluence.
and other support facilities. As a result, the dominant forms of Allen and Busby recently reviewed key modes of irradiation-induced
degradation may vary greatly between different reactor systems, degradation of structural materials for light water reactors and
subsystems, and components. However, material degradation of any concluded that the effects of radiation-induced segregation, swelling,
system can have an important role in the safe and efficient operation and/or precipitation may require the most evaluation for continued
of a nuclear power plant. Routine surveillance and component operation70.

16 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

In addition to elevated temperatures, intense neutron fields, and A pathway to improved structural materials
stress, components must also be able to withstand a corrosive aqueous for fission and fusion energy.
environment71. The presence of stress may also promote varying Existing structural materials have rather limited operating temperature
forms of stress-corrosion cracking (e.g. irradiation-assisted stress regimes where they can be utilized in a neutron irradiation
corrosion cracking, primary water stress corrosion cracking, etc). Since environment30,79, as summarized in Fig. 5 for moderate damage
the operating corrosion mechanism generally varies with location in levels of 10 to 50 dpa. At low temperatures, the reduced ductility
the reactor coolant circuit, a number of different mechanisms may be associated with low temperature radiation hardening creates
operating at the same time. Clearly, even moderate rates of corrosion conditions where modified (larger safety margin) engineering design
are not acceptable for the safe and reliable operation of a reactor rules must be used80. In cases where fracture toughness is reduced by
under extended lifetime conditions. As a result, the various corrosion low temperature irradiation, the operating temperature is restricted
mechanisms must all be understood and evaluated for different reactor to higher temperatures where embrittlement does not occur for
components and sub-systems to ensure safe extended service. anticipated normal and transient operating conditions. The upper
For advanced future fission reactor systems such as proposed operating temperature limit is typically determined by thermal creep
Generation IV reactors, structural material performance and integrity strength or high temperature helium embrittlement considerations.
are just as important and likely even more complex than light water Advanced materials can enable improved reactor performance
reactor applications24,27,72-77. Qualifying a material for service in via increased safety margins and design flexibility, in particular by
a liquid metal, molten salt, or gas environment would be based on providing increased tensile strength, thermal creep resistance and
principles similar to those in water reactors. While the material superior neutron radiation damage resistance. A key strategy for
of choice may be a different alloy (or even ceramic), the material designing high-performance radiation-resistant materials is based on
must still have well-established and high-performance mechanical the introduction of a high, uniform density of nanoscale particles that
properties (including good thermal creep resistance), long-term phase simultaneously serve as obstacles to dislocation motion (providing
stability, and compatibility78 with the reactor coolant. It must also be high strength) and point defect recombination centers (providing good
able to pass the licensing process and be supported by an extensive radiation damage resistance)29,39-41,45,81-86.
and reproducible set of data on relevant properties. Finally, since Development of structural materials for large-scale energy
the materials could be used in an intense high-energy neutron field, application is historically a long and costly process, due to the
it must exhibit good dimensional, mechanical and microstructural extended period to develop a new alloy followed by an even longer
stability to neutron displacement damage. The radiation-resistance proof testing period to validate the performance of the material in
is often the most challenging requirement to evaluate since the prototypic environments for appropriate licensing authorities. For
key degradation mechanisms are sensitive to the specific radiation example, Fig. 6 shows the historical rate of progress in improving the
conditions. Fig. 4 compares the proposed operating temperatures and upper operating temperature limit of steels for general (non-nuclear)
lifetime displacement damage levels for structural materials in the structural applications has averaged ~2.5 °C/year for the past 60
six Generation IV concepts and three fusion energy systems with the years87. Materials science tools such as computational thermodynamics
existing knowledge base. and multiscale radiation damage computational models, in conjunction

Fig. 4 Overview of operating temperatures and displacement damage dose

regimes for structural materials in current (generation II) and proposed future
(Generation IV) fission and fusion energy systems. The six Gen IV fission Fig. 5 Estimated operating temperature windows (dark shaded region)30,79 for
systems are Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), Super Critical Water structural materials in nuclear energy systems for damage levels of 10 to 50
Reactor (SCWR), Lead Fast Reactor (LFR), Gas Fast Reactor (GFR), Sodium dpa. The light blue and red regions represent lower and upper temperature
Fast Reactor (SFR), and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR). uncertainty bands.

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REVIEW Structural materials for fission & fusion energy

Fig. 6 Historical rate of improvement in the maximum operating temperature

for four generations of structural steels, based on results summarized by Fig. 7 Tradeoff between fracture toughness and tensile strength for
Viswanathan87. conventional and advanced92,93 steels.
with focused experimental validation studies (nonirradiation and This suggests that it may be possible to develop alloys with
irradiation environments), may offer the potential to reduce the time substantially improved mechanical properties compared to
period to develop and qualify structural materials for advanced nuclear conventional alloys by appropriate use of either evolutionary ingot-
energy systems. It is worth noting that many structural materials based steel metallurgy or alternative processing techniques such as
currently being used in fission reactors are based on alloys that were powder metallurgy production of oxide dispersion strengthened steels.
originally developed in the 1950s and 1960s. In either approach, development of a high density of thermally stable,
There are numerous examples where high-performance materials nanoscale hardening centers produces good mechanical properties. The
are being developed with the assistance of modern materials science 14YWT nanocluster-strengthened alloy also exhibits very good high
tools37,41,81-84,86,88-90. For example, first principles atomistic modeling temperature particle stability and thermal creep strength94, and has
results91 provided important insight that the formation of highly stable demonstrated good resistance to low-temperature neutron irradiation
nanoscale clusters enriched in Y, Ti and O from initial Y2O3 and Fe-Ti embrittlement in preliminary low-dose irradiation tests. Limited success
master alloy powders in a nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel may has also been obtained in creating high strength structural alloys
have been enabled by the high concentration of vacancies produced that simultaneously convey improved high temperature oxidation
during ball milling as part of the powder metallurgy processing of this resistance86. The prospect of developing new corrosion-resistant
steel. This nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel has exhibited very high-performance structural alloys tailored for specific coolants and
high strength and good fracture toughness down to 120 K, and did not operating regimes is an exciting goal worthy of future research.
exhibit the sharp degradation in fracture toughness following neutron Additional comprehensive validation of the performance of these types
irradiation to moderate doses near 300 °C that caused embrittlement of advanced structural materials in prototypic operating environments
in conventional ferritic/martensitic steel44,92. Similarly, ultra-high will be a key step to obtain acceptance of these advanced materials by
strength precipitation-hardened steels with adequate fracture reactor vendors, utilities, and licensing authorities.
toughness have recently been developed by carefully controlling the
formation of fine-scale (Mo,Cr)2C precipitates93. Fig. 7 compares the Conclusions
fracture toughness versus tensile strength behavior for the Aermet In order for fission and fusion energy systems to reach their full potential,
precipitation-strengthened steel93 and the 14YWT nanocluster- high performance structural materials are needed that encompass
strengthened steel92 with the behavior for conventional bainitic and improved mechanical strength, adequate ductility and fracture toughness,
ferritic-martensitic steels. In all steels, the classic tradeoff between high good radiation resistance, and corrosion resistance. Development of a
strength and high toughness is evident. However, the critical tensile high density of uniformly distributed nanoscale hardening centers that are
strength above which fracture toughness is reduced to low values is stable to thermal coarsening and radiation-induced growth or shrinkage
approximately 700 MPa in the conventional steels, whereas it is nearly is a conceptually attractive method to create a high-performance
2000 MPa in the nanocluster-strengthened and fine-scale (Mo,Cr)2C radiation resistant material. Emerging results from several classes of
strengthened steels. ferritic and austenitic steels suggest that substantial improvement

18 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

in the performance of structural materials might be achievable. Acknowledgments

Considerable experimental validation will be needed to demonstrate the This work was sponsored in part by the Light Water Reactor Sustainability
superior stability of these new alloys under prolonged exposure to high Research and Development program, Office of Nuclear Energy and by the
temperatures, mechanical stress, and neutron irradiation. Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.

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